Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)

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Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) Page 34

by Debbie Behan

  ‘Here goes then, good and evil under one roof. I must be in love,’ he joked as he took her hand and they walked over to him.

  Aqua was also standing with him and waved to Cass, looking excited. They were keeping good their promise to spend time with them there. As they neared, Cassie couldn’t wait a second longer and let go of his hand to run to Aldebaran’s arms like a child. With his arms outstretched, he snatched her up, swinging her around and laughing.

  Kayden had to bite his lip with the reflected emotion she surged through to him. It is one of the many pleasures of being linked to her, Kayden thought as he watched their joy in seeing each other and wondered what her life would have been like if her father had been allowed access to her. It was endearing. And in that moment he wished to the heavens above that Aldebaran’s eyes would be opened; that he would never destroy the love she offered so freely.

  Cassie stood back next to Kayden, pointing out the slides in the park she most enjoyed. ‘I’m sure Aqua has added some new ones,’ she looked about. ‘Watch this!’ She slipped off her clothes, revealing a pair of blue bathers the same bright colour as her eyes. ‘Pretty cool, hey? You try it.’ She came over, helping him take off his top, she was so eager to get going.

  Kayden grinned at her impatience. She already had his fly undone and as he slipped them down, she was right: black board shorts magically appeared.

  ‘Whatever you’re around, your clothes just seem to know. I’ve even noticed they change colour under certain conditions. Last time I was here the magic dressed me in a golden one piece,’ she responded to his amazed look, pulling him by the hand to join her. The boys and he had removed their clothes before but only for a roll in the hay with a lassie. He guessed the magic must just know when they wanted them off completely or when they needed them replaced. Or was this another of Cassie’s powers that she was passing on to them? No doubt it is.

  ‘Come on, old man,’ she called out to Aldebaran just before she dove in.

  Kayden was still laughing when he hit the water. He couldn’t believe she would call the most powerful man in the universe an old man. Her dad was on her heels and she was laughing as he came up holding her. Aldebaran winked at Kayden before throwing her high in the air towards him. She squealed with delight and hugged Kayden tightly as he caught her.

  For the next few hours Kayden and Aldebaran were dragged around the circuit by Kayden’s playful little kitten as she jumped from him to her father, keeping them both on their toes as they never quite knew which one she would throw herself at next. She trusted them both completely and Kayden began to trust her father with her as well. Who would believe a cranky and bad-tempered wizard unable to even converse with them on any level because he was generally so moody could be such a gentle soul? His love for her was so raw it was visible in every look, every movement. When he held her it was as if he held a delicate artefact, one that might break if held too tight. Yet he held her with a passion that no man would ever be able to pry her from his hands unless he let her go. She was right. He would have been a good father with every ounce of his being. That was what he was right now.

  When they got out, Kayden held a towel for her and she came over for a cuddle, sitting on his lap while they talked to Aldebaran and Aqua. Kayden watched Aldebaran with Cassie chatting and laughing together. It was easy to see that he meant more to her than Kayden had originally thought, and her, him. This was no game to him at all. Kayden would have picked that up in a minute. No—her dad was genuine, yet it was beyond him how in a couple of days he would put aside what was now so obvious—all this love—and take up arms against her, putting her in such danger.

  Kayden figured all he could do was sit back and let it all unfold. He knew this girl-woman would never join her father and walk on the side of evil. He knew her too well. Therefore, in the end, this would be about what he would be prepared to lose his daughter or Orion’s Belt, the section of the universe he and Conom fought to take over.

  Aqua put on a lovely spread of delicious treats that Kayden knew were all Cassie’s favourite foods and after they sat and enjoyed the afternoon, chatting and getting to know one another. It was Cassie who made the first move, getting up and stretching. Aldebaran suggested that Kayden take her for a rest before dinner. Aqua took them inside to show them where the guest room was.

