Never Ever

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Never Ever Page 8

by L. P. Maxa

  Cole stood and walked towards the door, “Tay needs to hop in the shower, but I would be more than happy to help you lovely ladies with your pre-game.”

  Allie gave a little smirk. “Y’alls pre game too.”

  I stood heading for the bathroom, “We can’t pre game, y’all hired us to drive your drunk asses around.”

  “Baily hired a driver.” Allie turned and headed back towards the kitchen.

  Cole grabbed her arm and pulled her back in the room, “What do you mean Baily hired a driver? She hired us. To drive you.”

  Allie shrugged, “It’s Baily. Who knows why she does anything? She just said that it was our last night and we all needed some fun. So she called the local cab company and paid them out the ass to have someone drive us all in the suburban.”

  Cole let go of Allie and spared a glance in my direction, eye brows raised in question. I was just as confused as he was, “Well…either Baily just really wants to have some fun tonight. Or…she’s plotting my murder and she wants me to be too drunk to fend her off.”

  Allie laughed all the way to the kitchen. Cole shook his head, “Don’t joke, man. I could see Baily knowing how to pull off the perfect murder.”

  Chapter Twenty Five:


  Baily had been hot and cold all evening. She gave me shit, once again, about not calling Patrick back. And for flirting with Taylor. It was almost comical, if she had any idea about half the things I’d actually done with Taylor this weekend…she’d have a heart attack. Prim and proper Baily, always the voice of reason. But then she had flipped a 180 and hired a driver so the guys could party with us too. I sipped my drink, staring at myself in the reflection of the patio door. I was about to be a divorced lady. I was thirty and divorced. My weekend fling with Taylor had done wonders for my self-esteem though. He made me feel sexy. He made me feel, period. How the hell was I going to walk away from him? How was I supposed to let him go? Even though I tried to push the thoughts away, deny that they were there, I was falling for him. For every damn thing about him. So after all these years, and one divorce later, I was still the girl falling for the wrong guy. I had dated (and I use that term loosely) so many wrong guys in college. The eternal partier, the mildly abusive asshole, the coke addict, the frat boy, the commitment phobe…I mean the list could go on for pages. And then I had married a man that I had thought was the right guy. And he was, until he turned into another wrong one. And Taylor? He was a gorgeous play boy who would break my heart come Sunday morning. Some fools never learn I suppose. Kate walked up and put her chin on my shoulder, staring at our images in the glass. “How you doin’ Livi Lou?”

  I smiled, “I am great. I have had an amazing weekend, I get to go out tonight and dance and drink with my girls.” I lowered my voice considerably before adding, “And then I get to come home and have utterly mind blowing sex with a guy Baily hired.”

  Kate snorted, “So you are nailing the help?”

  “Yes. Did you have any doubt?”

  “Not really. I like Taylor, I like you and Taylor. He makes you laugh. And the way he looks at you from across the room, hell, it even turns me on.”

  I huffed out a little laugh, “It’s just a weekend fling Kate. Don’t read too much into it. Come tomorrow I’ll be flying home to write make believe love stories and he’ll be off making someone else…laugh.”

  Kate and I both turned and watched as Taylor entered the room. He looked hot as hell. He was wearing gray shorts, a white button down with the sleeves rolled up and some black converse. The white shirt made his summer tan look even darker. His eyes immediately found me. He flashed that adorable cocky grin of his and headed right towards us.

  Kate chuckled, “Will he?”

  Taylor slid his arm around my waste and quickly kissed my temple before stepping away, “Will he what?”

  I opened my mouth to change the subject. But Kate, that brat, spoke before I had the chance. “Will you be off tomorrow looking for the next girl to fall into bed with?”

  Taylor’s smile never faltered, “No. Tomorrow I will be nursing a very broken heart.” He winked at me. My heart skipped a beat.

  Kate nodded, “Good answer, son.”

  Taylor saluted her with his beer bottle before asking, “What’s the deal with Baily hiring a driver? I thought that was why she hired Cole and me?”

