The Source Field Investigations

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The Source Field Investigations Page 16

by Wilcock, David

  How could such spectacular-sounding discoveries possibly be true?

  By this point, I can understand the skeptics’ reaction. Very little of this research has been done in the United States, and it also seems to violate many of our cherished laws of physics. Hardly anyone in the Western world is aware of the Russian investigations into the Source Field that we will discuss later on—in which these strange anomalies have elegant, new explanations. In this chapter, I ask you to be patient with me as I explain to you all the different things pyramids can do—because until you see the full extent of what we now know, any preliminary explanations will be incomplete and difficult to understand. Our ancient ancestors were confident enough in the value of this technology that they erected the most perfect structure in recorded human history as a pyramid shape—not a big square box. Many other magnificent pyramids appear throughout Egypt and South America—and new research suggests there may also be pyramids in Bosnia,11 Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Russia and China,12 among others, though most of them (except for the ones in China) are covered with dirt, trees and other vegetation—making them harder to spot. Some of them may also be natural mountains that were sculpted into a pyramid shape. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun would be over twice the size of the Great Pyramid, and the geometric symmetry of this unusual, mountainous area is very compelling.

  Aerial view of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun—which is not yet acknowledged by traditional archeologists as an intelligently designed structure.

  Why keep manipulating these massive, multiton stone blocks again and again, shape entire mountains like pyramids, and/or build giant pyramid-shaped mounds of dirt, if there’s no good reason for doing so? Why would so many different cultures independently get the same idea to build structures using techniques that may very well surpass our own level of technology? Once you start exploring the mysteries of what pyramids can actually do, this makes much more sense.

  Pyramid Power Reboot

  Regardless of the facts, the entire concept of pyramid power had collapsed into little more than an urban myth until 2001, when Dr. John DeSalvo’s Giza Pyramid Research Association Web site first published the results of breathtaking new Russian pyramid studies for the Western world. The story begins in 1990, when Moscow scientist and defense engineer Dr. Alexander Golod began building large pyramids within Russia and the Ukraine. Seventeen pyramids had been constructed by 2001, in eight different sites within Russia and the Ukraine,13 and by summer of 2010, more than fifty pyramids have been built worldwide, with the majority still in Russia and the Ukraine.14

  Dr. Golod built each of his pyramids from an internal framework of PVC pipes covered with fiberglass sheets, forming smooth faces. They were all built to fit the Golden Section—the so-called phi ratio of 1 to 1.618—that appears so often in the growth patterns of living organisms, such as the spirals of seashells. This proportion makes Golod’s structures steeper than the Great Pyramid, with a slope angle of about seventy degrees. The top stretches up to a distance about twice as high as the Great Pyramid goes, relative to the perimeter of its base—making Golod’s pyramids look more like obelisks, church steeples or the baetyls on Greek and Roman coins.

  Golod’s largest pyramid soars at 144 feet (44 meters) in height, weighs more than 55 tons, took five years to complete, and cost him more than a million dollars to build.15 It was finished in 1999, and used “nonconductive materials without a single metal element.”16 Golod found that any metal in the pyramid structure caused the seemingly magic effects to significantly decrease, if not disappear entirely—as if it had an absorbing effect upon whatever mysterious energy fields might be at work. This is one of the key design elements that could make a skeptic’s attempts to replicate pyramid power fail. In the U.S. capital, the Washington Monument was built into an obelisk—perhaps another attempt to utilize such hidden technology by the United States government—but it has a great deal of metal in it, and therefore cannot be anywhere near as effective as Golod’s pyramids.

  Dr. John DeSalvo’s Giza Pyramid Research Association Web site summarized Dr. Golod’s results—along with those of his many professional colleagues.

  Many different experiments were done using these pyramids that include studies in medicine, ecology, agriculture, physics, and other areas. What is significant about this work is that it has been carried out by top scientists in Russia and Ukraine, and scientifically documents the changes that occur in these pyramids.17

  As you can see, this was not occult or armchair science at all—it was being taken very seriously at the highest levels, and serious amounts of time and money were invested in these experiments. I was amazed when I read Dr. Volodymyr Krasnoholovets’s summary of this research back in 2001.18 Even though the English translation made it difficult to follow, I certainly understood the implications of what they had found—and this was a vast, multidisciplinary effort from many top minds of the former Soviet military-industrial complex. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, they still had their research labs and budgets, but didn’t have to spend their time fighting wars. Dr. Golod’s pyramids provided them with wonderful opportunities for scientific exploration. The only tragic part of the story was that no mainstream academic journal would publish their results, despite the meticulous care they took in using the strictest scientific protocols. The main reason for this seems to be that entrenched power groups would be heavily threatened by all the technological breakthroughs these discoveries would provide.

  The Pyramid of Life Web site explains how much attention these pyramids have generated—on an international level.

