Beneath the Major's Scars

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Beneath the Major's Scars Page 21

by Sarah Mallory

  Dominic saw the bewildered looks bent on Zelah and he said abruptly, ‘Lerryn tried to impose upon Zelah. I sent him packing. If it is anyone’s fault, it is mine for allowing him into my house in the first place!’

  Reginald shook his head. ‘Never mind that now, what are we going to do?’

  Maria jumped up and gripped his arm. ‘You must go to Sir Arthur now, Reginald. He is the magistrate, he can get a party together and go to Lydcombe Park—’

  ‘That will not work,’ put in Dominic. ‘Sir Oswald will deny everything.’

  ‘But it must be his doing,’ protested Zelah. ‘We could search Lydcombe—’

  Dominic shook his head. ‘You may be sure the boy will not be hidden anywhere on Evanshaw’s land.’

  Maria looked at each of them in turn, her eyes wide with apprehension. ‘Will he keep his word, do you think? Will he return Nicky to us if we do as he says?’

  Reginald rubbed a hand across his brow. ‘Why should he not? Once the hearing is concluded it will be too late to change anything.’

  ‘But we cannot just sit here,’ declared Zelah.

  Reginald snatched the note from Dominic’s hand and waved it at her, his eyes bleak with despair. ‘It says if we try to find him—’ He broke off, swallowing. ‘I dare not do anything.’

  The sound of voices in the hall caught their attention. Maria leapt up as the door opened, only to slump back again when she saw Jasper. He was dressed for riding, his spurs jingling cheerfully as he walked in.

  ‘Lord Markham!’ Reginald sounded more hopeful.

  Jasper nodded to the assembled company as he began to strip off his gloves.

  ‘I was out looking for your boy when I came across Sawley.’ He glanced round as the groom followed him into the room, having stopped to wipe his boots thoroughly before entering the house. Jasper fixed his eyes on Dominic. ‘He was rushing here on foot, so I thought it might be important and took him up behind me.’

  Jem dragged his hat off and twisted it between his hands.

  ‘I thought to see you on the road, sir, seein’ as you hadn’t got to the White Hart an’ I wanted to tell you as soon as maybe.’ No one spoke, no one even moved while he paused to wipe his face with a red handkerchief. ‘I did what you said, sir, and took myself off to the Three Tuns for some home-brewed.’ He grimaced. ‘Rough place, it is, but I pulled me cap down over me face and settled in a corner of the taproom. Anyway, one or two of Sir Oswald’s people was in there, drinking, when a man comes in looking for Miller, the bailiff. Said he had some gaming cocks for him. “He’s gone off to see ’is brother,” says one, only to have ’is foot stamped on by his mate, which shut him up. “Well, that’s odd,” says the man. “When I saw ’im the night afore last he said he’d be ’ere to take these birds off me hands.” Well, there was some mutterings and shifty looks, and it struck me as a pretty rum do.’ Jem rubbed his nose, his brow wrinkled in concentration. ‘They all left soon after, so I took meself off to the High Street to see old Mother Tawton, the washerwoman. Regular gossip, she is, and knows everything about everyone around Lesserton. It being a warm evening I found her sitting in her doorway, smoking her pipe. She told me that Miller’s brother runs a tavern down at Beston Quay. And according to Mother Tawton, that’s who supplies Sir Oswald with his brandy and tea.’

  ‘Smugglers,’ declared Reginald.

  ‘Most likely they wouldn’t be above aiding a kidnap, too,’ muttered Dominic.

  Reginald rubbed his chin. ‘But that is what, thirty...forty miles away. Would they take the boy that far?’

  ‘If Evanshaw is involved, he wouldn’t risk hiding the boy locally,’ said Jasper. ‘We should take a look.’

  ‘Yes, yes!’ cried Maria. ‘You must go there this minute, Reginald.’

  ‘Yes, we—’ Reginald stopped, his animated look replaced by one of wretchedness. ‘But it won’t work. You saw the note, Coale. He threatens the boy if we try to find him. Our hands are tied.’

  Dominic handed the paper to Jasper.

  ‘Yours may be,’ he said slowly, ‘but mine are not. No one will be any the wiser if I am gone from Rooks Tower for a day or two, and you can make sure you are seen in Lesserton, to allay suspicion.’

