The Source Field Investigations

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The Source Field Investigations Page 48

by Wilcock, David

  The same theory allows photons to co-exist as real particles and waves, and greatly simplifies Quantum Mechanics and Relativity by allowing all the different theories to co-exist together. The graviton particle turns out to be physical matter itself.

  If you can decode the above, you have the bare bones of about 80–90 percent of all the military censorship ever done to physics.18

  The graviton particle turns out to be physical matter itself. Photons coexist as real particles and waves. Space can be bent and curl in on itself to form an atom—and the interior of an atom is moving at a much different time rate than the area outside of it. When you accelerate atoms past lightspeed, you reach crescendo and they pop into a parallel reality. All of these concepts should sound very familiar by now, even though the wording may be a little different. The implications are stunning, because it means that the pineal gland may very well function as a literal stargate once it is fully activated—based on these same principles—and as this stargate widens to the size of our entire body, we appear to be glowing with light. This may well be why the ancients created so many different myths, symbols and metaphors to get us investigating this subject. Each of us already has this pineal gland technology installed in our own bodies—and the ancient gods who visited many different cultures, worldwide, seemed very keen on teaching us how to switch it on and help create the Golden Age. Though certain negative groups have co-opted these concepts, the vast majority of spiritual traditions emphasize that the nature of the Universe is love—and our research into the Source Field provides strong evidence that this is true.

  ET Contact in Modern-Day India

  The India Daily Web site has a section called “Technology”—and well over 50 percent of the articles in this section appear to be leaked from divisions of the Indian government itself. There appears to be a very strong effort toward disclosure being made in these reports—unlike anything else I’ve ever seen in the world. Naturally, since most of the writers are anonymous, and at this point they cannot prove their sources, most people could easily dismiss them. However, the level of technical detail in these articles—and how well it ties in with what we’ve been discussing in this book—is nothing short of astonishing.

  One article from April 29, 2006, revealed that India was originally contacted by extraterrestrials after conducting its first nuclear test in the early 1970s—and the ETs showed up again when India performed new tests on May 11 and 13, 1998.19 India’s version of NASA is the Indian Space Research Organization, or ISRO. In 2008, India Daily revealed that ISRO chairman G. Madhavan Nair is “in charge of the very secret mission of keeping ISRO UFO files secret, coordinated by the secretly driven U.N. efforts.”20 The article goes on to say that U.N. officials are very concerned that India may not keep these secrets much longer. Some areas within the ISRO are kept classified—but according to India Daily, not everyone is staying quiet.

  One [scientist] who works inside this closed area said India is just starting to receive reverse-engineered technologies from extraterrestrial UFOs controlled by U.N. Security Council efforts. In exchange, India must keep quiet about what it has learnt about UFOs through its space missions.21

  The article goes on to say that the BJP party is known for making decisions that surprise the U.N.—and disclosure may be another example.

  Against all odds and threatening from the United States and other countries, the BJP-led Indian government went ahead with the tests of multiple nuclear bombs. This time it will reveal how the world was kept in secret about the UFOs for the last one hundred years through a well-organized international forum of secrecy. But there is one catch. India will forfeit its chance to become the sixth member of the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) if it goes ahead with telling the truth about UFOs. BJP most likely will reveal the truth and then fight for India’s spot in the UNSC.22

  In 2004, India Daily announced that defense research scientists and engineers in Pune, the top city for this work in India, have been told they cannot tell the world what they know from these classified projects until 2012.

  If you carefully keep your ears on these whispers you will realize India has tested something no one wants to talk about. It is a breakthrough in conventional physics and traditional mechanical and aeronautical engineering . . . If the whispers are right, India may be changing the world forever. But why the magic year 2012? Why does everything have to be kept secret till then?23

  India has already entered the space race—and in 2008, India Daily reported that they are already aware of ET bases on the moon.

  India may surprise the world. The surprise may come any time. The country must reveal the existence of the underground infrastructure of UFO bases.24

  A report from July 4, 2005, revealed what these alleged extraterrestrials have apparently been telling the Indian government and military—and by now it should sound very familiar.

  Once we are in one of the parallel universes, we can view time and space the same way we can differentiate length, height and width. The time travelers from future human and alien civilizations visit us using UFOs through the network of wormholes. . . . Traveling through the wormholes is fascinating. One can plan and program time and space separately. Then you apply the entry and exit points of the wormhole to match the time and space reference points. One has to perform the time and space reference point calculations using higher dimensions (in a parallel universe) . . . Adjusting the entry and exit points of the wormholes can be comparatively easy once performed from a higher dimension in a parallel universe. It can be an extremely difficult numerical analysis problem if we try to do it in our physical universe.25

  The idea that time can be viewed “the same way we can differentiate length, height and width” is exactly what we’ve been saying throughout Part Two of this book. The degree of technical detail in many of these India Daily articles is startling, and goes well beyond the space we have in this book to properly describe. One article says that portals can be formed by bombarding the ionosphere with very high intensities of energy.26

  Unless the wormholes are specially processed and manipulated, the physical entity loses all physical attributes at the core. . . . Through the parallel universe, though, the entity can traverse time and space instantaneously. Then comes the real challenge where the aliens really are way ahead of our civilization—they know how to transform back to physical entities in another wormhole, leading back to our physical universe . . . According to some researchers, the transformation from physical to parallel universe entities happens automatically once the wormhole is programmed to carry an entity out to a parallel universe.