  The main room to her palace was dazzling to say the least. It was light and airy and glistened the same as the water outside. The walls were a pale blue and the floor was a highly polished white tile. On the tiles were large, sky-blue plush carpet squares where elegant white leather lounges and recliners had been placed, maybe to prevent scratching the high-gloss tiles.

  The guest room was unique. The walls were the same blue as the rest of the rooms, only the roof was dark blue. Hundreds of tiny down lights lit up the ceiling depicting the many constellations in the sky. The luxuriously oversized bed had a star-shaped bed head and the veiling that surrounded it had little golden stars embroidered into the netting. Positioned under the bed was a massive star-shaped rug that you sank into so deep that it gave you the impression you were walking on a cloud. The furniture was pure white, including the leather two-seater that sat against royal blue drapes, drawn so you could see the water park from the private balcony.

  They went to clean up in a light, marble-textured en suite that had silver and blue star taps and mirrors.

  They cuddled on the bed. Cassie was totally in love with the room, saying what a nice person Aqua was and how comfortable she was making her feel. He ran his hand down her back until she dozed off. He wondered if his home was really enough for her but not once had she ever said she missed all the finery she grew up with. He was never one for material possessions and never had been but if she wanted more, he hoped that she knew he would give it to her. Shit, I would give her the Goddamned universe if it was mine to give. He finally drifted off, letting the worries of what he had compared to her new friends in the sky drift away. He held all he needed in his arms. The rest, they could work out together after their honeymoon was over.

  One of the maidens knocked, came in and woke them for dinner. They showered and made their way down. They both laughed as their clothes changed with the influence of the room. Cassie now wore a light-blue evening gown with silver stars embossed into the material. Even her silver heels had stars on them. Kayden’s shirt was white with buttons the shape of stars. His dinner jacket had a hanky in the pocket that matched Cassie’s dress. He was so glad the magic didn’t give him bloody stars on his shoes! He doubted he would live that down if the guys ever heard about it.

  They were ushered into the dining room where Kayden danced his delightful wife around as they waited for her father.

  ‘Hi Pops.’ Cassie made Kayden aware they weren’t alone.

  Aldebaran also looked refreshed so they assumed he and Aqua must have rested as well. He was so different in looks to Cassie and yet Kayden knew by just talking to him how alike they were. She was a blond-haired, blue-eyed beauty, delightfully petite with a scrumptious figure and yet still so fragile. He was a thickset bloke with a build more like a rugby player, as strong as an ox. His hair was dark and his eyes were so black they looked evil unless he looked at Cassie. It was then that they changed to an indigo blue with traces of the same sapphire shade she had in her eyes. Then and only then could he see any similarities. The love he carried for her was strong and any dumb fool could see that he absolutely adored her. The more Kayden saw them together, the harder he knew it was going to be for both of them on the battlefield. Will I lose my only love, or will he?

  As they dined, Kayden and Cassie told stories of their holiday so far, enjoying the mood that the day had put them in, although unsure as they staggered up to bed how they could have ended up so inebriated, when they barely had anything to drink.

  Aldebaran practically carried Cassie to the bedroom. She staggered and sang songs, telling her father he was good fun for an old boy. He laughed at her all the way up the stairs, no
t once taking offence to any of her kidding. In fact, he loved it. Aldebaran whispered goodnight to her as she closed her eyes and dropped off to sleep.

  Aldebaran Takes Control

  Before Aldebaran left the room, he looked back at them. Kayden was hugging his daughter so gently and she, with such love in her body language, cuddled into him. They were perfect for each other and he couldn’t take one without the other, so both it would have to be. He needed to have more time with his daughter and he was determined he was going to have it.

  Taking them up to bed, he had thought Kayden was going to pass out even before he made it to the bed. With all the booze mixed with the magic potion he had drunk, Aldebaran was surprised he’d even made it. He should’ve known Kayden wouldn’t give in unless Cassie was in his arms. His love and protectiveness of her was admirable and because of that he had earned a father’s respect and his daughter’s hand. He had given it freely to him but to none of those other creeps he worked for. Them, I still want out of the way! Permanently!

