Uneven Ground
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White, Jim, Ronald D Eller, and Debbie Auer. Coal Severance Taxation: A Comparison of State Strategies for Collection and Distribution. Lexington: University of Kentucky Appalachian Center, 1992.
White, Theodore H. The Making of the President, 1960. New York: Atheneum, 1961.
Williams, John Alexander. Appalachia: A History. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001.
Wilson, Virginia. Economic Analysis of a Proposed Property Tax on Unmined Minerals in Kentucky. Appalachian Center Occasional Papers Series no. 1. Lexington: University of Kentucky Appalachian Center, 1983.
Young, Charles. “The Trial of Alan and Margaret McSurely.” Southern Exposure, September–October 1983.
Zuercher, Melanie, ed. Making History: The First Ten Years of the KFTC. Prestonsburg, KY: Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, 1991.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
acid mine drainage
activism, grassroots Appalachian against CAAs
for coal mine health/safety
for environmental justice
for equitable taxation
grassroots organizations
growth-based development rejected by
lobbying efforts
local political backlash against
against mountaintop removal
against political elites/corruption
regional consciousness resulting from
regional networks for
against strip mining
synchronization of
tactics of
for union reform
War on Poverty as catalyst for See also specific activist; organization
adult education
adult literacy
poverty in midst of
Affluent Society, The (Galbraith)
African Americans
decline of
impact of industrialization on
impact of WWII mobilization on See also farms
AGSLP. See Appalachian Group to Save the Land and People
Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Akron (Ohio), Appalachian out-migration to
Alice Lloyd College
Alice Lloyd College Outreach Reserves (ALCOR)
Alinsky, Saul
all-terrain vehicles (ATVs)
Almond, Lindsey
American Public Power Association
Anderson, Don
Anglican Appalachian People’s Service Organization
Antioch College
antipoverty programs
community action and
culture of poverty influence on
Kennedy proposals for
missionary programs
PARC report and
political/economic benefits of
press coverage of
state-administered See also War on Poverty
anti–strip mining movement
antiwar movement
as American paradox
Clinton visit to
counterculture movement in
declining coal reserves in
distressed counties in
ecosystem of
as exploited resource colony
federal programs underutilized in
government intervention in
growth centers in
impact of globalization on
indigenous vs. mainstream churches in
local reform institutions in
manufacturing growth in
national forests in
national misunderstanding of
as “other America,”
PARC definition of
per capita income in
personal income in
popular stereotypes of
post-WWII changes, mixed legacy of
press coverage of
service economy in
socioeconomic gap within
as underdeveloped area
War on Poverty in See also activism, grassroots Appalachian; Appalachia, modern; economy, Appalachian; War on Poverty, in Appalachia
Appalachia: A Report by the President’s Appalachian Regional Commission
Appalachia: Journal of the Appalachian Regional Commission
Appalachia, modern
ARC infrastructure improvements in
citizen-activist organizations in
civic leadership in
conflicting development ideologies in
consumer culture in
diversity in
education disparities in
environmental degradation, persistence of
grassroots activism in
health care disparities in
land use in
as microcosm of mainstream America
old problems persisting in
political corruption in
professional class in
regional identity in
structural inequities and
uneven socioeconomic development in
Appalachian Alliance
Appalachian Coalition
Appalachian Committee for Full Employment
Appalachian Community Development Corporation
Appalachian Computer Systems
Appalachian Consortium
Appalachian culture
AVs’ merging with
as cause of poverty
heritage tourism and
land use and
local political manipulation of
loss of
modernization of, as missionary/educator goal
modern threats to
neo-Appalachians and
regional consciousness of
shifting popular perceptions of
Appalachian development efforts community development strategies
industry expansion
private programs
public/private programs
state-initiated programs
Appalachian Development Foundation
Appalachian Development Highway System
Appalachian Group to Save the Land and People (AGSLP)
anti–strip mining activism of
establishment of
leadership of
Appalachian Land Ownership Task Force
Appalachian Leadership and Community Outreach
Appalachian Movement Press
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)
American faith in growth/technology and
Appalachian Development Foundation and
balanced growth and
bureaucratic conflict in
challenges facing
conferences sponsored by
criticism of
distressed counties program
drug abuse programs of
early efficiency of
as experiment
as federal/state partnership
funding allocation by
funding of
goals of
“growth center” strategy of
gubernatorial interest in
ideological/political conception of
impact on modern Appalachia
implementation efforts of
intellectual origins of
land ownership study of
optimism of
PARC report and
phase-out program of
press coverage of
program expansion
Reagan budget cuts and
reauthorizations of
recommendations for
regional competitiveness measures of
reorganization of
tegic planning of
Appalachian Regional Development Act (ARDA; 1964)
Appalachian Research and Defense Fund
Appalachian South Folklife Center
Appalachian State University
Appalachian Studies Conference
Appalachian studies movement
Appalachian Volunteers (AV)
anti–strip mining activism of
KUAC red-baiting and
local leadership roles of
local political backlash against
mountain culture and
OEO funding terminated for
organizing efforts of
radicalization of
split from CSM
training sessions
union reform and
VISTA volunteers trained by
Appalachian Volunteers Inc.