  Programming a wormhole is not easy. It can be programmed from the parallel universe easily, but from this side it will be a classical challenge in terms of numerical analysis. However, advancement in computational algorithms and processing powers will allow us to solve the complex equations and program the wormholes.27

  An article from October 7, 2006, said that time can be detached from space, creating a holding zone in hyperspace that can later be attached to another point in time. “The detachment of space and time is achieved through the use of gravitational radiation manipulation.”28 Other articles indicate that there are many parallel realities in time-space—and as paradoxical as this may seem, we can actually coexist in many different locations at once.29 “Do we coexist as a separate entity when we dream? No, say experts; the same entity coexists in multiple time dimensions. This is also true when we think about someone and mentally will them to get something done.”30

  How Do We Travel into the Parallel Universe?

  On July 9, 2005, the India Daily Technology Team said the key to making this stargate travel possible is the creation of negative mass. This appears to be exactly the same concept as what we’ve been discussing here—namely, that mass converts to negative mass as its internal movement is accelerated past the speed of light.

  Once the negative mass is created, all the puzzles of time travel, bending space and time, m
ovement in and out of a parallel universe—all can be instantaneously solved. As you enter [a] black hole, if you can accelerate the process of making your mass negative you can easily pass through. . . . The onboard computers [on a spaceship] are able to control the mass factor from positive to negative and so on just like airplanes balance weight during takeoff, flight and landing. Once mass of the entity can be manipulated, the travel through wormholes will be easy. This will not only enable us to travel to different time dimensions but also into parallel universes and beyond.31

  With this technology, we apparently will be able to see any potentially negative events in the future before they arrive, and take precautionary steps to change the outcome.32

  Also if a civilization can see the future and is able to change the future by replacing the time axis, they will reach immortality in the terrestrial sense. That is exactly what the advanced aliens have achieved. And that is exactly what we will achieve in the next few hundred years.33

  On July 22, 2005, further information was given regarding the idea of three-dimensional time—and it sounds very familiar.

  What really happens in the parallel universe [is that] the lack of time as a dimension . . . makes living through that environment very different from the physical universe. . . . Like we can walk around in the physical universe from point A to point B, in the parallel universe, it is possible to walk from one time to the next time.34

  On July 23, 2005, the concept of parallel universes was further described.

  The super space of higher dimensions defies all known laws of physics that hold true in the physical universe. It is a universe in which time does not exist as a dimension. It is a universe in which you can create parallel time dimensions. The physical objects collapse into multi-entity objects. . . . We belong to multiple parallel universes right at this moment. . . . While the physical body is in the physical universe . . . we communicate with [ourselves] from the parallel universe, and guide the brain to do work and live our lives. Once we die, we continue to live, except we withdraw from the physical universe since the body is not usable. We continue to live in the parallel universes.35

  On July 26, 2005, the India Daily Technology Team made a statement that is precisely identical to the science I independently worked out for this book. I was stunned when I saw this connection.

  . . . [W]hat happens to the photon if [the] time dimension is not only moving at the speed of light, but is actually made to accelerate further? . . . [T]he net result is that an entity can fall back from the physical universe and merge into the parallel universe. That is fascinating. Because that is what happens to advanced civilizations that know how to live an immortal life in the parallel universe, and once in a while hover around the physical universe. Some scientists now believe that after death, the electromagnetic spatial source of energy, or the soul, just moves through a tunnel of decelerating time to end up at the white light—which represents the entry to the parallel universe.

  According to researchers in this field, an advanced civilization can achieve immortality by being able to access the physical and parallel universe anytime. Most probably that is what happens when we are born and when we die. But the technology of accelerating time or decelerating time will allow us within the physical universe to access and move in and out of the parallel universe.36

  On July 27th, the India Daily Technology Team discussed this science in terms of biology—and again sounded very similar to what we have been discussing.

