BRANDR_Elemental's MC

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BRANDR_Elemental's MC Page 10

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Draco, we have a problem. Salazar has now intercepted two of our transports, I don’t know how he managed to find out when it arrived, but they were there.” Alexei’s voice is low but with our enhanced hearing we can hear every word of their conversation. “I need your MC to be there when we pick up the next load from the supplier. We have known each other for many years and I know that I can trust you.”

  “Has Salazar approached anyone who you might know to help him with extra manpower?” Draco asks. I see Alexei tense and then he lifts his right hand, beckoning Vlad. He asks Vlad in Russian, to get the envelope. We all learnt how to speak Russian when we first started moving guns for Alexei, making sure that we were never taken by surprise.

  When Vlad returns Alexei shows Draco and Wulf the contents of the envelope. From where I’m sitting it looks like photos. “Do you know any of them?” Alexei asks, his eyes trained on Draco.

  “This here talking to Salazar is Vercin, he’s the Keres MC President,” Draco responds after a few minutes. “And that over there is Merdor his VP”

  “Are you saying that Salazar is in bed with the Keres MC!” Alexei snarls. I can see the vein in his neck pulsing with rage.

  “I believe they are, Alexei. For a while now, we have known that the Keres are trafficking women, we just didn’t know how or to whom.” Draco points at the papers in his hand. “This here just confirms what we suspected. Salazar is transporting the women for them and they are probably helping him get to your weapons.”

  “These Keres; how dangerous are they?” Alexei asks with a calculating look.

  “Let’s just say that we shouldn’t underestimate them. They can be very resourceful. We have been at war with them for years and they always find a way to get away,” Wulf replies.

  “Noted!” Alexei answers. “Are you fine with accompanying us to our suppliers and then carrying on with the normal deliveries?” At Draco’s confirmation he stands, preparing to leave. “Your enemies are now my enemies, we will exterminate them. I will start by investigating where the women are being taken. We will stop them!” The last piece was said with such venom that anyone listening wouldn’t doubt the outcome.

  Alexei is someone to look out for. He never gave us any problems, but we know that he can be dangerous. There is a reason why he’s the boss; all his men respect him for his leadership and determination. By helping him, we have just got ourselves into a war, not only with the Keres but with Salazar too.

  I look over at Bjarni and see the same look on his face as I’m sure is on my face and on the face of every brother that heard what was said. We have always been at war with the Keres, but we do not harm humans unless they try to harm us first. So far Salazar hasn’t attacked us directly; we have sworn an oath not to kill humans. It will be interesting to see how we will get around that if they don’t attack us first.

  Looking around, I see that the two Jezebel’s that were sitting with Burkhart have joined Tina behind the bar. I’m about to go and sit next to Burkhart when I feel a hand on my back. Turning around I see Lidia leaning over the counter. “Hey Brandr, I haven’t seen you around in a while have you been away?” Fuck me, that’s all I need. The Jezebels can be as possessive as hell when it comes to us, especially Lidia. I have always known that she has a soft spot for me and even though she can be a real bitch sometimes she gives one mean blow job. I don’t think anyone has told them that I have an old lady.

  Just the feel of her fingers stroking my arm revolts my stomach. Damn! I knew that once we are bonded other women wouldn’t interest us, but I never knew we would have this reaction to them. The thought of any of these women touching me makes my skin burn. I damn well hope that our women have the same reaction to other men as we have to women.

  “Sorry Doll, have been really busy.” I move my arm away as I stand up. “Bjarni do you want to come over there by Burkhart.” I can see the humour in Bjarni’s eyes as he looks at me, an eyebrow kicks up as his lips twitch.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to enjoy Lidia’s attention a little longer?” the fucker, he knows exactly what I’m doing.

  “Nope we have things to discuss.” I know that I should just tell them that I have an old lady, but the knowledge that they are going to start complaining has me walking towards Burkhart in a hurry, before Bjarni can say anything else to get them thinking.

  I hear Bjarni chuckle behind me as I join Burkhart. “What’s so funny?” Burkhart asks, looking at Bjarni as he sits next to him.

