Mated to Three Werebears: Reverse Harem Shifter Romance (Nightbrook Book 1)

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Mated to Three Werebears: Reverse Harem Shifter Romance (Nightbrook Book 1) Page 5

by Natalie Kristen

  Penny’s voice dropped to a whisper. “My parents didn’t even say goodbye to me when the Emerald pack came to collect me. They were too busy counting the money. That was all they cared about. Not getting short-changed.”

  She let out a harsh, bitter laugh. That was really all her parents cared about. Getting their money’s worth.

  They had spent money on her education, clothes and food, so they wanted to make sure that they got back every cent that they had spent on her.

  Penny bowed her head and quietly grieved for the parents she never had.

  She looked up and saw the men sitting in silence. She saw the sympathy and understanding in their eyes as they quietly supported her in her grief.

  “How could I not have realized that I was being played and manipulated?” Her smile was more of a grimace. “You must be thinking how naive and foolish...”

  “No.” Ford stopped her. “You are not foolish at all. It’s not your fault. Your parents...” He shook his head. “I don’t even have the words to describe them. It is perfectly natural for a child to love and trust her parents. Yet these...creatures exploited the pure, innocent love of their child for their own selfish agenda.”

  Penny sighed and looked down. Ford was right. Her parents knew what they were doing all along.

  Finally, Ryder broke the silence. “How did you escape from the Emerald pack?”

  Calmly, Penny told them about her escape from the mansion. She described how Meg had helped her and briefly told them about her confrontation with Gordon. “Gordon was mad because he couldn’t get his money back. He said the deal was concluded when my parents handed me over to the wolves. The sale was final. No returns or refunds.” She managed a mirthless laugh.

  “Gordon.” Ryder and Dillon snarled his name, as if they were committing the name of their nemesis to memory.

  “He bit you,” Ford said, staring at her shoulder.

  “Gordon forced the Change on me, just to show me who’s in charge,” Penny said, as her fingers curled into fists.

  “He fucking thinks he owns me.”


  Once they finished dinner, Penny helped Ford load the dishwasher. Ryder placed some nice coffee cups on the table while Dillon brewed a big pot of coffee. Penny admired the dainty coffee cups and remarked, “These cups are really pretty.”

  The three men blinked at the cups and shrugged. “They’re cups,” Ford said, with a slight frown of confusion.

  “Kira and Lillian gave them to us as a housewarming gift,” Ryder said. “Dillon and I used to go to school with Kira.”

  Penny smiled. The guys were offering her glimpses into their lives, and it was really nice getting to know them.

  Dinner had been wonderful, and she had enjoyed talking to Ford, Ryder and Dillon. She was surprised at how understanding and supportive they were, and Penny was glad that she had told them about her past. It was as though a great weight had been lifted from her heart. She had been carrying so much guilt, blame and shame around, and she now realized that all that guilt and shame didn’t even belong to her.

  They sat around the table and talked and joked over coffee. It was something that Penny had never done with her parents. Her parents never had heart to heart talks with her. They just told her to do this and that, and usually by the end of the day, Penny was just so tired that she didn’t have any energy left to talk.

  Penny looked around as she sipped the aromatic coffee. She had just been attacked by wolves, and she was sitting in a house in the middle of the woods with three hunky males. Yet she had never felt so safe and comfortable in her life.

  She listened to the easy banter between the three men, and observed them quietly. Ford was the oldest, and he was slightly taller than Ryder and Dillon. His demeanor was more serious than the other two and Penny could tell that he felt protective of the younger men. He saw them as his younger brothers.

  From what the guys told her, Ford was still a teenager himself when he took on the onerous responsibility of raising Ryder and Dillon. Beneath his gruff exterior was a man with a big, generous heart.

  She looked at Dillon and saw a lock of his tousled brown hair fall over his eyes. He was less gregarious and exuberant than Ryder, but his amber eyes were lively and full of good humor. Ryder and Dillon often finished each other’s sentences, and Penny could see how close they were.

  She started when Ryder nudged her. “What are you thinking about? You’ve got this smile on your face.”

  She chuckled. “I was just thinking that you and Dillon could be twins.”

  Ryder pretended to be mortified. “I’m blond, blue-eyed and unbelievably charming and handsome. Dillon is...none of these things.”

  Dillon snorted. “The key word is ‘unbelievably’.”

  Ford laughed and Penny was struck by his transformation. Ford looked a lot less scary when he laughed. And so much more handsome. Dimples danced in his cheeks and the corners of his eyes crinkled. His stern expression softened and he looked boyish and carefree.

  Ford noticed Penny staring at him, and he did something totally unexpected.

  He gave her a cheeky wink.


  Penny stopped breathing for a moment.

  That wink.

  It was cheeky, playful and seductive.

  And it did something to her insides.

  Penny felt a strange warm sensation roll through her body. Her breathing quickened and her nerves seemed to come alive. Her body tingled, screaming to be touched. A throbbing ache began to pulse between her thighs.

  She stared at the three muscular, handsome men around her and her eyes trailed hungrily across their powerful shoulders and chests. She saw their lips moving but she couldn’t hear the words they were saying. The only thought in her head was how sexy their lips were.

