Enchanted Waves

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Enchanted Waves Page 2

by Ciara Lake

  “Damn bastard’s a sword in my side. He seems to follow me no matter where I go. It’s truly creepy.”

  “Maybe he has a thing for you?” Joel chuckled. “You’re too sexy for your—”

  “Stop. You watch way too much television and old commercials.” Jax sat down on the sofa.

  “Come on, Jax, gotta find fun where you can. You need to more often.”

  “I don’t need a talk from you too. My mother already talked to me, or shall I say lectured me, about enjoying life. My sister called herself talking to me in Ula’s way, and now you?”

  “What are friends and cousins for?”

  “Being quiet.”

  “Okay, Jax. Anyway, Amuliana’s probably around too. Her and Faryll are always together. Maybe they’re lurking around because of this Forsaken bitch your father wants you to locate.”

  “Hmm, maybe.” Jax put his feet up on the coffee table.

  “Faryll is always trying to somehow outdo you or hurt you. He has a personal agenda regarding you.”

  “I guess he does.” Jax stood up and walked back into the kitchen. “He can’t help being nasty. When you’re born to true evil parents, what can you expect? For Amuliana to be your mother, and whoever the hell his father is, would make you the way he is. It’s hard to fight genetics.”

  “When are you coming into the foundation?”

  “Tomorrow morning.” Jax opened the refrigerator and pulled out a cold beer. “I’m going to rest here for a while. I had a hard visit at home and the travel really wore me down this time.”

  “After visiting your mother’s home, anyone would be tired.”

  “My father gave me heck too.”

  “Why?” Joel asked.

  “Does he need a reason?”

  “Guess not, he is Poseidon.”

  “He’s upset because I haven’t spent any time looking for the Forsaken bitch he sent me to find.” Jax popped the top on the beer and took a sip.

  “That is true.”

  “I know.” He drank down another swallow, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I got sidetracked. I’m really sick of all things Forsaken.”

  “I understand, but it’s not wise to make Poseidon mad, not even if you are his son.”

  “I guess I’d better make some effort to do what he sent me here to do. I’ll get started after we have the grand opening.”

  “I’m glad you’re the one delaying fulfilling Poseidon’s requests, or rather his orders. You’re one brave soul. I guess there’s an advantage to being his son.”

  “No, trust me, there’s not much advantage.” Jax laughed. “I’m right on his radar, all the time.”

  “That’s easy for you to say, Jax Aquila, son of Poseidon. I see a great advantage to it.”

  “Yeah, maybe so.”

  “Okay then, I’ll see you tomorrow. There are several fund-raising meetings scheduled.”

  “I’ll be there. I like getting donations.”

  “Great, see you then.” The phone clicked off.

  Chapter 2

  “You have great power,” a soft voice said close to Tabitha’s ear. She could feel someone hovering over her, and she froze. “Tabitha, my child, remember what I’m telling you. Soon you’ll need your power to protect you. You must embrace it.” Chilly air caressed her face, and shivers of unease raced up her spine. “There’s so much I need to tell you. I’m sorry, my child. I’m sorry for any pain I’ve caused you.”

  Tabitha woke, startled, and sat straight up. Her heart was in her throat, and she shook all over. Her head ached.

  “Who’s here? What do you want from me?” Tabitha yelled. The bed began to shake. “Stop it. Leave me the hell alone. Why are you bothering me again? Go away! I’m tired of your voice and my dreams which are too real.” She whimpered, hot tears rolling down her face. Why is this happening again? Shivering from a sudden blast of cold air, she peered around her dim bedroom. “I’m telling you to leave me alone.”

  Thunder shook the house, making her jump. A sudden downpour slammed against the roof. The wind thrashed the side of the house, and the windows rattled. As quickly as she was chilled, she was hot with fever. Perspiration accumulated between her breasts. Her nightgown clung to her. Her hair was damp against her scalp. It was matted and tangled down to her hips. She gathered her hair over her shoulder, shuddering as the memory of someone touching her hair came back to her. It had been a gentle hand unbraiding her hair.