  Two-thirds of our brain is not under our control. It is guided by the entities in the parallel universe. We communicate using mind-generated signals commonly known as telepathy with many other entities, and even with ourselves in higher spatial dimensions of the parallel universe. . . . We do traverse the parallel universes with our mind all the time without physically leaving the physical universe. That part of the brain is not even under our control. It therefore seems that we are connected genetically to some advanced life-forms that can traverse from the physical to the parallel universe all the time.37

  Other articles say many extraterrestrials are visiting us from the M15 Star Cluster, which is the densest part of our local universe—and has many black holes, providing extraterrestrial civilizations with a giant transfer station. These extraterrestrials are apparently preparing to reveal themselves to earth in 2012.38 An August 10, 2005, article said that “many of the UFOs that are reported are actually time-reversing phenomena initiated by our own future generation hundreds of years later. They can come and visit us, observe us, but they cannot change any event.”39

  Preparing for the “Galactic Family Reunion”

  One report in 2006 revealed that UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations will be announced to humanity in December 2012—and “the general consensus is to make the world slowly ready for it.”40 An article from December 29, 2006, said that world governments have been hiding the truth of UFOs and ETs for decades, but secret preparations are being made to reveal the truth in 2012. It also says that “Brazil, India and China are taking the lead in this matter,” and that the world will secretly use the help of extraterrestrials to avoid any potential disasters that may occur due to this transition.41 On May 12, 2005, India Today said we will be visited by representatives from all eighty-eight constellations in the night sky as of December 2012. At this time, we will “finally understand the actual process of evolution, the process of bending time and space, the fact that gravity is a wave and not a force,” and much more.42

  Another article, from January 4, 2007, reveals what is expected to happen when this “galactic alignment” reaches its peak in December 2012.

  Galactic alignment changes the world. The civilizations get reincarnation. The earth gets rejuvenated. It is a function of [the] gravity wave. The gravity wave in higher dimensions is programmed to create this galactic alignment for earth to have reincarnation.

  The major galactic alignment happened before. Some believe the dinosaurs disappeared millions of years back during a major galactic alignment. The Vedic literature talks about galactic alignment. Atlantis was lost during a galactic alignment. Interestingly, ancient literature also hints at formal extraterrestrial visitation during and after galactic alignment. About one hundred years before the galactic alignment, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations start visiting the earth. Interestingly, modern UFO sightings were first recorded in 1911 in Germany. The extraterrestrials create the environment for their formal visitation. This may be no different. We might see in 2012 or after that time the extraterrestrial civilizations—the type IV advanced aliens responsible for the big bang. The science, history, philosophy and all aspects of human life may change that day as we watch with astonishment.”43

  In total, these disclosures from India Daily’s “Technology” section are so numerous, specific and ongoing that I feel it is highly likely that they are indeed telling us the truth. And this data corroborates what certain witnesses who worked for the military-industrial complex in the United States and elsewhere have said.

  The Testimony of “Mr. X”

  This brings us to the words of “Mr. X,” the very first witness interviewed by Project Camelot. He died suddenly of a massive stroke as he was getting ready to come forward, reveal his identity and tell much more of what he learned in classified projects. Nonetheless, we do have his written testimony of the top-secret documents he read, which revealed the messages that had been given to our world leaders as early as the 1950s. Jerry Pippin directly interviewed this witness, and wrote about what he heard.

  . . . [T]he ETs have said they will conduct a mass landing all over the world on December 21st or 22nd, 2012, whether our leaders like it or not. Apparently our media will be used (or some similar worldwide method—more likely to be telepathic) to convey this information to the whole world—it will be something everyone will know. People will be given a choice as to whether they want to evolve spiritually and travel with the ETs or not:

  “Mr. X: We’ll be given choices.
Q: And the choice is what? Mr. X.: [Whether or not] we want to learn where they came from, and to learn to evolve more spiritually—so we, too, can go throughout the universe and make life.”44

  It’s easy to overlook the impact of what “Mr. X” really means when he says we will have the choice to “evolve more spiritually.” A transcript of their interview reveals even more details. I have no idea if this will actually happen, but it is certainly interesting to speculate.

  There will be a mass of information released that will shatter most of our core beliefs. Some will panic because their belief system will be shattered. Some will be angry because they have been lied to for so long. Some will think that the end of the world is here. Most will be confused at best about religious issues, since the truth will be told and that truth will shatter ALL religious beliefs. We will learn the true history of man through the ETs and the powers that be. It is inevitable. If the world stays on the track it is on—and I see no reason for it to change—we will have to be shown the truth. And if those who run the world do not do it, the ETs will.45

  As the old saying goes, “the truth will set you free.” I have handpicked the very best data from thirty years of dedicated research to put this book together for that very reason—and with this knowledge we have the tools to create the Golden Age. We can create limitless, clean, nonpolluting free energy. We can create spectacular new healing technologies. We can conquer gravity, space and time, and move effortlessly throughout the galaxy. We may well experience a worldwide awakening of the pineal gland, giving us dramatic new intuitive abilities—possibly even enabling us to move into a light-body state. If the Zoroastrian legend of Fraso-kererti is indeed true, then Time as we know it may change in some fundamental way—giving us the ability to enter into nonlocal, nonlinear time—the realm of time-space—much more easily.


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