Enchanted Waves

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Enchanted Waves Page 11

by Ciara Lake

  “It was?” He touched her arm. “Did you dream of me?”

  After some hesitation, she nodded. “Yes.”

  “I dreamed of you too. I was hot from the dream too. I had to get outside.” He grinned. “To have seen me on the ridge, you have good vision, better than most humans. I guess you’re not human.”

  “Since you touched me, kissed me, it seems my senses have become more acute. I can see better in the dark, I can hear better too.”

  “I see.”

  “Maybe this is a dream too. All of this is part of an elaborate dream. Maybe I’m not really here on the beach with you.”

  “This isn’t part of the dream. This is real.” He touched the side of her face with the back of his hand. She leaned into his hand. “Were we intimate in this dream which woke you?” He leaned down and kissed her. “I can’t keep my hands off you.” Energy flowed through them again, it was an incredible feeling. His cock stiffened and throbbed.

  “Yes.” She was breathless. She kissed him back. “It was very intense.”

  “Did you enjoy the dream as much as I did?” He kissed her behind the ear. “I think you like to be kissed behind the ear.”

  “Yes.” She leaned into him, giving him better access.

  “You’re a beautiful woman.”

  “Thank you.” Tabitha stood on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on his lips. “But I need to talk about all of this other stuff. Then we can talk about this shared dream we must have had.”

  “Stuff?” He chuckled. “I’d like to talk about the dream first.”

  “Yes. You know this other stuff.” She waved her hand. “It’s not funny. I need to understand it. Are you a Mer?”

  “Yes.” He nodded. “There’s no point in being untruthful.”

  “No, there’s not.”

  “I’m not blue.” He shook his head. “There’s a world of things which are hidden from the mortals. And it has been hidden from you as you’ve been forsaken to the life of an immortal.”

  “Serena says I’m not technically a Forsaken. My father shielded me from the curse. I escaped to live here in this time.”

  “You’re a mystery.” He touched her hair.

  “I’m hoping you can answer some of my questions.”

  “I can try. There’s much I don’t understand either.” Jax looked out over the sea. “But I wish to.”

  “You certainly know more than I do. Let’s figure it all out together.” She lightly rubbed his arm.

  “All right.” Jax took her hand. “Come, let’s sit in one of my favorite spots while we talk.” He guided her down the beach. Jax gripped her hand tighter. “Close your eyes.”


  “Trust me.” He kissed the side of her face. “You can trust me.”


  * * * *

  She squeezed Jax’s hand. The world seemed to stop. It was as if time accelerated around her. When she opened her eyes they were someplace else. It was a warm, tropical place. The smell of flowers permeated the air.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  “We slipped to one of my favorite beaches. It’s a perfect place to talk.”

  Tabitha looked around, a warm breeze blowing her hair. “Yes, it is. Where is this?”

  “It’s a beach on the island of Palau. We’re on the other side of the world.”

  “It’s beautiful here.” Tabitha let go of his hand and swirled around, giggling. “You’re truly magical. This is amazing.”

  “Come.” Jax grabbed her hand, tugging her arm. “Let’s go sit. I know a comfortable place.” He led her further down the beach to a secluded cove. Palm trees swayed in the gentle wind. “I love the way the wind blows your hair.”

  “Thank you.” She glanced out at the sea. “Look at how many hues of turquoise the ocean is.”

  “One reason I love it here. And it’s very private.”

  “Yes, I don’t see a soul. Exactly how did we get here?”

  “I slipped us here. It’s the way Mer travel.”

  “You don’t walk? Or swim?”

  “Sure, but not always, not long distances. We can move quickly from place to place, it’s called slipping. Let’s sit on these flat rocks.” He pointed to an area where the rocks were arranged in a circle. “If you like, you can sit on my lap.” He grinned down at her. “It’s much nicer than the rock. Although I’m hard too, but in a different way.” He winked.

  “This rock’s good.” They walked over, and she wiped the sand off and sat down. He sat next to her, his knees bumped hers. “I can’t believe all of this. It’s amazing. Where do we begin?” She wondered if he could detect her nervousness. Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest, like thunder.

