Acceptable Risk

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Acceptable Risk Page 7

by Candace Blevins

  She was figuring out what to say next when Ranger said, “You already know my most traumatic story, being turned into a werewolf and having to live apart from my family for years until I gained control of my wolf.”

  “My mom was killed in a car crash during my last year of college,” Mac said. “My sister is married to my best friend. He knows I’m a werewolf, but she doesn’t. My dad won’t be able to know, either. I don’t have any major childhood traumas, but you know what happened to me just before I was turned, and you know what I am.”

  They were trying. She was still pissed at Ranger and Mac, as they seemed to be the ones who’d snooped. Jonathan, though, she discovered she was no longer angry with.

  He was sitting on the sofa, and she ignored the other two as she walked to him and sat in his lap facing him, with a leg on either side and her hands on his shoulders.

  “I’m good, Raggedy. No leftover trauma, and somehow I escaped the life without becoming a psychopath. I only told you because I thought it fair you knew my deep dark secret.”

  “You were turned at eleven?”

  “No, I was born a wereleopard and my first change happened at eleven. I was stronger than a normal child, but wasn’t superhuman-strong in human form until I was probably twelve or thirteen.”

  He pulled her close and she relaxed into him. She wasn’t ready to end up in bed with all of them, though, and wanted to talk more.

  She opened her eyes, looked at them, and asked, “Have ya’ll ever played Cards Against Humanity?”

  After four hours of playing games, they went to bed, but there was only snuggling and talking before everyone went to sleep. Her guys seemed to understand she wasn’t up for more, tonight.

  Last night, they’d just fucked. The next time might be more than mere sex, and the thought terrified Bethany.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ranger awoke before everyone else and went to the kitchen to start breakfast. They’d already learned Mac couldn’t cook for shit, and Jonathan could only cook meat and fish. He did a damned good job with it, but Ranger had turned into their main cook.

  Bethany didn’t have to work today, and Ranger planned to woo her with adventures and keep her mind off the fact the four of them were growing close.

  Her mom had chosen men badly, and so had Bethany while she was young. She hadn’t let anyone get close to her in years, the best Ranger could tell. She’d decided she was better on her own than with a man, and they were going to have to convince her she could trust them.

  Ranger chopped and cut onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, and spinach. He grated a few kinds of cheese together, and then started frying up three pounds of bacon. She had a French press and an electric kettle, along with a dozen kinds of coffee. He put water in the kettle, but would wait until people started waking before heating it.

  Mac stumbled in first, picked vanilla coffee as it seemed the least flavored, and made himself a cup as Ranger made his omelet.

  Bethany came in next, chose a gourmet coffee with caramel and chocolate, made it really strong without about half as much water as she should, but then poured as much milk into her cup as she did coffee. Ranger made a note of her preferences, and of which coffee flavors were in the front. The next time she spent the night with them there’d be a coffee press and whole milk, along with coffee she liked.

  He had her choose what she wanted in her omelet, and talked to her as he cooked. She seemed more laidback today, but Ranger knew they still had a ways to go before she let them in.

  Jonathan joined them a few minutes later and helped with the bacon while Ranger made Mac another omelet, and then several for himself and Jonathan.

  “I’m going to conserve water and take Raggedy to the shower with me,” Jonathan said as they finished eating.

  Ranger chuckled at her surprised face as Jonathan picked her up and walked through the house with her.

  Bethany’s house was nearly as big as Jonathan’s, and was closer to her work. He’d need to talk to the guys about how to see her as much as possible during the week without making her feel as if they were invading her space.

  * * * *

  Bethany barely kept from squealing when Jonathan picked her up, but didn’t protest as he started the water and helped her out of her shirt.

  She grinned as he bent to lovingly kiss each breast, and did as he said when he suggested she finish getting undressed and into the shower.

  His hands moved hers away from her head as she lathered the shampoo, and she leaned against him as his fingers worked her scalp. “How often do you treat yourself to a massage?” he asked, his voice soft.

