The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy Page 29

by P. A. Priddey

  Bel stood shocked at his reaction. ‘I’m sorry, my lord, I did not mean to insult you.’

  Birkaz leapt to her side. ‘Alex, what’s got into you?’

  Braska went to the other side of his daughter. ‘What’s going on?’

  Alex turned to the goblin. ‘Don’t let her touch your skin.’

  Bel put her hand to her mouth. ‘I don’t understand.’

  Thalion and Karris went to Alex’s side as soldiers surrounded them.

  Alex put his hand in the air to calm the situation. ‘Bel, I’m sorry I frightened you, but you do understand . . . you have visions.’

  Bel trembled. ‘Yes, my lord, in my dreams, and I’m called Ludicras for it.’

  ‘You can also see things in other ways, like touching someone.’

  ‘Is this true, Bel?’ Braska asked.

  ‘Yes, Father, but it only started recently,’ she said, and lowered her head in shame, as if she was a leper.

  Alex stepped over and touched her chin to lift her head as golden energy passed from him. ‘Don’t be ashamed, you have a gift.’

  ‘I don’t want this gift, and what did you just do to me?’

  ‘It will stop you seeing things about me,’ said Alex, as he held his hands out to her, which she took and felt nothing.

  Braska looked helpless. ‘I don’t understand what’s happening.’

  ‘Your daughter is a Seer, an Oracle. Have you had any here before?’

  ‘We have, but the last one died over twenty years ago.’

  ‘They have always helped keep peace, by seeing wars before they could happen,’ said Nester. ‘The last one warned of evil and of visitors from another world, but everyone thought it was the ramblings of a dying woman in fever.’

  ‘Yes, I remember now,’ said Braska.

  Birkaz stared at Alex. ‘How did you know she is one?’

  Alex tapped his head. ‘It was when Bel approached me that the alarm bells screamed out.’ He looked at Bel. ‘I’m sorry if I panicked you.’

  Braska put his arm around his daughter. ‘Would it have been bad for her or you?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Bel, ‘if it’s a gift, would it not have helped you?’

  Alex gave her a gentle smile. ‘It would help us, but would’ve been bad for you. The things I’ve seen, and will face would’ve all been in your mind. You would see all the horrors and our technology in the moment of a few seconds. You’re not ready, and it could destroy your mind.’

  ‘If I am to be an Oracle should I not know these things?’

  Alex shook his head. ‘Not yet, you have many things to learn first.’

  ‘Would it have the same effect on us?’ Karris asked.

  ‘Some of the things might, but Bel is very innocent and has been protected from all the bad things in the world.’

  Braska shrugged. ‘I would not change anything I did.’

  ‘It’s exactly what I’m going to do with my daughters,’ said Alex. ‘Well, the younger ones anyway.’

  Bel frowned. ‘But I want adventures, and go and see places.’

  ‘Then you shall, it will be one of your lessons to learn about life.’

  Karris bowed. ‘No more Ludicras, but the great Lady Bel Blueflower.’

  Bel’s eyes grew big. ‘You tease me, Your Highness.’

  Nester bowed and all the soldiers dropped to one knee. ‘No he does not, as you are a great lady.’

  Braska held his daughter tightly. ‘I knew you were special.’

  Alex spent an hour talking of the things they had seen and of their technology in case any of them visited Earth. He went to his tent not long after, so he could visit the children. They loved the story of the knight and the duchess as did many of the women who were there. When he returned, it was with Carrie to her tent.

  Alex woke in the tent and Carrie had already changed. He lay there watching as she brushed her hair. The last few days had been a blur, but it had been enjoyable.

  Carrie turned to look at him. ‘Are you going to just lie there watching?’

  ‘I was thinking about it.’

  ‘Well, you’ll be lying there when they take the tent down,’ said Carrie. ‘So you better shift it.’

  ‘Are you trying to get rid of me?’ Alex asked.

  ‘Yes, or you will never catch up with us and take charge of this army.’

  ‘You have a point,’ said Alex, and vanished.