  “At the beginning.” He smiled. “It’s always a good place.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay with me?”

  “Being Saltar’s granddaughter?”


  “I’m not going to celebrate that fact, but I’m not going to let it color the way I’m feeling about you. That is as honest as I can be.”

  “I appreciate it.” She hugged him.

  * * * *

  Tabitha told him what Serena had shared with her. She seemed to relax as the words spilled from her. Jax listened intently as he studied her, watching her bright eyes. She was so expressive. He watched her pink lips form words, spellbound by her beauty. She was intelligent, insightful, charming, all the qualities he adored in a companion. She accepted his. . .her. . .world so easily.

  Jax fought his desire. He struggled internally with who she was and the need to push her back into the sand and take her. “Wow, time has flown. Are you warm enough?” He caressed her arm.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” She shivered. “Have I bored you with all this information?”

  “No, not at all.” He smiled. “I’m glad you shared this with me.”

  “Have you been listening to me?” She playfully poked his leg with her finger. “You seem to be sort of. . .” She looked into his eyes. “Preoccupied.”

  “Only by your beauty. I’ve listened to every word you said.” He patted her knee. “When you were seventeen you saved your sister from a car wreck by moving the car off her body. See, I’ve listened.” He winked. “I’ve heard all you’ve said.”

  “Yes, I lifted the car.” Tabitha nodded. “I had miraculous strength. It came from nowhere. I wished to have the strength and I did. My sister was grateful, but now she stays away from me, like I’m something to be feared. She told me my eyes turned silver and I wasn’t human. For years I’ve been hurt by her words. Now I realize it may have been the truth. But why she hates me I don’t know.”

  “I’m sure she doesn’t hate you.” He rubbed her back. “Humans tend to stay away from things they can’t explain. They’re afraid.”

  “Yes, I can understand that.”

  They sat watching the ocean as the sun began to set over the horizon. The wind picked up, blowing harder around them. He pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

  “You like to talk.” He grinned.

  “Is that okay?”

  “Yes, it makes up for the both of us. I like to listen.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “I’m used to my sisters and mother talking a lot. I think it’s a female thing.”

  “A female thing? Is that so?”

  “Remember, I come from another time.” He winked. “Look at the sun’s orange and golden hues over the indigo sea. Isn’t it like a paradise?”

  “You’re good at changing subjects.”

  “Yes, again thanks to my many sisters.”

  “I see.” She looked at him oddly. “It is gorgeous here. Thanks for sharing this place with me.”

  “My pleasure. Don’t be sad about your sister. I’m sure she appreciates what you did. She just can’t cope with what she witnessed.” He hugged her tighter, pulling her into his lap. “You accept these things because it’s in you to do so.”

  “You get your way often, don’t you?” She
pulled back to look him in the eyes. She touched his hair, playing with it near his ear.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “I’m on your lap—right where you wanted me.”

  “Yes, you are.” He smiled.

  “It does feel better than the rock.”

  “You feel nice too.” He weaved his fingers through her hair. “Your hair is like spun gold.”

  “Thank you.” She kissed his cheek. “I hope I’m right in trusting you like this. I feel you can be trusted.” She took his other hand and caressed it. Jax seized the opportunity to kiss her cheek, moving to her lips.

  “You taste good.” His tongue pushed between her lips. She leaned into him, allowing his advances and kissing him in return.

  Suddenly, she broke free, pushing him away with her hand on his chest. “When I’m with you, I’m not myself.” She shook her head. “It’s like I lose control, I don’t think, I just feel. It’s not like me to allow men to kiss me so much when we’ve just met.”

  “We’ve met before in our dreams. Haven’t we? We’ve done far more than kissing. We kissed the other day in the parking lot too. We’re not new to each other.” He kissed her again.

  She pulled back, looking him in the eyes. “Those dreams aren’t real. And I’d say we were pretty new to each other.”