  Hundreds of thousands of people including famous actors, singers, sculptors, majors and presidents have already been to the biggest Russian pyramid. This pyramid was built and is researched by scientists under Alexander Golod’s supervision. Monks from Japan, Korea and Tibet got interested in the Russian pyramid; they consider it to be the ideal place, meaning the space inside and around it. Their ideas are confirmed by scientific researches made in institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All the researches showed a positive influence on ecology and human health while visiting the pyramid, or using products, crystals, solutions and objects prepared there.19

  Dr. Golod’s research was taken seriously enough that crystals from his pyramids were flown on the Russian space station Mir for more than a year, and the experiment was later repeated on the International Space Station. The Pyramid of Life Web site says these studies have now been covered on “CNN, BBC, ABC, AP, Boston Globe, The New York Times and other international mass media.”20

  As I read about this research back in 2001 and absorbed the greater implications, I realized that pyramids were indeed the most stunningly advanced technology ever built on earth. They have been standing there all along, waiting to be inherited—but it was only in our ignorance that we did not recognize such an advanced technology when we saw it. Thankfully, multiple teams of accredited, mainstream Russian scientists did the work for us. Their results suggest that pyramid technology, and its offshoots, could save the world—and substantially improve our physical, mental and spiritual health along the way. In addition, these results tear the roof off everything we thought we knew about our own bodies, and about science in general. The more you learn about it, the more wonderful the implications become.

  Imagine if you could take a simple drug that helps people fight viruses, and suddenly make it 3,000 percent more powerful. That’s exactly what happened in one study from the Ivanovskii R & D Institute of Virology, within the Russian Academy of Medical Science. Professor Klimenko and Dr. Nosik were studying a naturally occurring virusfighting compound in human beings called venoglobulin. When this drug was diluted into a concentration of fifty micrograms per milliliter and stored in a pyramid for a short time, apparently just a few days, it became approximately three times more effective at fighting viruses. Strangely, the drug worked just as well as they diluted it more and more—even though normally these ultra-weak concentrations, such as 0.0000
5 micrograms per milliliter, would have no effect whatsoever in the fight against viruses.21

  If that isn’t groundbreaking enough, the healing powers discovered by Professor A. G. Antonov and his associates, from the Russian R & D Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, are seemingly miraculous. In their hospital ward, they routinely had to treat premature babies with grave medical problems, who were only given days to live. Since their colleagues knew the pyramid had a remarkable strengthening effect on medication, and the drug itself didn’t even seem to be necessary, they tried something even more outrageous. Rather than using any known medicine, they took a simple placebo sample of 40 percent glucose in distilled water, and stored it in the pyramid. By administering only one milliliter of this solution to twenty different premature babies who were almost certainly going to die, every single one of them enjoyed a complete recovery.22 The babies given ordinary glucose solution were just as likely to die as before.

  Could the pyramid be somehow activating a natural healing chemical in the glucose, they wondered? The only way to find out for sure was to switch to ordinary water, and try the same experiment again—but a single milliliter of “pyramid water” worked just as well.

  What happens if you put a diseased organism directly inside the pyramid? This was what a Russian Academy of Medical Science group headed by Dr. N. B. Egorova wanted to find out. Two groups of normal white laboratory mice were given strain 415 of the virus S. typhimurium (typhoid fever) in equal amounts over the course of one day. The only difference was that one group of mice was kept in the pyramid, and the other group was not. Amazingly, 60 percent of the mice in the pyramid survived smaller doses of the virus, whereas only 7 percent survived in the control group. Even in much larger doses of contamination, which would normally kill almost every single mouse, 30 percent of the pyramid mice still survived—while only 3 percent of those unlucky enough to be in the control group actually made it.23

  Dr. Egorova also fed pyramid water to mice that had been given nasty carcinogens that would almost certainly give them massive cancerous tumors. The control group was given the same carcinogens, but they were given only ordinary water that had never been inside a pyramid. The mice drinking the pyramid water had significantly fewer tumors develop than the mice drinking the ordinary water.24

  No dangerous or ill effects have ever been observed from these healing treatments. Golod’s team found that the taller the pyramid was, the more powerful the effects became—but even the tallest one was still just a little more than a quarter the height of the Great Pyramid. It does cost money to build these pyramids, yes—but compared to the outrageous, spiraling costs of health care, and the struggle to find effective remedies everyone can afford, it’s certainly worth investigating more. If it only takes one milliliter of water to save a baby from dying, think about how much healing water even one pyramid could create.

  Quantum Effects

  Miracle health cures are still only one piece of the puzzle. Remember the effects on the molecular structure of razor blades? Other strange quantum effects were discovered as well. For example, chunks of granite and crystal were scattered along the entire floor of Golod’s tallest pyramid for months at a time. As we briefly see in some of the videos now online, a faint but visible whitening would occur along the tops of these rocks, which otherwise should have stayed reddish brown. These whitish areas did not appear on all the rocks—they formed a visible ring that was perfectly aligned with the central axis of the pyramid. Between the end of 1997 and the beginning of 1999, this result was duplicated forty times in the same pyramid, with different rocks each time. Each ring covered between fifty and three hundred rocks, with a total weight from twenty to two hundred kilograms. Golod’s team also gathered evidence suggesting that when these rings formed most clearly, there were also fewer epidemics in the surrounding area.25