  “I traded off with a friend where I used to work, but over the past two years,” she paused, sighed, and answered truthfully, “not enough.”

  Jonathan had magic fingers, and as they made their way from her scalp to the tight muscles at her shoulders and neck, and eventually to her breasts, she melted into him.

  He used the handheld unit to rinse the shampoo from her hair, and then went to his knees, put one of her feet on his shoulder, and proceeded to bring her so close to an orgasm she was afraid her remaining knee would collapse.

  Before it did, though, he donned a condom, sat on the bench, pulled her into his lap, helped her sit on his cock, and pulled her left nipple into his mouth. Bethany didn’t have to be told what to do, and she rode him like a wild woman as he played with her breasts and nipples.

  “Ah, god, I’m so sore. You tortured my nipples the other night, and now they’re so fucking sensitive.”

  He took his mouth off, wrapped his hand around one of her breasts and compressed it, and moaned when he felt her spasm around his cock. “They like to be treated rough,” he said with a sadistic smile. “I’m going to have fun binding them with rope, torturing them for real.”

  Just the thought was enough to send Bethany over the edge, and she sped up as she felt her climax approaching. Jonathan talked her through her orgasm, pinching her nipples and manipulating her clit when she started coming down, so she skyrocketed into another orgasm. And then another.

  When she collapsed forward onto him, he stood with her, put her on her feet, and turned her around, “Hands on the bench, Bethany. I wanna take you from behind.”

  “Not without lube!” she protested.

  “Not your ass, Raggedy. I want to take you from behind.”

  “Oh,” she said as she turned and put her hands on the bench, “that’s different.”

  He moaned as he pressed into her, and she went up on her toes as she heard herself say, “God, yes.”

  “So fucking responsive, I could stay buried in you all day,” Jonathan said as he sped up.

  Bethany wanted to make him lose control, and she arched her back and pulled her legs closer together so she could milk him as he fucked her.

  He let loose with a half-dozen expletives and then said, “Safeword for me if it’s too much, okay?”

  “Not a problem, but we aren’t even close to too much,” Bethany gasped.

  Seconds after the words left her mouth, it was almost too much. Jonathan’s hips moved faster and harder than she thought humanly possible, and thank goodness he held her in place, or she’d have slammed into the wall as he jackhammered into her.

  He seemed to know he needed to back off, and he did just a teensy bit as she was opening her mouth to say yellow, and suddenly she was screaming through another orgasm, her shouts reverberating off the tiled walls.

  Jonathan came with her, and sat on the bench to pull her into his lap as they finished.

  “You okay?” he asked, as he held her and kissed her cheek, her neck, and just under her ear.

  “Fantastic,” she said, so out of breath it was embarrassing.

  He conditioned her hair while their heads were out from under the spray, and she was surprised he knew to get as much water out as possible before applying the conditioner.

  “I had long hair as a teen, and not even my shapeshifter status made this red mop behave without condit

  “It was just the one time, with your uncle?”

  “Yeah,” he said, busy working the conditioner through her hair. “He tried to take me hiking a few other times but I always found a way to keep from going.”

  She had so many questions to ask, but only said, “Thanks for telling me.”

  When they came out of the shower, Snowy was sitting in Bethany’s bedroom, just over the line between tile and hardwood floor, as if he were making a statement.

  “What’s up, Snowy?” she asked her cat, forgetting for the moment she’d just showered with someone who probably smelled like a much larger cat.

  Snowy glared at her, then Jonathan, and back to her.

  “He isn’t sure about me,” said Jonathan. “Ranger won him over with food, but I haven’t had a chance to feed him when he’s hungry, yet.”

  “He slept with me,” Mac said from the den, raising his voice enough Bethany could hear him. Under normal circumstances, someone in the den couldn’t hear talk from her bedroom and bathroom, and she kept forgetting her guys weren’t normal.