  “Aren’t the dreams real? They feel real to me and we shared them.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “They were real. That’s why you trust me so. We know each other. Or at least our souls do. As I sat here with you I realized exactly what all of this means. What you mean to me. And I don’t care who your parents are.”

  “Really?” She tilted her head to the side.

  “Yes.” He nodded, then stole another kiss.

  “I’m glad. I don’t care that you’re a merman.” She grinned. “Will you explain it all to me?”

  “In time this merman will explain what he can. But for now, you’re right to trust me. I wouldn’t hurt you. My Uncle Nereus was right.” He sighed. He took her other hand and kissed the back of it. “I’ve been stubborn, like an idiot.”

  “Who’s Nereus?”

  “The Old Man of the Sea. A Titan.”

  “He’s your uncle?”

  “Yes, and Poseidon is my father.”

  “Because he’s the god of the sea?”

  “No, because he laid with my mother and I was conceived.” Jax chuckled. “He’s truly my father.”

  “I thought you were a Mer?”

  “I am, my mother’s Mer.”

  “So you’re a demi-god? Isn’t that the term for one who has a god or goddess as one of their parents?”

  “Yes.” Jax nodded. “But none of that’s important. Our parents are not who we are.”

  “Very true.”

  He kissed her hands. “I want you. I want to experience what we did in our dreams.” Not giving her time to answer, he kissed her mouth with little restraint.

  She responded in kind, surrendering to him. Her arms went around his neck, pulling him down. Her lips were soft, and she tasted like sugar. She moaned into his kiss. Their tongues tangled, and she pressed her breasts against him. He could feel her tremble.

  “You like this?” he asked. “You like me?”

  “Yes.” She kissed him again. “I do, very much.”

  With a mere thought, he slipped them to his chamber. They were sprawled out on his comfortable bed. The room was darkened except for the fireplace’s light and a few candles.

  Tabitha sat up, a look of surprise on her face. “Where are we?” She touched the blush-colored material of her silky negligée. “How did I get this on? It’s lovely. You really are magical.”

  “It’s gorgeous on you. I knew it would be.” He slid his hand down her hip. “I’ve brought you to my bed chamber in one of my mother’s palaces. You’re safe, Talise. The gown is a gift from me.” He pressed her back on the mattress. “I have many gifts I wish to give you.”

  “Wait. I’m still confused.” She pushed him off her and moved to the edge of the bed.

  “Don’t leave.” He gently caressed her arm.

  She stopped and turned to look at him. “I don’t want to leave.” She played with the silk sheet.

  “All’s well. It’s private here. No one will bother us.” He touched her hair. “So pretty. I want you, my sweet Talise.”

  “My name’s Tabitha.”

  “Yes, and Talise, from what I’ve been told, is your given name. Talise means ‘beautiful water’. Did you know that?”

  “It does?”

  “Yes, it suits you perfectly, although Tabitha is lovely too.” He kissed her behind the ear. “Will you let me call you Talise? At least for now, perhaps from time to time? I’m fond of the name.”

  “Okay.” She nodded.

  His hand continued to smooth her gown over her thigh. “Are you afraid of me? I don’t want you to fear me. I want you to want me, like you do in our dreams. You moan my name and desire me. Remember?” He kissed her. “Remember how much you want me?”

  “Yes, I mean no.” She shook her head. “I’m not afraid.”

  “Are you afraid of what you’re feeling?” He pushed her hair behind her ear. “You are the loveliest woman I’ve ever known.”

  “I’m not sure what I’m feeling.” She looked away. “It’s all happening so fast.” She sat up, forcing him to move back. “We’re under water?”

  “Yes. It’s safe, you’ll not drown. The ocean will stay outside these walls. Later I’ll show you all the wonders of my world. You’re welcome in my kingdom, you’ll not succumb to the water. It’ll embrace you as I do.”

  “Why? Why will it embrace me?”

  “Because you belong to me, or you will.” He played with her long hair. She shivered from his touch. Her reaction encouraged him, and he continued to touch her. “We can visit the Enchanted Sea too. But first, make love to me. Let me make you mine, my mate.”