Appalachia—Science in the Public Interest (ASPI)
ARC. See Appalachian Regional Commission
ARC Accountability Project
Arch Coal
Area Redevelopment Act (1959)
Area Redevelopment Act (1961)
Area Redevelopment Administration (ARA)
Army Corps of Engineers
Arnett, Alvin
Arnett, Douglas
Arnow, Harriette
artist colonies
Ashe County (N.C.), farm population decline in
Asheville (N.C.)
Ashland (Ky.), manufacturing growth in
Association of Disabled Miners and Widows
A. T. Massey Coal Company
Atomic Energy Commission
AV. See Appalachian Volunteers
Ayer, Perley F.
“back to the landers”
Bailey, Benny Ray
balanced growth
Baltimore (Md.), Appalachian out-migration to
Bank, Richard
Bank of America
Barron, William
beautification projects
Beckley (W.Va.)
Begley, Joe
Beiting, Ralph
Bellah, Robert
Bell County (Ky.)
Berea (Ky.)
Berea College (Berea, Ky.)
Berry, Wendell
Beth-Elkhorn Corporation
Bethlehem Steel
Bevill, Tom
Bickford, James
Bigart, Homer
Big Sandy Community Action Program
Big Sandy River
Birmingham (Ala.)
Bituminous Coal Operators’ Association
Black Lung Association (BLA)
Black Lung Benefits Act (1972)
black lung disease
black lung movement
Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League
Blue Ridge Paper Products
Blue Ridge Parkway
Bobbie Sue letter
Boone, Richard
Boone County (W.Va.)
Boswell, Harry
Boyle, Tony
Braden, Anne
Braden, Carl
branch plant economies
branch plants, recruitment of
Branscome, James
Bray, Howard
Breathitt, Edward (“Ned”)
Breathitt County (Ky.)
Bristol (Va./Tenn.)
“broad form” deeds
Brooks, Rufus
Brookside Mine (Harlan County, Ky.)
Brown, Fred
Brown, James
Brown, John Y.
brown lung disease
Bruner Foundation
Buchanan County (Va.), strip mining in
Buff, Isadore E.
Buffalo Creek (W.Va.) disaster (1972)
Buffalo Mining Company
Bush, George W.
Byrd, Robert
CAAs. See community action agencies
Campbell County (Tenn.)
Canton (Ohio), Appalachian out-migration to
CAP. See Christian Appalachian Project
Caperton Coal Company
capitalism, American
cardiovascular disease
Carroll, Julian
Carson, Rachel
Carter, Jimmy
Carter County (Tenn.)
Catholic Bishops of Appalachia, pastoral letter of (1975)
Catholic Church
Caudill, Harry
anti–strip mining activism of
on Appalachia as oppressed region
as Appalachian spokesperson
on ARA
ARC grant to
on black lung compensation
congressional testimony of
PARC report and
southern mountain authority advocated by
on strip-mining effects
on welfare dependence
Weller foreword by
Center for Appalachian Studies and Development
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Champion Paper Company
Chandler, A. B. (“Happy”)
Charleston (W.Va.)