  “Who the hell knows? I just figured she was feeling a little guilty for giving you and Liv such a hard time all weekend. That’s Bails M.O. Get all pissy and blow her lid, then apologize by doing something over the top nice.” Kate gestured to me, “Am I right?”

  “Sounds about right to me.” I gave Taylor an evil grin, “Or maybe she wants to kill you and thought it’d be easier if you were wasted?”

  Taylor’s smile disappeared, “No joke, I just said those exact words to Cole.”

  I leaned my head against his shoulder, “Awe, babe don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”

  Allie climbed up on the table, that poor table had taken a pounding from us this weekend. “Alright, if everyone could grab a shot and gather around, I want to make a toast.” Once we had all done as we were told she continued, “First of all, thank you Baily for once again planning an amazing trip for us. And for hiring these adorable guys to make our drinks and make us laugh. That being said, on our last night I hope we all go SO HARD.”

  We all took our shots, Fireball Whiskey, typical Allie. Baily turned to Taylor and my breath hitched. Was she going to bitch him out about his flirting? Threaten to call his boss? “Taylor, I just want to apologize for giving you such a hard time all weekend. I just want what’s best for Livi and-

  Taylor held up his hands, placating style, “I know you do and believe me, so do I. So you will be happy to know, I was a very good boy all weekend.”

  Kate hid her giggles behind Cole’s shoulder and Cole choked on his Jack and Coke. Allie looked equal parts confused and excited. Me? I was just praying Baily didn’t get what Taylor was actually saying. Baily’s eyebrows raised in question as she faced me, “Really?”

  Taylor placed his hand on my shoulder and collarbone, giving it an affectionate squeeze, “Tell her Sugar, tell Baily how good I’ve been.”

  I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. I nodded quickly, “He has been very good. Mind blowing, right?”

  Cole choked again. Before this weekend was over that guy was going to need CPR. Kate hid her whole body behind him and Allie wrinkled her nose, still not sure what was happening. And Baily? She smiled and said, “That’s go great, I’m so sorry for doubting you guys.” She looked down when her phone dinged and told us our driver was here. We all filed outside and climbed in the car; Cole and Taylor in the 3rd row, Allie Kate and I in the middle, and of course Baily in the front giving the Georgia native directions to a bar that was 5 minutes away. Taylor put his hand on the back of my neck holding me in place while he whispered in my ear. “Mind blowing, huh?”

  His breath in my ear sent shivers up my spine. In that instant all I wanted to do was climb into his lap and ride him the whole way to the bar. Taylor made me feel like the women I write about. Completely and utterly infatuated with a guy. Lust and Love. I turned in my seat, I knew my expression was full of desire, I couldn’t help it. “Mind blowing.” His face was inches away from mine and I witnessed the second his eyes went from playful to aroused. I smiled. “In fact, right this second it’s all I can think about.”

  He moved his mouth to my ear once again. “Just say the word baby and I will pull you back here with me.” He nuzzled my neck, breathing me in. “Mmmm, you smell edible. Please say the word, Sugar.”

  Cole moved his face next to ours and obnoxiously cleared his throat, shattering the moment. “Could just guys please try and control yourselves? My God, you just got away with telling Baily you’ve been fucking all weekend without her even realizing it. Now just stop touching until we get to the damn bar. I want to be well and wasted before realization dawns on her and she loses her shit.�

  Chapter Twenty Six:


