The Vampire's Bat

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The Vampire's Bat Page 11

by Tigertalez

  Seamus started the shower, and after the water was just right, he pulled her in to join him under the spray. They both hummed, enjoying the hot water washing down their naked forms. Maysa leaned back against his chest. Seamus let his hands glide over her wet skin and kissed water droplets off her shoulder.

  His hands continued to rove over her silky, smooth skin. “What was that you said? You wanted my hands all over you?” Seamus slid one hand up and cupped one of her breasts, and let the other hand slide down in between her folds. He pulled her harder against him and rotated his hips, grinding his re-inflated cock up and down the crease of her ass. Seamus pinched her nipple and twisted at the same time he pinched her nub, eliciting a pleasured yelp that echoed off the tiled walls. Her hips rolled with his fingers, and he could feel the muscles in her backside flexing.

  He nibbled the shell of her ear and licked up and down the juncture behind her ear where her ear met her scalp and swung his hips, bouncing his dick up to repeatedly tap against her pussy from underneath. Using his finger that he kept rubbing her clit with, he could feel her muscles twitching with each impact. Seamus felt the zing of pleasure spark up his spine with each impact. He was nearing another orgasm. “Damn, Maysa. You get me so worked up so fast. I can’t get enough of you.” He thrust his fingers into her and hooked them as he pulled and pushed them in and out of her opening as he took turns with his other hand, pinching, pulling, tugging and rolling her nipples with his skilled fingers.

  Her walls clamped around his fingers as her body broke into an orgasm. Her euphoria sang out through the bathroom and was no doubt heard throughout the living space and even down below.

  “Fuck, sweetheart, I need you hard and fast.” His voice was strained as he had to say it out loud because his mind was too far gone into his lust. Grabbing her hips, he twisted her and pushed her up against the tile, then pulled her hips out towards him while keeping her upper body flat against the wall and used his feet to spread her legs a little bit wider.

  Grabbing the base of his dick, he lined it up to her hole and plunged into the hilt. He grabbed her hips with both hands and looked down to watch as he hammered in and out of her. Maysa clutched at the wall and whimpered, but he could see it was in pure pleasure.

  Seamus stretched his thumbs wide over her soft rump and spread her cheeks further apart. Seeing her twitching star, he pressed a thumb against it and rubbed circles over it. The sight heightened his pleasure drawing his balls up tight against him. Seamus shouted and stiffened, shooting hot and hard into her. Grabbing her shoulder, he pulled her hair away and drew her to him, sinking his fangs into her shoulder. Maysa screamed and tumbled into another orgasm, milking him more.

  After he caught his breath, he hurried to clean them both up before the hot water ran out. After drying her off, he was hard and leaking and wanting to do another round, but the guilt that he hadn’t been able to check on any of the refugees since he had gotten back, helped him to hold back.

  “I want to go get breakfast and bring it up here to eat, since Peter needs some, too. Would you like to come with me?” Seamus asked as he finished buttoning his shirt.

  Maysa shook her head. “There’re more people in there now then there was before, and after yesterday, I don’t want to have to face any of them.”

  “What do you mean ‘after yesterday’? What happened?”

  “I ran from you. It was stupid. You wouldn’t have hurt me so I don’t understand my reaction, but it was wrong and stupid.”

  “Sweetheart, it could have been a flashback. You were traumatized, and things like that can happen without notice. I’m not going to condone you running from me, but you didn’t do anything wrong and I don’t think anyone would fault you for it. But you are right about there being more people. That’s okay if you don’t want to go. I shouldn’t take long.”

  Seamus had to gather help to carry all the plates and glasses of juice, but soon enough he and Maysa were eating at the breakfast bar in the infirmary. Peter was eating as well but in the bed that was still out in the living space.

  “I think my scent is coming back,” Maysa said after swallowing a mouthful of pancake.

  “Why do you think that?” Seamus asked before stuffing his mouth with the same.

  “I think I can make out yours and Peter’s vampire scent, but I know for sure I was able to scent just a hint of Havana’s bear when she helped you bring up the food.”

  “That’s really good news, sweetheart. Would you let me take a blood sample later today?”

