BRANDR_Elemental's MC

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BRANDR_Elemental's MC Page 16

by Alexi Ferreira

  Gabriela told Bjarni yesterday that she was expecting. The man was making himself sick worrying about her. Needless to say, he doesn’t understand why she’s upset with him for wanting to carry her everywhere. They had a huge argument this morning about it, but then he kissed her senseless pulling her towards their room. That was a few hours ago and we still haven’t seen them.

  “What’s putting that smile on your face Sunshine?” Brandr asks from behind me as he nuzzles my neck. I have just finished washing the dishes and was still cleaning my hands, with everything going on in my head I didn’t hear him come in. I lean back against his chest, turning my head, I kiss his cheek.

  “Bjarni,” I whisper, feeling the tingles spread throughout my body at his attention.

  “What?” he growls tensing against my back. Only then do I realise what I said and how he would take it.

  “I was smiling at how Bjarni wants to carry Gabriela everywhere, but I doubt she is going to let you men push her around like you all did to Jasmine,” I say hearing him humph, before he pulls me against his front again.

  “I don’t see what the problem is? He is only trying to take care of her. She should take it easier now that she’s expecting,” he grumbles against my hair. “Now that we have made the Bakery one of the MC businesses, she won’t have to worry anymore. The same as we are doing with the farm, you will never have to worry about it again.”

  “That doesn’t mean that we are just going to sit here doing nothing. Don’t you understand, we have to be able to keep busy. We need to be productive; when you guys were away we came up with the best way to do that.” I have turned, and I am now looking up at his beautiful eyes that are observing me carefully. “Listen to me before you start to disagree,” I plead.

  At his nod I continue, “Jasmine can paint the future or things that she wants to see. Gabriela when touching someone can tell their future and now their past, and I can tell what someone is thinking and since mating with you I can even do it through cameras. I just need to want to do it.” At his reluctant nod I carry on. “Therefore, we have decided that we are going to help you men find the other women.”

  “So, of all the things you three could do you decide that you are going to put yourselves in danger, and we are just going to stand by and let you,” he says suspiciously. “What makes you think that I will go with this, or Bjarni? I can tell you now that Wulf will never accept it.”

  “Well you know what, we have a say in what we do or don’t do. How do the three of you think that you are going to stop us?” I ask angrily. He can be so stubborn.

  “What? Do you think that the three of you will get another chance to pull what you did when we weren’t here?” he asks, gruffly. “Oh wait, you thought that we didn’t know. The only reason we decided not to say anything is because we know why the three of you were doing it.” He places his hand behind my neck and pulls me towards him.

  “If you ever put yourself at risk like that again I will tan your ass … you hear me?” He growls, before his lips plunder mine in an explosive kiss that draws all the anger away.

  “Are you ready to go?” I hear Ceric ask in a teasing tone. “Or should I come back later?” Brandr pulls away reluctantly, still holding the back of my neck. His eyes are a brilliant green; they usually go like that when he’s angry or horny.

  “I will talk to the guys about it. If … we agree to this, you three will stay out of trouble and listen to what we say.” He’s looking deep into my eyes as if reading my soul. “Do you agree?”

  I lift onto my toes placing my lips over his. “I agree,” I whisper, kissing him lightly.

  “I think I’m going to go and take a nap,” Ceric quips.

  “Piss off asshole, I’m coming!” Brandr growls, moving away from me.

  “Damn that was quick, you should practice delaying it a little Brother …” Ceric starts, but Brandr turns, making his way hurriedly towards him in a threatening way. I hear Ceric laugh as he dashes for the door.

  “Yeah, you’d better run,” but Brandr is also laughing as he rushes after him. I shake my head in amusement just as Gabriela makes her way into the kitchen.

  “What was that about?” she asks, grinning. Her hair is still damp evidence that Bjarni and she were at it again.

  “The norm, you know how it is, they’re all big boys,” I respond with a wink. “I’m glad you’re back. I was about to go out into my garden, would you like to join me?” At her confirmation we make our way outside, but instead of going through the garage we make our way towards the bar, as the fumes from the bikes makes Gabriela nauseous.