  Jasper immediately spoke up. ‘I shall come with you, Brother.’

  Reginald shook his head. ‘No, no, I cannot let you do it. If Evanshaw finds out—’

  Zelah put her hand on his arm. ‘What is the alternative?’

  His shoulders drooped. ‘We let Evanshaw redraw the boundary. The villagers lose their land. And I will have spent a great deal of money I could not afford bringing the lawyer down from London for nothing.’

  ‘But we will have our son back.’ Maria’s voice broke and she dropped her face in her hands again.

  ‘But if he is at Beston,’ said Dominic, ‘and we can bring him back safe before the hearing?’

  ‘I think it is worth an attempt.’ Jasper nodded.

  ‘But it is not your son’s life at stake,’ retorted Reginald, strain beginning to take its toll of his nerves.

  ‘True,’ said Dominic, ‘but what guarantee do you have that Evanshaw will keep his word and return the boy?’ The awful reality of his words hung in the silence. He continued urgently, ‘Let us try this, Buckland. If Nicky is not there, we have lost nothing. If he is...’

  ‘Oh, yes,’ sobbed Maria. ‘Yes, Major, please try. I only wish I could go with you. My poor little boy will be so frightened.’

  ‘I will go, if you will provide me with a horse.’

  Zelah’s words were quietly spoken and Dominic thought he had misheard until Jasper protested.

  ‘No, Miss Pentewan, there is no call for that.’

  ‘Nicky may need me,’ she said simply. ‘He is a little boy, snatched away from his home and everything he knows. He will be very frightened.’

  Dominic shook his head. ‘Out of the question,’ he said curtly. ‘It is far too dangerous.’

  He found Zelah’s agonised gaze fixed upon him.

  ‘Please,’ she whispered, ‘let me do this. Nicky is like my own son. To lose him...’

  He read the anguish in her eyes and suddenly he understood: she was racked with guilt. About Lerryn, Nicky’s disappearance—about her own stillborn child. His judgement said she should not go, but he could not deny her.

  ‘We will be riding hard,’ he warned.

  She returned his look, her own hazel eyes now steady and unafraid. ‘I am used to that, and thanks to your sister I have had some practice these past weeks.’

  She looked pale but resolute and Dominic’s heart swelled. Her spirit was indomitable.

  ‘Sal has left Portia at Rooks Tower,’ put in Jasper. ‘I will have her saddled up for you. And we will need to leave at dawn.’

  Zelah nodded.

  ‘My habit is still at Rooks Tower, I will come back with you now.’ She went to her sister. ‘You and Reginald must convince Sir Oswald that you are complying with his demands, Maria. Do not worry, if Nicky is at Beston Quay we will find him.’

  Maria hugged her tightly. ‘Bring him back safely, Zelah.’

  Dominic felt better now that they had a plan. He turned to Reginald. ‘Can you trust your servants, Buckland?’

  ‘Aye, they’ve all been with me for years.’

  ‘Very well, then, impress upon them that no one must know what we are doing. And put it about that Miss Pentewan is confined to her room.’

  She met his eyes in a fleeting glance that held the hint of a smile.

  ‘I am of course exhausted after the ball.’

  ‘Can you do it?’ asked Reginald. ‘It is Thursday tomorrow. Can you get to Beston and back before the hearing?’

  ‘We will do our level best.’ Dominic held out his hand to him. ‘Keep that paper ready to produce at the hearing, Buckland. With luck we will beat Evanshaw at this!’

  * * *

  By the time they arrived back at Rooks Tower Zelah could not see anything in front of the horses and she wond
ered just how Dominic kept the curricle on the road. Jasper had stabled his horse and was waiting to hand her down.

  ‘All our guests have retired, so we do not need to offer any explanations yet,’ he said, escorting her into the hall. ‘I took the liberty of asking Mrs Graddon to make up a bed for you, Miss Pentewan. She tells me the tower room is ready. And I have ordered refreshments to be served in the morning room. I hope you don’t mind, Dom?’

  ‘Of course not.’

  His tone was curt, but she was used to that. She did not think he was angry with her, merely that he did not want to take her to Beston Quay. When Jasper excused himself and went off to change out of his muddy clothes, Zelah followed Dominic into the morning room.

