Wild Seduction

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Wild Seduction Page 10

by Daire St. Denis

  * * *

  ASHLEY BARELY SLEPT, and when she did manage to fall asleep she was plagued by dreams of Colton chasing her through the forest while she fled, completely naked. Just like in bad horror movies, she inevitably tripped.

  He pounced.

  She woke up.

  Pressing her palms to her tired, sand-papery eyes, she decided to just get up and do some work. There were pictures to download from her camera, which she’d have to pick up from Jasmine first, then she’d sort them and clean them up in Photoshop. She’d promised Ed over at Half Moon Weekly that she’d get pictures to him by tomorrow morning for the Wednesday paper. Plus the rodeo committee wanted images for the Half Moon webpage as soon as possible.

  Half an hour later, she was standing at the door to Jasmine’s room.

  “Oh, hey, Ash,” Jazz said, peeking around the door before opening it and covering up a yawn as she let Ash in.

  “Sorry to wake you.”

  “No problem.” Jazz located the camera bag and handed it off to Ash.

  “Thank you so much,” Ash said. “I really owe you.”

  Jazz shook her head. “No. You don’t. I just hope you had fun last night.”

  “Oh. Um...” Ash felt her cheeks warm. “Yeah. It was good.”

  “That man is a god in bed, isn’t he?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” Ash said. Some weird part of her that was loyal to Colton—probably her vagina—called her a liar. She cleared her throat. “You want to go for breakfast?”

  “No. I’m going back to bed. Jazzy had a late night.” She yawned again.

  “Okay. I’ll catch up with you at the rodeo?”

  “Sure thing.”

  Ash was about to leave when Jazz leaned over and hugged her. “Enjoy your time with Colt while you can. You don’t know how lucky you are.”

  Feeling like a supreme shit for all the lies she was telling, Ashley hurried home and then poured herself a bowl of cereal and settled in front of her computer, downloading all of yesterday’s images on to her computer. Work. That’s what she needed to do to forget all the lies.

  Only thing was, all the pictures blurred into a mass of color because Colton’s face monopolized her brain, a dark expression of desire and passion imprinted on his features as he kissed her. The memory alone was enough to have her rubbing her knees together, creating friction in response to the vivid memory.

  I plan on making you come at least two more times. Preferably with me inside of you.

  Ashley shut her eyes and rocked in her chair. If Colton could make her lose herself with just his mouth, what on earth would have happened if she’d had sex with him? What if she came while he was inside of her?

  She squeezed the bridge of her nose. She’d never felt so...out of control. So vulnerable. So much at a man’s mercy.

  It was both wonderful and terrible.

  She never wanted to experience that loss of control again. Yet, she simultaneously wanted desperately to lose it while Colton was inside of her.

  “I’m screwed,” she whispered to herself as she stared blankly at her computer screen. “Good thing this is all going to end today.”

  Her stomach plummeted at the thought, and Ashley gave up trying to work and instead opted for a shower.

  It was many hours later, after she’d finally talked herself into getting some work done, that Ashley made her way over to the fairgrounds for the last day of the celebration. Everything was much more subdued, probably lots of people nursing hangovers, and the weather was warm for May.

  She didn’t even realize she was on the lookout for Colton until she saw him walking toward her from the rodeo grounds. His gait—a long, sturdy stride—was unmistakable, even though his features were unidentifiable beneath the brim of his hat. She stopped and waited, concentrating only on slowing her breathing, hoping it would have a similar effect on her racing pulse.

  “Hey there, Ash.”

  “Colton.” Ashley was impressed with how calm she sounded.

  “How you doing?”

  “Fine. You?”

  He rubbed his jaw. “Fine.”

  Okay, this was a ridiculous conversation, considering the man’s tongue had been doing unspeakable things to her body only twelve hours ago. She gulped.

  “So, today’s the day.”

  “Yeah. I ride at four. Last event of the day.”

  She shook her head, realizing he wasn’t on the same page as her. Of course not. He probably had mind-blowing oral sex with all of the women he saw. This was nothing new to him.

  “Good luck.”


  “Listen.” She put her hand on his chest and instantly regretted it because she also—may have—stroked his pec muscles a little in the process. “Er... I have an idea.” She dropped her hand, though it still tingled from the contact.

  “Oh, yeah?” He pushed his hat back, a wicked gleam now visible in his brown eyes. “Does it involve that striptease you owe me?”

  Ashley’s mouth fell open, and it took her a minute before she was able to manage the word “No.”


  “I’m going to send Brandi your way after your ride. Flirt with her. Then I’ll have a reason for breaking up with you.”

  A muscle twitched along his jaw as he studied her. “You sure you want to do that?”

  “Yep. Positive.”

  He took a step toward her. She backed up, nearly tripping. A flash from her stupid dream where she fell and he pounced, taking her breath away.

  Grabbing her hand to steady her, he didn’t let go. No. In fact, he pulled her forward right up against his chest. “How about a farewell kiss, then?”

  Ashley pressed her lips together so she wouldn’t be tempted. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “You know what I think?”

  She shook her head. Slowly.

