The Wrong Side of Midnight

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The Wrong Side of Midnight Page 4

by Terri Marie

  “No, look down here. There’s a little rust on both sides. It’s ugly, but look how clean it is inside.”

  “Okay let’s go knock on the door. After we knock we step off the porch just in case.”

  A woman answered. She was older and had a couple of young children next to her. She said the car belonged to her daughter, who passed away from an illness and left the two young children.

  “It’s expensive raising the kids. I'm asking for two thousand, but I’ll go down to eighteen hundred for the car. I really need the money. It still runs pretty good."

  "I'll take it!"

  Chloe smiled to herself as she drove the old blue Impala to a side street by her house. She couldn’t get caught inside this car by anyone who knew her, or she’d get ratted out in a heartbeat. She couldn’t risk it.

  “That was nice, Chloe. You really did a great thing.” Becky hugged her.

  “She needed the money.”

  “Well, I think paying ten grand for this beater was amazing.”

  “What’ll be amazing is finding a place to hide it. I can’t use this car until I’m actually at that apartment.”

  “Keep it here for now and pray no one has it towed in this neighborhood. And you’re absolutely right.”

  “Right about what?”

  “That sexy man standing next to the truck while he changes his shirt…” Becky laughed as they climbed out of the car.

  Chloe spun around on her heels. “Oh my God, he can’t catch us over here with this car. Start jogging. Hurry!”

  Becky knew better than to question Chloe when she was full of panic. She began jogging next to her friend in Matthew’s direction.

  “If he talks to me, Chloe, I might pass out. What a beautiful specimen…”

  “I know right. He’s not only the best eye candy I’ve ever dreamed of, he’s a sweetheart to go along with it. We’re getting close, so try to act like you’re out of breath some.”

  “Chloe, it’s nice to see you again!” Matthew walked towards them and the girls stopped in fake surprise. He glanced down at their feet. Sandals and heels to jog in?

  “It’s great seeing you again, Matthew.” Chloe introduced him to Becky, while acting out of breath.

  After a half hour of small talk, Matthew found himself staring at Chloe. He was intrigued by everything about her, but the fear of his wall coming down was making him want to leave. “I should get home and hop in the shower. It was nice to meet you, Becky.”

  “Wait. Matthew, would you like to come over for a swim? The water should be nice and cool. I’ll even whip up some dinner.”

  I am starving, and jumping in that pool would be great. No harm in a couple of hours with new friends. “Wow that would be fun. Let me call my buddy John and ask him to peek in on my father.”

  The girls waited for Matthew to get back out of his truck. Becky took off ahead to speak to the guards so there wouldn’t be any issues. Chloe breathed a sigh of relief when she reached the poolside without being questioned. The last thing she needed was to be called ‘Miss Burlington’ in front of Matthew.

  “I don't know why I didn't think of this, but I don’t have any swim trunks.”

  “My dad has lots of them. I’m sure there’re some in the pool house that’ll fit you. Let me go find a pair.” Becky smiled like a good hostess.

  Chloe was so glad her friend was playing her part. She owed her one. "Will that roof take much longer to finish?"

  “It’s going faster than we thought, so it shouldn't take but another day or two.”

  Becky came out with a pair of Chloe’s father’s swim trunks. Matthew gladly accepted them and went into the bathroom to change.

  “Beck, you mean the world to me. But if you find yourself wanting to wander off and let me have alone time with him, my heart won’t be broken…”Chloe winked.

  “Best friends don’t let best friends deny themselves of that! If he seems like a good and safe guy, I’ll be on my way, darling.”

  She heated up the food that Lois had prepared and left in the fridge. Matthew and Chloe were seated at one of the tables outside by the pool. Becky walked through the patio doors wheeling a cart that carried loads of food: pasta, salad, rolls, pie, and an expensive bottle of wine.

  “Becky, you only have two plates,” said Chloe.

  “It’s getting late, and I have to get ho—“

  Chloe looked at Becky with a shocked expression. She cut her off so she wouldn’t say ‘home’.

