The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy Page 37

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘We will have to wait until tomorrow,’ said Alex, ‘as Carrie should be well enough by then.’

  Fergal clasped two gnomes around the shoulders. ‘You will hear the word celebration a lot.’

  ‘That will be a welcome thing,’ said Modren.

  Alex glanced at Fulton. ‘Are the weddings arranged?’

  ‘My daughter’s marriage to Kai is for next week, but you said weddings?’

  ‘Yes, the one between Sir Hubert and Duchess Isabella?’ said Alex, and everyone stared at the knight.

  ‘I haven’t asked her,’ said Hubert. ‘She has been through so much of late, with losing her father and being a prisoner, I didn’t think it was the right time.

  ‘Being a ruler of a land can be very lonely,’ said Earl Lexworth. ‘The duchess is new to it, and could do with the man she loves at her side.’

  ‘I didn’t know that, so I will ask her.’


  Carrie arrived back at the mansion, and the children ran to her. She ached too much to pick them up.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Adhara asked.

  ‘I will be after I’ve been to bed.’

  Alhena took her hand. ‘Do you need any help going upstairs?’

  Carrie smiled. ‘No, sweetheart, I’ll manage,’ she said, before going upstairs.

  It was another forty minutes, before the others returned. The children ran straight over to them, and Alex soon had them in his arms.


  The Power Inside

  Alex spent twenty minutes with the children before going for a shower and getting changed. He was soon back downstairs in the party room having dinner. It had been nearly two weeks since he tasted Summer’s cooking, and he enjoyed it.

  Sarin glanced across the table at him. ‘Was it horrible over there, Papa?’

  Alex nodded. ‘It was much worse than that.’

  ‘Was it the monsters?’ Shaula asked.

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, it was the porridge.’

  ‘Papa, was you not scared?’

  ‘No, as we met lots of new friends.’

  Adhara’s eyes grew big. ‘Do we get to meet them too?’

  ‘Yes, of course, you’ll be going to Calberon with us for the party.’

  ‘Can we stay up late tonight?’

  Alex nodded. ‘You can come to the Elf World with me.’

  ‘Can I come too?’ said Claire.

  ‘Yes, I’ve missed you too.’

  ‘What, no dragon jokes?’

  ‘No, as Carrie and mother are both honorary dragons now.’

  An hour later Alex sat on a sofa as Adair walked over and joined him.

  ‘I would like a word about what happened earlier,’ said the wizard.

  Claire raised a brow. ‘Looks like you’re in trouble.’

  Adair shook his head. ‘No, it’s nothing like that, but I do worry.’

  Alex shrugged. ‘I don’t know, before you ask.’

  ‘I should be happy, but your power just keeps growing.’

  ‘He has always had power,’ said Claire.

  Adair glanced at her. ‘He was flying through the air, and swung a dragon around like it was a rag doll before he threw it at the others.’

  ‘It seems to be growing for some reason,’ said Alex, still feeling uncomfortable.

  Paige sat down. ‘You said that before, when we saved the dwarves.’

  ‘Yes but it’s much stronger now. I used so much of my energy helping the dragons, but it didn’t weaken me in the slightest.’

  ‘The Final Destiny?’ said Claire.

  ‘Mother caught a demon spirit, trying to get in one of the eggs, which we believe caused the police and others to act strange.’

  ‘It was the one that caused his accident,’ said Luella, ‘and was harming his friends.’

  Paige’s eyes grew big. ‘You mean I was really in danger?’

  Luella nodded. ‘I never had any doubt about that.’

  ‘I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you,’ said Paige as her eyes glazed over.

  Alex smiled. ‘You did believe I thought it though.’

  ‘Yes, I just thought you lost your mind for a while, but was still protecting me.’

  ‘That’s all that matters then.’

  Luella watched them. ‘It obviously thought in his condition, and the torment Alex was going through he was no threat anymore. It made a mistake, and when the demon realised, it was too late as Alex was already too powerful for it.’

