Did You Read That Review?: A Compilation of Amazon's Funniest Reviews

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Did You Read That Review?: A Compilation of Amazon's Funniest Reviews Page 4

by Amazon Reviewers

  The gas mileage isn’t that great, but I haven’t stopped for a traffic light/stop sign for the six months I’ve owned the JL421. Actually, I haven’t even bothered to slow down…people just seem to get out of the way. The police escorts have been a welcomed surprise, but they would be more efficient in front of me instead of following behind.

  The flamethrower attachment is a must-have (I found one at a garage sale for a great price). My lawn will never have to be mowed again. The machine guns only fire one thousand rounds per minute, but short of the few times I’ve needed them it hasn’t been much of an issue.

  This thing is super roomy, too. I can now take at least six of my drunken idiot friends with me on our Wednesday night road-rage episodes. My old tank only fit the four of us. If you can’t share those times with your friends, why even bother going out to shoot stuff—ya know?!?!

  Just a couple of negatives:

  Now that my wife has kicked me out of the house and I’m living in my tank, I have really noticed the need for more ventilation. I haven’t showered in six months, and it is pretty ripe smelling in there. I’m looking into adding some windows.

  Great stereo system. I would think that for the money they would have put in a CD player instead of just cassette deck. I bought a Sony Walkman CD player to plug in, but it skips every time I smash into somebody’s house.

  All in all I would buy this tank again, and definitely recommend it to my friends (that live in a different state than I do).

  91 of 98 people found the following review helpful

  Check with your homeowner’s association!

  By P. Breakfield IV “Tom Steele”, December 1, 2007

  Well, this has been a real mess for us. We had been shopping for a land cruiser/tank and after reading the reviews on Amazon, we decided on the JL421. The problems started when we tried to take delivery. UPS left a note on the door, and we arranged to be there the next day and they did not show up when they said that they would, so we ended up having to go to the UPS pickup office to get the Badonkadonk Land Cruiser/Tank. This item will not fit in the trunk of a Corvette. We ended up unpacking the JL421 there in the UPS parking lot, and they were kind enough to dispose of the packing. I was pulled over twice on the way home because of not having tags and driving a vehicle that wasn’t licensed for public roadways. We got off with warnings when we explained to the officers about our difficulties in getting the tank delivered to the house. Once we got home, we found that the tank was not going to fit in the garage like we planned. We have a two-car garage and we have two cars, and we thought the JL421 might fit in at the front of the garage, turned sideways, and we could pull the minivan right up to it. Nope. So we put the tank outside in the driveway. Three days later we got a notice from the homeowner’s association, which included our covenant restrictions, and the following section was highlighted: “Parking: No vehicles shall be parked on any residential lot, either in the driveway, or on the road outside which do not have current license tags and cannot be driven on public roadways. In addition, no vehicles which are under repair (except for minor repairs which can be completed in under four hours) may be parked in a residential driveway or on the road outside the residence. Finally, no JL421 Badonkadonk Land Cruiser/Tanks may be parked in a residential driveway or on the road outside a residence.” I asked if I was being singled out on this, but the homeowner’s association says this is a standard form and they actually copied it off the Internet from another homeowner’s association’s bylaws and covenants in Florida. (I live in South Carolina.) So I would pass a warning along to anyone looking to buy a JL421 Badonkadonk Land Cruiser/Tank to carefully check your bylaws and covenants before you purchase one of these. The kids are devastated.

  745 of 771 people found the following review helpful

  Easily blown to Kingdom Come

  By V. Zhirinovsky “Vlad the Mad”, December 4, 2007

  I am an acquisitions officer for an artillery unit in the Russian Army. Since mafia hooligans stole all of our equipment to sell to Kyrgyzstani rebels, we have been looking for a low-cost alternative to the T-80 Main Battle Tank. After successful trials at a facility in Moscow, this so-called “Badonkadonk” was approved for use in the Chechen theatre. Initial reports were favorable, but then somebody noticed that the tank lacked a cannon, treads, and armor and possessed the engine of an electric bicycle. It did, however, have an excellent audio system, but this failed to compensate for its disappointing 100 percent mortality rate.

  Tank is smaller than it appears in product image.

  * * *

  Customer Questions & Answers

  Did all you guys buy this?!?!?!?! There are 145 reviews for this “tank.” Did you all actually buy this thing? For $20,000??? What would you do w/ this thing? Of all the things to spend so much money on…it kinda a goes along w/ the saying, “I just spent a ton of money on a piece of scrap metal.” I hope that this is just a joke…

  What good is it? Duh, read the comments.

  It’s great for:

  Weekend get-aways

  Destroying your enemies

  Inspiring fear

  Protection from SUVs


  and the list goes on and on.

  neatflux answered on July 24, 2007

  Wolf Urine Lure

  Check out the real thing: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006IGZSM

  3.5 out of 5 stars

  Name: Wolf Urine Lure-32 oz.


  Price: Currently unavailable

  Use our 100%-urine lures to create the illusion predators are present in the area. Great for photographers, gardeners, hunters, and wildlife enthusiasts. Due to changes in shipping regulations, we cannot ship this item to California.