  They were already having breakfast when he left his tent. Bel Blueflower was being treated like royalty, and looked uncomfortable with it.

  Karris watched as he sat down. ‘You were not there, my lord, we hear you’ve been cheating and disappearing at night.’

  Alex accepted a bowl of porridge. ‘I was just giving some moral support.’

  Karris beamed. ‘So that’s what it’s called on your world?’

  Alex looked unimpressed at his breakfast. ‘You shock me, Your Highness.’

  ‘I’m teasing you, my friend.’

  ‘When will we arrive at Calberon Castle?’

  ‘Sometime tomorrow hopefully, but we will meet up with my father soon, and not long after we should join up with Carrie’s army.’

  ‘They joined up last night,’ said Alex.

  ‘How do you know that?’

  ‘I cheated remember,’ said Alex, while trying to eat his porridge, something he wouldn’t miss in being part of a big army. The evening meals were better as it was a bowl of stew and thick bread.

  It wasn’t long before the army of now three thousand set off eastward around the dwarf kingdom. They skirted the rocky terrain without seeing any dwarves. They rode through Calberon forest and didn’t see another soul until they came across the other army.


  Carrie mounted her horse and glanced at King Landon somewhat hopefully. ‘Are you going to take control of the army, Your Majesty?’

  ‘No we’re going to, with Earl Karlson. I notice there are many leaders here, and when the others join us there will be many more. I wouldn’t worry as there will not be a lot for any of us to do, so it will be just a stroll until we reach King Fulton.’

  ‘You don t expect any more surprise attacks then?’

  Landon looked over at James and Henrik. ‘No, they will be too busy trying to clear the North Pass, as I hear your friends did a thorough job in blocking it.’

  Stormhook rode to the front, he looked back to see if the armies were in position. He put his arm up, and they set off with him leading the way. Carrie was joined by Paige and Claire, while Lightning rode up next to Stormhook.

  ‘It’s a much better view up here,’ said Claire.

  ‘Yes, dear lady,’ said Landon, ‘and so much better when you have delightful company.’

  ‘I don’t want to sound rude, but you’re not what I expected in a king.’

  ‘Oh,’ said Landon, ‘I hope I have not let you down.’

  ‘No, quite the opposite from what I know of the kings from my world. It’s as if you don’t believe you’re better than anyone else.’

  ‘That’s because I’m not, but we do respect rank. I was a Prince of Calberon and never expected to become king as Fulton is my older brother. I, however, married my childhood sweetheart, Princess Leta of Westlake, and eventually became king there. My brother fell in love and married a farmer’s daughter.’

  Paige glanced around. ‘This is a world I would love to visit when the war is over.’

  ‘You would be very welcome.’

  Torgon turned to the king as they rode ten abreast. ‘Your Majesty would be welcome on four of the worlds we know about, but might want to learn things about Earth before you go there.’

  Landon nodded. ‘Stormhook told me about the technology, but what are the other three worlds?’

  ‘Our world of course, and the Goblin World, but you would have to be careful there and let the goblins show you where to go. There is the Dwarf World which I believe will have many visitors from here anyway.’

  ‘Are the other worlds much dif
ferent to this one?’

  Torgon shook his head. ‘Not really, you would feel at home on them.’

  Paige laughed. ‘Yeah right.’

  Landon raised a brow. ‘You disagree?’

  ‘I wouldn’t say that, but the Elf World has some of the most beautiful sights which take your breath away. You have to visit them.’

  Torgon smiled. ‘You are most kind, and there’s an army coming from the west.’

  Stormhook raised his arm again for the army to stop.

  Landon pulled on the reins. ‘It looks bigger than I imagined, does he make friends everywhere he goes?’

  Torgon watched the army approach. ‘It would appear so.’

  Prince Karris rode over to them. He removed his hat and bowed his head. ‘Hail, Lady Carrie, King Landon, Earl Karlson and the most beautiful ladies I have ever seen, may we join your army?’

  Landon smiled at his son. ‘We would be very happy for you to do so.’