  “This room is very nice.” She looked everywhere else but at him. “It’s lovely here. It does look like a palace.” Her eyes met his. “Why do your eyes turn silver?”

  “Because I’m emotional. Emotional about you, about us. You change the subject too.”

  “Mates? You want us to be mates?”

  “Yes, mates. And this room isn’t as lovely as you.” He lightly nipped her shoulder. “Are you a virgin?”

  “No, but I don’t have a lot of experience.”

  “I understand.” He trailed kisses down her neck. His hand rested on her waist as he waited for her to agree to what he offered. “It makes no difference to me. I’m not a virgin either.” He grinned. Tabitha kissed him back. Suddenly they were under a silk sheet, and his clothes were gone. “Do you like me naked?”

  “Yes.” She kissed him more.

  He rolled her beneath him. Her gown disappeared, and she gasped.

  * * * *

  “Jax.” She ran her fingers over his shoulder.

  “The gown was in our way. Wasn’t it?” His handsome face hovered above hers.

  “Yes.” She lightly touched his chest. His black hair hung down over his forehead. She pushed his bangs back, enjoying the silkiness. “Yes. I suppose it was.” She wrapped her arms around him. Tabitha couldn’t help but surrender to him. Her body vibrated with need. I want this. I want this fantasy to be real. She eagerly returned his kisses.

  “You’re soft all over. Let’s make our fantasy real.” Jax pushed her back. His knee gently pushed her legs apart, making room for him. His huge frame made her feel small. He was heavy, but his weight was pleasing as he pressed her into the soft bed. His arms, his thighs, were pure muscle, and she loved the feel of them.

  Then she realized what he had said. “You heard my thoughts?” she asked.

  “You must have meant for me to.” He kissed her mouth as she was about to protest.

  “Never mind, there’s so much I don’t understand.” Appreciating his build, she ran her hands up and down his arms. She caressed his back. His cock grew large, its har
dness pressing into her thigh. Dampness escaped her, and she could smell her own desire. “Can I touch you?” she whispered near his ear.

  “Please, my love, touch me.”

  Cautiously at first, she caressed his penis. Jax groaned. The tip of his penis was moist, it grew larger under her touch. His hands traveled all over her body. She trembled with desire. When Jax caressed her pussy, Tabitha nearly jumped off the bed from the overwhelming sensations.

  “Easy, lover.” His finger entered her tender crevice. Tabitha moaned, ready to explode from the now familiar surge of energy racing through her.

  “What’s this wonderful feeling?” Dazed, her words were slightly slurred. “It’s like power shooting through me. Do you feel it?” She gripped his shoulders.

  “Yes, it’s incredible.” He kissed her mouth. “You, this feeling, makes me ache so much.” His cock moved to her moist entrance. “I’ve never experienced such. . .such hunger.”

  Lightly, he pressed his cock against her, parting her labia. Her juices flowed out, covering the tip and sides of his cock. She inhaled deeply, enjoying his masculine scent mixed with hers. Tabitha moaned as he rubbed his cock against her, teasing her.

  “I want...” she said.

  “You want what, darling?” Slowly, he pushed inside her. “You want this?” His eyes flashed silver, and his canines elongated.

  “Yes.” Tabitha opened for him, relaxing her thighs.

  “You’re so tight, I fit so nicely.” He plunged in and out of her. For several seconds he held himself within her, watching her. “You okay?”

  “Yes.” Tabitha moved against him. In response, he began to move faster, pumping harder into her. Jax held himself above her, kissing every inch of her face. Closing her eyes, she saw stars.

  “You’re beautiful, my Talise, my Tabitha, my love.” He punctuated each word with a kiss. Their bodies were fully joined, and they moved together in a sensual dance. An unusual bluish glow emanated from her and started to light the room. The blue light spread from her to him. Their skin illuminated with a bluish radiance.

  “This is like my dream, only better.” She eased her legs up around his hips and grasped him tighter as he plunged into her. Tabitha screamed out his name.

  “Much better.” He kissed her.


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