  We are nearly at the door of the bar when Lidia’s voice stops us in our tracks. She must have been in one of the rooms at the back as I didn’t see or hear her before her irritating voice stops us. “Well what have we got here? I see that you’re still around, like one of those annoying pests.”

  “What is your problem? Haven’t you figured out yet that he doesn’t want anything more to do with you?” I say frostily, the thought of Brandr anywhere near this woman drives me crazy but I trust him. My gran always said it isn’t what people say that means anything it’s what they do that shows you what’s the truth, and my man has been nothing but attentive and loving to me ever since I came into his life.

  “You know nothing about what he wants or what he likes for that matter. You are just a passing fancy!” She shrieks advancing on me. Instinctively, I place myself in front of Gabriela, even though she looks like she’s more than ready to scratch Lidia’s eyes out. I have never been in a cat fight before, but if she thinks she is going to scare me away from Brandr she has a surprise coming.

  “I think your anger isn’t so much my presence but that you have figured out that he actually has no interest in you.” Her screeching deafens me as she rushes towards me with her hand fisted. Before she can even think to punch me, I duck, kneeing her in the stomach.

  “Bitch!” she yelps, doubling over.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Bion roars from the entrance to the bar. “Have you lost your fucking mind? Do you have a death wish? If you had touched Aria or Gabriela, your ass would be history, it might still be. You’d better wish Draco and the guys don’t kick you out for this. I sure would have.”

  “Where were the two of you headed?” he asks suspiciously.

  “We were going to go work in Aria’s garden,” Gabriela answers, angrily glaring at Lidia.

  If I get kicked out of here because of these two bitches, I will make sure that they pay. At Lidia’s thoughts I tense, she really is unstable.

  “Come on, let me accompany you,” Bion says, nodding towards the door that leads outside. “Go home Lidia, we will chat later,” he instructs gruffly.

  When we’re already outside nearing my vegetable garden Bion stops us. “I’m sorry about that, she’s been getting worse. She won’t get a chance to do that again.” His tone is serious his shoulders tense. “Are you two okay?” His eyes are roaming over the two of us looking for any unknown wounds.

  “We’re fine, thanks for coming to our defence. You’re a real sweetheart,” I say seriously.

  A breath stopping smile suddenly adorns his face. “I would have never taken you for a brawler, always hiding behind your quiet smile. I think you are going to give your man the run around,” he teases.

  His teasing lightens our mood and we spend the afternoon laughing while all three of us work in the garden. We are still there when we hear the bikes approaching.


  As we ride towards the compound I see Aria and Gabriela with Bion, all three look as if they have been rolling in the dirt the whole day. My heart lightens when I see Aria laughing freely, the rage that was still coursing through my body after disposing of that asshole who thought that he could put Aria through hell, is slowly dissipating.

  The knowledge that he won’t ever get the chance to even think about her again pleases me. He suffered tenfold for everything he did to my girl, I made sure of that. I
stop my bike close to the fence, instead of parking inside the garage like all the others are doing.

  “You three look as if you have been at this for a while.” All three laugh at my teasing. Aria walks towards me, her eyes twinkling while Bion packs the tools away and Gabriela smiles widely as she walks past me towards the garage to greet Bjarni.

  “Hey, you,” Aria greets before she leans forward and kisses me gently. Letting go of the handlebars, I grip her hair that is tied back in a ponytail, and hold her still as I kiss her passionately.

  “Careful Dude you’re starting to melt your bike!” Ceric calls out from behind us. I hear the brothers laugh at his teasing. I don’t let go of my girls’ lips as I lift my hand showing him the finger, but Aria is already giggling against me.

  Drawing back, I whisper against her lips. “He might be right, whenever I see you my blood blazes with passion.”

  “Mmm … so what are you going to do about it?” The little vixen tempts in a raspy voice. Before I can throw her over my shoulder as I want to and carry her towards our room Bion stops me.