  ‘I promise I shall not hold you up,’ she said, ‘if that is worrying you.’

  He walked over to the window and closed the shutters. ‘I know that. I have seen you ride, Miss Pentewan.’

  She winced at his formality. ‘You had begun to call me Zelah,’ she reminded him gently.

  With a smothered oath he swung round. ‘I am doing my best to protect you, madam, and at every turn you thwart me!’

  She raised her brows. ‘Do you think I am doing this to thwart you?’

  He looked up at the ceiling, exhaling. ‘No, of course not. But this could leave you open to gossip, when it becomes known.’

  She lifted her shoulders. ‘It does not matter. I will soon be gone from here.’ He did not contradict her. Another blow, but she shut her mind to it and said fiercely, ‘Besides, rescuing Nicky is far more important than any reputation.’

  * * *

  They set off at sunrise, riding away from the moor, through wooded valleys towards the Devon border. Zelah rode between Dominic and his brother, Jem Sawley following behind on a large dappled roan. Jasper had laughed when the groom had brought it into the yard.

  ‘Good God, Dom, do you have only ugly horses in your stable?’

  ‘Aye.’ Dominic grinned. ‘They are a good match for their master!’

  Jasper winked at Zelah before scrambling up on to his handsome bay gelding. The exchange had lightened the mood a little—until then Dominic had behaved with numbing politeness and she was relieved that he had now returned to his usual habit of barking orders at everyone.

  On they rode, mile after mile, down ancient tracks and across open land, following the route Dominic and Jasper had memorised the previous night. They skirted towns and villages for the first part of their journey, only coming on to the main routes to cross the rivers. The last major crossing was at Torrington, and as they trotted across the bridge Dominic gave Zelah an encouraging smile.

  ‘Not long now.’

  She nodded, easing her aching thighs on the saddle. At any other time she would have relished the challenge, but for now her mind was fixed on rescuing Nicky.

  They followed a narrow lane and soon found themselves travelling across a desolate plateau of bare fields and scrubland. Ahead of them was the sea, a deep grey line between the edge of the land and the heavy grey cloud bank on the horizon. Zelah could taste the salt in the fresh breeze as they rode on, skirting the village itself and heading directly towards the quay, which was a mile or so to the west. Then, suddenly, their goal was in sight and they reined in their horses as the ground fell away sharply before them. On each side the black, ragged cliffs dropped into the choppy grey waters, while directly below them a haphazard collection of buildings straggled across a promontory. The inn was easily identified, a low stone building with its blue sign and a row of barrels standing against the wall.

  ‘I think it best if I go down alone first,’ said Jasper. ‘It is possible that some of Evanshaw’s people might be there and they could recognise one of you.’

  Zelah gazed down at the little hamlet.

  ‘It looks a very poor, isolated sort of place. What will you say?’

  Jasper grinned. ‘No need to worry, I am quite adept at playing the eccentric traveller.’ He pointed to a small stand of trees. ‘Wait for me over there, where you will not be seen.’

  While Jasper set off down the winding track, the others moved back into the trees, where only the sighing wind and the distant cry of the gulls broke the silence. It was impossible to ride into the small wood because the overhanging branches were too low, so they dismounted and Sawley led their horses along a narrow path. Zelah was thankful that the thick canopy of leaves sheltered them from the hot sun. Their path led to a small clearing. The groom took the horses to one side while Zelah and Dominic found a convenient tree stump and sat down.

  ‘This reminds me of the first time I saw you,’ said Zelah, removing her bonnet and wiping her hand across her hot brow. ‘You had been working in the woods and you were carrying a fearsome axe.’

  ‘With my wild appearance I must have been very frightening.’

  She considered for a moment. ‘No, I was never really frightened of you.’

  ‘Not even when you attacked me with that tree branch?’

  She laughed. ‘A mere stick, which you disposed of quite summarily!’

  He looked at her, the faint smile in his eyes causing her heart to beat a little faster. ‘You were very brave, you know, to stand your ground against me. You did not know who I was, or what I might do.’

  ‘But I could not leave Nicky.’

  ‘No, you are very fond of him, are you not?’

  ‘He is like my...’ She stopped, shaking her head a little.

  ‘Go on,’ Dominic urged her gently.

  Zelah drew in a long, steadying breath.