  Maysa giggled. “You mean you haven’t gotten enough?”

  Seamus laughed. “I meant what I said earlier, I can’t get enough of you.” He smiled and winked at her.

  Chapter Nine

  “Sea!” Seamus heard Reese yelling his name from the downstairs gym. He was currently doing an exam on Peter before heading out to check on all the other patients. He looked up as he heard the heavy tread from the young teen darting up the stairs. The door flew open, and Reese hurried inside.

  “Nix and Henry are both coming in with trap injuries.”

  “Son-of-a-bitch!” Peter cursed. “That’s one whole sentry team.” Peter threw his legs over the side of the bed and began dragging himself out of bed.

  “Reese, help Peter to his room in the house,” Seamus ordered. As the two slowly made their way out of the room and down the stairs, Seamus, Maysa, and Katie, who’d just arrived, worked to get the bed back into the bedroom with clean sheets, and readied trauma kits.

  Neto appeared with Henry slung over his shoulder, a steel-jaw leg-hold trap still clinging to his left arm. Henry shouted in pain at the jostling, and his skin was undoubtedly pale.

  A startled cry came from Katie. “Daddy!”

  Seamus glanced over to assess her. He saw that even though Katie looked and sounded upset, she was still capable.

  Neto headed straight to the exam bed behind the partition. “Nix is worse,” he said over his shoulder as he tried to place Henry down on the tiny bed as carefully as he could.

  “How much worse?” Seamus asked.

  “He was snared by some kind of razor wire. He’s in his falcon form, and they were trying to free him without slicing his wing and neck clean off,” Neto answered.

  “Neto, get Tyler up here. Tell him I might need to do a blood draw on him,” Seamus said hurriedly as he rushed to help Henry out of the trap. He worked quickly to get Henry stable enough for when Nix arrived.

  Once again, Nix’s blood dripped a path on the floor, but this time it coated his feathers instead of flesh, as Kace carried his limp form in. Someone’s shirt was wrapped protectively around his chest and neck. The flat, sharp wire was still wrapped around his body, cutting deep into his feathers and flesh.

  Reese arrived with Tyler just at that time. “Maysa, have Reese help you draw a pint of blood from Tyler,” he ordered.

  Maysa nodded and sent Reese to gather the equipment as she took Tyler over to a chair. Seamus focused on his work. He had to carefully remove the wire without moving it in any direction lest he would cut Nix more. He winced when he saw how deep some of the cuts had gone.

  Sweat beaded on his forehead as he worked. Hooking up an IV was tricky on Nix’s falcon form, but once he got it going and got some of Tyler’s blood dripping into him, he could sense Nix strengthening, but only just a little. He was worried it wouldn’t be enough, so he didn’t relax.

  Seamus didn’t know how long he took, but when he was done, he had placed dozens of stitches, including several connecting severed nerves and muscles. Seamus stretched his back and neck. He could feel his mate through their link. She wasn’t nervous, but she was concerned.

  “Bring Bronya and Alphy in, sweetheart,” he said through their newly formed mind-link. He felt her slight jolt of surprise, but she quickly recovered. He chuckled at the memory of this morning.

  The door opened, and Maysa led the other two in. Bronya hurried over to Nix, but he was still in falcon form. “How is he?” she asked.

  “He should pull through, but some of the cuts were seriously deep. It nearly took his wing and head off. I’ve done what I can, and now we can only wait.”

  Alphy walked over and stood beside Bronya, looking down at their good friend. “Yes, Kace said he thrashed around in a bit of a panic after he flew into it. It was up in the tree, and Nix had become focused on Henry who was trying to sense out and disarm traps. The sneaky bastard is sending us false scent trails, and with the rains, it’s made it near impossible to get a fix on him. I feel like we’re just chasing our tails. He’s not coming too close to the tree line, and to top it off, he’s placed better concealed traps near more obvious ones. Henry was focused on one, trying to disarm it, and he ended up setting off another. It’s like he knows about our senses and how to get around them.”

