Punish Me, Please Me

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Punish Me, Please Me Page 6

by Ashley Zacharias

  She read the ad and was about to hit the Back button but paused to think. Maybe she shouldn't dismiss this idea out of hand. She was exactly the woman described. She had always been able to find a boyfriend, could keep him interested for a few weeks, sometimes as long as a few months, but as soon as the initial flush of excitement faded, so did the relationship. She was twenty-eight years old, had had more than a dozen boyfriends since high school, and had been dumped every time. She was tired of kissing frogs; it was time for her prince to come. Maybe she needed to try a new approach. Maybe she needed to learn what men really wanted from her. Master Exeter promised that he could teach her a magic secret.

  She liked the phrase, “guaranteed safe, sane, and consensual”. She wasn't sure exactly what that meant, but it sounded like she wouldn't be taking too much risk. If the arrangement was guaranteed, then what could go wrong? It wouldn’t hurt to hear about the details. It might even be amusing.

  She wrote Master Exeter a short email that said that she was a single, twenty-eight-year-old woman who would like to know more about his proposal that she be trained as a sexual slave. Typing the words, “sexual slave” disquieted her, but she told herself that the “sexual” part wasn't such a big deal – she'd had sex with a dozen men in the past decade; it wouldn't hurt her to have sex with one more – and the “slave” part wasn't such a big deal, either, if all activities were consensual. Consensual activities couldn’t really be enslavement. “Consensual slavery” would be an oxymoron. Besides, at this point, she was merely seeking information, not making any kind of commitment.

  She ignored her misgivings and pressed the 'send' button.

  When she did not hear back within a few hours, she decided that she had been foolish to expect anything and forgot about her email.

  Two days later, she received the following reply:

  Dear Celine:

  Thank-you for responding to my advertisement. I am an experienced dominant male who enjoys tutoring women in sexual techniques that satisfy men's innate biological desires. By making your man feel like he is an alpha male, you can earn his undying love, respect, and loyalty. By sacrificing the superficial appearance of power, you can gain real power. You will be able to control and shape your future romantic relationships to your satisfaction. Thus, paradoxically, by being a submissive woman, you will gain more control over any man than you ever dreamed possible.

  Learning these powerful techniques requires that you participate in a two-week long course of one-on-one training. During this time, I will personally tutor you. I will do this strictly for the pleasure of seeing you discover how to achieve your own goals. I do not charge any fee or tuition. However, you will be asked to cover basic expenses, primarily food, lodging and some special equipment. The cost of these expenses vary, depending on what kind of accommodation you prefer. The least expensive alternative is for me to travel to your home; the most expensive is for you to secure accommodation for both of us in a luxury hotel in a resort destination.

  This is your first lesson. Merely by agreeing to serve as a sexual slave, you have already taken control of the location of your servitude.

  Be assured that there is much more for you to learn and much more power for you to acquire.

  If you wish to pursue this further, I would be pleased to provide more detailed information.

  Sincerely, Master William Exeter

  Celine was intrigued. It sounded like she had more to gain than lose in this arrangement. The overall tone of the letter sounded “safe, sane, and consensual”. She read it again and was impressed that it was well written. There were no grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. Irrationally, that reassured her more than the ideas presented. She liked to think that she was dealing with a professional.

  On the other hand, she had no intention of getting herself involved in anything as weird as volunteering to be some stranger’s “sexual slave” for two weeks. She had explored this idea as deeply as she wanted.

  Two days later, she had to admit to herself that she hadn’t had a boring moment since she’d read Master Exeter’s email. She’d had something more interesting to think about than warning yet another class of seventh graders to never split infinitives. She kept wondering about the “more detailed information” that he “would be pleased to provide”. It wouldn’t hurt to feed her fantasy with a few more details, would it? On the third day, she spent part of her lunch hour sending another email asking for more information about being trained as a sexual slave. The words, “sexual slave”, were already beginning to feel a little less strange when she typed them. What would it be like to be a professionally trained sexual slave? She doubted that many women could claim that expertise. Would she get a diploma at the end of the course? She giggled at the thought of a fancy diploma in sexual slavery hanging on her office wall next to her Master’s degree. Then she was struck by the sobering thought that it would be a hell of a recommendation to any man who saw it. He would be dying to spend the night with her just to see what she could do for him. Or maybe even spend the rest of his life with her, experiencing her skillful ministrations.

  As she pressed the ‘Send’ button, she thought, for the first time, that maybe, just maybe, something might come from her inquiry.

  Two days later, something did come.

  Dear Celine:

  This is the detailed procedure for enrolling in the Exeter Training Course in Sexual Submission.

  You will have to complete an Application Form, which is attached below. Acceptance for admission is not guaranteed. In fact, as my time is limited, I can only accept only a small proportion of the many women who apply.