  She didn’t raise her voice to say, “I’m glad you didn’t sleep alone. It doesn’t feel right, all of us together and you off to the side.”

  “It won’t be forever, Raggedy,” Jonathan said, as he watched her bend over and twist her hair into a towel. “Keep bending over, though, and I may feel the need to take you again.”

  “You can’t be serious!” She laughed as she stood, secured the towel, and reached for her robe. “We just…” She eyed his cock and made a point of tying her robe’s sash. “Okay, so you’re serious. Ya’ll sort of gave me the night off, except for the quickie with Mac, but I’m still sore from the night before!”

  Ranger stepped into her bedroom and leaned against her dresser, his hip against it and one ankle crossed over the other. “You didn’t tell him he couldn’t bind your breasts.”

  Her gaze met Ranger’s and desire pulsed through her veins. She’d played around with a few Doms, but nothing super serious, and Ranger both scared and excited her. The promise of what he could do, and the knowledge she’d probably like it…

  She recognized her own depravity in him, and worried a little what she might agree to. Most of the guys she’d been with would’ve been disgusted by some of her secret desires, but she instinctively knew Ranger would be turned on.

  “Both of you, out of my bedroom or I’ll never get dressed. Ya’ll promised to take me shooting and then out to eat.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “No, I’m going home and sleeping alone tonight. End of discussion,” Bethany told them outside the restaurant, her hands on her hips.

  “Ranger and Mac are flying to Washington tomorrow and we don’t know how long they’ll be gone,” Jonathan told her. “We also don’t know for sure how much longer Aaron and Sophia will be gone, and my schedule will be all over the place when they return. Aaron only trusts four of us in his house to guard her when he’s away, and she’s the most comfortable with me. We work in teams of three to six, but I’m almost always with her when her husband can’t be. You aren’t going to have me at your beck and call forever, so you should take advantage of it while you can.”

  Bethany looked to Mac. “Are you ready? Will you be okay?”

  “Don’t have much choice. I did okay at the club Friday night and the restaurant yesterday and today. They’re going to try to push me, so it won’t be easy, but if I don’t show up they’ll consider me to have gone dark and will organize a capture team.”

  “He’ll be fine,” Ranger said. “Aaron Drake may be on his honeymoon, but he isn’t out of pocket and he has connections high enough up we’ve been able to arrange for who’ll handle Mac’s interview and debrief. His interviewer will have to make it look good on camera, but he’s a shapeshifter, too, and will back off if he senses Mac losing control.”

  Bethany stepped to Mac and practically flung herself into his arms, the idea of him not coming back too painful to consider. “How long will you be gone?”

  “I don’t know.” He held her tight and rubbed her back. “Probably at least three or four days, hopefully not longer than two weeks.”

  “When do you leave?”

  “Our plane leaves at midnight. They want me to check in by four in the morning so they can process me and have me ready to be interviewed at eight. I’ll be in Drake Security’s private jet, so I won’t have to deal with airport security, at least.”

  “This was why you and Ranger kept stepping out to talk on the phone, today. And why the guy brought paperwork for Mac to sign while we were at the range.”

  Ranger nodded and Bethany said, “Shit, okay. Let’s go to Jonathan’s house so I can give you and Mac a proper goodbye, and then Jonathan can take me home and stay with me, so he won’t be alone.”

  Suddenly, sex with them before they left was more important than her fears it would turn into making love.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The rope circled the base of her right breast and she closed her eyes, unable to watch as Ranger wound it around and around, tighter and tighter.

  “We can all smell how turned on you are. Don’t hide from us,” Jonathan told her, his voice bordering on a growl and full of sexual heat. He would like this, he was a boob man, after all.

  “Not hiding from you, just don’t want to watch you doing it. It’s too much — seeing and feeling at the same time.”

  Ranger tucked the end of the rope through the coils and pulled it even tighter before he moved to her left breast. Jonathan once again held her breast in place as Ranger started, and Bethany’s legs spread and her hips moved in reaction. God, the rope might be uncomfortable and just at the point of painful, but she was so damned horny she might self-combust.

