The Greek Boss's Demand

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The Greek Boss's Demand Page 14

by Trish Morey

  She smiled back at him. He was so concerned for her welfare. She wasn’t used to having someone look after her, and she felt spoilt and special and very, very loved. And while he’d been disappointed at first that she hadn’t become pregnant that time, before they were married, it had given the three of them a special time to bond together as a family at last.

  ‘I’m fine—just being lazy. I was thinking about Christmas. There was something special about having Tilly and my parents over for our wedding, and for a real Greek Christmas. A double celebration. I know we all enjoyed it. Thank you for making all that possible.’

  ‘You’ve already thanked me, Alexandra. Not that you need to—I think families are the most important thing, and I don’t think I would appreciate that as much if I hadn’t lost almost everything.’

  ‘I’m glad Sofia could join us. She looks so much happier now. Do you think she and Dimitri will marry?’

  Nick raised his eyebrows. ‘I don’t know. Though I think she’s realised herself that she needs time to get over her father’s death before she commits to any one man.’

  He traced the back of one finger down the side of her face and she drew in breath, smiling as she realised he would always have this effect on her. He would always be able to move her soul and rock her emotions, just with one touch, one word.

  ‘It’s lovely to see you smile,’ he said. ‘To see you smile without worries. In the last few weeks, even in the last few days, you have looked more beautiful than ever.’

  His words fired her heart, tugged at her senses. Would she never get used to the impact he made on her?

  ‘That’s because I’m so happy. Happy to be with you. And happy to be back here again. Thank you for deciding on Crete for this holiday.’

  ‘Where else could we go? This is where we began.’

  She smiled. ‘Back where it all started. Back where Jason began.’

  His eyes flared. ‘That thought had crossed my mind. Do you suspect you might be more fertile in Crete?’

  She knew what he had in mind, and the sparks he had generated inside her moved up to a slow burn. ‘I don’t know, but it’s a good theory.’

  He picked up her hand and kissed it softly, looking up at her through his dark lashes.

  ‘A theory I intend to test thoroughly.’

  She moistened her lips, knowing just what was in store and looking forward to it as his lips descended purposefully towards hers.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

  ‘I was hoping you might say that.’

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6726-2


  First North American Publication 2005.

  Copyright © 2004 by Trish Morey.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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