Ashton Scott

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Ashton Scott Page 33

by Levine, Nina

  The thing I truly love in everything he said is that he didn’t make promises he knows he can’t keep. He acknowledged he can be an ass, but he knows himself well enough, and respects me enough, not to promise me the world and then only give me half of it.

  “If you were here right now, I’d—” he starts, but someone knocking on my door drags my attention from him.

  Moving off my bed, I say, “Gimme a sec. There’s someone at my door.”

  “At this time of night?”

  “Yeah, weird. It’s probably Sienna. She’s seeing this guy at the moment who’s playing it a little too cool for her. She’s all over the place about it, because she really likes him and isn’t used to a guy who disappears for days at a time.”

  I reach the front door and open it. Jessica stands on the other side.

  “I’m going to hang up on you now,” I say to Ashton as I usher his assistant inside. We’ve not met yet, but I’ve seen her online, and those photos do not do her justice. Jessica is a stunningly beautiful woman.

  “Who is it?”

  I’m not sure if I should tell him. I get the sense that this visit may just be between Jessica and me. I’ll wait and see what comes of it before deciding. “A friend. I’ll call you when I wake up. I hope Jack is doing better today.”

  We end the call, and I say to Jessica, “Hello. Come in.”

  I follow her into my lounge room, wishing I walked with as much confidence as she does. She’s a tiny woman, not much more than five foot by the looks of it, but even from this small amount of time with her, I can tell she commands a room when she enters. It’s in the way she stands straight, head up, and the way her eyes don’t give you the option of looking away. Not to mention her impeccable style. Everything about Jessica from her Louboutin shoes to her little black dress to her perfectly manicured nails to her flawless skin to her diamond jewellery screams confidence.

  She sweeps her gaze over my couch and says, “I love it. That red is gorgeous.” Then, turning to me, she gets down to business. “Sorry to come over late. Actually, no, I’m not sorry, because what I have to give you is something you’re going to want.”

  What she says grabs my complete attention. “Do you want a drink or are we just exchanging info here?” I’ve always gotten the vibe that Jessica is all about getting to the point and getting things done without small talk, and I’m definitely getting that same vibe tonight.

  “Hmm,” she murmurs. “What do you have?”

  Her answer surprises me, but I’m hoping she does want a drink, because I want the opportunity to spend some time with the woman who Ashton trusts and respects so much. “Pretty much nothing except tea and coffee. I can tell you, though, that the coffee is divine. It’s this amazing blend to die for. Although, you may not want coffee at this time of night.”

  A smile fills her face. “Oh, honey, I will drink coffee at any time of the day or night. You had me at ‘to die for.’”

  I can’t put my finger on what exactly causes it, but suddenly I feel completely at ease with her. There was a softening or something when she made the decision to stay for a drink.

  I return her smile and head into the kitchen to make coffee. Jessica follows me, taking in everything I own. Usually, I don’t like it when someone does that, but with her, it feels okay. It doesn’t feel like she’s judging, but rather just taking an interest in what I choose to fill my home with.

  “Oh I adore this cookbook,” she says, picking up my favourite Thai recipe book. “My copy looks as used as yours.” She smiles as she flicks through it, and glances up at me. “I probably have just as many food splatters in mine.”

  I’m not sure why, but I didn’t picture her as someone who spends time cooking at home. I sense a lot of hidden layers to Jessica.

  A text comes through on my phone.

  Ashton: Mars bars are my favourites.

  I grin, loving that he remembered that question of mine. Loving that he’s been thinking back over our conversation after it ended.

  “From your grin, I take it that was Ashton,” Jessica says.

  I nod as I quickly send him a reply.

  Me: Cherry ripe for me.

  Me: PS I’m totally adding Mars bars to my list of things I can bribe you with.

  Ashton: There are things far more effective than chocolate for that.

  I place my phone down and meet Jessica’s gaze. “Sorry about that. Now, how do you have your coffee?”

  She slides onto one of the bar stools and rests her arms on the kitchen counter. “Milk, no sugar, please.” After a slight pause, she says, “I’ve known Ashton for a while now, and I’ve never seen him date anyone as perfect for him as you. I’ve certainly never seen him engage in text messaging with a woman like he just did with you.”

  I stop what I’m doing and say, “You just made a really shitty day a pretty freaking great day. Thank you for telling me that.”

  She opens her purse and pulls out a piece of paper. Handing it to me, she says, “This may make it even better.”

  I read what’s written on the paper and then look up at her. “Whose schedule is this?”

  Her brows lift slightly and she gives me a conspiratorial look. “Cassia’s. I thought it might come in handy if you wanted to pay her a little visit.”

  I do want to do that. I want to make it perfectly clear to her that I’m not buying her bullshit anymore, and that Ashton is mine now. I just wasn’t sure how to find her. Not only has Jessica given me a detailed list of Cassia’s schedule, she’s also listed out addresses for me.

  “So I know you’re Ashton’s assistant and all, but honestly, I’m thinking of stealing you from him.”

  “Honestly, no one could steal me from Ashton, but if he doesn’t stop with the Asshole Mondays, I may need to reconsider that.”