  The bar was small, even by old honky tonk standards. There was a band set up in one corner playing old country cover songs, and playing them well might I add. I still had a semi from the car ride over here. I wanted to grab Livi’s hand and lead her to the nearest bathroom stall. Not too romantic, I know, but damn I wanted to be inside that girl. It didn’t help that she looked like sex on a stick. She had on some cut off shorts, a loose tank top and brown boots. You just knew that she wasn’t even trying to look fuckable. The girls went in search of a table while Cole and I headed to the bar. We figured since Baily had essentially given us the night off, we could cover the bar tab. How much could the 4 of them drink anyway? We brought a round of beers and shots to the table. The song that played was fast and up tempo, I could see Cole fidgeting in his seat. He loved to dance. I put my hand on Livi’s thigh, “Sugar, dance with Cole for me. He’s going to wiggle out of his damn seat.” She laughed and then stood and grabbed Cole’s hand, “Dance with me C-Man.” I smiled, hearing her call my best friend by my nickname for him. Watching Cole expertly twirl, spin, and push Livi around the floor made me feel oddly warm inside. Normally if Cole was dancing with a chick I was planning on nailing after the bars, I’d get irritated. Just more work for me if he was nicer than I was (which he usually was). But right now, watching two of my favorite people laugh and dance together? I felt, content. I was turning into a sappy bastard. The song ended and a slow one began as Cole brought Livi back to me. I stood taking her hand and pulling her onto the dance floor and into my arms. “Does Cole dance like an old cowboy?”

  She snorted, “Cole dances like an old cowboy on crack. But in a good way.”

  I held her tighter, breathing deeply. “What about me?”

  She laid her head on my chest, “You’re perfect.”

  “So right in this moment, nothing else exists? Nothing else matters?” I kissed her temple.

  Livi tilted her head up slightly, “Nothing.”

  We continued dancing just like that, glued together. Her forehead touching my neck, hands clasped. Livi had changed me, changed my heart. I was falling head over heels for this girl and there would be no walking away and never looking back. If I was forced to walk away from Livi I’d spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. The song ended and I spun her out and brought her back in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist picking her up, I placed my head against hers. “I don’t want to let you go.”

  She giggled, “Then don’t babe, dance with me again.”

  That’s not at all what I’d meant. I sat her down and pushed her around the floor for two more songs before we needed a beer break. The whole time I was holding her I was running options through my head. Maybe I could go see her? Maybe we could meet somewhere? Maybe we could figure this out and end up happily ever after? I knew now wasn’t the right time to ask her. But that didn’t mean the words weren’t right on the tip of my tongue when Allie came barreling towards us. She slung her arms around both of us laughing like a nut job. “Will you two come up for air please? I want to take some shots and no one in this joint will let me dance on the table.”

  I chuckled as I led both girls towards the bar. “Can I get a round of shots for these two beautiful ladies please?” The bartender looked Allie and Livi up and down, twice. I fought the urge to punch him. I put my arm around Liv’s chest and pulled her back against me while he placed our shots in front of us. Cole came from out of nowhere, grabbed Allie’s drink out of her hand and downed it. She slapped him upside the head. I rolled my eyes, “Can we get another shot?” All I wanted to do was hold Livi close and dance and tell her how I felt. All I got to do? Watch the girls and Cole drink and dance themselves into a frenzy. Don’t get me wrong, I was having a great time and had a really great buzz flowing…but I would have much rather been spending the night next to (in) Livi. In 72 hours I’d gone from professional partier to professional pansy.


  After what seemed like hours inside that tiny bar, I was more than ready to head home. I placed my arm along the back of Livi’s chair and pulled her ear towards me. “Hey Sugar, let’s get out of here. They’re wasted,” I gestured to our group of friends. “And I’m horny.”

  Livi giggled and much to my appreciation, clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention before saying, “How about we take this party back to the house?”

  As we rode home I realized just how drunk Cole actually was. He was singing to a Miranda Lambert song, he knew all the words. I took out my cell and videoed a little. I was on cloud nine myself. Surprisingly, Baily had pretty much left Livi and me alone all night, letting us dance and flirt to our hearts content. I was going to talk to Livi when we went to bed, tell her how I felt. The night had been pretty perfect. Climbing out of the car I walked slowly behind Cole with my arms out waiting to catch him when/if he fell. When we were safely inside I laughed, “Okay, buddy. I want you to keep an eye out for any trash cans that might come out and tackle you. Also, I’ve noticed you have problems swallowing without choking lately. Just be careful, huh?”

