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Accidental Daddy (The Single Brothers Book 3)

Page 4

by Stephanie Brother

But you don’t know what that meant, either!

  Trying to clear my mind, I shrugged my shoulders, making the move very casual.

  “Not really much besides taking walks, experiencing nature, and all that. Or going into town, but I can't go too far from the hotel, because I'm the only one here. There’s a lake nearby, though,” I added as an afterthought.

  His eyes seemed to light up at that. “Ah, a lake! That takes me back. My dad and I used to go fishing a lot when I was a kid.”

  I didn’t really care much for the activity, though of course my dad had tried to rope me into it, along with my brother. Ben was way more into it than I could ever be, though. Still, Dan looked so excited…

  “Well,” I started slowly, “if you wanted, we could try to catch some? The lake is pretty close, and the hotel’s quiet, especially now that there’s no one around. There’s a fishing boat by the lake, and there are some supplies ready.”

  His grin grew so wide I thought it would split his face. Just like that, it was decided.

  I got everything ready, and he helped. Technically, if guests came up for fishing, they brought their own gear. But Dan didn’t have any, and I didn’t see any problems with using my dad’s gear. He went fishing pretty often still, so everything was in perfect shape.

  In less than half an hour, I found myself on our little boat by the lake with Dan. It had a motor, and Dan actually knew how to steer it. Once he had it on, he led us further into the lake, and I felt my heart lurch. I hadn't been out on the boat much, the few times only because Dad had insisted to the point I felt guilty for saying no. suffice it to say, I didn’t like it.

  “I really can't be away too far,” I said apologetically. “And I can't be away for too long.”

  “I understand. We can just stick around for an hour, see if any fish are biting. Then we’ll head back inside, if you’d like.”

  My lips stayed sealed, though I was very much tempted to tell him it was too long. I hated fishing, and I didn’t like being so far out on the lake. I could swim, but the water was freezing. I’d fallen in once, and I’d thought my heart would stop. It wasn’t summer yet, so the water would be extra icy, and I just shivered thinking about it.

  Calm down, I told myself. It’s not like it’s a guarantee that you’ll fall in.

  Still, my hands tightened around the edges of the boat. Dan didn’t take us too far, thankfully, just a few minutes in.

  “This should be a good spot. Let me know when you want to head back in, all right?”

  One thing my dad had tried to teach me about fishing, was that it required silence. There was a short interval where we were fixing the bait, and I watched Dan discreetly because I didn’t remember a lot about that part. Then the lines were tossed out, and we sat in silence and waited. It was, surprisingly, comfortable silence.

  A minute later, something tugged on my line.

  “I got something!” I said, more in surprise than excitement.

  Dan was excited, though, waiting for me to reel it in. we were only out there for just under an hour, as promised, and within that time, I’d managed to catch five more fish, one of them being too small so that I’d had to send it back. Dan caught none.

  “The fish seem to like you,” he teased as we made it back. “Is it because I’m not from around these parts? Or you’re just that appealing.”

  I laughed. “I don’t know how to feel about being appealing to fish!”

  I definitely wanted to be appealing to him, though.

  We made it back to the hotel and started up a barbecue. Next, came the disgusting part about dealing with freshly caught fish. I watched in disgust as Dan cut them up and cleaned the fish. I stood at the grill and did the roasting, the part of Dad’s fishing expeditions that I was usually involved in.

  No one came, and we laughed and talked as we ate. Time passed away faster than I thought, and it was time to get inside as the day started to grow chill, even with the sun still out. We fell back into the couch we’d started the day on, my feet on his lap.

  “I love it up here.” He sighed, tipping his head back. “Everything’s been so dull for some time, I just feel alive being here.”

  “It’s why we get some business around here, especially when it’s warm, but not as much as we should do." I didn't know why I always found myself just confessing the truth to him. I didn't want him to ask any more questions, so I said, "The atmosphere is pretty calming.”

  Dan hummed, raising his head to fix me with a look. “It’s not just the atmosphere for me, though. Most of it is you.”