  ‘You knew of his torment?’ said Paige.

  ‘Yes, I did everything I could, but he wouldn’t accept any help. Something kept stopping me from telling him what I was.’

  ‘It wasn’t time for me to know then,’ said Alex.

  ‘What difference does time mean?’

  ‘Time means everything, as something is going to happen. I have known this for a while.’

  ‘Things always happen around you,’ said Claire.

  ‘I know,’ said Alex, ‘do you fancy that drink on the Elf World then?’

  ‘I thought you’d never ask.’

  Alex went to the Elf World to relax for a while, and see some friends he had not seen since they had gone to the Dragon World. The pucas and pixies were very happy to see him.

  Adhara sat next to him. ‘Are you OK papa?’

  ‘Yes, sweetheart, why do you ask?’

  ‘There is something different about you.’

  ‘It’s this extra power I’ve got since I went to the Dragon World.’

  ‘Would that make us stronger too?’ Sarin asked.

  ‘No, honey, I think it has something to do with me carrying one of the eggs,’ said Alex, but he didn’t know and part of him did not want his daughters to get extra power. He could feel the power he had and it made him feel uncomfortable, but he had it for a reason.

  ‘Then we will have to stay close to you, and get stronger that way.’

  ‘I could suffer that,’ said Alex.

  He went to bed and felt the heat inside once again, and knew it would be a bad night for sleeping.


  Carrie took a bath before she went to sleep. She decided to sleep in her own bed when she went upstairs earlier, as she still ached, and sleep she did.

  The nightmares soon followed.


  The following morning Alex woke up alone. His power had grown even more overnight, and it was not a nice feeling. He went down for breakfast before joining some of the others in the hall. The great ladies and Adair had already gone to Calberon to visit the others like them.

  Shaula climbed on the sofa next to him. ‘What time we going over there?’

  Alex shrugged. ‘I’m not sure what time the celebration is.’

  ‘I want to go for a stroll through Calberon City.’ said Paige.

  George nodded. ‘Me too, but I would like to know what they use for currency, and exchange goods for it.’

  ‘Well,’ said James, ‘they like to play cards, so I could play against them with the help of House.’

  ‘You are not serious?’ said Joseph.

  James grinned. ‘Of course not, but it would be fun to do that one day.’

  Alex rubbed his eyes. ‘OK, we could go for a walk.’

  Alex, said House, King Fulton would like to know if you are free for a few minutes.

  Alex stood. ‘OK, I’ll go, and if you want to wait for me I’ll ask him about money,’ he said, and vanished.

  House took him to a large room with a high ceiling. There were two thrones at one end with many long tables in the centre. The walls had red drapes along them with many suits of armour in between. Alex knew the room was used for important functions in running a kingdom, but also had a lot of banquets.

  ‘Ah, Lord Alex, I’m pleased you came so quickly,’ said Fulton, a little startled at the sudden appearance.

  Alex bowed his head slightly. ‘Your Majesty, I was coming over anyway, there’s nothing wrong I hope?’

  Fulton patted him on the
shoulder. ‘No, but I would like to show you something.’

  ‘Well this room’s impressive.’

  ‘Thank you, and yes I’m rather pleased with it, but I want to show you something else,’ said Fulton, as they exited the throne room.

  ‘I want to know what you use for money here. We do have plenty on our own world, but it would be no good here, and would have to trade.’

  ‘My Lord Alex, you don’t need to do that, you’re a very rich man, and one of the richest in Calberon,’ said Fulton, as he led him up some wide stairs on the west side of the palace. At the top was a pair of double doors with two guards outside, who both bowed before opening them.

  Alex entered the room. ‘How do you mean, one of the richest?’

  ‘I will show you, just like this side of the palace. It’s quite spacious, and I would like you and your friends to use these apartments whenever you like.’

  ‘That’s very kind of you, but I’m quite confused,’ said Alex, as he noticed two large chests in the corner.

  ‘Traditions, as you did not save one kingdom but the whole world.’