  Cole narrowed his eyes, “Fucker.” His mouth turned up into a smile and my stomach dropped. I knew Cole like the back of my hand, I knew where this was headed and from across the room there was nothing I could do to stop him. “You’ve been quite the little fucker all weekend haven’t you? No offense Livi.”

  The whole room came to a screeching halt, I don’t even think anyone breathed. Baily turned to Livi, self-righteous hands on her bossy hips, “Livi? What? I thought you said…What’s going on?”

  I reached for Livi’s hand threading our fingers together, I spoke as quietly as I could. “Sugar, can you please just tell them now? You’ll feel so much better and we’ll be able to spend the rest of the trip in bed.” I expected her to fight me on my request, but instead of anger or pain in her eyes all I saw was calm. Maybe it was all the alcohol?

  Livi took and let out a deep breath, “A while back I caught Patrick having an affair and-

  Baily’s face paled, “You saw us?”

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  Chapter Twenty Seven:


  “What? No. I saw him and his…Wait. What? Saw us, like you and him? Like you slept with Patrick?” My mind was reeling. I had just decided to come clean with my best friends, with the people who knew and loved me most in this world. And, Baily had slept with Patrick? “Baily?”

  “Livi let me explain, please.”

  Baily had her hands out like she was trying to calm down a crazy person. I wanted to laugh, she hadn’t seen anything yet. Allie, Kate, and Cole were all sitting side by side on the couch. Watching us like a made for TV movie. In their defense, they all looked equally distraught. “Let you explain? Why you had an affair with my husband? Please, by all means.”

  “Patrick and I ran into each other at a conference in New York. We were both drunk and lonely and one thing lead to another. I am so sorry, Livi. Neither one of us wanted to hurt you and-

  “Lonely? You were both fucking married to other people! Just because you were alone at the conference doesn’t mean you were lonely. Does Matt know? Does your husband know about you and Patrick?”

  Baily shook her head slowly, “No.”

  I put my fingers to my temples. I couldn’t believe this was happening. “How many times?”

  “A few.”

  “So you fucked my husband, had an affair with my husband. And you still found it in you to spend this whole weekend riding around on your high horse giving me shit for flirting with Taylor?”

  “Liv, I didn’t want you to make the same mistakes I did. Matt and I are in counseling. Patrick called me this weekend over and over desperate to talk to you, he said he was afraid he was losing you and-

  I cut her off again. “I didn’t make the same mistakes you did Baily. I would never make those kind of choices. Taylor and I did nothing wrong, I filed for divorce months ago.”

nbsp; Allie stood, putting her hand on my shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell us Livi?”

  I shrugged her off. I wasn’t mad at Allie, I just needed to get away. I went and stood by Taylor, letting him pull me close. “It’s kind of funny when you think about it, really. I didn’t tell y’all because I wanted a fun weekend. A weekend when I didn’t have to think about infidelity or divorce. A weekend where I didn’t have to think at all. I wanted to come here and let loose with my friends.” I looked over at Taylor as I squeezed his hand. “And up until 5 minutes ago, that’s exactly what I got.”

  “Livi please, we can work through this. We have been friends for so long, please don’t stay mad at me.” Baily was all but begging me, for what I wasn’t sure.

  “What do you want me to say? That I forgive you? Sure Bails, I forgive you for fucking my husband. That I’m not mad at you? I’m actually not mad at you, I pity you.” I started laughing, like a manic laughter that I’m sure made me look certifiable. “You cheated on Matt with Patrick. How disappointing for you, right? Don’t lie. I know what you were expecting from Patrick, what you thought he’d give you. He’s nothing like he used to be. That man is gone. The cold driven money hungry shell that’s left is terrible in bed.” I turned, still holding Taylor’s hand like he was my life line, and headed towards our little bedroom. Then stopped and faced Baily one last time, “I’m sad Baily. I’m sad that you thought so little of me, of our friendship, and of yourself. You’re better than Patrick, and now I know without a doubt that I am too.”


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