  ‘Hail everyone that the Prince just greeted,’ said Duchess Isabella, ‘may I and my soldiers also join?’

  ‘You are more than welcome,’ said Landon, and rode to her. ‘We had feared the worse, and it makes my heart soar to just see you.’

  ‘As it did mine when friends came and rescued me with strangers who are now what I would call my closest friends.’

  ‘Lady Carrie, I have missed you,’ said Alex, as he rode up and kissed her cheek.

  ‘You too, my lord,’ said Carrie, and Prince Karris laughed.

  ‘Is there something wrong, my son?’ Landon asked.

  ‘No, Father everything is just perfect, but we do have another surprise for you. We have found, or should I say Lord Alex found our Oracle.’

  ‘Is this true?’ Earl Karlson asked as he looked around.

  ‘This is Bel Blueflower, the Oracle,’ said Birkaz, as he rode alongside her protectively.’

  The white witches surrounded them with Luella looking deep into her eyes. ‘Tell me, how long have you had these powers?’

  Bel blushed. ‘I’ve had visions since I was a child, but recently I’ve been having them when I touch someone’s hand.’

  ‘That’s no good as you’re not ready yet.’ Luella smiled and took a pair of gloves out her small pack which she kept potions in. ‘These will protect you from visions for the moment, as I can see they are causing you some distress.’

  Bel put the gloves on. ‘Thank you, great lady.’

  Luella rode closer and took her hands. ‘Welcome sister,’ she said, as Daralis, Aileen, Morven, and Ayan all did the same.

  ‘I feel proud,’ said Braska, ‘but also frightened I’m losing my little girl.’

  Birkaz put his hand on the big man’s shoulder. ‘Not yet, we have to take her on adventures first.’

  ‘I will look forward to that, but who will be teaching her how to be an Oracle?’

  ‘One of the healers can go with you,’ said Luella. ‘All Bel needs is to strengthen her mind so she will be protected when she sees things.’

  Braska bowed his head slightly. ‘Thank you, great lady, that makes me very happy.’

  Alex turned to Braska. ‘I understand how much you care for your daughter, but wouldn’t it have been safer for her to stay in the mountains?’

  ‘Normally it would have been, but a few days ago we sensed something evil up there, and no one was left behind. The older ones and children all went to the protection of Westlake. Bel was going too, until Birkaz changed into a dragon.’

  ‘Was the evil anything to do with Alderon and the demons he has summoned up?’

  ‘I don’t believe so . . . it was like a dark spirit. There was something else there too, but we didn’t wait to find out what.’

  Alex glanced up. ‘House you said you sensed a dark spirit.’

  Yes, but it was further north.

  ‘It must be the devil looking for the portal.’

  James rubbed his chin. ‘Good, it hasn’t found it yet.’

  ‘For now, but at least it gives us time,’ said Alex, as he dismounted and thanked the horse for carrying him when Bronte trotted over.

  If it is the blood devil then it is not alone, said House, and the dark spirit I sensed could be shielding it.

  They rode north for the rest of the day with only the odd interruption of more people joining them.


  King Fulton was a worried man as he paced his living quarters of the castle. He was in his sixties, and his hair now grey. He had a kindly face, but the strain of the last six months had started to show. Fulton looked tired through lack of sleep, not just through the threat from the north but of his missing daughter. He knew she was safe but he missed her. Only Baron Blackwood, Earl Lexworth, and King Grolt had come to his aid with six thousand men and four thousand dwarves. They were outnumbered and had nothing to counter the demon fire. He thought it would be over soon, and would die without seeing his daughter again.

  ‘We have twenty thousand soldiers, and it’s still not enough,’ said Blackwood, a man in his forties with black hair and beard.

  Fulton nodded. ‘They have demons too.’

  ‘Dwarves do not fear their flames,’ said Grolt. ‘Our armour will protect us until we get close enough.’

  ‘That would be too dangerous,’ said Lexworth, another man in his sixties who also had the look of someone who had not slept for a while.

  There was a knock at the door and a guard entered. ‘The great one, Bryn, has just ridden through the gates.’