  More afraid than she’d ever been, Tabitha jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom to look into the mirror. Her face was blotched with red spots. Bright blue eyes, almost too bright, looked back at her. She’d been too tired the night before to wash her face, and black mascara was now smudged under her eyes.

  “Dear God, what’s happening to me? Am I dreaming again? I can’t live through this another time.” Her shoulders stiffened as more tension took hold of her. It gripped her like a vise. A sheen of perspiration glistened on her face. Grabbing a washcloth, she dampened it with cool water then wiped her heated face. Putting a little force behind it, she cleaned off the remains of her makeup.

  “You have many gifts, my child,” a soft voice whispered.

  A wisp of air blew her curls around her face. The urge to scream boiled up within her. “Leave me alone. Don’t talk to me while I’m wide awake too. Give it a rest.” Tabitha gritted her teeth. “This is only my imagination.” She watched her lips say the words.

  Unexpectedly, a buzzing rang out, and she jumped, her heart fluttering.

  “I’m going to faint from fright.” She leaned against the counter top, breathing heavily. She pointed at herself in the mirror. “Get a hold of yourself. The buzz is only my cellphone alarm.” Tabitha shook her head, tossing her hair all over her head. “I look like a mad woman. Oh yeah, I am one.” She laughed almost hysterically.

  Going back to her nightstand, she checked the time on her cellphone.

  “Oh no, it’s after eight AM already. Damn, I didn’t hear the first alarm.” I’m going to be late, again.

  She tossed the phone toward the bed. It bounced off. She moved to catch it, but missed. It nearly hit the floor then without her touching it, it stopped, moved midair, and landed on the bed.

  Tabitha stared at it for several seconds. “No way. That didn’t happen. I prayed for these crazy things to end.” She buried her face in her hands and sat on the edge of the bed.

  I’ve got to get to work. Pulling her nightgown over her head, she tossed it to the floor. Her energy drained, she plopped back down on the bed.

  “I’ve gotta focus on work. I must be strong.” She stared at a painting on the wall. “Not again. I won’t go through this stuff again.” She allowed her mind to relax, and as she studied the beautiful colors of the painting, her eyes shut.

  A cool breeze blew across her heated skin. “My child, all is not forsaken to you.”

  “Shut up! Do you hear me?” Tabitha put her hands over her ears and shook her head wildly. “Just shut up.” The thunder rumbled again as if to emphasis her words.

  I have to get up now, I’m late. Tabitha rushed to the shower. The glass door slammed behind her. She turned the water on then leaned against the tile wall and closed her eyes.

  The hot water and steam was soothing—it felt wonderful. As the water washed over her, she thought of the reoccurring voice and the dreams which felt too real. The voice had spoken to her on and off all throughout her life, but for the last three years, it had been silent. The dreams, however, had continued throughout the years, and as of late they’d been more intense, more sensual. The dreams were far more disquieting than the voice.

  Suddenly, her shower stopped, and her world went into a spin. She was falling, hurtling to the ground. She reached out, desperate to grab hold of something to stop her. There was nothing to catch onto before she hit bottom.

  Complete darkness made her blind. The smell of the damp earth surrounded her, filling her lungs. No longer was she in her bathroom. “Help
me, let me out of here. Help me, dear God help me,” Tabitha screamed. She pushed at the ground above her, the walls next to her. “No, this can’t be happening.”

  She hit the hard, damp ground. It hurt her hands but she continued to slam against the hard earth. I hate dark, cold places. Her fingers bled, the coppery smell filling her prison. This place could be her grave. Am I dead?

  Then an overpowering smell of salt water mixed with her blood took over her senses, making her gag. “What’s happening?” In a flash, she was back in her shower, on the floor with the hot water running over her. Stunned, she got up and sat on the shower’s bench. Her legs were wobbly. “God help me.” She moaned, rocking back and forth to soothe herself.

  Reluctantly, she stood to rinse herself off. Shaking, she stepped out of the shower as if in a trance. What am I going to do? I can’t tell anyone this is happening to me. I’d be committed. She picked up a towel and dried herself. Again, her world went dark, and she fell, hitting the tile floor. Her head slammed into something hard.