  If your application is accepted, you will be asked for a detailed description of your expectations, of limits on the activities that you will willing to undertake, and of special features that may be required to tailor the course to your specific needs. This will be done through an on-line interview to ensure that all of your needs are fulfilled by your personalized course of sexual education. At that time, we will jointly decide on the practical details of the course, including a venue that is convenient for both of us.

  Finally, you will be sent a detailed contract that will explain your rights and obligations as well as my obligations to you. This contract will be based on the information that you supplied during the on-line interview. We must be in complete agreement about every detail of the contract before we proceed. You will be permitted to suggest modifications of the contract, but I have found that, if you are honest and forthcoming during the interview, the contract is unlikely to need modification.

  I look forward to receiving you completed application form.

  Sincerely, Master William Exeter

  Once again, Celine was impressed by Master Exeter’s professionalism. She looked down at the application form. It was straightforward. Idly, she began filling it out. Name, age, and education were easy: Celine Oxley, 28, B.A., M.Ed. It asked about her medical history, allergies, disabilities, and medical conditions: none. It listed sexually transmitted diseases and asked if she had ever been tested for them, had ever been diagnosed with them, and was currently suffering from them. She admitted to having had a yeast infection a couple of times, but had never contracted any STD. She doubted that she would have completed the application if she had needed to admit to anything else. Having had syphilis or gonorrhea would have made her sound slutty. She refused to consider how completing an application to be trained as a sexual slave made her sound. She was tempted to check the AIDS box just to make certain that her application was rejected, but decided to play it straight and see what happened. Master Exeter had already suggested that she was unlikely to be admitted to his program anyway, so it wouldn’t hurt to complete the application.

  The next section stopped her. She was required to provide a sexual history, including basic information about every sexual partner that she had had: his or her gender, age, number of sexual encounters, and type of acts performed. What incredible gall? Her personal life wa
s hers alone. She closed the email without finishing and went back to work. Two days later, she reconsidered. Sure it would be embarrassing to list her complete sexual history, but she could see the point and had to admit that it was probably a good idea. She would have been a lot better off if she had had all that information about some of the men that she had dated in the past few years.

  She thought back all the way to the varsity tight end who took her to the senior prom, accepted the boon of her virginity that night, and dumped her the next day. With a sigh, she began filling out the last section of the form, recalling one painful humiliation after another.

  Next, she was asked to list her clothing and shoe sizes.

  The last requirement was that she attach a current picture of herself. The form did not specify whether she was to attach a portrait or full-body shot and did not say what clothing she should wear. Was this a test? Would a naturally submissive woman feel compelled to send a nude shot of herself and a woman who was unsuitable for training send a picture of the back of her head? What about a woman who sent a nude picture of herself but wore a mask? More likely this was a way for Master Exeter to weed out women who were fat or old or ugly – exactly the women who would most need to be trained in special techniques to attract and keep a man. Or maybe Master Exeter was racist and this was his way of weeding out women who did not have the correct skin color.

  She decided that she would not attach a picture of herself. Let him guess what she looked like. And if he denied her application for that reason, she would probably be better off.

  Idling examining the completed form before dragging it to the trash icon, she contemplated that two weeks of sexual slavery couldn’t be much more degrading than a lot of the sexual relationships that she had endured during the past decade. There had been the guy who told her that he was breaking up with her because she didn’t meet his intellectual standards; the guy who told her that she was boring; the guy who had told her that she was simply too wonderful for him and deserved better. That last was the worst lying asshole of the bunch. It might be refreshing to admit up front that she was going to be nothing but a sex toy for a man. Then she would have no concern about meeting any social or intellectual standard. If that gave her more power than she had had in the past, then she would be far ahead of where she was now.

  Instead of trashing the form, she pressed the “Send” button.

  This time she had to wait for almost a week before getting a reply.

  Congratulations! Your application for admission to Master William Exeter’s Training Course in Sexual Submission has been processed and you have been placed on the short list for final acceptance. I have tentatively scheduled your on-line interview for 4:00 PM on Sunday, 17 May. At that time, go to: http://www.adultadventuresunlimited.com/interview.html using any Web browser and follow the on-screen instructions. If you cannot be available for that time slot, please respond to this email with a suggestion for an alternate time. Otherwise, I look forward to your interview.

  So her application had been accepted. Big surprise. She suspected that almost any young, healthy woman would get into the course with no problem. Which made her recall Groucho Marx’s words, “I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.” The fact that her applications had been accepted made her certain that she should forget about the Master Exeter and his slave training for good.