  ‘I didn’t do it all on my own.’

  ‘No, that’s why you have all been given these gifts from so many on this world,’ said the king, as the two guards opened the chests which were full of gold coins and jewellery.

  Alex raised both eyebrows. ‘We cannot accept this.’

  ‘Traditions, and as it was given by so many, we wouldn’t know who to give it back to. It would also leave the problem that no one would charge you for anything, Which would be bad for the economy. At least this way, if you do buy anything you will be helping to keep it going.’

  ‘You’re a very persuasive man, Your Majesty, I’ll give you that.’

  ‘It didn’t work quite so well with my daughter though did it?’

  ‘Your plan was faultless, but you were not to know she was going to run off before you could tell her.’

  ‘You’re very kind, and it does make me feel better about the whole affair. Well this room you’re in now is for every one of your friends, and the sleeping quarters are through those doors,’ said Fulton, as a guard opened them.

  It was a long wide corridor with many rooms on both sides, and another set of stairs at the other end.

  Alex opened the nearest door which led to a bedroom with a four-poster bed. There was a fireplace to the right and a window opposite the door. He took a look outside which showed the field where the battle had taken place. ‘Just how much of the palace have you given us?’

  ‘The whole west wing . . . and I do hope it pleases you.’

  ‘It does, even if I do believe it’s too much of a gift.’

  ‘I am a king with just one daughter for family. It would be nice to know these rooms are being used now and then.’

  ‘Then it pleases me greatly, and I accept.’

  ‘We do have a banking system that you could put your new wealth in, if you don’t like leaving it in your rooms.’

  ‘We can sort that out after the children have seen it, as I’ve a feeling it will be very popular with them.’

  ‘Then I shall leave you and see how the preparations are going for the celebration,’ said Fulton, and shook Alex’s hand before leaving with the guards.

  Alex glanced up. ‘Well, that was unexpected.’

  Very true, and we have another home too, said House, it might be fun haunting this place.

  ‘As long as we don’t forget our own home.’

  Of course not, but did you see those suits of armour?

  Alex smiled. ‘Yeah, I see your point.’

  Are you going to tell the others about all of this?

  ‘Yeah, as it’s theirs too, but let me get some spending money first.’

  Carrie was on one of the sofas when he returned, and didn’t look too happy. Thalion and Tyra were also there. The children were waiting and getting impatient, like many of the others.

  ‘Well?’ said Claire.

  Alex smiled at her. ‘Not too bad, how are you?’

  ‘Have you been drinking?’

  ‘No, why are you offering.’

  Claire sighed. ‘Oh gawd, he’s in one of those moods.’

  ‘She means where have you been?’ said Paige. ‘What time is the celebration, and what do they use for money?’

  ‘Well, for starters I was in my new rooms at the palace.’

  ‘They gave you a room there?’ said Claire.

  ‘No, I said rooms. The celebration isn’t until tonight, so we can go for a walk in the city.’

  ‘What about money?’ said Paige.

  Alex rattled a pouch full of coins. ‘I got some.’

  ‘Oh wow, let me have a look,’ said Claire, as she took the pouch off him, and tipped gold coins into her hand.

  ‘Where did you get them from?’ James asked.

  Alex smiled. ‘King Fulton, I told him I was a little short this week.’

  Thalion patted him on the shoulder. ‘You appear to be enjoying this very much.’

  Alex could still feel the heat inside, but refused to let it ruin his mood. ‘That’s putting it mildly.’

  Sarin stared up at him. ‘Papa, are you keeping things from us?’

  ‘Nothing unusual about that,’ said Carrie, in a cold tone.

  Alex winked. ‘But I thought you like surprises.’

  ‘Are you going to tell us?’ Paige asked.

  ‘You know how people keep giving me money, well it happened again, and I’m very rich.’

  George raised an eyebrow. ‘You’re already very rich.’

  ‘On this world yes, but now I’m very rich on that world too,’ said Alex, and James groaned.

  ‘How much,’ said Claire grumpily.