  He leaned close and whispered, “I think you think too much.” Then he kissed her, using his tongue, and reminding her very graphically of what happened between them last night.

  Ashley moaned into his mouth.

  “Hey, you two,” a chipper voice called from behind her.

  Ash tried to pull away, but Colton didn’t let up right away. He finished the kiss, giving her a final soft, lingering one before releasing her.

  A last kiss.

  “Hey, Jasmine,” he said over her shoulder.

  Ashley’s legs felt like noodles, and she was grateful for Colton’s arm around her waist for purely gravitational reasons.

  “How was the rest of the party?” Ash asked.

  “Good. It was fun. Really great.” Jasmine smiled. This time Ashley was sure it was forced.

  “Listen, ladies,” Colton said, sliding his arm out from Ashley’s waist. “I promised to help out with the stock. Catch up with you later?”

  “Yes. For sure,” Jasmine said.

  Colton tipped his hat and turned to walk away.

  “Bye, Colton,” Ashley called.

  He didn’t turn around but simply held his hand up in a backward wave. And that, Ashley realized, would be the last time they were together as pretend boyfriend and girlfriend.


  ASHLEY STARED AFTER Colton’s retreating back as an overwhelming sense of disappointment engulfed her.

  “You are so lucky,” Jasmine said, a wistful tone in her voice.

  This charade could not go on, and while she had some weird mixed-up feelings about it ending, she also looked forward to not having to pretend in front of Jasmine anymore. Speaking of which, there was something wrong with her friend. “Okay, Jazz. Spill.”

  “It’s nothing.”


  After a big breath, she said, “Parker�
��s going to London for business. That’s all.”

  “Are you joining him?”

  “No. He said he’s going to be too busy.”

  “How long is he gone?”

  “A week.” Suddenly Jasmine’s cuticles were of great interest as she studied her hands.

  “Why don’t you go and surprise him?”

  Without glancing up, her friend said, “Showing up in London unannounced would not go over well.” She sighed. “Parker is not Colton.”

  Out of nowhere a hot poker stabbed the inside of Ashley’s gut. Oh, if only Jasmine knew the truth of it.

  “So, I was thinking...” Jasmine hazarded a wobbly smile as she finally met Ashley’s gaze. “Maybe I’ll just stay on for a few extra days...or a week. What do you think?”

  Weird shit started happening in Ashley’s chest so that when she said, “Really?” the second syllable sounded super high.

  “Yeah.” Jazz shrugged, shaking herself out of the funk she’d just been in. “I mean, why not, right? Then you and I can have a proper visit without you having to work all the time. I can get to know Colton better.” She glanced toward the rodeo grounds, though Colton had already disappeared. “And, you can help me with the wedding plans.” She took Ashley’s hands and squeezed, her smile losing its melancholy tinge.

  That was the thing about Jasmine. Even when she was down, she had this freakish ability to turn it around into something positive, making everything okay. It’s why Ashley both loved her and—well—sometimes found her hard to take.

  No one could possibly be that positive all the time, could they?

  “Say yes,” Jasmine urged.

  “Of course,” Ashley replied. Really, what other reply was there? Sorry, I can’t because I have a fake boyfriend, and we’re supposed to break up later today?

  “Oh, good!” Jasmine pulled her in for a hug. “It’ll be so fun. Just like old times. Who wants to go to London when I can spend time with my best friend instead?”

  Ashley hugged back, realizing it was a genuine hug of relief. Partly because she was looking forward to spending time with Jasmine but mostly because it meant she wouldn’t have to break up with Colton today after all.

  * * *


  Colton breathed in slowly and out slowly.

  There was nothing but the flexing and snorting of the bull beneath him, the rasp of the rope around his gloved hand, the clanking of the metal gates as the animal struggled in the confined space and the voice of the gate operator.

  “You ready, Colt?”

  He was about to nod when he glanced up. Across from the chute was the announcer’s stand, and standing on one side was the slight figure of a woman, camera poised in front of her face.



  “You set?”

  He shifted on the bull’s back, finding his seat, or trying to at the very least. He drew in another slow, deep breath, tugged on the rope, testing his grip, and said, “Yep. I’m good.”

  The gate opened, the animal reacted, and Colt held on as the animal leaped into the air, legs kicking, body twisting and contorting beneath him. When the bull twisted right, Colt flowed to the left, when its hind quarter bucked, he leaned back. Colton’s trick had always been to imagine himself as part of the animal, an extension that moved fluidly, balancing with the beast, not moving against it.

  Sort of like dancing with Ashley or kissing her while her body bucked beneath him...

  His spine jarred, his hand slipped and Colton lost his seat just moments before the horn sounded. He fell with a thud on to his back in the dirt, dazed and staring up at the blue sky. He tried to suck in a breath, but nothing came.

  What the fuck just happened?

  The sound of horse hooves jolted him into awareness, and Colton scrambled to his feet, sprinting for the gate in instinct to avoid getting trampled or gored. Once safely on the other side of the fence, he glanced toward the announcer’s stage. Ashley stared back, her eyes wide, her face pale, and at that moment a whole slew of random emotions infiltrated his psyche: bitterness that she’d distracted him. Worry that he’d scared her. Longing to take her in his arms to comfort her and disappointment that he wouldn’t get another chance to do that.

