Wild Card (Texas Titans #5)

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Wild Card (Texas Titans #5) Page 16

by Cheryl Douglas

  Carly moved to the leather sofa with Johnnie. Sitting with the baby’s back to her front, she grasped his tiny hands and stroked the soft skin over his puckered knuckles with her thumb. “He’s so perfect, isn’t he?”

  Brett braced a hand on the pine mantel and set his foot on the natural stone hearth, watching them. The reverence in her tone softened Brett’s hardened heart. He’d spent so many years building their business and dodging opportunists that he’d almost forgotten to appreciate the little miracles right in front of him. Brett smiled at Johnnie’s gasp when he spotted a bird at the feeder, pointing and turning his head to Carly for confirmation. “He is. His daddy is one lucky man.”

  “You said his dad is in the military, right?” Carly shook her head and whispered in Johnnie’s ear.

  “Yeah. I can’t imagine how tough it must be for him to leave Johnnie and Ellie, especially now.”

  “Why now?”

  “El’s expecting again. She doesn’t have the easiest time of it when she’s pregnant. I promised John I’d watch out for her. I just hope this’ll be an uneventful pregnancy.”

  “I hope so too, for her sake.” Carly reached for a fishing magazine on the table that had caught Johnnie’s eye. She turned the pages with him, pointing to the big fish and naming the ones she knew. “They didn’t waste any time, did they? How old is Johnnie?”

  “Fourteen months. I guess when you’re away from your family as much as John is, you learn to make the most of the time you have.” He wondered whether he was venturing into dangerous territory by asking Carly, “How many kids do you want to have?”

  “Three,” she said without hesitation. “I think they have the right idea, having them close together. Johnnie will grow up with his little brother or sister. And hopefully they’ll be best friends.”

  “Was it tough being an only child?” He’d always taken his relationship with his sister for granted, but when he considered what his life would have been like without her, he realized how lucky he was to have her.

  “It was probably for the best, given the way things turned out,” she said, helping Johnnie turn the magazine pages without tearing them. “My father was great. I still miss him every day, but my mama…” She shrugged. “I guess she just wasn’t ready to be a parent. They got married straight out of high school ‘cause things were so bad for her at home. My daddy did whatever he could to keep food on the table, and I know that wasn’t easy. I was young when he died, but I remember their fights, mostly about money.”

  Brett had grown up in an upper-middle class home. His father’s job as a middle school principal had allowed his mother to stay home with her children until they were older. They’d never worried about where their next meal would come from or whether he could afford to play sports or go on field trips with the other kids. Sitting on the matching leather sofa, he clasped his hands and lowered his head. “I’ve thought a lot about what you said about being grateful for the sacrifices my parents have made and—”

  She raised her hand. “Please, I had no right to say those things. It’s just that your parents have been so good to me, and I guess I’m a little over-protective of them.” She smiled weakly. “That doesn’t give me the right to lecture you about the way you treat them. They love you. You love them. That’s really all that matters.”

  “Not really.” He stared at her, taking in her understated beauty. She was wearing skinny jeans, ballerina flats, a lightweight black sweater, and multi-colored infinity scarf. Her blond hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders. He’d dated plenty of beautiful women but none as beautiful, inside and out, as she was. She not only loved him, she adored his family, and that made him feel like the luckiest man in the world. “You make me want to be a better man. You care about me enough to point out my flaws so that I can hopefully work to correct them.”

  “You’re perfect exactly the way you are,” she whispered, her eyes glowing. “That’s why I fell in love with you all those years ago. I thought you were perfect, at least for me. I still do.”

  He was grateful when he heard Ellie at the door because he wanted to kiss Carly more than anything and having Johnnie between them made that difficult. “I’m just going to hand this little man off to his mama and take that playpen back for Ellie.” He gestured toward the adjoining kitchen. “Make yourself at home. There’s plenty of food and drinks, and I won’t be more than a few minutes.”