  My face warmed in a blush as he said so, and a smile grew on his face.

  He looked down, his hands grasping my ankles. “I’d like to know a little more about you, Scarlett.”

  My face still burning, I shrugged. “Not really much to tell. I’ve been here all my life. All my friends went off to college, and I stayed to work for my dad for a small allowance. My brother joined the Navy. And I didn’t feel right about leaving my dad alone, too much guilt. That is, until he got a girlfriend, but now I just…don’t really think of leaving too seriously.”

  As I outlined my life, I felt pretty pathetic. I really could have tried more. It wasn’t like my dad would have been devastated if I’d left. He would have understood. But the thought of leaving him alone up on these mountains just never sat well with me. Of course, now…

  “What happens if your dad goes,” Dad said, as if reading my thoughts. “If he leaves, and you get to be the one to stay here. What would you do, then?”

  I sighed. “I…don’t really know. I’ve been thinking about it, worrying really, but never really come to a conclusion myself.”

  I wasn’t paying attention to what his hands were doing. So when I suddenly felt his hands on the underside of my knees, I jumped a little. I looked up, meeting Dan’s eyes, and immediately, my body grew hot. His hands slid higher, spreading my legs. I parted them easily, watching him intently as he shifted so he was kneeling on the couch between my legs. My breath sped.

  “I kissed your mouth yesterday,” he murmured. His hands were pushing the skirt of my dress slowly up, eyes intent between my thighs. I could feel myself grow wet and start to throb form his gaze alone. “I’d really like to try kissing you somewhere else. Would that make you feel better?”

  All I could do was whimper.

  Dan pushed my skirt all the way up, then grabbed the sides of my panties and pulled them down my legs. I lifted them to help him, feeling only a moment of apprehension, glancing toward the door.

  “Dan, anyone could come here.”

  His eyes met mine. “They’d be in a car, though, right? We’ll hear it.”

  I wasn’t too confident, but then he had his hands pressing on the inside of my thighs, keeping my legs spread, and his mouth was on my sex, and instead of a protest, I let out a moan. I grabbed fistfuls of his hair, holding him in place as I rolled my hips into him.

  “Don’t stop,” I panted.

  He didn’t. He made me come twice, then I fell asleep on the couch with his arms around me.

  Chapter Eight


  I woke up the next morning in my own bed, and I wondered how I got there. Dan must have carried me, but how had he known my room, anyway? I didn’t really remember him waking me up long enough to get me to tell him, but it could have happened.

  I couldn’t help my face flushing red, with embarrassment and pleasure as I thought about yesterday. I couldn’t help thinking what would have happened if we had gotten caught. But, it had felt too good for me to really regret it.

  Just somewhere more private next time. There was no need to tempt fate.

  I felt it was a pretty good morning, and my spirits were up. I took a quick shower and changed my clothes, then went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for the two of us. Neither of us had talked about what was going on between us, or when Dan would be leaving, but I couldn’t afford to think of it myself.

  The past couple days had been
the most excitement I’d had in a while, and I was nowhere near ready to see it end.

  “Anybody in here?” Dan called not long after from the kitchen doorway.

  I shot a look at him over my shoulder. “Just in time for breakfast. Come in, we can just eat in here.”

  I’d prepared a full breakfast; coffee with pancakes, eggs and bacon. Dan tucked into the food, seeming to enjoy it a lot, and I could feel a warmth in my chest, seeing him enjoy it so much. Afterwards, I cleaned up the dishes. He insisted on helping, I tried to stop him, but in the end he did what he wanted. The dishes were done faster, and I actually had fun, just by being next to him.

  “So, hey,” he started after we were finished. “I was thinking we could go out for a hike this time?”

  I chewed on my lip as I considered. We probably wouldn’t be getting any guests today, either…so I agreed to the suggestion easily.

  “I need to go change, though. I’m not dressed for a hike.”

  Dan just shrugged, grinning. “I’ll meet you outside.”

  He placed a small peck on my cheek, then left the kitchen.

