Wolf Shapeshifter Romance: Her Alpha Soulmate (Shapeshifter Alpha Werewolf Romance)(BBW Paranormal Alpha Wolf Shapeshifter Romance)

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Wolf Shapeshifter Romance: Her Alpha Soulmate (Shapeshifter Alpha Werewolf Romance)(BBW Paranormal Alpha Wolf Shapeshifter Romance) Page 1

by Callie Hartwood



  Copyright© 2015 by Callie Hartwood at RomLiaisons Books.

  All Rights Reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Property of Callie Hartwood at RomLiaisons Books 2015

  Callie Hartwood at


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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Other Books By Callie Hartwood

  Chapter 1

  Ashley was so tired; it had been a long day. Her back and feet were protesting loudly and her head ached.

  The Chinook Diner was filled to capacity with tourists, loud and ignorant tourists wearing their cameras around their lily-white necks like trophies. Ashley had been a waitress at the diner for three years now. The work was steady, the pay was crap and the customers were reminiscent of animals eating in a zoo, but it was a job.

  Summer was always the worst time of the year in Orofino; tourists would flock from everywhere to visit the Clearwater National Forest.

  “More coffee Ma’am?” Ashley asked as she stood hovering at the edge of the table with the steaming coffee pot in her hand.

  “Yeah, why not. Thank you sweetie,” the woman drawled at Ashley.

  As she carefully poured the woman’s coffee Ashley felt something hit her face.

  “Ha, ha got you good!” a little voice squealed.

  “Seriously, do I look like a human target?” Ashley turned to see a little boy of about seven years old laughing and poking his finger toward her, he was sitting with his parents.

  The low flying offensive object was a harmless french fry, but the tomato ketchup covering the said french fry wasn’t as harmless. Ashley could feel the red sticky sauce snaking its way down her face. She knew what she’d like to say to his parents but the customer was always right, as her boss always said, she smiled sweetly while the parents apologized profusely. Ashley made her way to the kitchen.

  “Want some fries to go with your ketchup up there honey?” Ashley’s co-worker, Abigail sniggered as she saw Ashley walk in the kitchen.

  “Shitty little brat; god I hate summer,” sighed Ashley as she sponged the ketchup off her face.

  Ashley was 24 years old and approximately 5’7” tall with a curvaceous fuller figure; she had long straight black hair, which was very often thrown up in a high ponytail.

  Her eyes were a striking shade of green and Ashley had a warm smile and a very pretty face, when it wasn’t covered in ketchup. She was proud of her voluptuous cleavage and her shapely ass and sexy legs. Ashley’s younger years had consisted of various episodes of taunting regarding her fuller figure, but now she was beginning to appreciate her size and not envy the slimmer women.

  Her words spoken to Abigail in anger were untrue; as Ashley actually loved the summer with its long hot days she just hated tourists.

  She was glad when her shift ended. Ashley walked along the leafy lane leading to her home. Home was a three-bed roomed condo, which she shared with her mom. Her dad had walked out a few years ago and Ashley had settled down nicely living with her mom.

  There was another family member living in the condo, Ruby a very lively springer spaniel. Ruby, by definition, lived up to her name, as she didn’t so much as walk but rather sprang everywhere. Her nose was always on the floor and her tail was always wagging frantically, she was a liver and white color with ridiculously long pendant shaped ears. She was Ashley’s pride and joy her home was with the family but she was loyal to Ashley, they were inseparable.

  “Hello, my beautiful girl,” Ashley whispered to the excitable spaniel as she entered the condo.

  Ruby replied with a bark and Ashley knelt on the floor with her.

  “You can taste the ketchup can’t you?” Ashley giggled as Ruby licked her face.

  “Hey love,” her mom called through from the kitchen.

  Ashley walked through to the kitchen with Ruby on her heels. She was greeted with the delicious smell of baking, her mom baked cakes for the local church group. She’d suddenly and unexpectedly found faith when her husband had left, nobody questioned her, if her faith helped her through a tough time then so be it.

  “Smells great mom,” Ashley said as she kissed her mom’s cheek.

  “What happened to you?” her mom asked looking at the ketchup stain on her daughter’s uniform.

  Ashley looked at her and simply whispered, “Tourists!” then vanished to take a shower.

  As the warm water splashed over her body, Ashley started to forget her difficult shift at the diner. She massaged some Jasmine scented shower gel over her ample breasts pausing to take longer and pay special attention to her hardened pink nipples; Ashley enjoyed the feeling of gently circling both nipples with her fingers, squeezing them softly.

  She could feel the first sensuous feelings of arousal as her hand crept over the nicely trimmed black curls between her legs; Ashley parted her legs slightly to allow her hand easier access. She moaned as her hand found her wet pussy between her creamy white thighs.