  Aqua had argued with him for days but he wouldn’t give in. Tonight was the night.

  ‘They’ll wake up tomorrow in a trance and won’t be leaving until I’m ready to let them go.’

  He thought back to the night when Cassandra had first told him of her terrible childhood. He hadn’t believed her at first. He was devastated that she would disrespect her mother, the woman he had loved like no other. Then he had looked into Cassie’s eyes and deep down into her soul. He could see the tortured scars she carried, open wounds that still needed healing, scars only a father’s love could really help heal. He hated his ex for the first time ever for what she’d allowed her husband to do to Cassandra—to him! He knew in that instant he would take revenge on the people who did this to her. And my God, she will pay for lying to me and hurting my sweet, adorable daughter.

  Aldebaran went back downstairs to a very nervous old friend.

  ‘Ald, they’re under my care. When their friends come looking for them what do I say?’ she asked.

  ‘That they left and you haven’t seen them since.’ He rolled his shoulders, releasing some of the stress he was feeling. ‘Tomorrow, I’ll take them to my castle for dinner. Because they’re under my control, they’ll agree happily. I’d take them now but I’d prefer to keep them here just one more day in case something goes wrong and they come looking for Kayden earlier.’

  ‘Why is she so important to you that you would risk having your star put out or your kingdom gone? This is insane,’ she argued. ‘Am I not enough, Ald? Please,’ she sobbed, tears running down her cheeks.

  He went over and held her, the look of sadness and fear stared back at him. ‘You know how I feel about you, Aqua love, but she’s my daughter. I just want a little while to get to know her, to have her close and love her the way she deserves to be loved by a father. I’m sorry if you don’t understand that.’

  ‘But to kidnap them, even for a day? She’ll never forgive you and you’ll spend the rest of your life regretting that you may have been able to freely see her more often.’

  ‘Aqua, the last few months just watching her from afar has been killing me. I’m their enemy. She won’t be allowed to come back to see me again after this visit and you know it, just like last time. Kayden is smart and I know he will make her break all ties with me when they get back to business. He really has no other choice. I would do the same. He’s done this for her to make her wedding special, that’s all. Shit, you only have to look at the guy with her to see he would give her the moon if it were his to give.’ He sighed, went over and poured a nightcap. ‘Aqua, don’t fight me anymore on this. I’m tired and need you. Just give me the chance to get to know my little girl, please.’

  Aldebaran felt worn out trying to convince her. If she fought any further, it would give him no other choice but to go up and take them now and she knew it. The ball was in her court. Aqua stood for a minute and he waited to see if she really did care for him. Did he have her loyalty as a friend? He was begging her and she knew it was not easy for him to have to ask for help. She walked over, slipped her arms around him and kissed him sweetly. He knew she had given in. He grabbed her and returned the love she deserved. She’s my woman and I’m glad she’s chosen to stay that way.

  Before they retired, he went in to check on them to make sure they were okay and that the potion he had given them was not harming their fragile, earthy bodies.

  In the morning they both came downstairs hand-in-hand. Aldebaran put his book down to say good morning. They both acted laid-back so he knew the spell had worked. From today they would get up every morning until he decided otherwise, with no other thought but to enjoy the day. Time would be of no interest to them and their old life, for now, was a foggy nothing. They’ll believe whatever I want them to. This afternoon he’d be taking them home with him.

  Feeling a twinge of guilt for deceiving them this way, he coughed and fidgeted but thankfully it was just a fleeting thought and was soon gone. He couldn’t think of any other way to keep them a bit longer.

  The only drawback was that Orion was still out there annoying the hell out of him and he would have to refrain from any kind of retaliation for the time being. Yes, he considered thoughtfully as he took a sip of coffee, to continue the war will only bring the Cloud Riders to my doorstep before I’m ready to give her up. Even though they wouldn’t believe him at first, his performance that he would have to work on would make it look like he had nothing to do with their disappearance. To convince them further I’ll offer my services to search relentlessly.