  A fog seemed to settle on her brain. She wasn’t thinking straight. All she was aware of was how she was feeling, and how much she wanted these men.

  She was growing wet.

  She was...aroused.

  Why was she becoming aroused at the dinner table? She looked up and saw Ford, Ryder and Dillon all staring at her and she could see her own hunger and desire reflected in their eyes.

  The air became charged with electricity, and the sexual tension was so thick she could almost smell and taste it.

  She pushed back from the table suddenly, toppling her chair. “I...please excuse me,” she said.

  All three men surged to their feet at once.


  “Thank you for dinner,” she mumbled as she backed away. She put up a hand to stop them from coming after her. “I...I need to rest now.”

  She rushed to Ford’s room and locked the door behind her. She dragged a hand down her face and realized how hot her skin felt. What was wrong with her?

  She had never felt such burning lust and desire before. Her arousal had been so fierce and sudden, her brain had been temporarily disabled.

  If she hadn’t put some distance and a locked door between them, she would have torn the clothes right off their backs and mauled them.

  Penny blinked repeatedly.


  She wanted all three of them.

  She’d only had one boyfriend before. It was a brief, angst-filled affair. She had lost her virginity to her ex-boyfriend, but the sex wasn’t anything to shout about. In fact, it had been downright disappointing.

  So why did she want to throw herself at three men now?

  “Is it because of the Change?” she whispered as she pulled the covers over her head. She could smell Ford’s unique scent, and she bit down a moan. The scent aroused her even more.

  She scrambled off the bed and curled up on a chair by the window.

  “What am I Changing into?” She gulped and pulled her knees under her chin. “I am not a slut. I am not...” she whispered to herself over and over again until she fell asleep.


  Penny opened her eyes and
blinked. She grimaced at the kink in her neck. Her entire body felt stiff, and she gingerly unfolded herself from her awkward position on the chair.

  She had spent the whole night in that hard chair by the window instead of having a good night’s sleep in the big, fluffy bed.

  Why did she do that to herself?

  Penny stretched and winced. “Ah yes,” she muttered. “I got all weird and horny last night. The guys must be so creeped out.” She managed a laugh at herself.

  Yawning, Penny strolled to the bathroom and gasped when she saw her reflection in the mirror.

  There was a faint yellowish glow in her eyes.

  She blinked and the glow vanished.

  “Did I...” Did I imagine that?

  She shook her head. It didn’t matter. She was Changing. That was a fact.

  Her body had healed at an unnatural, superhuman speed. She had been savagely attacked by wolves, but instead of lying in bed, she was up and about and she felt more energetic than she had ever felt before.

  Maybe there was an upside to this whole sordid mess. She just had to stay positive, and act responsibly and courageously. She had to take responsibility for what had happened to her. She had been too trusting, naive and gullible, and she had paid the price.

  Splashing cold water on her face, Penny washed up quickly and finger-combed through her matted hair. There was a soft knock on the door.

  She opened the door and saw Ryder standing there with a plastic bag.

  “Hi,” he said.

  “Um, hi.” There was a moment of awkward silence as they stared at each other.

  Ryder’s blond, shaggy fringe flopped across his eyes as he glanced down, and Penny noticed that he was blushing slightly.

  He’s cute, she thought before she caught herself.

  “I got you some clothes,” Ryder said quickly. “Here.”

  He pushed the plastic bag into her hand.


  “I didn’t know what to get, so I just got two t-shirts and a pair of jeans,” he said with a shy smile. “I hope they fit. If they don’t, we can go back to the shop and...”

  “Thank you,” she said, putting a hand on his arm. “Thank you very much, Ryder. That’s so sweet of you.”

  His blush deepened and she had the craziest urge to kiss him. Underneath his laid-back, easygoing manner was a sensitive and thoughtful soul.

  “Come and have breakfast with us,” Ryder invited. He hesitated before adding, “Whenever you’re ready.”

  She flashed him a smile. “I’ll just change into these new clothes you bought. Then I’ll join you for breakfast.”

  Penny took a quick shower and changed into her new clothes. When she opened the door, she saw Ryder leaning against the wall.

  He beamed when he saw her, and he gave her an appreciative, admiring look. “They fit you perfectly. You look...amazing,” he said breathlessly.

  It was Penny’s turn to blush. She had seen herself in the mirror, and she did look really nice.

  Ryder puffed out his chest and offered her his arm. “M’lady.”

  “You don’t have to escort me to breakfast,” she said, laughing. But she took his arm anyway.

  Penny felt a little nervous as she walked into the common dining area with Ryder. But the smell of buttery pancakes made her mouth water.

  Dillon was pouring coffee into large mugs, while Ford was frying up some sausages.

  They both turned to smile at her when she came into the kitchen. “Wow,” Dillon said.

  Ford stood motionless for a moment. He forced himself to blink and drag a shuddering breath into his lungs.

  With a curt nod, Ford turned his attention back to the sausages but Penny had seen the intense yearning and hunger in his eyes.


  Ryder grinned and pulled out a chair for her. The guys began to sit down, and Penny stared at the towering stack of pancakes and the heaping plate of sausages on the table.