  He broke her gaze and turned to walk slowly to the competitors’ tent on the other side of the stands. Every muscle in his body ached, including something deep inside of his chest.

  “Sorry about the ride.” His brother, Dillon, squeezed him gently on the shoulder. “I thought you had Braggin’ Rights licked.”

  “I did.” Colt shrugged. “Or, I should have. He’s not the toughest one out there.”

  “What happened?”

  “Distracted.” Colton grabbed two chilled bottles of water out of a tub of ice and passed one to his brother.

  “It happens.”

  Not to him, he was going to say. Except that, obviously, it had happened to him, dammit.

  There was a food tent set up where volunteers were serving beef on a bun to the competitors. Colton stood in the short line to grab some grub. “You want anything?” he asked Dillon.

  “Naw. I’m good. We’ve got a big meal planned back at the ranch. Speaking of, you heading back tonight or tomorrow morning?”


  Dillon nodded. “Okay. See you later, then.”

  Colton sat at one of the picnic tables, devouring half of the bun in one bite. This weekend hadn’t gone quite as planned. Not that he typically had a plan for rodeo weekends, but winning the bull-riding event was a given. Being distracted by some woman who was all slim limbs and hot kisses, was not.

  Good thing he was done with all that. No point staying at the trailer tonight. He’d have to get up extra early to be out at the ranch for chores tomorrow. And, seeing as he didn’t win the contest, he wasn’t keen to stick around for the awards that would be happening later this evening. That was just throwing salt on the wound.

  “Hi, Colton.”

  He glanced up. Ashley’s sister Brandi took a seat on the bench opposite him.

  He sighed. Showtime.

  “Hello.” He shoved the remainder of the bun into his mouth, wiped his lips and fingers with the paper napkin after swallowing and said, “What can I do for you, Brandi?”

  He was not in the mood for this. Not in the mood to flirt with a woman he wasn’t interested in, but neither was he in the mood to be some other woman’s pawn in a warped game of jealousy and pretend. He was tired of being used and, frankly, done with the whole sham.

  “I wanted to talk about Ashley.”

  Of course she did. And, like clockwork, Ashley and Jasmine rounded the back of the bleachers heading their way. He finished the water in the bottle and squeezed the plastic, finding pleasure in the crinkly sound it made as he crushed it.

  Pretending like he didn’t see Ashley coming, he said, “You sure you want to talk about Ashley when you’re here, looking so good?” Only thing was, he sounded condescending when he said it, and Brandi’s look of confusion told him he wasn’t believable.

  So, he slid his hand across the picnic table and touched hers, making a crisscross pattern over the top.

  “What are you doing?” She snatched her hand away.

  Ashley stood beside him now; he could smell her orange-blossom scent. She cleared her throat.

  “Oh, hi, Ashley,” he said. Seeing her brought on that same rush of conflicting emotions he’d experienced right after his ride. Which was why when Ashley shook her head in short, sharp little movements, he couldn’t figure out what she wanted.

  Her gaze flicked meaningfully from her sister and back to him.

  Colton frowned. What the hell did that mean? Did she want him to flirt right in front of her?

  “So, Brandi...uh, wh
at are you doing—?”

  “Um, Colt, can I talk to you?” Ashley interrupted.

  Maybe he was still dazed from being thrown from a bull, but Colton was confused. Did Ashley want him to hit on her sister now or not?

  Grabbing his sleeve, she tugged him into a standing position. “What the hell are you doing?” she seethed once she dragged him far enough away so as not to be overheard.

  “Doing what you asked me to do.”

  “Argh.” She stomped around the side of the event tent and waited for him on the other side where they were out of sight of the picnic table.

  “What?” Colton asked.

  Ashley leaned against the corner pole, her arms crossed in front of her chest. Did she have any idea that the placement of her arms caused a little gap between the material of her shirt?


  He should not be looking down Ashley’s shirt.

  “She’s staying,” she said as way of an explanation.

  “What? Who’s staying?” Colton tilted his head, trying to get a better view.

  “Jasmine. She’s not leaving tomorrow.”


  “So, I—” Ashley took a deep breath and then pushed it out. “Are you looking down my shirt?”

  Colton’s head snapped up. “No.”

  Her lips twisted, as if his indiscretion was flattering, not annoying. After adjusting her stance, Ashley continued, “I need you to pretend a little while longer.”

  “Is that so?” Colton braced a hand on the pole above her head.


  “For how long?”

  “I don’t know. A couple more days...” Her words trailed off.

  “That’s it?”

  “A week, maybe?”

  “A week?” Colton coughed—or maybe laughed—into his fist.

  “Don’t laugh.”

  “You realize you will owe me big-time if you want me for a week.”

  She flinched. Couldn’t really blame her. He hadn’t meant it to sound so cocky. But for whatever reason, the thought of pretending for a while longer gave him great pleasure. In fact, it even took away some of the sting from his failed ride.

  “How, exactly, will I owe you?” she asked, the words coming out individually on each breath of air.


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