  “No problem.” Carly stood to stretch after Brett took Johnnie. “Take your time.” She brushed her forefinger over Johnnie’s chubby cheek. “It was so nice to meet you, buddy. I hope I get to see you again soon.”

  Brett passed Johnnie to Ellie. “Anytime you need a babysitter, El, you know who to call. Your little heartbreaker has already got my girl wrapped around his little finger.” It felt so good to call Carly his for the first time.

  “Be careful what you wish for,” Ellie said, laughing as she wagged a finger at Carly. “You may not get a moment’s peace.”

  “I wouldn’t mind a bit.” Carly smiled wistfully at Johnnie.

  “I’m gonna go grab that playpen. Be right back.” Brett rounded the corner into the spare bedroom. As he took his time folding the playpen, he chastised himself for eavesdropping, but he couldn’t help listening to what Carly said to Ellie.

  “You’ve known Brett a long time?” Ellie asked.

  Carly laughed. “It seems like forever. We practically grew up together.”

  “It was the same with me and my husband. It’s nice to have that familiarity with someone, isn’t it?”

  Carly hesitated. “Yeah, it really is. Sometimes I’ve wondered if I’m crazy for getting mixed up with someone who knows about all of the skeletons in my closet, you know, the crazy family, most embarrassing moment…” She giggled. “But at the end of the day, it’s really nice to be in love with my best friend.”

  Brett sank against the wall, closing his eyes. That was exactly how he felt about Carly, like no one knew him better or had ever loved him more. Getting a second chance to prove to her that he could be the man she deserved was a blessing he’d never expected, and he wasn’t even sure he deserved it. But he never intended to take it for granted.

  “I heard a quote recently,” Ellie said. “‘It’s not a lack of love but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.’ I think that’s so true.”

  Carly seemed to consider that. “It is.”

  Brett saw Carly smile as he rounded the corner, and his heart literally skipped a beat.

  “Brett tells me you and your husband are expecting again,” Carly said to Ellie. “Congratulations.”

  Ellie smiled. “Thanks. We’re super excited about it. I just hope the morning sickness doesn’t last as long this time around as it did with Johnnie.” As if on cue, Johnnie squirmed in his mama’s arms. “He just started walking a couple months ago, and now he wants to be on the go all the time. I think I’d better get him home.”

  “It was really nice meeting you,” Carly said. “I hope to see you both again soon.”

  “Oh, I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.” Ellie winked at Brett before they made their way outside, leaving Carly inside. As soon as Brett let the screen door slam behind them, Ellie said, “Okay, I can see why you’re so crazy about her. She’s a sweetheart, not to mention gorgeous.”

  Brett’s chest swelled with pride. No one’s opinion could impact how he felt about Carly, but he was glad Ellie saw the same qualities in her that he did. He wanted them to be friends, especially since being at his cabin reminded him of how much he’d missed it. He could imagine spending weekends up there with Carly, getting lost in each other. “She is pretty amazing. I’m lucky she didn’t write me off a long time ago.”

  “I’m sure she would’ve if she could’ve,” Ellie said, twisting the doorknob of her tidy three-bedroom bungalow. “I don’t think you made it easy for her to keep the faith.”

  Brett set the playpen down as Ellie released Johnnie to roam free in his baby-p
roofed environment.

  Brett folded his arms as he leaned against the door. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’ve known and loved you a long time,” Ellie said, touching Brett’s forearm. “That’s why I feel I can say this without putting our friendship in jeopardy.”

  Brett frowned. “Now you’ve got me worried.”

  “You probably don’t deserve her, you know.” Ellie squeezed his arm. “You’ve taken her love for granted for so long there’s no logical reason she should still love you.”

  Brett swallowed as Ellie reiterated everything he’d been thinking and feeling since their drunken intimate encounter had changed his life. “I’ve never needed someone like this. If she leaves me…” He shook his head. “If she decides I’m just not worth the effort anymore, I don’t know what the hell I’ll do without her. A while back, I said and did some things that really hurt her, and she told me she wanted nothing more to do with me.”