  Maysa let Seamus pull her into his arms as he continued to talk to Alphy and Bronya. “Well, I don’t know how much mobility he will recover. There’s a possibility he might not ever be able to fly again, but it is just as likely that he will. I can’t say at this point.”

  Bronya ran the back of two of her fingers down some feathers on one of his wings. “As long as he lives, I can handle everything else.”

  Seamus could see tears pool in her eyes, but they didn’t fall. He could see the tense lines around her lips and her rigid posture start to relax as she continued to stroke her mate’s feathers.

  Alphy looked up at him. “Thank you, Sea, and congratulations, the both of you, on your bonding.”

  “Alpha?” Maysa said in a small voice.

  “Yes, Maysa?”

  “It’s Scott. The one who’s setting these traps. I just know it’s him.”

  “I know it is, Maysa. Don’t go blaming yourself. This is all on him. I’m already stretched thin as is with security, so no one goes into the forest without my permission, until further notice.” Alphy placed a hand on Bronya’s shoulder. “I’ve given warning to the treehouse building crew to keep a lookout for him, and I have Marley, one of Kace’s building crew who is also one of his sentries, assigned to them. Just focus on Nix. Hey, Sea, can I have a private word with you?”

  “Sure.” Seamus gave Maysa a kiss on her head. “I’ll be right back, sweetheart.” Then he followed Alphy, who led them halfway down the stairs. He turned and regarded Sea with concern.

  “Enzo and I are worried about Nix possibly having night terrors again, due to the way he acquired his injuries. Should we tell Bronya? Or do you think he would develop any?”

  Seamus took a moment to think about the questions. A very few were privy to Nix’s PTSD, which had started with the murder of his parents.

  “He only has them during certain events, which this one would most definitely qualify, but I think the key is his mate. One’s destined mate can always calm their other half. I believe that so long as Bronya stays by his side, he should be fine. I’ll make sure to monitor him closely, and yes, I believe Bronya should be told. But the details as to why, I’ll leave up to Nix to tell her. After I finish up with Henry, I’ll tell her.”

  After checking on Henry, being satisfied he was healing well, Seamus sent him home with his mate, Beverly. The room was once again quiet, and he noticed it was after noon.

  “Reese, please clean up the exam area. Then you can head back into the house.”

  “Will do,” Reese replied happily.

  Connie had brought up some food, so Seamus decided to wait to talk to Bronya until after everyone had left. He and Maysa sat and ate while Katie went to go lie down.

  After they finished eating, and not being able to leave the mess until later, Seamus began cleaning up the hospital room, with Maysa’s help. After, while Maysa was in the bathroom, Seamus checked on Nix and used that time to talk to Bronya.

  “Has Nix ever talked to you about his past?” he asked.

  “Uh, a little bit.”

  “I don’t know how much to tell you, but did he tell you he sometimes suffers from night terrors?”

  Bronya shook her head, so Seamus continued. “He doesn’t get them in his falcon form, but when we finally get him to shift, we will need to watch for them. I believe he will be fine while you’re here, as your presence will calm him. And don’t leave his side if you can help it.”

  Bronya nodded her head. Satisfied, and completely spent, Seamus and Maysa both collapsed on their bed. He was still weakened from his earlier state, so he fell to sleep, taking a nap, not waking up until right around sunset.

  Seamus stretched and went to check on Nix. Walking around the divider, he saw Bronya had her head lying on the bed while her butt was planted in a chair beside it. Her arms were resting on the bed above her head, placed over the tip of one of Nix’s wings.

  As Seamus approached, he saw Nix sleepily open his eyes. He smiled down at him in a bit of relief. “You had a lot of people worried. Let me have a look at how well your wounds are healing before I determine whether or not you should shift,” he whispered.

  Seamus looked over the sutured cuts. They looked like they were a few days old already, but they were still a long way from being healed. He pressed down in different places and listened to his lungs. That was when Bronya woke.

  “Nix, you’re awake.” She looked up at Seamus. “When can he shift?”

  “I can sympathize that you might want to hold him and hear him talk to you, but I don’t want him putting any pressure on those stitches for a little while yet. I’ll look at them again in the morning and see if they are good enough then. The position of some of those cuts makes it actually more dangerous to shift as opposed to facilitating his healing.”