  Silky sheets entwined between her legs. A fire crackled nearby. Warm, strong arms embraced her, pulling her tight. Wake up, I’ve got to wake up. Her mind grasped for reality.

  “What troubles you, my love?” A man kissed her shoulder. “I need you, my mate, you make me whole.” The man whispered soothing words to her. His voice, his words, made her tingle to her very core. Her womb ached with the need to have him fill her. He spoke to her with such love it made her yearn for more of him.

  Tabitha gasped as his large hands caressed her nipples and gently squeezed her breasts. She pressed her bottom into him, laying her head back so he could kiss the side of her face. His penis was trapped between their bodies. The feel of his huge cock made her eyes roll back in her head. He moaned, pulling her closer.

  “I love you, Talise.” He nipped her earlobe.

  Pleasure sizzled through her like a surge of electricity. She trembled, and then her body went limp. Tabitha was lost to the moment, no longer grasping to remain grounded in reality. Her mind fully turned over to her dream.

  “Why can’t I dream like this more often?” Her pussy oozed with dampness, aching for him.

  “This is no ordinary dream.”

  “You can hear me?”

  “Of course, my love.” He held her tightly. His whiskers rubbed the side of her face. “I want you. You’re so beautiful.” He kissed her neck then behind her ear, making her shiver. There was no doubt he was eager to possess her, please her.

  Suddenly, water rushed over them, seeking to cover them. Panicking, she struggled to get away, to survive.

  “Be at ease, my love, nothing will harm you.” He ran his hand down her body, touching, admiring every curve. “Don’t fear me, or the water, we’re one with the water.” Rolling her over onto her back, he pushed his cock into her as the water rushed around them. The water embraced them as he held her in his arms.

  Her fear evaporated as he pushed deeper inside her. Pleasure rocked her body, and she yelled out. Holding him tight, she closed her eyes as he thrust into her. When she opened her eyes, she looked into the face of a gorgeous beast. He was something different, not human. His eyes were silver—beautiful eyes—and he had fangs that looked like weapons. He took her mouth with his, kissing her, and her heart raced with passion.

  “I love you.” He held her tight, rocking against her in a constant, erotic motion. She ran her hand through his hair, it was soft. “My love, I miss you when you go. Please don’t go again, I need you here with me.”

  Where am I going? What is he talking about? I’m not leaving him. She rubbed his arms, they were warm, and she loved the feel of him. She gazed around their environment, paying more attention to her surroundings. The water was gone. A fire burned in a large marble fireplace. They were in an ornate bed surrounded by other luxurious furniture. The room was palatial. She relaxed as he encompassed her in a cocoon of his arms.

  She pushed his hair back off his forehead. “I don’t understand any of this. I’m so confused.” She caressed his face with the back of her hand.

  Tenderly, he kissed her hand. “There’s no need to be confused. I can answer any of your questions.”

  Her body ached for him to take her again, but a loud noise interrupted her bliss, pulling her from the arms of her lover. “No, I don’t want to leave.” A cool wisp of air passed over her face.

  “Then don’t leave me, my love. I don’t want you to be apart from me. We are one.” The rumbling sounds continued, the noise disturbing her peace. Her lover began to fade from her sight, his warmth gone. She reached for him, but he’d vanished.

  The house rocked as she was pulled from her pleasurable dream. Lightning flashed, lighting up the room, followed by a loud boom. Everything had changed, this was her bedroom not some luxury suite in a palace.

  “Damn, it wasn’t real.” Tabitha sat up in her bed. She was suddenly chilled, yet she was covered in perspiration. “How did I get here? I thought I was in the shower.”

  Rain hit the roof, the sound nearly deafening. Across the room the digital clock flashed, it was only three in the morning.

  Chapter 3

  Tabitha pushed the big glass door open that led to the law offices of Lammon and Cassady. The music of copiers, phones, and keyboards greeted her. Several clients were sitting in the lobby. A couple were pacing the floor. Tabitha moved past the crowd quickly. She avoided making eye contact. I’m not ready to deal with other people’s problems yet. I have too many of my own.