  “That must have been difficult for you,” Ellie said, giving him a sympathetic half-smile. “But it taught you a valuable lesson too, right?”

  “Yeah, it taught me that money and status don’t mean a damn thing if you don’t have the respect of the person you love.”

  Ellie brushed a kiss across Brett’s cheek. “I’m so glad you’ve finally found your other half. It may have taken a while, but I’ve never seen you so… complete. When you’re with her, it’s like you’re finally content. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen you as happy as you were when she showed up tonight.”

  “I was starting to lose hope. She gave that back to me tonight.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  By the time Brett returned from Ellie’s house, Carly had the dishwasher running and kitchen cleaned up. He sneaked up on her and nuzzled her neck as she wiped the counter down with a damp cloth.

  “You didn’t have to do all this,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I could’ve cleaned up when I got back.”

  “I didn’t mind.” She leaned her head against his strong shoulder, thinking about all the times she’d wished she could relax in his arms and shut out life for a while. “It gave me something to do.”

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he whispered before kissing her temple.

  “I’m thinking I’m glad I came.”

  “You sure as hell made my night.”

  She turned into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Then you’re happy I’m here? I didn’t intrude on your vacation?” It would take her a while to believe she belonged in Brett’s life. She’d felt like an annoyance to him for so long that it was hard for her to imagine he considered her a welcome distraction.

  “Are you kidding me?” He looked somber. “Don’t you know that you make everything better?”

  “Really?” Carly tipped her head back, enjoying the tender kisses raining down on her face. “I’ve waited so long for this. I can’t believe it’s really happening.”

  “Believe it,” he whispered. “This is as real as it gets.”

  She had so much she needed to say, so many questions rattling around in her head demanding answers, but when Brett eased her sweater over her head, it was obvious talking was the last thing on his mind. That suited her just fine. She’d missed him, and if that was the way he chose to reconnect, she was all for it. He continued kissing her as he backed her down the hall toward the master bedroom.

  “I like your place,” she said, smiling as he left a trail of her clothes on the hardwood floor.

  “I’m glad ‘cause you’re gonna be spending a lot of time here with me.”

  “Is that so?” she asked, watching him undress.

  “Damn straight.”

  Carly knew she’d never tire of seeing him naked. His broad shoulders and powerful chest led to a narrow waist, cut abs, and the delicious V she was certain only underwear models sported, and he never failed to arouse her. But it wasn’t until his dark eyes found hers in the dim light that she lost her breath. She got a peek into his soul as he moved closer. His gaze lovingly roamed her face as his message became clear: nothing and no one else matters.

  Wanting him to know she understood and reciprocated, she gripped his muscled biceps. “You’re it for me. You always have been.” Feeling humbled when she felt his massive body tremble in response to her words, she felt compelled to add, “And you always will be.”

  “I don’t deserve you.” He pinched his lips together, struggling to regain his composure. “Don’t think I don’t know that. After the way I’ve treated you, taking you for granted for so long, rejecting—”

  “Ssshhh.” She covered his mouth with her fingertips. “I want to let go of all that. The only thing that matters is that we’re here now, together.”

  His gaze cut to the nightstand. “I have condoms, but I really don’t want to use one. Are you okay with that?”

  Her body tensed, but she felt helpless to curb her reaction. After their last night together, she didn’t want him to think she was questioning him, but she wasn’t willing to rush into something that could have a huge impact on their future either. Linking their hands, she raised their arms above her head. “Can we just take this one day at a time? I’ve wanted this for so long, and I just want to enjoy every second of it.”

  He dropped his head to her shoulder. “I saw you with Johnnie tonight. You’re dying to have a baby. Let’s do this, sweetheart. Let’s make a baby.”

  Waves of emotion rippled through Carly: love, fear, elation, anxiety…

  “I know you’re questioning whether I’ll be there for the long haul, but I swear, I’m not going anywhere. I want you, no one else.”