  ‘Thank you,’ said Fulton, somewhat relieved. ‘Finally, some good news at last.’

  ‘Indeed it is,’ said Blackwood, ‘but we need more men. Has there been no word from your brother or the others?’

  ‘Nothing for days now.’

  ‘What about the rest of your men, half of them are missing.’

  Fulton shook his head. ‘Not missing but scouting, they will be here.’

  ‘The demons might have them trapped like we were, until Bryn destroyed them.’ Blackwood stood and looked out of the window. ‘What about the army travelling north?’

  ‘No one knows if they are friend or foe,’ said Fulton. ‘None of the squads I’ve sent have returned.’

  Blackwood turned away from the window. ‘So, we will be either getting help or trapped between two armies.’

  ‘Yes, and I’ve sent my best captains. I thought at least one of them would have got back to us by now.’

  ‘They are probably fighting those things Alderon has been sending,’ said a tall man with black hair, grey beard, and dressed in robes as he entered the room.

  Fulton clasped his hands together. ‘Great one, you had us worried.’

  ‘I was busy following something else,’ said Bryn.

  Lexworth leant forward in his seat. ‘How is Alderon sending them south?’

  ‘That I don’t know, but he can have them appear anywhere.’

  Fulton raised an eyebrow. ‘What did you mean by things?’

  The wizard picked a jug up off the table and poured himself a drink. ‘They’re not human and never were, they’re being created by the demons.’

  Blackwood sighed. ‘So he could have even more soldiers now.’

  Bryn nodded. ‘He has more than forty thousand at the last count.’

  ‘Damn it,’ said Fulton. ‘How is he creating them?’

  ‘I’ve no idea . . . I wasn’t able to get close enough.’

  ‘What do you know about the army coming from the south?’

  ‘Only that it contains great power.’

  ‘Is it for or against us?’ said Blackwood.

  ‘I would say they are for us, as I saw four men and a wolf, somehow drop half a mountain into the north pass before vanishing. Bryn poured himself another drink and looked at the King. ‘One of the men was Stormhook.’

  Fulton rubbed his eyes. ‘How did they do that? And what was the captain up to?’

  ‘How, I do not know, but I sensed a great power. They did it to slow Alderon down, or he would have
been here yesterday.’

  ‘Then they have a chance of getting here in time for the battle.’

  ‘It all depends on how long it takes Alderon to clear the pass,’ said Bryn. ‘He has a powerful demon and over forty thousand men, so it might not take that long.’

  Blackwood sat down. ‘Are we going to fight them in the field or from the castle?’

  ‘That’s the problem I’ve been struggling with,’ said Fulton. ‘I want all those that are vulnerable safe in the castle, but we have no protection against the fire in the field.’

  Bryn shrugged. ‘I will have to fight the main demon, which means I couldn’t help against the others.’

  ‘If we could only get a message to the other army,’ said Grolt. ‘If they were trapped they must have some way of defeating the other demons.’

  ‘If they are indeed friends,’ said Blackwood.

  ‘There is a way,’ said Bryn, and whistled a high-pitched shrill which almost hurt the others ears. He rolled up his sleeve to reveal a leather armguard as a falcon flew in through an open window and landed on it.

  ‘Are you going to attach a message to it?’ said Grolt.

  Bryn shook his head. ‘Not like that.’ He spoke to the falcon. ‘I need you to fly south to the army travelling up here, and see if it’s friendly. Communicate with them if you can, as we need to know if they have any protection against the demon fire.’

  The bird looked at him and made a shriek before flying back out of the window.

  Fulton watched it fly away. ‘What makes you think they could communicate with the bird?’

  ‘They might have one of our healers with them.’


  The army of nearly eighteen thousand, as it had added many of additions from all over the south and the west were now riding north. The pace was steady as they knew they couldn’t make it before nightfall. The fields ahead were clear, apart from a few farms and a river which they had to cross. It gave them a chance to rest the horses and let them have a drink.

  Adair joined them not long after.

  Alex watched the wizard approach with other robed riders. ‘Did you find him?’


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