  “Hoagie is Becky’s grandmother’s dog. She’s been house sitting and taking care of the little pooch. She doesn’t like to be alone at night, so Becky has been staying there to keep her company.” The look of relief was evident on both girls’ faces.

  “That’s cool you’re doing that, Becky. I love dogs,” replied Matthew, not catching the slip.

  Becky leaned over and kissed Chloe on the cheek and then whispered “Hoagie?” in her ear, while she tried not to bust out laughing. She said goodbye to Matthew before turning and walking to her car.

  “The neighbors said this house belongs to the Burlington’s. Is that Becky’s last name?”

  “Yes, it is. Becky Burlington.” Chloe almost lost it. Great name for a doll…

  “My last name is Sharp. What’s yours? I think it’s funny how we’re going to be neighbors in a few days, and I don’t even know your last name.”

  Chloe was struggling to keep cool. How the hell did I forget that?! She kept chewing her food, giving herself time to think. Last name, last name…Nothing was coming to her mind. Glancing down at the table, her eyes landed on the silverware.

  “Silver. Chloe Silver.”

  “Nice name.”

  Nice silverware.

  Chloe had never shared an intimate meal with a guy before. Dinner with Edmund took place at his or her parent’s homes, or in restaurants. She never thought of herself as shy before, but that’s exactly how she was acting. As long as Matthew didn’t look directly at her when she spoke, she stayed less tongue tied. Regardless of her struggles to stay actively engaged in conversation, Chloe was enjoying Matthew’s wit, charm, and kindness. He was so down to earth. He didn’t brag, he wasn’t eyeing her up and down. He was just a really good guy.

  "What kind of classes are you taking? I've always wanted to go into business, but tuition is too expensive. Are your folks going to help you out?"

  "I think I've saved up enough money to pay for a couple of semesters of general courses." Chloe was careful to avoid talking about her parents, other than to say they’re out of town. She never in her life had such a pleasant conversation with a man. In her eyes, any person who would willingly put aside their dreams and goals to take care of their sick father who'd spent their life loving, sacrificing, and raising them, was amazing.

  They hadn't realized how late it had gotten, until the pool lights came on. Both looked at each other and laughed. Then an awkward silence fell between them. The last thing Matthew and Chloe wanted was the evening to end.

  “Miss Silver, would you like to go for a swim with me?”

  “Sure," she said nervously. "Let me slip on my suit real quick. I’ll be right back.” Chloe only had bikinis in the pool house, but wished she had something less revealing. She couldn't go back in the main house to get a one piece suit in case Matthew followed her. That's all she needed was to be caught with a guy alone in the house and run into someone on patrol. Hopefully Becky was right about them being lazy at night. She had no idea what the third shift did, nor did she care. Most of the time, Chloe was in her room unless her friend was over. Now, she definitely cared.

  Her hands were shaking as she tried to tie the back of her top and the sides to her bikini bottom. She wasn’t fearful of Matthew but was unaware of what his expectations would be. One thing was for sure, her bottoms would be staying on. Maybe he doesn’t like me like that. Friends would be okay…

  Chloe heard Matthew dive into the pool as she was walking back outside. His head surfaced quickly, and he sho
ok the water off his face. When she began to walk, she watched him stand up in the shallow end. Chloe tried not to let her mouth fall open. He was so beautiful to look at, and chances were, he didn’t even know it. Her nerves were getting the best of her. One foot in front of the other…

  Matthew couldn't help but stare. Her white bathing suit and long blonde hair made her look almost angelic under the lights. For so long, he'd blocked thoughts like these from his head. He vowed to never again be vulnerable enough to experience the pain he’d gone through with the last woman. It almost crippled him. Josie forced him to see what he really was. Nothing. I should just say goodnight. He couldn’t seem to move an inch though.

  Chloe could feel the butterflies in her stomach growing as she reached the edge of the pool. She tested the water with her toes. If going through life was as easy as this. She made a perfect dive in the cool water.