  Most Helpful Customer Reviews

  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

  60% of the time it works every time

  By Steve Stewart, September 18, 2013

  It’s made with drops of real wolf urine, so you know it’s good. **Be warned—smells like pure gasoline.**

  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

  Multifunctional and cheap

  By Piggywissle, June 20, 2013

  Washes windows, cleans drains, flavors tea, removes hair, kills cats, cools engines, facilitates conversations with God, can be frozen to build ice castles, cleans fish tanks, smells nice, isn’t flammable, provides hours of interesting conversation, fertilizes plants, regrows hair, moistens tissues, colors white linens, sequesters deer souls into interdimensional holding tanks, manages economic portfolios, creates beautiful hues of yellow dye, makes the microwave more powerful, can stop the sun, restores life to animals that weigh(ed) less than 1250 g, and may, in combination with formaldehyde, prevent tooth decay. I’m sure there are things I haven’t tried doing with it yet, but I have no doubt it’s capable of meeting whatever future needs I may have.

  26 of 32 people found the following review helpful

  100% Natural

  By J. A. KONRATH “Thriller Author”, September 24, 2012

  If you’re like me, you’re concerned about all of those environmentally unfriendly companies manufacturing fake wolf urine. Worry no more! Deerbusters is 100% wolf urine. No chemicals. No additives. No cheap dog or hobo urine being passed off as the real thing. This is 32 oz. of pure lupine pee pee, ready to be used immediately for whatever you’d use wolf piss for. I have no idea what that could be. If I had to guess by the label, I’d say you pour it on deer to kill them. Maybe by drowning. In which case, order a few bottles. And a deer trap, because I don’t reckon they’ll hold still for it. I do know that it kept my children in line. After they saw my purchase, I told them they’d better clean their rooms or I’d use the wolf urine to keep Santa away by sprinkling it on the roof. They started to cry, but they did clean their rooms. Unfortunately, money was tight that year, so I had to tell them Santa died. All they got for Xmas was this wolf urine. They tried playing with it a few times, putting
it in their squirt guns, but I don’t think they enjoyed it very much. That said, no deer has come within 100 yards of my kids in months.

  7 of 9 people found the following review helpful

  All jokes aside, this stuff actually works

  By South Carolinian, October 17, 2012

  At first the stench was a little too much to bear, and I wondered how anyone could use this stuff. But then the very first night I received so many compliments. I put a little behind my ears/on my neck right before a date, and this stuff gets me laid 95% of the time. Great product, will buy again because I’m almost out!

  25 of 34 people found the following review helpful

  Mixed Blessing

  By mary1974, December 21, 2010

  I bought this product to get rid of the squirrels in my yard because I figured predation would be the “greenest” form of pest control. The squirrels are gone now, sort of. I was thrilled at first, but now these wolves are crapping all over my lawn, and I am at my wits’ end. To further complicate matters, this company doesn’t seem to carry Bear ****. How else am I supposed to get rid of the wolves?

  The Daddle by Cashel

  Check out the real thing: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003EWECSC

  4.2 out of 5 stars

  Name: The Daddle by Cashel


  Price: $40.29

  This soft, stuffed “saddle” straps onto an adult’s back. Complete with a soft saddle horn and adjustable stirrups. For children ages 2–6 to ride. All cotton. Machine wash. Made in USA.

  Most Helpful Customer Reviews

  395 of 403 people found the following review helpful

  Not Appropriate For Dressage!

  By Wandrwoman “Wise as Aphrodite, Beautiful as Athena…”, December 30, 2010

  Please note that this Daddle is Western Style and will not be appropriate for those trained in the English Father Riding Method whereby one holds a rein in each hand and posts the trot. If you are looking forward to father jumping, father fox hunting, father polo, or daddy dressage, you will not be able to use this Daddle. Western Daddle riders hold the reins with one hand and sit the trot. The pommel or horn on this Daddle is meant to hold a lariat, which is useful when roping cattle or other competing or unruly fathers.

  22 of 25 people found the following review helpful

  No more quarters needed!

  By Newlywed, December 9, 2011

  Tired of change jangling in your pocket? Sick of begging for change for a dollar, even though you are not buying anything? Problem solved! We tired parents were sick of paying, literally, at least $10 per year on this “trick pony” in front of the Western Wear store. Every time we passed it, our toddler just *had* to have a ride. No more! Now we haul the Daddle on all our walks, and whenever we pass one of those stupid plastic money-eaters, we just slip on the Daddle and ride away—no quarters needed. Handy for everyday use. My husband has even given a few rides to other kids, but of course, does demand a quarter (and we DON’T give change!). Anyway, what’s a few chiropractor bills when we save at least $10 a year?! At this rate, only about 4 years to go before the Daddle pays for itself, not even factoring in the $ we make from charging other brats, I mean kids, for rides. WELL worth it! A MUST-have for any parent.