  ‘He is like my son, the baby that n-never lived, that I never held in my arms. I shut it out, all the pain and loss, until I came to West Barton and met my sister’s little stepson. He was so bright, so very much alive—I could do nothing else but love him.’

  Dominic gave a short laugh. ‘I know what you mean. He soon found his way past my defences!’

  ‘And now he has been snatched away—’ She gripped her hands together tightly in her lap. ‘Do you think Jasper will find him?’

  Dominic’s heart lurched when she spoke his twin’s name. Were they on such good terms already? He tried to dismiss the thought and concentrate upon her question.

  ‘I doubt it will be quite so easy. If they have the boy, you may be sure they will keep him out of sight. But he may glean some useful information. Then we will act.’ She shivered, instinctively leaning closer. Dominic put his arm around her shoulders. ‘Try not to worry. If the boy is here we will find him.’

  She leaned against him and he lowered his head until her honey-brown curls brushed his chin. Desire stirred, but Dominic knew it was more than that. He wanted to protect her, to wipe away the anxious frown that creased her brow. It was a jolt to realise that her happiness was the most important thing in the world to him. With a sigh she reached for his hand, twining her fingers with his.

  ‘Thank you. It is such a comfort to have you here. You really are a true friend to me.’

  The knot in Dominic’s stomach hardened. There was that word again. Friend. She kept insisting it was what they should be, but it was a million miles away from what he wanted from her.

  They sat thus for a long time, each lost in their own thoughts. Behind them was the quiet snuffle and chomping as their horses nibbled at the tender young shoots pushing up through the ground.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Dominic’s soft hiss brought Zelah’s head up. She sat very still, straining to hear. Someone was approaching, whistling a jaunty tune that mingled with the sighing of the gentle breeze through the leaves. Minutes later Jasper appeared, leading his horse through the trees. Dominic jumped up to meet him.

  ‘What did you discover?’

  ‘There’s the usual customs house, some warehouses and a few cottages down by the quay, and the inn of course. The Anchor. It’s a rundown tavern used mainly by the fishermen, so it’s pretty quiet at the moment because all the boats are out.’ He stripped off his gloves, gr
inning. ‘Landlord’s name is Miller—’

  ‘The bailiff’s brother!’ declared Zelah.

  Jasper nodded. ‘Very likely. He and his wife run the place, but they were not very welcoming, told me they had no rooms to spare and suggested I should try the Ship in Beston village.’

  ‘You saw no sign of Nicky?’ Zelah questioned him anxiously.

  ‘No, but I thought I heard a child’s voice coming from one of the upper rooms.’

  ‘Then we must go back immediately,’ she said quickly. ‘If Nicky is there we must rescue him—’

  ‘I intend to,’ replied Dominic, ‘but we won’t go rushing in.’ He nodded towards the coast. ‘We are less likely to be seen once the rain sets in.’

  A bank of cloud was rolling in from the west. The minutes dragged by but at last it had enveloped the fields and as it crept ever closer to the trees, the gentlemen unstrapped their greatcoats from the saddles and prepared themselves for bad weather. Jasper and Dominic pushed their cuffs out of sight and each wrapped a muffler around his neck to conceal the white linen. Zelah, shrouded in her enveloping cloak and with the capacious hood hiding her face, thought they would look like grey wraiths riding out into the swirling mist that had swept in from the sea.

  Zelah picked up Portia’s reins. ‘Will one of you help me to mount?’

  ‘It would be best for you to wait here with Jem,’ stated Dominic.

  ‘I am coming with you.’

  ‘You are not!’


  He flung up his arm. ‘I do not have time to argue, Zelah. We need to concentrate on finding Nicky and getting him away safely, not protecting you from danger.’

  She opened her mouth to protest, but Jasper put his hand on her arm.

  ‘Dominic is right,’ he said quietly. ‘You would distract us. We would both be far too anxious for your safety if you come with us. Let Dom and me rescue the boy. Besides, if anything should go wrong, you and Sawley will be free to raise the alarm.’

  She closed her lips against further protest—it would only add to their belief that she was a distraction, she thought bitterly. With a nod Jasper began to lead the big bay out of the clearing. Dominic stepped in front of her, hesitated, then briefly placed his hands on her shoulders.


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