  “She’s being so good, I think she needs a reward,” Jonathan said as he let go of her breast and moved between her legs to place soft kisses on her inner thighs with the promise of doing so much more with his mouth.

  Soft rope also circled her wrists, and her arms were bound to the headboard. She groaned as the rope was wound around her breast again and again, plumping it up, forcing more blood into it.

  When Ranger finished this time, he tucked the rope to keep it tight, and then looped it behind her neck and back down, securing it to the rope around her right breast, and Bethany gasped and fought the ropes at her wrists.

  “Open your eyes and look at Mac,” Ranger ordered, and her eyelids flew open at his command. She lifted her head and her gaze met Mac’s as he sat in the corner, sprawled on a chair with his cock out of his jeans as he slowly jacked himself off. Bethany could almost see the wolf in his eyes as he watched, so intent, so focused.

  “He’s going to take care of you when Jonathan and I are finished. He’ll kiss the rope marks away, caress the whip marks, and then he’ll fuck your brains out. He may not be a Dom, and may not enjoy delivering pain, but he thoroughly enjoys working someone over when they’re so exhausted and sore they don’t want to see another cock for months.”

  Mac’s smirk told her he didn’t disagree with Ranger’s words, and she closed her eyes again and settled her head on the bed. So many emotions swirled in her head she couldn’t begin to process them on top of the physical sensation of the rope around her breasts, Ranger’s fingers pinching and twisting her nipples, and Jonathan sucking her clit.

  “Fuck!” she exclaimed, breathless. “It’s too much!”

  “It isn’t enough,” Ranger corrected, his voice soft and firm. “You’ll take what we give you, because it may be weeks before you have us all together again.”

  Bethany’s eyes found Mac again, but he shook his head once before focusing on his cock. He didn’t want her worrying about him, but she couldn’t help it.

  How had she grown so close to these three men in just a few days? Was the forced separation with a hint of danger rushing things, making her admit she was developing feelings for them when she’d ordinarily be the one to put a time limit on how long they’d be in
her life?

  She didn’t know, and Jonathan’s tongue along with Ranger’s fingers jerked her back into her body and out of her head as she planted her feet and pushed her hips up. She wanted more than his lips around her clit, she needed him inside her, and if she didn’t come soon she might start begging, and Bethany never begged.

  Jonathan’s mouth came off her clit and she looked at him as he rose above her and said, “I want to bury myself in your ass without stretching it, first.”

  Her head automatically shook, silently asking him not to, but he reached for the coconut oil container and took his time getting his cock slippery. A single finger went in her ass to get it slick, and he wiped his hand on a towel, lifted her legs, and positioned at her ass.

  “Dual torture, Raggedy. I’ll go slow, but Ranger’s gonna work on your tits while I take your ass.”

  Ranger put something cool and metal on her stomach, and she lifted her head to see nipple clamps just as Jonathan’s cock pressed into her ass.

  She closed her eyes and breathed as Jonathan slowly entered, and she gasped as the head sank past her entrance, and the shaft spread her wide. Jonathan stopped pushing and kept just enough pressure to remind her he wasn’t backing off, and Ranger put a clamp on her right breast and slowly tightened the screw until the teeth were holding on, biting into the sensitive skin.

  He did the same with the left, and she rested her head back on the bed, relieved she only felt pressure and not biting pain from the clamps. It was a visual thing, apparently — her breasts bound tight with nipple clamps on them.

  Jonathan pressed deeper, and deeper, and soon her eyes were open, her gaze captured by his as he sank into her, spreading her, filling her.

  Ranger stretched out beside them, his head propped up on his left hand, and he teased her clit as Jonathan took her ass, millimeter by millimeter.

  When she gasped and was sure she couldn’t take anymore he paused again, and Ranger’s hand went to her breast and tightened each clamp one full turn of the screw.


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