  I like her even more now, knowing her loyalty to my man. “What are the Asshole Mondays?”

  She wiggles on her chair as if she’s settling in to tell me a story. “We have so much to catch up on, girl,” she starts. We then lose a couple of hours talking about everything under the sun, and by the time she leaves, I know I’ve found a new friend.

  * * *

  Cassia Brampton is the quintessential mean girl. I’ve used Jessica’s list from last night to track her down at the gym this morning and am watching her treat a woman awfully. They appear to be friends, and yet Cassia has spent the last few minutes telling the woman she needs to change hairdressers because hers clearly has no idea how to style hair. She also shared her dislike of the outfit the woman is wearing. I’m standing close, waiting for my opportunity to speak with Cassia, and as she finishes giving her opinion on the clothes, she sees me. A smug look settles across her face. I can’t wait to wipe it off.

  Moving away from her friend, she comes my way. “Lorelei. I wasn’t aware you’re a member of this gym.”

  God, this woman is something else. Snobby as well as conniving. Two of the absolute worst traits a woman can have.

  I straighten my shoulders. “I’m not. I came to see you so we could get our stories straight.”

  She frowns, but even it’s fake. “I’m sorry. You lost me there. What stories?”

  I want to slap the superior expression off her face. And I’m not a violent person. Cassia brings out the worst in me.

  “The story you’ve told yourself and the world about being back with Ashton. Honestly, I’m not sure how you live with yourself and your lies, Cassia. We both know that kiss was engineered for your gain and to make me doubt Ashton. The thing you clearly don’t understand about Ashton is that when he wants something, he gets it. And he wants me. Not you.”

  Her brows lift. “The thing you don’t understand about Ashton is that he grows bored easily. You’ll be replaced soon enough, because trust me, there are enough women out there banging down his door. I don’t know another man in this city more wanted than Ashton Scott.”

  I smile. It’s as condescending as I can make it. “Yes, he told me how bored he wa
s with you. I guess that’s to be expected with shallow bitches.” I take great pleasure in her shock. “He’s also told me he wants to grow old with me. Did he ever tell you that?”

  The look on her face leaves me with no doubt as to the answer to that question. Before she can reply, I say, “I thought so.” Taking a step closer so I’m in her space, I lower my voice and say, “Back off bitch, because you do not want to be on the receiving end of me fighting for my man. And make no mistake, I may be a kind and giving person, but when you come after something that is mine, I will go to battle for it. And Ashton is mine.”

  I don’t wait for whatever she has to say to that. I’m more than happy with the way her mouth is hanging open and the way her shoulders have slumped. That’s what I came here for today. She may have had the smug look of satisfaction on her face when I arrived, but I’m the one leaving with it.



  I enter my hotel room just after seven on Monday night. It’s been a long day at the hospital with Jack, and after not sleeping so well recently, I’m exhausted. And pissed off at my inability to get hold of people I want to speak with. These time zone differences frustrate the hell out of me sometimes. My mood isn’t helped by the distance Jack seems to be keeping from me. His doctor advised me late today that he’s almost certain he’ll be sending Jack home tomorrow, and I’m hoping once he’s back in his own surroundings, he’ll open up to me.

  Stripping out of my clothes, I take a hot shower, letting the heat work its way into my aching muscles. I haven’t managed to hit the gym yet, and I don’t have time to get a session in now because I’ve got dinner scheduled with Josephine. After dinner, though, I’ll spend at least an hour there, trying to work both these kinks and my irritation out.

  As I’m wrapping my towel around my waist after the shower, my father returns my call from earlier today.

  “Ashton, I take it this call is to discuss the sale of the Willow Street properties.”

  “It isn’t. It’s to discuss my relationship with Lorelei.”

  That catches him off guard, and he turns silent for a few moments. “I thought that was over. That you’d come to your senses and were back with Cassia.”

  “You thought wrong. I have no intention of ever getting back with Cassia, and every intention of marrying Lorelei.”

  “You’re a fool. Cassia has a lot more to offer you than that woman.”

  “She has nothing to offer me, but then, I’m not getting married for social connections. I’m not you.”

  “You watch your mouth, son. I married your mother because I love her.”

  “That’s bullshit and we both know it. And if you love her, you wouldn’t fuck every social-climbing bimbo out there.”

  My father almost never loses his cool, and today is no different. He doesn’t react in any way other than to say, “I presume you don’t plan on selling me those Willow Street properties. I haven’t heard anything from your assistant.”

  He’s changing the subject like he always does when I challenge him over something he doesn’t want to discuss. And just like every other time this has happened, I don’t waste my breath on pursuing it, because it won’t get us anywhere.

  “You presume correctly.”

  “Steele will back out of your development. Do you have anyone ready to replace him?”

  “That’s none of your concern.” I don’t have anyone, and if Steele does back out, I’ll lose millions, but there’s no fucking way I’ll ever let my father know that.

  “I have a proposition for you. If you agree to marry Cassia, I’ll walk away from Willow Street.”

  With that, everything starts to fall into place as to why Cassia has become so close to my parents. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s been in on this plan with my father all along.