  “Brandr is a pussy, he’s making himself scarce so he doesn’t have to put up with the Jezebels’ bitching when they find out that he’s taken. Wulf and I had to go through it, now it’s your turn brother. I will make sure to be far away, especially when Lidia finds out.” Bjarni teases “Your hearing will never be the same again after that.” Burkhart sniggers looking over at me.

  “Make sure to keep away from her teeth, I still remember that time you were full of bite marks.” Burkhart mocks. “We wouldn’t want you to lose any important body parts.” Bjarni and he chuckled finding my situation funny.

  “Very funny assholes, I just feel bad because I know that no one else will be able to pleasure them like I did. You see, to have devotion like that comes with skill, something the two of you don’t know anything about.” I retort making them laugh at my comment.

  “Speaking of devotion, Bjarni do you know if the women have the same aversion to men after they bond like we have to women?” I see Bjarni’s eyes widen at my question and then a frown mars his forehead.

  “They fucking well better! My Baby Girl touches any fucker and he’s dead!” he growls looking upset.

  Draco and Wulf choose that moment to join us; they had walked the Russians outside to their car “What’s up?” Draco asks at Bjarni’s foul mood.

  “Do you know if the women after bonding have the same aversion to men like we have to women?” I ask looking over at Wulf who has been mated the longest.

  “What the fuck?” He grunts. “My woman only wants me.” At his growled answer I know that he also doesn’t know.

  Suddenly Draco and Burkhart start laughing “You guys are so whipped, fuck, grow some balls.” Draco mocks.

  “Isn’t it enough to know that your women will never stray? Do you really want to take the pleasure away from them of appreciating our awesome bodies?” Burkhart jokes as he lifts his T-shirt and strokes his abs with a twinkle in his eye.

  “You’re full of shit!” Wulf grunts, getting off the couch he makes his way outside.

  “Meeting in an hour,” Draco calls after him. I take the opportunity to also make my way inside to check on Aria. I’m curious to know if she was able to read Alexei’s mind from the camera feed or not.

  I find the women in the kitchen sitting around the table, Gabriela and Aria seem to be drinking Margaritas, while Jasmine is holding a bottle of sparkling water. Ceric is standing by the counter apparently mixing more Margaritas.

  “There’s my handsome beast!” Gabriela shouts out, with a lopsided smile on her face.

  “Wha … noooo, have you seen my man’s body? He can bring an angel to sin.” At Aria’s words, I can feel a smile break across my face, she called me her man. Damn, that just made my cock pay attention, if anything she’s the one that brings me to my knees.

  “You guys can thank me later,” Ceric calls out with a huge smile on his face. “I have never been more entertained,” he quips. All three of us had stopped at the entrance to the kitchen when we heard their conversation, I look around and see Bjarni smiling at his woman’s comment, until we hear Gabriela’s next words and then his eyes widen and he’s striding towards her hurriedly.

  “Do you know what brings me to my knees? Bjarni’s tongue, his soooo talented,” Gabriela says in a loud whisper. I hear Burkhart choke behind me, trying to hold his laughter. I can’t hold it in when I see the shocked look on Bjarni’s face as he picks Gabriela up against his chest. “Oh, are we going to play?” she asks, with a wide smile on her face as h
e starts to make his way out of the kitchen.

  “Come on, it was just getting exciting!” Jasmine calls out, laughing at the way Bjarni walks faster. I’m about to go and sit next to my girl, but I stop at her next words.

  “Does Wulf like it when you kiss his … you know?” Jasmine chokes at the question, and then mischief fills her eyes as she looks over Aria’s shoulder at me.

  “He …”

  “Okay, that’s enough!” I say hurriedly. I don’t want my girl picturing anything to do with Wulf’s cock. “Come on Sunshine, let’s get you to our room,” I say as I pick her up against my chest.

  “I can’t do that.” I look down at her when I hear her pain filled whisper.

  “What can’t you do Sunshine?” I ask as I start making my way towards our room. The feel of her supple body against mine is shooting straight to my hardness that is already pressing against the zip of my jeans.