  “Before this gets out of hand, we need to talk,” Bion says from behind Aria. Lifting my head I look over at him, seeing a serious look on his face. Damn, my cock is so hard now it could drill holes in steel.

  “This better be good,” I growl. He nods in confirmation to let me know that whatever it is, it’s important.

  “How about you go inside Sunshine and take a bath. I will be with you as soon as I can.”

  “Okay, but don’t be long.,” she teases, but then the twinkle leaves her eyes and a look of concern replaces it. Taking my hand in hers she looks down at the swollen and scrapped knuckles. “Again?” she asks looking up at me. Every time I have gone to the warehouse to dish out the punishment required, Aria has tended to my hands. I never tell her what I’ve been doing but even though I know she has been worried, she doesn’t ask any questions.

  “It’s finished,” I reply. Aria looks deep into my eyes, after a few seconds she nods. I know that she has an idea of what I have been doing and why I have been doing it, but she’s never said anything.

  “Good.” With that she turns, making her way inside. I notice that Bion has made his way to the garage and is standing next to Draco and Wulf chatting. I ride my bike into the garage. Parking, I dismount and walk towards them.

  “So, what’s so important that you had to cock block me?” I grunt when I’m standing before them.

  “We had a situation while you were gone,” Bion begins, a frown marring his forehead.

  “What do you mean a situation?” As soon as Bion mentions a situation I know it has something to do with Aria what could have happened for him to be worried? Looking around me, I see that all the brothers have joined us.

  “Aria and Gabriela were walking past the bar when Lidia stopped them.” Bion continues to tell us all that had happened while we were gone. The jovial environment that embraced us when we arrived was gone. All the brothers are angry at Lidia, our women and children are the most precious treasure that we can ever have. The idea of anyone be it a man or a woman, threatening one of them, fills us with rage. That it was Aria! And that she could have been injured, when I thought this was a place where she would always be safe if I’m not around, fills me with fear.

  “That bitch! Where is she?” Ceric asks in an angry snarl. “What the fuck was she thinking? She knows we don’t allow anyone to mess with our old ladies.”

  “I sent her home, told her she must wait there until we decided if we are kicking her out or not,” Bion answers.

  “Kicking her out is the least we can do. Gabriela was there, and she could have been hurt!” Bjarni roars, the veins in his neck straining in anger. When Bjarni gets all tensed up like he is now, he is one scary son of a bitch.

  “Aria confessed to me that when we were leaving she had heard Lidia’s thoughts. She was thinking that if we kick her out that she is going to make our women pay.”

  “Bitch, if she thinks she will get anywhere near my girl again she must be delusional!” I roar in anger. “I will go find her.” I start by making my way towards my bike when Draco stops me with a hand on my shoulder.

  “You not going anywhere, I think you’ve had enough violence for one day. Caelius, you and Celmund go to her house. Make sure that she understands that she is to never set a foot in the compound ever again and if she does there will be consequences.” Draco’s eyes are flashing a penetrating blue in his anger. “You!” he says looking at me. “The only woman you’re going to go find is your one, forget about this, it will be sorted out.”

  I take in a deep breath while trying to calm myself, reluctantly I nod. “Now, before you go I received a call from Vlad. Their shipment was delivered safe and sound. They have another one coming up in two weeks’ time that we need to move. Vlad also wanted to let me know that they have Intel that Merdor was seriously injured, but they weren’t able to find out if he has died or not.”

  At Draco’s news we all stand shocked, for centuries we have been trying to kill Vercin and Merdor. Could it really be this easy? “Burkhart, I want you to find out what has happened to him. I will also phone our FBI friends and see if they know anything.”

  “I hope it’s true and that the son of a bitch is dead,” Cassius says quietly. We all know that Cassius is the one who wants to kill Merdor for all the things that were done to him. We also know about the nightmares that still plague him, because of his captivity. I hope for his sake that Merdor is dead. Maybe now, he will be able to find some peace.