  After he finished, he looked over at Maysa, who had been standing behind him.

  “I’m going to go check on the other patients from the lab raid.” Seamus held out a hand to Maysa. “Care to join me?”

  “Yes,” she said happily. After grabbing a big medical duffel bag, he headed out with Maysa’s hand in his. It was a lot of traveling as some of them were in the park model homes, and others were in the alpha house. They started with the patients in the park model homes. It was very dark, and the clouds finally decided to open up. Seamus and Maysa had to walk through the rain to each destination.

  Next to all the patients was a pad of paper that people who had helped care for them used to record information. Whenever someone would give food, water, or in the case of non-shifted forms, clean a mess, they would record how much was given, eaten, drunk, or messed, along with any characteristics like nightmares, or responses to things, positive and negative. This was especially helpful with the many shifters who still hadn’t shifted since they couldn’t speak for themselves.

  As Seamus checked over the patients, Maysa recorded the information on a tablet that he was using to keep everyone’s medical records on. He would later copy the files over onto a computer. This was what he did for everyone in the pack.

  He was ready to head out to the barn where they were forced to keep some of the shifters, but he wanted to stop by Ryker’s room first. Knocking on the door, he didn’t hear an answer. Looking in, the room was empty. A toilet flushed, and a moment later one of Ryker’s sentries, Gavin, trotted down the hall.

  “Hi, Sea. Maysa. Looking for Ry?”

  “Yes, would you know where he is?” Seamus asked.

  “Sure. We got more cams in the mail today, so he went to the barn to put them up. He put me on monitors tonight since Alphy doesn’t want anyone past the tree line at night, not even the gargoyles.”

  “Yes, it’s turned out plenty dangerous for even the day. Thank you, Gavin.”

  Seamus led Maysa out to the barn. He could see the gargoyle Stelios sitting on the top roof watching him approach. Seamus knew the other, Bogdan, was sitting on the main house. It was where they both liked to be on guard when they weren’t flying patrols.

  Equipment from the stalls they’d emptied out for the shifters was piled outside and covered in tarps. That, and all the construction putting in the park models, and settlin
g the survivors, had kept the entire pack busy and distracted today. It was no wonder to Seamus how the hunter had been able to get in a few punches.

  He could hear the sound of the cold rain splattering heavily against the tarp as they entered the building. Inside, he could see the stalls were dark, as their doors were left open, but the hall had a little light. There were two wolves, a black bear, a black jaguar, the okapi, and the rhino. He hated they were in here, and not in the house, but there wasn’t enough room and these were the largest shifters unable to shift. Whether that inability was a choice or not still seemed to be in question.

  He made his way to the first stall and flicked on a light that was placed there. In it was the black jaguar he had first seen when he arrived in the basement. Golden eyes stared at him as he approached. Maysa stayed by the open stall door.

  “Hello, Mister Jaguar, I’ve come to check on you. I apologize for not being able to come sooner. Are you able to shift?” he asked as he grabbed a notepad that had information on it. He glanced up and saw the feline shifter give a short shake indicating no.

  “I’ve suspected it isn’t by choice, as a few of the others can’t shift into their animal forms. From what I am reading, you seem like you are doing well. You are eating some, you have drunk an amount I cannot complain about, and you’ve even been able to use the litter-box.”

  The jaguar growled. Seamus looked up from the paper he was looking over and saw the black feline lifting his head and giving him an unhappy look.

  “I am sorry for how that sounds, however, you must realize there are few dignified options for you in your current state. It was a better option than leaving a mess on the floor. The humans may think you were nothing but an animal, but you and I know better.”

  The jaguar chuffed and laid his head back down, but Seamus could still see the tip of his tail angrily curling in and out.

  “Would you mind if I check you over?”

  The jaguar slightly rocked his head indicating no, so Seamus knelt down beside the feline and checked him over, paying particular attention to all of his sores and his hind leg. “You are healing slower than I am used to your kind healing, but I believe it is due to your lack of nutrition and perhaps what is causing your inability to shift. With more food and rest, we should see an improvement.


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