  “That’s how he hurt my throat.” It feels like a knife is plunged into my stomach at her words, I stop in my tracks as all the feeling leaves me. She can’t mean what I think she means, I can feel my heart race.

  “How … How did he hurt your throat?” I know my voice comes out in a growl, I am holding onto my rage by the skin of my teeth. I feel a presence behind me, but I don’t turn around, I must know the truth about what she is saying to me. The tears I see streaking down her cheeks feel like a fist tightening around my heart.

  “You won’t want to be with me anymore,” Aria is openly sobbing against me now. I feel a hand on my shoulder squeezing slightly but I don’t look around knowing that it’s one of my brothers trying to comfort me, but nothing can comfort me if what I think she’s saying is true. Before I can ask again she continues.

  “He … put it in my mouth, when I first fought he strangled me until I couldn’t breathe.” Her breathing is ragged as she relays the past occurrence. “When it was him feeding me … he always touched me and did that.” She is starting to hyperventilate, I know that I need to calm her down, but now I am so filled with fury that my mind is blank. I can’t talk, or I will roar in anguish, I lower my head kissing her forehead, trying to appease her fear, I feel my emotions choking me.

  “Brandr!” Draco’s voice is firm as he calls to me bringing me back to myself, looking over my shoulder I see that most of my brothers are standing behind us. I had stopped just outside the kitchen when Aria revealed what had been done to her. Wulf and Draco are at the entrance to the courtyard, Burkhart is standing directly behind me with a hand on my shoulder Ceric is standing with a crying Jasmine at the door to the kitchen; all of them are witness to what Aria had just revealed.

  Draco raises his clenched fist placing it over his heart as a sign of acknowledgment. Wulf, Ceric and Burkhart mirror his action letting me know that they are with me in whatever I decide to do. I know that the fury coursing through my body will only be appeased slightly if I can kill the fucker that touched what is mine, but first I must soothe my girl and let her know that what had happened wasn’t her fault and that I will always want her, no matter what was done to her.

  ARIA 12

  A noise startles me awake. Opening my eyes I see that I’m lying in bed. Looking around I see Jasmine mumbling to herself as she stands by the open door to the bathroom. Suddenly everything comes rushing back, Gabriela and I had been drinking Margaritas after I had been in the computer room with Celmund, listening to Alexei’s thoughts. At first, I was surprised as I had never been able to hear anyone’s thoughts like that before, but as their conversation continued I forgot all about the surprise and concentrated more on what Alexei was thinking.

  I hadn’t had a chance to tell Brandr about what I had learned, a tear streaks down my cheek as I remember Brandr’s face when I confessed what had happened to me. I can blame my confession on the Margaritas, but I have wanted to tell Brandr for so long that the drinks just helped me with courage.

  The fear of him looking at me differently has always stopped me before. Now remembering the look of rage on his face, the emotions in his eyes when I told him makes me want to bury my head in the pillows and never come out.

  After carrying me to our room, he placed me on our bed, stretching out next to me while he held me against his chest while I cried myself to sleep. Never once saying a word, every now and again he would kiss my hair or my forehead always stroking my hair or my back. I must have fallen asleep because now that I’m awake Jasmine is in our room and I know that Brandr isn’t.

  I must have made a noise because Jasmine turns towards me, a hand stroking her extended belly and the other rubbing her back. “You’re finally awake,” she says quietly as she wobbles towards the bed.

  “How long have I been asleep?” my voice is raspy from all the crying I had done and the emotions still choking me.

  “A few hours. Gabriela was here with me, but she had to go and start lunch.” She pushes a few strands of my hair back away from my face.

  “Where is he?” I ask the question that has been burning in my mind since the moment I woke up. I see Jasmine shake her head slightly as she looks away, but then she looks back at me with a sad look in her eyes.