  229 of 242 people found the following review helpful

  Saves me a fortune in gas

  By Eric E. Rinderer, July 27, 2010

  My work is only about 3 miles from my house. It’s too far to walk, but the mindless stop-and-go traffic between here and there eats almost an hour of driving and gallons of gas per week. Solution: the Daddy Saddle. My dog is a large Molosser who easily carries my 145-lb. frame. Just throw on the saddle, and away we go. It kills two birds with one stone, as it gives him his daily exercise, and it gets me to work without so much as breaking a sweat. He’s happy as a clam to hang out in the shade garden outside the office and can drink freely from the koi pond. So a fish disappears every now and then. ;)

  60 of 65 people found the following review helpful

  Daddle up

  By duplesem, February 15, 2011

  The first time I saw the daddle I knew it was the perfect solution for my grandmother to get up her pesky stairs. No longer are we burdened with an expensive mobilized system for her stairs; instead, her gardener straps on the daddle, or at our house we call it the “graddle,” and escorts her up the stairs. Only once has the graddle failed us when she couldn’t quite make it to the bathroom in time. Maybe daddle should think about a waterproof version??? I hear DuPont STAINMASTER calling?? Any daddle, I would definitely recommend this product for aging relatives. Forget the mobilized scooters or Segways—the graddle is so much more sustainable.

  A Million Random Digits

  Check out the real thing: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0833030477

  3.9 out of 5 stars

  Name: A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates (Paperback)

  ASIN: 833030477

  Price: $64.60

  This book was a product of RAND’s pioneering work in computing, as well a testament to the patience and persistence of researchers in the early days of RAND.

  Most Helpful Customer Reviews

  1,225 of 1,247 people found the following review helpful

  Almost perfect

  By a curious reader, October 26, 2006

  Such a terrific reference work! But with so many terrific random digits, it’s a shame they didn’t sort them, to make it easier to find the one you’re looking for.

  2,435 of 2,516 people found the following review helpful


  By Brian McGroarty, July 27, 2005

  The book is a promising reference concept, but the execution is somewhat sloppy. Whatever generator they used was not fully tested. The bulk of each page seems random enough. However at the lower left and lower right of alternate pages, the number is found to increment directly.

  565 of 580 people found the following review helpful

  If you like this book

  By Roy, October 20, 2006

  If you like this book, I highly recommend that you read it in the original binary. As with most translations, conversion from binary to decimal frequently causes a loss of information and, unfortunately, it’s the most significant digits that are lost in the conversion.

  327 of 335 people found the following review helpful

  Wait for the audiobook version

  By R. Rosini “Newtype”, October 19, 2006

  While the printed version is good, I would have expected the publisher to have an audiobook version as well. A perfect companion for one’s iPod.

  271 of 286 people found the following review helpful

  Quite the opposite of random when viewed globally

  By D. C. Froemke, January 14, 2008

  At first, I was overjoyed when I received my copy of this book. However, when an enemy in my department showed me HER copy, I found that they were the OPPOSITE of random—they were IDENTICAL. It is very frustrating, let alone dangerous, for my agents in the field; do not rely on this book for generating codes! Its list of deviates is very nice for someone in my profession, however.

  343 of 367 people found the following review helpful

  Not Nearly A Million

  By Liron, September 3, 2006

  This book does not even come close to delivering on its promise of one million random digits. My expectations were high after reading the first sentence, which contained ten unique digits. However, the author seems to have exhausted his creativity in this initial burst, because the other 99.999% of the book is filler in which those same ten digits are shamelessly reused! If you are looking for a larger offering of numerals in various bases, I highly recommend Peter Rabbit’s ABC and 123.

  Playmobil Security Check Point

  Check out the real thing: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002CYTL2

  3.0 out of 5 stars

  Name: Playmobil Security Check Point

IN: B0002CYTL2

  Price: $498.97

  The woman traveler stops by the security checkpoint. After she places her luggage on the screening machine, the airport employee checks her baggage. The traveler hands her spare change and watch to the security guard and proceeds through the metal detector. With no time to spare, she picks up her luggage and hurries to board her flight!

  Most Helpful Customer Reviews

  2,345 of 2,396 people found the following review helpful

  Not complete without the line

  By M. MCKNIGHT “reviewer”, March 8, 2008

  This toy would be a lot more realistic with about 350 people standing in line for an average of an hour. It still makes a nice set with the interrogation room.

  10,203 of 10,356 people found the following review helpful

  Great lesson for the kids!

  By loosenut, September 9, 2005

  I was a little disappointed when I first bought this item, because the functionality is limited. My 5-year-old son pointed out that the passenger’s shoes cannot be removed. Then, we placed a deadly fingernail file underneath the passenger’s scarf, and neither the detector doorway nor the security wand picked it up. My son said, “That’s the worst security ever!” But it turned out to be OK, because when the passenger got on the Playmobil B757 and tried to hijack it, she was mobbed by a couple of other heroic passengers, who only sustained minor injuries in the scuffle, which were treated at the Playmobil Hospital. The best thing about this product is that it teaches kids about the realities of living in a high-surveillance society. My son said he wants the Playmobil Neighborhood Surveillance System set for Christmas. I’ve heard that the CC TV cameras on that thing are pretty worthless in terms of quality and motion detection, so I think I’ll get him the Playmobil Abu-Ghraib Interrogation Set instead (it comes with a cute little memo from George Bush).


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