  Feeling giddy, I went back to my room. I pulled on a thicker dress, one that fell down to my knees, and pulled on knee high boots. I added a jacket over the dress. It was late enough in the morning that it wouldn’t be too cold, so I should be fine, unless the weather took an unexpected bad turn. I packed a bag with a blanket, some snacks, and some tissues. I was hoping we would be doing a little more than hiking.

  I met Dan out front. He hadn't changed, but he didn’t need to. He was in jeans and a t-shirt, and he had a jacket and boots on.

  “Let’s go!” he called out to me in excitement as I stepped out of the hotel.

  I hesitated, before locking up, and we left. I was in the lead, because I knew the area better than Dan did. When we got to an area with plenty of trees that looked a little less rocky and more flat than most of the area, he stopped me. I was ready for it when he kissed me, falling into him easily as my arms wrapped tight around his neck.

  “I have a blanket,” I breathed out when he cut off the kiss so we could both breathe. When he arched his eyebrows at me, I smiled. “You could say I hoped you’d try something.”

  He chuckled. “Well. You expecting it kinda ruins the fun.”

  “Really?” I leaned in to nip at his neck.

  Dan sucked in a sharp breath. “Fuck, no. Get the blanket out.”

  His words were a clear command, even though his arms were a bit reluctant as he pulled away from me. I put the bag down and pulled the blanket out. It was thick, and as I spread it out on the ground, I could feel my heart start to thump harder in my chest.

  We’d kissed the first day, yesterday he got me off. I hadn't thought much about reciprocation, but I hoped we’d take it a little further today. While I didn’t consider myself a virgin because I’d actually done stuff with guys before…. It had never gotten as far as I was hoping we would get today. Yeah, I was being liberal with my interpretation of virginity, but I wanted to make myself feel a little better for being the only one in my group of friends that hadn't had full sex with a guy.

  I knelt on the blanket as I spread it out. Once I had it to my satisfaction, I went to rise, only to pause and gasp when there were suddenly hands on my waist, keeping me in position.

  “You look so fucking hot like that, Scarlett,” Dan growled behind me, making my body shiver and grow hot. “Do you think you can stay like this?”

  The question was serious. I could tell my face was blazing again, but I didn’t care. There was even less chance of us being found out here. It wasn’t really the season for hiking, so we were alone. Dan had barely done anything to me, but I was already panting for breath.

  “I don’t think I can,” I admitted after a moment. “The area isn’t too soft, my knees won’t be able to take it.”

  Even without foreplay, I wanted him so badly. In a way, I could consider the past few days a kind of foreplay. I didn’t know if Dan had done it deliberately to tease me, but he’d left me wanting more every time.

  “Turn around,” Dan commanded, pulling his hands off me.

  I did as he asked, slowly, moving so I was sitting down facing him. His eyes were dark and intent on mine, and he was in the same state I was in, high color in his cheeks, lips parted as he took in heavy breaths.

  Dan slanted his lips over mine, cupping my face between his hands and tilting my head so he could kiss me properly. My mouth parted readily at the feel of his tongue, and I groaned, leaning back into him. One of his hands dropped from my face, and I gasped when I felt it cup around my breast.

  “We’re really doing this,” I whispered, with just a touch of awe in my voice.

  Dan chuckled, but it sounded strained. “I’ve been dreaming of fucking you since you made me dessert,” he admitted. “But I didn’t want to push you too far too fast.” He paused and gave another chuckle. “Not that I was all that patient, really.”

  Before I could make any comment, he’d grabbed me, and shifted us both so I was lying on my back and he was kneeling between my legs.

  “I’m afraid I don’t have much patience today, either,” he whispered, placing a kiss on my throat. “I feel like I need to be in you soon or I’m going to go insane.”

  His gravelly voice at my ear, and one of his hands cupping me between my thighs, massaging gently, had me whimpering and clutching onto him.

  “Please,” I pled, gasping for breath as his fingers toyed with my clit through my panties. “I want this, too.”

  His chest rumbled with satisfaction. “That’s what I like to hear, Scarlett,” he growled.