  She was interrupted by the sound of Ruby barking loudly.

  “Shit Ruby, you could have picked a better time to bark,” Ashley muttered as she put her thoughts of masturbation to one side to return to later, and finished taking her shower.

  Through the years, Ashley hadn’t experienced many sexual encounters, and those that she had were more akin to awkward fumbles than nights of intense passion. She knew what she liked and knew how to satisfy herself sexually but she missed someone else touching her in an intimate way.

  She climbed out of the shower and hunted around for some clothes while Ruby watched her intently from the bed. Ashley opted for a pair of black jeans teamed with an orange and black checkered shirt and a pair of comfortable black sneakers. She piled her hair up on top of her head and secured it with a clip.

  “Come on then girl, walkies,” she said as Ruby leapt off her bed and left the bedroom in a flurry of tail wagging and ears flying chaos.

  Ashley chuckled at her lovable dog as she followed her downstairs.

  “I’m taking it by the way Ruby just burst in the kitchen that you’re off out Ashley?” her mom laughed as Ashley entered the kitchen.

  “I thought we’d take a walk through the forest mom, before you ask I’ve got my phone I’ll keep in touch,” replied Ashley as she grabbed her hoodie and Ruby’s lead from the coat stand by the back door.

  Before her mom had chance to say goodbye they were gone.

  Ashley loved the forest at this time of day it was about 4pm and the sun still had a comforting warmth to it as it blazed away in the clear blue sky. Ruby just loved the forest, she didn’t care what time of day it w
as. They walked to the entrance and Ashley bent down and unclipped Ruby’s lead, her beloved canine chum was like a coiled spring waiting to be released.

  Her tongue was hanging out of the side of her mouth and her tail was in danger of falling off through over wagging. Ashley let her go and Ruby ran off in the undergrowth, Ashley knew she wouldn’t go far as she was a good dog, excitable but good.

  Ashley had tied her hoodie around her waist for now and reached down to grab her mobile from one of the zipped pockets. Her mom worried when she went walking through the forest alone, there wasn’t much crime or trouble in the area but her mom was a worrier.

  ‘In the forest all ok,” her fingers typed the quick message and then pressed send.

  Within minutes, her phone beeped at her to signal a reply text, ‘Ok enjoy your walk,’ it read.

  Ashley dropped the phone back in her pocket and zipped it safely away. She listened to the birds singing and absorbed the peace and quiet in the forest; this was just the tonic she needed after her day at work.

  Ruby came bounding toward her with a massive stick in her mouth, “Jeez really girl, you couldn’t find a smaller one?” Ashley joked and Ruby just spat the stick out and barked at it, her head shot from the stick then up to Ashley then back to the stick.

  Ashley bent down and went to pick the stick up but before she could Ruby pounced on top of it. Ashley laughed and Ruby trotted along in front of her on one of the many forest trails.

  It was considerably cool under the cover of the tall pine trees in the forest; Ashley untied her hoodie from her waist and slipped it on immediately appreciating its warm embrace around her body. She loved the way the sunlight filtered through the trees, but wished it could be slightly warmer in the forest.

  They were heading toward the Lochsa River, which winds its way through the forest. Parts of the river were fast flowing with the water cascading over boulders and tumbling down waterfalls, these parts were way to fierce for Ruby, but both Ashley and Ruby knew of little areas along the river where the water calmed and almost came to a standstill.

  These little pockets of tranquility were ideal places for Ruby to safely paddle her paws or have a safe dip if she were feeling brave.

  Her mom always worried about Ashley in the forest due to the diverse array of wildlife living there. Black bear frequented the forest, as did cougars, gray wolves, moose and many varieties of smaller animals. Ashley had been taught from an early age that any of the animals can kill but will rarely attack unless threatened or startled, so she always ensured she kept to the trails and whistled to Ruby every now and again to make her presence known.

  “Come on girl,” she called and within minutes Ruby was at her side. They made their way along the trail until they came to a fork in the path, Ashley pondered for a minute while Ruby ran on ahead choosing the right fork.

  Ashley dutifully followed her dog, truth be known she didn’t mind which path they followed. She knew this one took them away from the river and toward the big houses on ‘Whites Creek Road,’ Ashley always enjoyed admiring the houses. She kept away from the first property though as the family living there were not exactly the sociable type.

  Ashley made her way along the path ducking down occasionally to miss some of the lower branches on the trees. She’d lost sight of Ruby, but could hear her barking in the distance. Ashley sped up concerned about her dog, as it was unusual for her to bark at nothing. She’s probably just barking at a stick Ashley told herself, but she still quickened her pace.