  “Can we finish all that?” she asked in amazement.

  “Of course,” Dillon and Ryder answered.

  Penny dug in. “Oh, this is so good,” she said, helping herself to more pancakes. Her appetite seemed to have increased exponentially. She was eating more than usual at every meal.

  “Dillon made the pancakes,” Ford said.

  Ryder snickered and nudged Dillon. “This is the first time anyone has complimented your cooking.”

  “Shut up.” Dillon scowled at his friend. But he looked really pleased when he saw Penny fill her plate with more pancakes and sausages.

  Penny was too busy eating to talk. She flashed the thumbs-up sign and just kept shoveling food into her mouth.

  She had no idea she could polish off so much food in one sitting. But she was so hungry. She felt as though she hadn’t eaten in days!

  When she’d finally had her fill, Penny leaned back and sighed contentedly.

  She opened her mouth to speak but instead a loud burp escaped. “Oh, excuse me!” She burped again, and both Dillon and Ryder chuckled.

  “Better out than in!” Ryder hooted.

  “I’m the champion burper in this house, but it looks like I have some serious competition now,” Dillon told her.

  Ford grinned at her. “Well done, Penny!”

  Penny found herself laughing. And it felt good. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed.

  “I want to thank you for all you’ve done for me,” she said at last. “You’re good people. And I don’t want you to get hurt because of me.”

  She put up a hand to stop their protests. “I have caused you enough trouble. Gordon will send his wolves after me. You shouldn’t be involved...”

  “We are already involved,” Ryder said simply.

  “We won’t let the wolves take you,” Dillon promised.

  “We can protect you, Penny,” Ford said. “We will protect you.”

  Penny gave a small smile. She wanted to stay. She really did.

  But she had to deal with her own shit.

  “I have to leave. I can’t drag you into this,” Penny said. “I...I don’t have any money with me, so I’ll try to get a job in town, and...”

  “We’ll make sure you have everything you need,” Ryder declared. “Don’t you worry, Penny. We...”


  The vehemence of her answer surprised everyone, including herself.

  “No,” Penny repeated as she dragged a shaky breath into her lungs. “I don’t want to be...dependent on you. I don’t want to be made to feel useless and stupid ever again.” She squeezed her eyes shut as her mother’s cutting remarks and veiled insults echoed in her mind.

  “My parents saw me as a fool,” she whispered as she tried to fight the tide of painful memories. She could see with absolute clarity now. Every word, every look, every pretense and act, every gaslighting tactic…

  Penny knew that she had to face all her memories and see her parents for what they really were. Turning away would do her no good at all.

  Now she knew what her parents really thought of her. They thought that she was a fool to have believed all their lies.

  They thought that she was weak for staying and taking their abuse. They had been psychologically and emotionally abusing her for years.

  And they saw no use for a gullible, naive and weak daughter, so after they were done making her work for them for free, they sold her off to the wolves.

  “My parents saw me as a fool. And maybe I was,” Penny said, swallowing hard.

  “I was their fool. But I won’t ever be anybody’s fool again.”



  Penny opened her eyes and saw Ford, Dillon and Ryder staring at her grimly.

  “You are not a fool,” Ford growled. He looked absolutely furious. “You are not useless and stupid at all, Penny. Don’t ever think that way, and don’t let anyone make you feel that way.”

  Penny started but she wasn’t afraid of his anger. Ford w
as angry for her, and she felt vindicated and encouraged by his rage. He was in her corner. So were Ryder and Dillon.

  “You are the strongest and bravest person I’ve ever met,” Ryder said. “I have never seen a human woman take on a pack of wolves all by herself! Heck, you didn’t flinch, and you made those fucking wolves bleed.”

  “Your parents...” Dillon stopped himself from spitting out a string of expletives. “They don’t deserve you,” he said at last.

  Penny tried to smile. She grieved deeply for the parents she never had. For years, she had made all sorts of excuses for them and tried to justify their words and behavior. The little girl in her desperately wanted to believe that her parents loved her, but she couldn’t go back to wearing blinders and denying reality. She had to accept the truth and focus on her present and her future.

  As it was, her future was filled with danger and uncertainty. She was Changing, and she didn’t know anyone in the nearby town of Nightbrook. Except maybe Kira and her grandmother, Dr. Lillian Eve. But she wouldn’t dream of endangering them.

  She was truly all alone.

  So be it. It was better to be alone than to be despised.

  Squaring her shoulders, Penny said in a clear, strong voice, “I have to find a job and a place to stay. I have imposed on you long enough. I am deeply and eternally grateful to you, but...”

  She shook her head adamantly when Ryder and Dillon tried to speak. “I appreciate your kindness and generosity. You’ve been taking such good care of me. You’ve put yourselves at great risk to protect and shelter me. I can’t stay here indefinitely...”

  “Of course you can!” Ryder cut in. “You’ll be safe here. We...”

  “No. I have caused you enough inconvenience. The wolves will be back. I can’t stay here and put you guys in danger...”

  “Let those wolves come.” Dillon smirked. “We’ll be ready for them.”


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