  After hugging Cassandra before she sat down for breakfast, his heart was bursting with the sound of waking up to her chatter. The years I’ve wondered how this would feel and now it is here. I’ve missed so much, but no more! She was telling him how magical her room was and Aldebaran was glad Aqua had also assisted him with the decorating of her room in his home. In fact, since her first visit he’d made major renovations to the castle, hoping that one day she would visit again and maybe want to stay a while. He never dreamed that it would be so soon.

  While they chatted together Aldebaran went over his plans, making sure he hadn’t missed anything that would remind them of their past. He had even taken their horses to his home world and hidden them. He knew that if Kayden or Cassandra mounted the magical beasts the horses might be able to break the spell. He sighed, hoping he hadn’t left anything out and frowned at the same time as Cassandra seemed uninterested in breakfast. He had noted she just drank a coffee and was instead itching to go out and have some fun instead. She was nagging at Aldebaran to hurry up with the breakfast thing so they could go back out to the water park and not waste the day.

  He shook his head as he stood up. She was like an excited child and her eyes flashed and glistened playfully as she spoke. Kayden was no help: he just glowed with love and was ready to pick her up and run with her if Aldebaran didn’t agree. He could see he was going to have his hands full trying to give her any kind of fatherly discipline. She playfully grabbed him with one hand and reaching out to Kayden with the other, kissed both on their cheeks. Her innocence always put a tingle through him as her lips touched his skin and yet she never once seemed to feel his evil, even from their first meeting.

  Aqua joined them and all three were spellbound with Cassandra as she had them laughing and enjoying every minute of the park’s wonderment. They had a light lunch and sat back in the chairs, chatting. It had been a couple of hours since lunch so Aldebaran took that opportunity to suggest to Kayden that they take Cassandra home to his house for a rest before dinner. He was relieved when he agreed without question.

  Cassandra hugged Aqua like she was leaving an old friend and he could see Aqua was quite chuffed to have made such an impression on her. He put his arms around both of them and transported them to his home star.

  He had arranged for a few guests to come over for dinner. Feeling so proud of his new family, he wanted his friends to meet Cassandra and her new husband. The
castle was still being prepared and wishing to surprise them, he took them straight to their room for some time alone.

  The dinner party was being held in the newly renovated ballroom and the designers were just finishing it off. Aqua had been a shining star in his planning as she helped him make his castle into somewhere a young lady would be happy to be. He waited downstairs for the happy couple to come down after sending the servants to wake them up. He knew they had barely slept much on their holiday so they’d still be playing catch up.

  He heard Kayden’s voice first and spun around to see him twirling her around and pulling her in for a quick kiss before heading down the stairs. Yes, magic was in the air tonight. Once they reached the bottom of the stairs he noticed their clothes had changed again. Tonight, Cassandra had on a gorgeous little cocktail dress that had layers to the skirt and spun out sweetly as Kayden twirled her around and danced with her to the music that was quietly wafting through the castle from the band in the ballroom. My friends are going to love them, he thought as he watched them. When they reached him he was surprised that Kayden swung her to him and he took her warm sweet hand in his and waltzed with her for a minute before sending her back to her man. Her eyes were alive and she smiled so angelically he wondered how he was ever going to set free an angel such as her.

  At least that was a thought he needn’t dwell on tonight but he knew only too well that if they weren’t under a spell, tomorrow he would have to be saying goodbye. And for the life of me I can’t have that happen just yet.

  He took them both into the ballroom first and the precious expression that spread across Cassandra’s face as it lit up made all the tiresome planning and renovating so worth it. The long dining table in the middle of the room was fully set with silver, crystal glasses and fine china. The six, twenty-piece candleholders were alight and arranged along the table. The flicker of the flames danced around the room, reflecting in the mirrored walls and picking up the colours in the crystal chandeliers overhead. The floor, instead of being slate, now resembled a highly polished dance floor and the band was set up on the new stage that he would now use often to bring in entertainment for Cassandra’s amusement while she was his guest.


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