  Matthew watched her tiny body stretch and glide. When she rose to the surface, she had a big smile on her face. For the first time since she was a child, she was excited about something. Chloe ended up standing about three feet in front of him.

  He felt himself getting uncomfortable…nervous. Since when do I get nervous around a female?! But it was happening, and Matthew had to stop it quickly. “Becky’s pool is pretty huge. It’s way bigger than a regular one.” Then he let his eyes look around. Maybe she wants these things too. I’ll never be able to give her stuff like this, let alone a normal house. Hell, I’d have to save up just to pay for dinner and a dozen roses. Matthew made up his mind to stay within the friendship boundaries and not start anything. What if I’m overreacting and she isn’t like that?

  “Are you getting used to living in this mansion?” Matthew nervously laughed.

  “I’ve been here lots of times. Money doesn’t impress me and neither do material things.”

  “Do you have a boyfriend? You’re so beautiful and kind, it’s hard to imagine you being single."

  “I was in a relationship for a bit, but I was just a trophy to him…someone to show off to his friends. I had to dress to the nines where ever we went, plaster makeup on, have my hair and nails always perfect. He even tried to tell me what to wear. He loved it when I turned the heads of other men. I’m not like that. The only guy I want to impress is the one I’m with. He bought me things all the time, and I’d always give them back. I didn’t want things. I wanted kindness, compassion, laughter…I wanted someone who felt my heart was good enough.”

  Matthew watched her eyes begin to water. Without even hesitating, he pulled her into his arms. Chloe stiffened, but relaxed when she realized he just wanted to hold her. She’d never been held like this, and all she wanted to do was live right where she was, and the last thing she wanted to do was cry. She stepped back a bit and smiled up at him.

  “I’m okay. He’s gone, and I’m very happy about that. What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?”

  “Not anymore. I was with someone for four years, then one day she tells me we can’t be together anymore because I’ll never be able to buy her a house, car…the list went on. She walked out, and I haven’t spoken to her since.”

  “Wow, she should have hooked up with my ex. They could be shallow together.” They shared some laughter, but Chloe could tell he’d been hurt pretty badly. “She didn’t deserve you, Matthew.” His sadness she saw in his eyes wasn't leaving. Without thinking, Chloe walked closer to him and gently kissed his lips.


  “God, Matthew. I’m so sorry!” She was glad it was dark out, and he couldn’t see how red her cheeks glowed. “I can’t believe I just did that. I’m such an idiot for ruining a really nice evening.” Chloe swam over to the side of the pool and hoisted herself up.

  He stood there staring at her and saying nothing.

  “Thank you for coming over, Matthew. I had a nice time talking with you until I blew it. I can walk you to the gates if you’d like.”

  “I should probably get home. I have to be up early.” Matthew was still stunned. He knew if he stayed he wouldn’t be able to control himself. That kiss was stirring him up inside.

  Chloe nodded and then walked toward the pool house to change. Her sadness was overwhelming him. He knew once she got inside she’d cry. Without any further hesitation, Matthew jumped out of the pool and ran to her. He took her hand and pulled her to face him, but Chloe kept her head down. Placing his hands on her face, he slowly brought her up to look at him. He bent down and kissed her. He kissed her softly and slowly with his whole mouth. When he heard her sigh in relief, he let go of her face and wrapped her body up in his arms. He lifted her up and carried her back in the pool, walking down the small steps without his eyes leaving hers. Matthew guided her against the side of the pool and gently pressed his body and mouth against hers.

  Chloe pulled her face away from his and looked into his eyes. She felt him reach behind her neck and slowly pull the ties. The top fell away and exposed her breasts to this man she didn’t even know. She watched as his fingers gently fondled them, fitting perfectly in his hands. His callouses were rough, but a passion was sailing through her. She knew then, that there was hope for her.