  Chapter 2

  Ashley followed the sound of Ruby’s barking, “Ruby, come on girl,” Ashley called with a worried pitch to her voice.

  Ruby had gone quiet now, which Ashley wasn’t quite sure how to interpret. Did this mean she was quiet because she was hurt, or quiet because she’d found something more interesting than barking to occupy her mind?

  Ashley walked by the sign swinging in the light breeze stating that she was now on ‘Whites Creek Road.’ The first property was by far the nicest, even though the residents weren’t it easily had 4-5 bedrooms with stunning land surrounding it and the views must be spectacular. Technically you weren’t supposed to be in the area unless you were a resident or visiting one of the houses, but it didn’t even occur to her that she might be trespassing.

  Movement by the house caught Ashley’s eye, “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me,” she mumbled as she continued toward the property. The movement she’d spotted was Ruby. Her beloved pooch had ended up in front of the best house up here, unbelievable! Ashley marched down the path leading to the house and there, crouched down with Ruby was a young man.

  Ashley’s gaze had now moved completely from Ruby toward the gorgeous man petting her. He looked to be in his early thirties with blonde hair tied back in a low ponytail and from what she could see from his position he had an athletic build.

  “Sorry, Ruby here girl,” she apologized as she grew closer, and as she spoke he stood up and turned to face her. Ashley could see she was right with her guess about his athletic build; he was about 6’1” and wearing a tight t-shirt and reasonably tight blue jeans. His t-shirt clung to his toned physique in all the right places and she could see his muscular arms.

  “Hey there, no need to apologize Miss,” he smiled as he said the words, and Ashley’s knees felt very weak all of a sudden and she had butterflies doing somersaults in her tummy. He was so softly spoken, the men Ashley knew shouted in comparison. He started to walk toward Ashley with his hand extended, “I’m Mason and I see this lovable hound is Ruby, and who might you be?”

  “How did you know her name’s Ruby? Are you psychic?”

  “Ummm nothing as fancy I’m afraid, her name’s on her collar tag,” he grinned.

  Ashley went as red as a tomato and stuttered, “God I’m so stupid! I’m Ashley.”

  He took her hand lightly and Ashley assumed he was going to shake it, but instead he put it to his lips and kissed it gently. Ashley felt his light touch in every part of her body as she shuddered with desire and wished he’d kiss her again.

  “Pleased to make your acquaintance Ashley,” he said, as he looked straight into her green eyes, his own eyes seeming to reflect the lust that she was feeling. No surely not.

  This hunk of a man gazing at her with lust, no that just wouldn’t happen, but she could see it deep in his eyes as he longingly undressed her, slowly looking her up and down. Mason’s eyes rested on her breasts a little longer than they should have and Ashley felt her face start to redden again.

  He was stunning. His eyes were an ice blue color and he was ruggedly handsome, not a pretty boy in the least. His hair was a sandy blonde color and worn back in a low ponytail, the look suited him. His kiss on her hand had left her skin tingling.

  Ashley realized she was staring at him as much as he was staring at her and dropped her eyes; she turned her attention toward Ruby who was more interested in Mason than her. It was only then she noticed the foul stench her dog was emitting, her fur was dripping.

  “Ruby, what the hell have you been rolling in? Come here,” Ashley looked at Mason as her dripping wet dog came toward her, and they both burst out laughing.

  “I didn’t like to refuse stroking her as she’s so friendly, but I did notice she smelt rather unpleasant,” he winked at Ashley. He had a warmth about him; he made her feel at ease immediately.

  “She’s normally afraid of men,” Ashley commented as Ruby left her side and returned to sit at Mason’s feet.

  “Well I obviously don’t pose a threat to her, and what about you Miss Ashley, are you normally afraid of men too?” he smiled at her. He had the cutest dimples when he smiled.

  Ashley blushed again, “No, not afraid, shy normally but not afraid.”

  “Yes I can see the shy part by your coloring,” he smiled tenderly at her. Ashley felt herself attracted to him in a way she’d never experienced before. She’d only met him moments ago but it felt like she’d known him for years.

  “Are you new he
re?” she asked, wanting to carry on the conversation as long as she could. He fascinated her. His blue eyes seemed to peer into her very soul and he listened intently to every word she spoke. He appeared to be just as willing to stay chatting as she was. She moved closer toward him and noticed him watching her every move.

  Normally Ashley would feel conscious of her figure this close to an extremely sexy man, but Mason made her feel desirable. She thought she could detect a hunger for her in his eyes, and she was hoping her interpretation was right.

  Ruby wandered off for a root around the land and Ashley used her departure to move even closer to Mason.


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