  He pulled away so he could look at me. Again, he had my dress hiked up to my hips. I struggled out of the jacket to lay it down beneath me, because I didn’t think the blanket would be thick enough for this. I watched in anticipation as Dan slid his hands up my legs, all the way to my hips, where he caught my panties and pulled them off. Then he was spreading my legs with his hands on the insides of my thighs.

  “Dan,” I whimpered, fighting with myself not to close my legs, because he was just staring.

  He shot me a grin, his own hands moving to the waistband of his pants to undo the belt and fly. I watched, holding my breath, as he pulled his hard cock out of his briefs, stroking himself a couple times. Then his hands were on my hips, arching my body slightly as he lined up with my entrance, and pushed.

  There was pressure, and I winced, but it was quickly washed away under pleasure. He pushed in to the hilt, sighing out a breath even as his body tensed up. Then he was leaning over me and kissing my lips, sliding down to kiss along my throat.

  His hands cupped around my breasts again, and I gasped at the touch, even through my clothes. But then he was reaching around to my back, and I felt him catch the zipper of my dress and pull it down. He didn’t pull it far, just enough to have the dress loose. He pulled the arms down, then tugged down the cups of my bra so they pushed my breasts up and out. Dan didn’t waste time, playing with my nipples with his hands, his lips, tongue and teeth. He hadn't even moved in me, and I was already writhing on his cock.

  “Dan!” I cried out, my fingers digging into his back, my knees hugging his sides. “Please, would you just fucking move,” I practically sobbed.

  Dan groaned, but he moved. At first, it was just a short snap of his hips, he pulled back barely an inch before sliding back in me, and it had me writhing and gasping some more. He paced his thrusts, going slow at first, pulling out further and further with each thrust, until he was fucking me hard and deep. His lips and teeth tugged on one nipple, his fingers the other at the same time. Suddenly, I realized just how much I’d been missing out.

  Back in high school, a guy had fingered me once. After high school, I’d gone to a bar, drinking with my friends, and found a guy that got on his knees and buried his face between my thighs, getting me off with his mouth. I’d given him a blow job. And I’d gotten myself off plenty of times. None of that had ever fe
lt quite this good.

  I loved all of it. Being so full, and knowing it was a part of Dan, something alive that throbbed inside of me. As he thrust in and out of me, the drag against my soft inner walls sent sparks of pleasure through my body. He circled his hips, grinding against me, and I yelped when I felt some stimulation on my clit. His arms were under me, holding my body to his as he fucked me so my back wouldn’t drag against the ground, and I was so grateful, because Dan wasn’t being gentle at all.

  Before I was ready for it, my body tightened, then burst out in orgasm. I convulsed hard around his cock, tossing my head back and crying out as my body shuddered through climax. Dan groaned, then his body was trembling around mine, and I could feel something warm inside of me as he came. I groaned, clutching onto him until I was spent.

  We slumped against the ground, Dan’s weight heavy on top of me, but I hardly cared. Once I caught my breath, I even laughed a little.

  “What?” Dan asked, curious.

  “This was my first time,” I admitted. “I didn’t think it would feel that good.”

  Dan hummed. In the next moment, his body had gone still above me. He pulled away, frowning at me, before looking down to where we were still joined. He moved so his cock slipped out of me, and I gasped at the sudden feeling of being empty. His expression was strange, but he was turning away before I could try to read it.

  I glanced between my legs, and grimaced. I’d expected it, but it was still strange to see.

  “I have some tissues,” I offered.

  I took them from out of the bag and offered some to him. Dan didn’t say anything as we cleaned up packed up, and headed back for the hotel.

  Chapter Nine


  I hadn't put up a resistance when he held his hand out for it. By the time we made it back, I was grateful for it, actually, because I was starting to feel sore, and that part was not fun. Also, I’d put my panties back on, and they were wet from the stuff dripping out of me. I wanted to get to a bathroom and have a very thorough shower.

  Sex was, apparently, as amazing as it was messy.


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