  He looked back up and stared in her eyes. What he saw changed him. She wasn’t greedy, mean, demanding…all she wanted was someone to love her. Was it possible? Matthew let his hands slide down her back, and slowly, one side at a time, undid the ties at her hips. He let his hands rest on her soft bottom and then gently lifted her.

  Chloe kept her eyes on his. When she felt her bathing suit float away, she had no fear, no reservations, no second guesses. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He watched her face carefully for any sign that she wanted to stop, and all she could do was smile a little.

  Matthew lifted her up on the edge of the pool and kissed her smooth legs. He rubbed and slowly kneaded her thighs. “Lay back for me,” he whispered.

  Chloe leaned back and let her eyes focus on the stars, as this strong man gently moved her legs around his shoulders and slowly licked her center. He found her small peak and moaned when he felt her body move and her back bow some. As sensitive as she was, he knew she’d never been touched there. Again and again, Chloe’s hips rose with passion. She quietly called out in the soft breeze, sounds of freedom, desire, and Matthew’s name, like he’d never heard it spoken before.

  Matthew lifted her back in the water and kissed her mouth with such hunger. He delivered his moans just for her to catch. Catch me. He felt her legs wrap back around his waist, and he gently slid inside of her. He heard Chloe slightly gasp, but she took all of him in. He froze in that moment and just stared at her face. I never want to forget this. She ran her hands through the back of his hair and pulled his mouth to her. He began to slowly move inside of her warmth, as the water helped to rock this beautiful woman. Matthew pulled his mouth back when he felt her beginning to tense. He watched her as he let his heat splash inside her. He filled the darkness with her name, filled them both full of hope.

  “Chloe…” Matthew whispered before taking her mouth back to his.

  They held each other in silence, each feeling their own wounds heal. They stayed embraced like lifelines. Chloe lifted her head off his shoulder and looked at his face. She could tell how tired he was. She held his hand and walked him to a hammock, and then grabbed a blanket from the pool house. They spooned, while Matthew held her with such tenderness. They didn’t even say goodnight. It still was.

  When Matthew was sure Chloe was sound asleep, he quietly got up and put his clothes on and walked down the driveway. The security guard waved to him while he opened the gates. Matthew reached his truck, and luckily it started the first time without even a back fire. Looking up at the neighbor’s roof, he knew he’d be a zombie at work. Matthew rolled his window down, while he smiled at what the new day might bring. Something inside of him had come back to life, and all the despair went right out the window…along with the sour memories of Josie.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

arrived at seven to make breakfast and was quick to notice the men’s swim trunks lying by the pool. “Since when does Edmund swim?”

  Chloe opened her eyes when she heard the patio doors open. “Well, Edmund is…Edmund,” was all that she could say. She hated not being upfront with Lois but for now, she wanted to enjoy these feelings without them being tainted. Wrapping the blanket around her naked body, Chloe could feel Lois staring at her as she walked away. The hammering was strong, and she had to hurry and go to another room. Her smile would have given her away immediately. All she wanted to do was live in her memories. Slowly she made her way to her room and crawled into bed, wishing Matthew was still wrapped around her.

  Chapter 4

  Becky arrived in the morning at nine, giving her friend evil grins while she watched her brush her hair. She could tell there was something different about Chloe but was determined to avoid drawing conclusions.

  “Let's walk down to the beater car, Beck." Hopefully no one had it towed.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Shopping. Lots of shopping.”

  “Oh, I love to shop!”

  Chloe called Sherry to make sure the apartment was available to move in today. She was excited to have her and said the apartment had been cleaned, repainted, and had new carpet installed. Chloe couldn’t thank her enough.

  She put on her sneakers and talked rapidly to Becky. “We’ll have to go to the thrift shop, because they’ll have everything I need for the apartment.”

  “A. Thrift. Shop.”

  “Come on, Beck. It’ll be fun. We’ll have to call a company and get movers or something. I don’t know how this works, but it has to get done today.”

  “Wait a minute. Did you sleep with him?”

  “Let’s just say, the pool will never be the same…”


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