  Tabitha sighed when she smelled the aroma of fresh brewed coffee. I need a cup of coffee really bad. She dashed around a corner, making her way down the back hallway. She’d almost made it to her office when Jessica stepped in front of her.

  “Tabitha, there you are. Are you sneaking in? I caught you, you bad girl.” Jessica grinned and laughed softly.

  Tabitha shook her head. “I wasn’t sneaking.”

  “Sure you were.” Jessica winked. “Are you okay? I was worried about you. You’re rarely late. I called your cellphone about a half a dozen times, but you didn’t pick up, which worried me even more.”

  “I didn’t hear the phone ring. Are you sure you called the right number?”

  “Yes. Your number’s programmed into both my office phone and my cellphone.”

  “Hmm, I don’t know why I didn’t hear it. I didn’t get much sleep last night, maybe that had something to do with it. Could you get me a cup of coffee?” Tabitha gave her best pleading smile.

  “Sure.” Jessica nodded. “What’s going on with you?” She touched Tabitha’s arm.

  “My head hurt last night—it still hurts—and then I overslept.”

  “Are you better now?”

  “I guess so, but I really need a vacation.” Tabitha started to walk toward her office. Jessica followed her inside, closing the door behind them.

  “You’re long overdue for a break. Hey, check your cellphone and make sure it’s on. I don’t like worrying about you, and when you don’t answer your calls I really worry, because you always pick up.”

  “Okay.” Tabitha reached into her purse for her phone.

  “You have an easy day today. Just one appointment. They’ll be here at eleven.”

  “Thank goodness. I really am exhausted and in no mood for too many people.”

  “When you’re done maybe you can leave for a few days. I’m sure you can get time off. I’ll ask Mr. Lammon for you.”

  “Thanks, that would be great.” Tabitha smiled. “Mr. Lammon likes you a lot, if you ask he’ll give me some time off.” She tossed her purse on the stuffed chair and then took a seat behind her desk. She looked at her cellphone. “I see you did call. I really do need a break. Sometimes I think all the stress is making me nuts.”

  “Nah, you’re not nuts, you’re just overworked.”

  “It looks like I’ve missed about twelve calls. Why didn’t I hear this thing ring?” Tabitha examined her phone.

  “Is the volume up?”

  “Yes.” She sat it down. “I don’t understand it. I always hear my phone.”

  “Don’t worry about the phone.” Jessica patted her on the arm. “You’ll figure it out.”

  Tabitha nodded. “I think I’ll go up to my parents’ Oceanside house. I haven’t been there since my mother died. I used to love spending time there. I enjoyed just sitting, reading, and watching the ocean from the porch.”

  “The house does have a wonderful porch.” Jessica smiled. “If I owned a place like that I’d be there more often.”

  “The sea does soothe me like nothing else.”

  “It’s a plan. I’ll get your time off approved. Some sun would be good too, it’s healing. You work too hard. You need a life outside of work.”

  “I have nothing else to do but work.” Tabitha shrugged. “My parents are dead, and my sister and I don’t get along, I haven’t seen her in years.”

  “When your parents adopted her, she had issues and still does.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  Jessica rubbed her shoulder. “It’s not your fault your sister doesn’t want you in her life. She’s not well. But you have lots of friends, and you’re a beautiful woman. You could have a great social life.”

  “I go out sometimes.”

  “What a Saturday night movie with me or a married girlfriend, or by yourself? You need a man.”

  “I like going to the movies by myself. You can’t talk during a movie anyway.”

  “Excuses, excuses. You sound pitiful. For a woman like you, it’s not normal. You turn down men’s attention all the time.”

  “I don’t either.”

  “Don’t you like men?” Jessica asked.

  “Yes, of course I do.” Tabitha sighed. “I just don’t have time for one. They take time, effort, and I’m not sure they’re worth it.”

  “Well, once you realize men are human, and not demi-gods, you’ll have lesser expectations and be happier with what’s out there. A good man is worth the time and effort.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Yes, it’s worth it.” Jessica huffed. “Since your parents died you’ve gotten worse about a social life. I hate to see you this way.”


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