Chicago (Ill.)
Appalachian out-migration to
as community action model
child care services
child development programs
child poverty
Children of Sanchez, The (Lewis)
Chinitz, Benjamin
Christian Appalachian Project (CAP)
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
church-based activist organizations
church-based antipoverty programs
Church of the Brethren Appalachian Caucus
Cincinnati (Ohio), Appalachian out-migration to
Cirillo, Marie
citizen-activist networks
Citizens Against Strip Mining
Citizens Coal Council
Citizens for Social and Economic Justice
Citizens’ Handbook on the ARC, A (ARC Accountability Project)
civic leadership
civic participation
Civil Rights Act (1964)
civil rights movement
Claiborne County (Tenn.)
Clark, Michael
class warfare
Clay County (Ky.)
Clean Air Act (1970)
clean coal technologies
Clean Water Act (1977)
Clear Creek Valley (Ky.)
Clear Fork Valley (Ky.)
Clement, Frank
Cleveland (Ohio), Appalachian out-migration to
Clinch Valley College
Clinton, Bill
Clinton County (Ky.)
coal camps
antipoverty volunteers in
churches in
conditions in
“growth center” strategy and
post-WWII economy and
WPA roads reaching
WWII industrial mobilization and
Coal Employment Project
coal impoundments
coal industry
absentee ownership of
agricultural impact of
AV criticism of
clean coal technologies
economic leakage from
employment decline in
environmental costs of
gender discrimination in
grassroots activism against
health effects of
impact of WWII mobilization on
labor unions in (see United Mine Workers of America)
labor unrest in
mechanization of
national energy policy and
outside ownership of
PARC report and
political corruption and
political influence of
post-WWII decline of
recovery of (1970s)
regulation of
social costs of
tax structure inequities a
transportation corridors and
truck mines
TVA cheap-power policy and
wage agreement in (1950)
women employed in See also mountaintop removal mining; strip mining
Coalition on Appalachian Substance Abuse Policy
coal mine health/safety
coal severance tax
Cocke County (Tenn.)
Cohen, Naomi Weintraub
cold war
antipoverty programs of
Appalachian studies at
regional disparities in
Collett, Jean
Collins, Robert
Combs, Bert T.
antipoverty recommendations endorsed by
at ARDA signing
Conference of Appalachian Governors hosted by (1960)
as Council of Appalachian Governors chair
meetings with Johnson
strip mine control and
UMWA strike (1962) and
Combs, Ollie
Commentary magazine
Commission on Religion in Appalachia
community action
as antipoverty strategy
as Appalachian War on Poverty focus
as common War on Poverty theme
Johnson’s view of
in missionary antipoverty programs
sociological models for
community action agencies (CAAs)
culture of poverty influence on
elite control of
establishment of
grassroots activism against
maximum feasible participation of poor in
service orientation of
training sessions
unemployed miners’ committee becomes
urban, controversy surrounding
community arts programs
community colleges
community development strategies
community organizations
Concerned Citizens for Social and Economic Justice
Concord College
Conference of Appalachian Governors See also Council of Appalachian Governors
Consol Energy
Consolidation Coal Company
consumer culture
in Appalachia
Appalachian out-migrants and
economic inequality and
emergence of
environmental activism and
ex-poverty warriors’ rejection of
farm population decline and
as growth goal
growth theory economics and
in modern Appalachia
post-WWII emergence of
War on Poverty and
consumer protection
Conway, Jack
Cooper, John Sherman
Corbin (Ky.)
corporate greed/irresponsibility
environmental disasters caused by
flooding caused by
mining disasters caused by
persistence of
poverty caused by
accountability failures of
Appalachian land owned by
radical religious criticism of See also coal industry; land ownership, absentee; logging industry; mountaintop removal mining; strip mining; specific corporation
corruption. See political corruption