  “Let’s hope so,” Caelius says squeezing Cassius shoulder in understanding.

  “Fuck!” Looking over at Celmund, I see his eyes smouldering. At his outburst I thought it was because of Merdor but now looking closer I see him looking down at his cell with a murderous stare. “All of you stay here, and don’t talk about anything important,” he whispers as he moves towards the door.

  At his whispered words I tense, Celmund isn’t the type to get alarmed unless there is a reason for it. Looking around I see that the others are just as tense as I am. We continue with small talk until a few minutes later Celmund walks back into the garage with one of his gadgets in his hand. No one asks him anything as he starts to move slowly around the garage. Suddenly, he stops close to the main door. Stretching up into the corner of the door he extracts a small listening bug. Fuck, how did that get here? Looking around I see different emotions on my brothers faces, but mostly anger.

  “Let’s take a walk,” Draco growls as he starts to make his way outside. When he reaches the main door Celmund stops him. With the hand that is holding the surveillance bug detector he moves it over Draco’s body, and then nods for him to move past. Each one of us gets checked before joining Draco outside. We are a few meters away from the entrance to the garage when we all let loose the anger that is blinding all of us now.

  “How the fuck did bugs get into the compound?” I growl in frustration. We have always been so careful not to let anyone we didn’t know into the compound. For centuries we haven’t had problems and then Wulf bonds and the problems begin. First, we had the Keres and Jas’s foster parents breach the compound and try to kidnap her. We also found out that one of our Jezebels was working with the Keres MC. Then a few months ago, we had a sniper shoot at Gabriela and Jasmine from a fair distance away, nearly killing them, and now we find bugs in the compound.

  “I want the whole compound checked from top to bottom, no more playing around. Whoever placed those was way too close!” Draco growls in a threatening voice. “Bjarni, you and Cassius check the bikes and cars make sure they aren’t bugged. Caelius, you and Brandr check the back area of the compound. Ceric, you and Bion make sure that the bar area is clean. I don’t care if you must turn it upside down, we need to make sure there are no bugs left. Gunner, I want you to help Celmund check all our phones and electronic equipment.” I can see the fury in Draco’s eyes; they are a piercing blue that dares anyone to contradict him.

nbsp; “Wulf, we’re going to check the Jezebels and the women’s stuff. We need to make sure that they haven’t been compromised.” Wulf nods in confirmation. I can just imagine the fury coursing through him. Not only is his woman in danger but his son too. Aria and I don’t even have a child yet to worry about, but even so, I’m losing my mind with worry that someone might get close to her.

  Celmund approaches our group; his shoulders tense his eyes watchful. “I found three. I have taken them to the computer room. I want to analyse them and see if I can get any information out of them.” His voice is gruff in frustration.

  “When was the last time that you swept the compound for bugs?” Wulf asks in a quiet voice.

  “I swept the Bar and the inside of the compound after the Keres tried to take Jas, but I didn’t look at the garage. Fuck … that could be how they knew we were leaving to attack Vercin when he was at that mansion,” Celmund states while passing his hands through his hair in agitation.

  “It isn’t your fault Dude, let’s first check the rest of the compound before we start to assign blame.” Ceric is already on his way inside as he speaks. Two hours later and after we have checked the whole compound, we reconvene more at ease, as we confirm that the bugs were only placed in the garage.

  “The only way that those bugs could have got into the garage is if the Keres placed them there when they attacked, or if one of the Jezebels has strayed,” I state, looking around at my brothers.

  “It could also be one of the others who visited when we had Draco’s birthday party, even though I’m hoping I’m wrong on that,” Bjarni states, a frown marring his forehead in confusion.

  “If any brother from another chapter is responsible for this, I will skin him,” Burkhart states angrily, his quick temper fuelling his anger.

  “No one is going to skin anyone until we know for sure who placed those bugs in the garage.” Draco looks around at everyone making sure that we hear him. “Burkhart!” he calls focusing on him.


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