  Dr. Golod also conducted studies of the air above the pyramid with a Russian instrument known as a “military locator,” which is similar to radar. Using this device, a column of “unknown energy” was detected around the pyramid—some five hundred meters wide and two thousand meters tall. Unfortunately, Golod did not explain what this energy was, since the entire technology they used to detect it is still classified. They later found that there was an even larger circle of energy around the pyramid that was an astonishing three hundred kilometers wide. Golod’s team calculated that if electrical energy were used to create such a massive disturbance in the atmosphere, you would need every single power plant in Russia running at full blast to do it. Furthermore, an ozone hole that was directly over the pyramid closed up only two months after they built it.26

  Golod also built a series of pyramids over an oil well, and then compared the results with others that were nearby. It was discovered that the oil under the pyramids became 30 percent thinner, thus causing production to increase by 30 percent because the oil was so much easier to pump. The surrounding wells that did not have pyramids over them showed no change. Golod also found that the oil was much cleaner. Unwanted materials like gums, pyrobitumen, and paraffin all decreased substantially. The Gubkin Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas confirmed these results were fact, not fiction.27

  In addition, Golod’s team kept agricultural seeds in the pyramid for one to five days before they were planted. This was done with more than twenty different seed varieties, planted across tens of thousands of hectares. In every single case, the pyramid seeds experienced a 20 to 100 percent increase in crop production. These plants did not get sick, and were not affected by droughts. The same effects could be achieved by placing rocks that were stored inside the pyramid around the edges of the crops.28

  Golod and his associates found that anything that was harmful to life would transform, for the better, if it was kept inside the pyramid. Poisons and other toxins would miraculously become far less destructive after even a short stay in the Pyramid of Life. Radioactive materials decayed faster than they were expected to. Dangerous pathogenic viruses and bacteria became much less harmful to living organisms after a stint in the pyramid. Even psychotropic drugs like LSD had less of an effect on people who were inside or within close range of the pyramid.29 If we remember that some of our thoughts seem to occur directly within the Source Field, this antipsychotic effect starts to make more sense.

  Ordinary placebo solutions like glucose in water now became effective remedies that could successfully treat alcoholism and drug addiction. All you have to do is keep them in the pyramid for a few days first. The cure could be administered either by an intravenous needle or through simply drinking the liquid.30

  Ancient Technology

  Now let’s consider even more discoveries from some of the other, smaller pyramids Dr. Golod built in Russia and the Ukraine. In this case Dr. Yuri Bogdanov, from the Scientific and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication, coordinated these studies.

  In the Ramenskoe settlement of Moscow, a twelve-meter pyramid was able to make wheat grow 400 percent better than it had before. Radioactive carbon had a measurable reduction in its half-life. Salts displayed curious changes in their basic crystallization patterns. Concrete would set more strongly. Diamonds that were synthesized within the pyramid became harder and purer than normal. Other crystals experienced measurable changes, such as becoming clearer. I know this may all seem hard to believe right now, but as we go on, everything we are discussing will make much more sense. Bogdanov and his associates found that rabbits and white rats became 200 percent stronger in their endurance, and their white-blood-cell counts went up.31 This discovery has obvious implications for professional sports. Such performance enhancements do not cause any of the damaging effects we see from the illegal use of steroids—in fact, those athletes would get healthier from the treatments. If the reality of this pyramid power were to spread, with national prestige and millions of dollars of endorsements at stake, what country wouldn’t want their Olympic athletes enjoying the benefits of these effects—not to menti
on all the other professional sports teams fiercely competing around the world?

  In the Arkhangelsk region of Russia, they had a serious problem with the water—and looked to Dr. Golod’s pyramids as a potential solution. Strontium and heavy metals were contaminating their supply. The municipal administration ordered a series of pyramids to be built over the area, and within a short time they were pumping out clean water. It appears that this water has remained pure ever since. The same thing happened in the town of Krasnogorskoe near Moscow, where a single pyramid was able to clear up all the salt that had been polluting their water.32

  The full extent of the power of this ancient technology didn’t become clear until I read about what some of the other teams within the Russian National Academy of Sciences had discovered—where we see how the pyramids actually give us clear protection against catastrophic Earth Changes. Given the incredible damage that can be caused by hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes and the like, there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn’t be exploring these possibilities on a worldwide, massive scale. And if a skeptic comes along and tries to tell you we shouldn’t even try to use this technology, because it’s “fringe pseudoscience,” my obvious response would be, “How can we afford not to try it?” Do we dare to be so arrogant and overconfident in conventional science that we completely ignore the power of a cheap, easy-to-build technology that could save the earth?

  Here’s one powerful example of what we can do with pyramid technology. The Russian scientists compared how many earthquakes had occurred in their local areas before the pyramids were built with what they saw afterward in the same region. Amazingly, instead of getting one large and powerful quake, they found several hundred tiny earthquakes happening instead—which caused no damage whatsoever.33 The pyramids were apparently bleeding off the charge of friction and geotectonic stress that would normally cause huge, catastrophic earthquakes to occur under the surface—obviously by a process that remains unknown to mainstream science.


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