  Years ago, those words would have made Carly happy dance around the room, but maturity had made her more cynical. As much as she wanted to believe him, she knew time was the best teacher. “I want you too.” She initiated a kiss that mimicked the most erotic and sensual sex she’d ever had to let him know her love for him was an integral part of her that ran bone deep.

  “You’re not ready, are you?”

  Carly knew how much it hurt him that she’d been ready to initiate the process with a stranger but couldn’t take that step with him. “You once asked why I couldn’t wait to have it all. At the time, I didn’t even believe that was possible. Now I do, thanks to you.”

  He sighed, reaching into the nightstand for a plastic packet. “So a condom it is.”

  “For now.” She gripped his wrist before he could tear it open. “I want it all with you when we’re both ready.”

  “I’m ready now.” He stroked her face with his free hand. “Baby, I can’t lose this again.”

  Carly was shocked to see real fear in his eyes. “You’re not going to.” She waited for him to confirm he believed her, but when he didn’t, a gaping divide displaced the unity she’d experienced in his arms only moments before. She didn’t want a rift between them, but she couldn’t compromise on this. Not yet.

  Stoking the fire slowly building inside her, his fingers glided in and out with careful precision. “No other man can give you what I can. No one can love you the way I do.”

  “I know.” She closed her eyes, allowing him to lure her into a universe where the only sound was his voice telling her how much he loved her. The only thing she felt was his touch preparing her for the impact of his body. The only smell was his spicy cologne making her want to inhale more deeply. The only sight when she opened her eyes was the depth of his hunger for her. The only taste was the lingering hint of a fine merlot as his tongue teased hers.

  They moved together in a rhythmic dance she’d performed countless times, but she’d never felt so in sync with her partner. Brett knew precisely when to withdraw, demand more, build her up and let her down. Losing herself in his arms, basking in the feel of her body yielding to his while the little voice in her head told her she was safe to surrender, was a moment she would never forget. He made her feel safe. She’d learned to trust him. Again.

  But before she could te
ll him that, his eruption coincided with his cell phone ringing on the bedside table. Her praise would have to wait.

  “Damn it,” he whispered, glancing at the screen. “It’s Ellie, baby. I have to take it. She wouldn’t be calling so late if it weren’t important.”

  “It’s okay,” she said, stroking his back as he moved to the edge of the bed. “I’m not going anywhere.” Ever.


  Brett felt sick when he heard the panic in Ellie’s voice. He heard the words “spotting” and “cramping” and knew he had to get her to the hospital before it was too late. Of course, her first concern was Johnnie.

  “I’ll ask Carly if she’d mind coming over to sit with him,” Brett said. Ellie protested about putting Carly out, but Brett cut in. “I’m sure she’d be happy to help. We’ll be there in a few.”

  “Is there a problem?” Carly asked, sitting up as the sheet slipped down.

  The last thing he wanted was to leave her, but he didn’t have a choice. He’d given his friend his word, and he couldn’t let anything happen to Ellie or the baby she was carrying. “I need to get El to the hospital. She’s having cramps and some bleeding.”

  “Oh no,” Carly said, her eyes wide as her hand flew to her mouth.

  Brett put his boxers and jeans back on as he explained. “Johnnie’s already asleep, and she doesn’t want to disturb him. Would you mind sitting with him while I take El to the hospital?”

  “Of course not,” Carly said, throwing her legs over the edge of the king-sized bed. “Anything I can do to help.”

  Brett reached for his shirt. “She can’t lose this baby. It would kill John. El too. But knowing he’d been so far away when she needed him, his conscience would eat him alive.”

  Carly rounded the bed to grab his hands. “Hey, don’t even think that way.” She seized his face and looked into his eyes. “She needs you to be strong for her right now. So does John. He asked you to be there for Ellie because he knew you could handle it. I know you won’t let him down.”


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