  “I don’t know, all I know is that Brandr sent Bjarni a message this morning asking if Gabriela could sit with you. Wulf and I were already up as I couldn’t sleep with this little one kicking all the time. Therefore, I offered to join her. Brandr didn’t say a word, Burkhart was arguing with him, but your man seemed as if he wasn’t even hearing him. All I know is that all of them got on their bikes and left, the only ones left behind are Bion and the prospect,” Jasmine explains. She sits on the bed with her back against the headboard lifting her legs.

  “Why was Burkhart arguing with him?” From what I had seen these last few weeks Burkhart and Brandr were tight, if Burkhart was upset there must be a reason.

  “I think your man went out for revenge, all I heard was Burkhart telling him to think before he acted, but from what I saw there was no stopping him.” Revenge? How could he go out for revenge if he didn’t know who it was?

  “Why didn’t Draco stop him? Surely if he was going into danger Draco would have stopped him.”

  “Girl, one thing you need to know about our men is that it’s very hard to stop them when they have their minds set on something. Also, you are family, they are all furious at what happened to you. Even if they could I don’t think that they wanted to stop him, because they all want a piece of whoever hurt you.” Jasmine wipes a tear from my cheek. “Enough about them, how about you? What can I do for you?”

  She is looking at me with sadness in her eyes, “Thank you, but I’m fine. I just don’t know what to do now. I didn’t want to hurt Brandr, I know he blames himself about what happened to me and now it’s going to be worse.” I don’t want Brandr to be with me because of a sense of responsibility; I want him to care for me, but, how can he? Especially now that he knows what was done to me.

  “What do you mean you don’t know what to do, do about what?” Jasmine ask quietly

  “I can’t stay here; Brandr won’t want me now that he knows how I was touched.” My words are stilted with the emotions clogging my throat. I try to hold in my despair but the thought of never seeing Brandr again, of never having him touch me again fills me with such anguish.

  “Oh Honey, don’t think like that. Brandr would never push you away because of something that was done to you against your will. You are his woman now, nothing can change that. Look at me …” After a few seconds I look up at her. “I see the way that man looks at you, the way he has been worried about you since the moment they found you. Your man cares about you, and this won’t change that.”

  My heart fills with hope, maybe; somehow Brandr will be able to overlook what happened to me. I pick up Jasmine’s hand and squeeze it gently, thanking her for her comfort.

  “Come on Honey, let’s get you up,” she says, smiling at me as she moves to sit up. “Maybe, let’s get me up first,” she grumbles, without the support of the head
board she rolls slightly back against me. The irritation on her face lightens my mood. “I swear if that man wants any more kids he can have them himself.” She moans, I take pity on her and give her a slight push to get her going.

  After a quick shower, while Jasmine waits for me, we make our way towards the kitchen. Just as we enter we hear a bash; Jasmine and I stop in fright and then Gabriela curses. Looking over at where she’s standing I see a pot on the floor with sauce all over the ground.

  “Are you okay?” I ask rushing towards her as I see her bend over and cry out in pain. As I approach I notice that Gabriela is wearing a pair of jean shorts and that the sauce has dropped down one of her legs obviously burning her.

  “Damn, it’s flipping burning.” Before I can think about what I’m doing I rush over to the sink filling a pitcher that’s in the sink with cold water. I throw it on her leg.

  “What …” Gabriela shrieks, jumping back as the water lands on her.

  “Bion!” I hear Jasmine shouting, a minute later Bion rushes into the kitchen only wearing a pair of boxers and a gun held in one hand.

  “What’s wrong?” he growls going straight to Jasmine, he places a hand on her back looking at her in concern.

  “Not me, her,” Jasmine replies pushing him towards us.

  “What the hell happened here?” he gasps looking around until he sees Gabriela bent over holding her leg. “Are you okay Sweetheart?” He rushes towards her, taking her hands away to see the damage. I can see the whole side of her leg is an angry red. Her face is scrunched in pain; tears streaking down her cheeks.

  “Fuck, how did you get burnt?” he asks as he lifts her against his chest making his way out of the kitchen, Jasmine and I rush behind them as he takes her to the infirmary. Gabriela explains how the pot slipped out of her hands when she picked it up, and how I threw cold water on her.


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