  But, once again, Master Exeter’s email was the only interesting thing that happened to her all week. The male teachers at school had learned long ago that she would not date anyone she saw at work on a daily basis. Her girl friends had introduced her to the few single men that they knew years ago and none of them had been especially attractive to her. It had been months since she had met an interesting and interested man. Having been dateless once again on Saturday night and having spent the evening in front of the television set, watching sitcom after sitcom, she was dying to have something different happen. At 4:00 on Sunday afternoon she went to the Web site as instructed. It displayed a form that said, “Welcome, Celine. Master Exeter is on-line. Please press the Begin Interview button.”

  She pressed the button that was labeled “Begin Interview” and found herself using a kind of simple chat system. She saw Exeter typing question and answers and she typed questions and answers in reply. Basically she said that she did not mind any sexual activities as long as they were safe. She would expect the man to use a condom and did not want to have relations with anyone who had herpes or any viral disease. She would allow herself to be bound for reasonable periods of time in positions that were not painful. When Exeter asked about spanking, she had to think about that. He waited online. After some thought, she said that she would accept spanking as long as it did not leave bruises. She was emphatic that she did not want to engage in any sexual activities with other women. She thought that covered everything. Exeter asked if she would prefer to be trained in her house or at some other location. She had already thought about this. She hated to spend the money on a hotel room for two weeks, but decided that it would be worth the cost to ensure that Master Exeter did not know where she lived. She suggested that they take a room at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas. That was sin city, after all, and it was only a short drive from her home in Los Angeles. He replied that he would be happy to meet her there. Then he asked when she might be available for a two-week period. She said that she would be on vacation in the first two weeks of June and he said that he would be free during that period. She did not tell him that, as a teacher, she was free all summer long; she thought it better to make him comply with an arbitrary demand. As a sexual slave, she was supposed to have the upper hand in their relationship. After a half hour of interviewing, Exeter thanked her for her assistance and said that he would email a contract to her.

  When she left the site, she contemplated that she had told him an awful lot of personal information about herself, but she did not know a thing about him, apart from his original ad that said that he was “an experienced dominant male” and the inference from his emails that he was well-trained in standard English grammar and spelling.

  When she saw the contract in her email inbox the next day, she was dazed. How had she ever let things progress this far? She had sent the first email as a lark with no intention of going any further and now she was being asked to commit herself to a period of two weeks of sexual servitude to a total stranger.

  And she was seriously considering doing it.

  She read the contract carefully. She certainly wouldn't enter into any agreement that would allow her to be raped, injured, or degraded. The contract essentially promised that none of these things would happen. Well, maybe the ‘degraded’ part would happen a little, but the rape and injury parts were definitely prohibited by the contract.

  It said:

  Master William Exeter agrees to train Celine Oxley in a variety of techniques to satisfy a man. This training will take place at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada from Monday, 1 June 2009 to Friday, 12 June 2009.

  During this period, Oxley consents to engage in a variety of sexual activities with Exeter, subject to the proviso that Exeter will wear a latex condom during any genital-genital or genital-anal contact. As well, Oxley consents to light bondage with rope or chain. At no time will Oxley be gagged or have any ligature about her neck. Oxley also consents to moderate spanking with a hand or suitably designed instrument, subject to the proviso that no stroke will be so hard that it will leave any bruise or long-lasting mark.

  All activities will be subject to on-going consent by Oxley. If at any time, she utters the words, “red light,” Exeter will consider her to have withdrawn her consent; he will immediately stop what he is doing, release her from any bondage, and leave her presence. Any other combination of words and actions will be considered play within the context of a sexual game and will not be considered a withdrawal of consent.

  In consideration of Exeter’s sincere efforts to ensure that all activities are as safe as possible a
nd are entirely consensual, Oxley waives any right to redress for real or imagined wrongs to her person or dignity. Both parties understand that this waiver does not extend to obvious negligence or malicious acts.

  There was a space for her signature and a mail address in Phoenix. Celine printed it out and left it on her kitchen table. Every morning and evening, she read it over and her imagination began filling in more details about what might happen to her if she were brave enough to sign it. Three days after receiving it, she addressed and stamped an envelope and put it beside the contract. Five days after receiving it, she signed it. Every time she saw the contract lying on the table with her signature affixed, her heart began to beat fast and her juices began to flow. She was acutely aware that she had not been laid in almost six months.

  Two day later, the suspense was too much. She told herself that this was nothing more than another training course that would give her a new skill, just like any other course that she had taken. She folded the signed contract and stuffed it into the envelope. But that morning on the way to work, when she dropped the contract into the mailbox, she felt more excited than she had ever felt before.

  This was not just another training course.

  Six days later she received a letter back from Master Exeter. The envelope contained nothing but a copy of the contract with his signature added next to hers. He had a fine cursive hand. She felt unreasonably disappointed. He could have given her some indication of who he was or what he looked like. So far, all she had was her fantasies about him.


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