  ‘I don’t know, but it looks a lot.’ Alex glanced around at them and smiled. ‘Well, it’s not just mine, but a gift for all those who saved their world.’

  Claire grinned. ‘That sounds much better.’

  Tyra rubbed her small bump. ‘I know I wasn’t there, but do I have money to spend? Only I’ve never been shopping.’

  ‘Yes, dear lady, you do,’ said Alex. ‘So who wants to go and see our rooms?’

  ‘Our rooms?’ said James.

  ‘Yeah, King Fulton has given us a whole wing of the palace to use as we like.’

  All those who were there went, and it wasn’t just the children who ran to the chests and started playing with its contents. Eventually Alex managed to drag them away, and they went for a walk through the city all armed with a pouch of coins. They were not the only ones in the city as Fergal and Jarlath were already there, and were frustrated by the fact they needed money to buy beer and food. House told them to hold out their hands and pouches appeared in them. It was the first time any gnome had ever bought anything with money.

  King Fulton got on well with House. Many who entered the throne room with the pettiest request from an inch of land they believe their neighbour had stolen, to merchants who wanted to tax anyone from the other lands selling in the city were soon chased out by a suit of armour. The palace guards could be found rolling on the floor in fits of laughter.

  Alex walked through a market with Talitha in his arms. He put her down as she and the other children ran to a stall that sold cheap cosmetic jewellery. It all looked very nice, even if cheap, as the designs were pleasant on the eye. Alex noticed different coloured stones which had been mined from somewhere on the world. The trader, Simona, told him they were rare and were given to her by the dwarves, who did not care for anything that wasn’t metallic. Alex asked to see the one which was clear, and ignored the ones that had colour to them. Simona passed it to him, and he felt his portal stone vibrate.

  ‘That’s strange.’

  ‘What is?’ said Thalion.

  ‘The portal stone’s going crazy,’ said Alex, as he took it out and held both in his hands.

  ‘Why would it do that?’

  Alex passed him the stones. ‘I don’t know, but you know more about these than I do
. What can you tell me of the clear one?’

  ‘It’s not clear, it’s like the ones the children found . . . it’s golden.’

  ‘It was clear a moment ago.’

  ‘It has always been clear,’ said Simona. ‘I would never cheat you, and I cannot explain why it did that.’

  ‘Crystal stones have their own way of doing things,’ said Thalion, as he passed them back to Alex.

  ‘I can see something in the crystal, it’s like another world,’ said Alex, as his portal stone vibrated again. ‘Is it a portal?’ he asked, but the stone did not respond. ‘Is it important?’ he said, and the stone vibrated.

  Thalion shook his head. ‘Are you asking a portal stone questions?’

  ‘Yes, it seems to know more than me.’

  ‘Power stones don’t work like that.’

  ‘Is Thalion an elf,’ Alex asked, and the stone vibrated.

  ‘OK, I did not expect that, you might want to find out about that one as much as possible.’

  ‘I intend to,’ said Alex, and gave Simona a gold coin.

  ‘I don’t have change for this.’

  ‘I don’t want change, it’s probably worth more.’

  ‘But I only wanted a silver piece for it.’

  ‘It’s worth more than that and I like it, so please take it.’

  ‘I don’t know if I should, I’m not bothered about the gold coin, but I don’t want to cause you bad luck when you saved us.’

  ‘What makes you think it’s bad luck?’

  ‘I don’t know what it means, but no stone has ever behaved like that before.’

  ‘Don’t worry as my other stone believes I should take it, so I have to,’ said Alex, and Simona, although reluctantly, accepted the gold coin.

  Others from the mansion arrived and Alex gave them pouches as if he was handing out pocket-money. He let Blaze and Asima watch the children, while he, Thalion and Joseph, went to Wizards Keep. They passed through the gates without any problem.

  A man in robes approached them. ‘Strangers, I take it you’re with the party from the other world, and want to see the great ones. I am Anno, and they’re busy at the moment.’


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