  I grip my phone harder. “Cassia has fooled you. Whatever you think she brings to the table, I can assure you she doesn’t. And if you think I would entertain for even a second the idea of marrying a woman simply to negotiate a business deal, you don’t know me at all. I would walk away from every last cent I have before I would ever marry for that reason. And one other thing—if you ever treat Lorelei the way you treated her the other night, I will make it so you wish you hadn’t.”

  Stabbing at the phone, I disconnect the call, angrier than before our conversation. That my father and my ex have been conspiring to end my relationship with Lorelei, causes the kind of fury I don’t usually experience. I can deal with the business bullshit he’s pulling, but the minute they started messing with my relationship is the minute they will both come to regret.

  Unwrapping the towel from my waist, I finish drying off and throw it on the bed. I then find some clothes to wear to dinner and get dressed. Josephine will be waiting for me, but I have a phone call I need to make first.

  Cassia answers almost straight away. “Hey! I’m sorry I haven’t returned your calls today. I’ve been busy with—”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you’ve been busy with, Cassia. I didn’t call to discuss that.”

  “Oh,” she says, and I can hear the shock in her voice. She’s not used to me talking to her like this, but she’s going to have to get used to it if she wants to keep pulling the stunts she’s been pulling. “Okay,” she continues, tentatively, “What’s up?”

  “You know what’s up, so stop playing games with me. I’m calling to discuss our relationship and how it will proceed from here on out.”

  “Ashton, I—”

  I can already hear her mind ticking over, trying to figure out how to bullshit her way out of this, and I’m not entertaining any of it. “Do you remember those shares of your family’s company that I own? The ones I bought when your reputation was on the line because of the shit your father had gotten himself into?”

  “Yes. Why? Where are you going with this?”

  “I saved you back then because I cared about you. You’ve taken that care and you’ve crushed it to the point where I don’t want anything to do with you again. On top of that, you hurt the woman I love. No one does that and gets away with it. If you ever so much as look at Lorelei the wrong way, I will dump every last one of those shares. If you ever kiss me again, I will dump those shares. And I will make sure the world knows I did it because they’re a bad investment. No one will touch them again, and your family will lose everything. You will lose everything you care about.” I pause before adding, “Are we clear?”

  My father thinks marrying Cassia and me off is a good idea because he believes her family is wealthy. What he doesn’t know is it’s my money keeping their company afloat these days. Old money doesn’t last if it’s not looked after properly, and her father made one too many bad investments.

  I don’t miss the venom in her voice when she responds. “You’re late to the party, Ashton.”

  “What party?”

  “The one where your girlfriend ambushed me at my gym and made a scene in front of everyone. She’s already threatened to take me down if I keep chasing you. It seems you two are made for each other.”

  I can’t deny the pleasure I feel at the thought of Lorelei taking a stand against Cassia. This is a clear sign that she’s fighting for us.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” I push her. I’m way past ready to end this call, but I need to ensure we’re on the same page first.

  “Yes, we are fucking clear. And let me just say what an asshole you turned out to be. I’m glad to be rid of you.”

  “I haven’t changed. I was always an asshole. The difference is that only certain people bring it out in me, and you turned out to be one of those people.”

  I end the call and exhale a long breath. Thank fuck that’s done. Now I can focus my attention on people who matter to me.

  Ten minutes later, I walk into the hotel restaurant and search for Josephine. She waves at me from a table near the window, and I make my way over to her.

  Standing, she greets me with a hug and a kiss to my cheek. Holding my arms, she
says, “God, you look good. You get better looking every time I see you.”

  The same can be said for her. She’s a beautiful woman, but Josephine’s beauty comes from the way she moves with ease. With a laugh and flick of her long, blonde hair, she can catch the attention of every man in the room. She modelled throughout her teens and twenties, and has always had the kind of confidence that draws people in.

  I smile. Just being in her presence helps settle me. She has that effect on everyone she meets.

  We sit, and after I order a bottle of wine, I ask, “How have you been?”

  She leans back against her chair and crosses her legs. “Really good. I can’t believe it’s been a year since we’ve seen each other. I’ve mostly been busy with the agency. And doing some travel.” Her eyes sparkle as she adds, “And love. I’ve been trying to find that too. You’re going to have to share your secrets with me about how to do that.”

  This surprises me. Josephine has never wanted to settle down. She’s a free spirit and likes to share herself. “How’s that going? Any candidates?”

  She opens her mouth to speak, but quickly closes it. A few moments pass before she finally shares with me, “Jack and I tried again for a little while. I’m guessing he didn’t tell you.”

  That doesn’t surprise me. While she broke Jack’s heart once, and he swore he’d never go there again, he’s impulsive. My friend lives life in the moment and goes with the flow. If he’s feeling it, he follows it, without thinking through the consequences.

  Our wine arrives and I drink some while eyeing her thoughtfully. “He didn’t. Although I’m assuming it ended amicably this time, I’m wondering, did you cheat on him again?”

  She whistles lowly. “That’s harsh, Ashton.”

  I arch a brow. “Not really. It is your signature move after all.”


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