Made for Me: (A Bad Boy Billionaire & Single Mom Story)

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Made for Me: (A Bad Boy Billionaire & Single Mom Story) Page 25

by Weston Parker

  Jess gave me a narrowed glare but didn’t disagree. “Of course, that would be wonderful. We can talk about the rehearsal dinner, maybe discuss your plus ones?”

  Tanner gave Jess a sour look. “I’d love to. And as it happens, my plus one can’t make it. Looks like I’m all alone.” He looked at Leslie with hopeful eyes.

  “I didn’t invite anyone either. I thought I’d help you with the kids.”

  “I could help. I love those little ones. That Cam is smart as a whip, and the little one, Sky, she’s as beautiful as her mother.” He was laying it on thick, and I knew it was only to get on Jess’s good side. She was not likely to be as patient with him when it came to him dating her best friend, and considering her patience was already thin, things could get ugly quick.

  She took over with Sky and then gestured for me to get Cam up. I walked over and decided to let him sleep but picked him up. He hung limp as a doll in my arms, and I looked at Tanner. “Are you going?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.” He smiled big at Leslie, and even though I knew Jess was worried, I wasn’t. Tanner knew how to treat a lady, and if he forgot, Leslie more than knew how to look out for herself.

  When we got out to the car, I helped Jess load the kids, and with there being limited space in our cars, we decided to take two. Tanner stepped up to help. “I don’t mind if you want to ride with me,” he offered to Leslie. “No need to cram you in the back when you can ride in style with me.”

  Leslie smiled, and her cheeks reddened with a blush. “Sure. Where to?” She looked around at the rest of us.

  “How about Farley’s on the waterfront?” Tanner asked. “It’s got a nice view, delicious food, and it’s kid friendly.”

  “That sounds nice.” Leslie looked at Jess with hopeful eyes, and I could tell that Jess was already regretting having stopped by the office in the first place.

  “Sure,” she said with a shrug. “We’ll meet you there.”

  Leslie took Tanner’s hand, and the two walked over to his car where he opened the door for her. I kept my mouth shut, got into our car, and waited for Jess to do the same.

  When she was finally buckled in, she turned to me and sighed. “And I thought the test flight permits were going to be the biggest disaster to come out of our wedding.”

  I started the car and followed Tanner out as she rested her head on her window. “Tanner’s not a bad guy, Jess. I know he’s awkward around you, but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like you.”

  “He was sure smooth enough around Leslie. And she’s already mooning over him. Did you see the look in her eyes?”

  Leslie had looked a bit happier than I’d seen her in ages. “I did. She deserves to be happy, right? Maybe someone like Tanner could make her happy.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t see how. He’s from a totally different world.”

  “So were we,” I said with a shrug.

  “No, you were brought up the same. And Leslie, she’s like us.”

  “And I get along perfectly with Tanner. We’ve been best friends since college, and he’s not only the person I owe most of my success to, but he’s always had my back.”

  “Then why hasn’t he tried to talk some sense into you.” She angled in her seat to look back and check on the baby, and she had Cam sit still.

  “Because he knows how much I love you, and he thinks I deserve my happiness right along with you.”

  Her brow rose as she turned and looked at me. “He said that?”


  “What about his girlfriend? Matilda?”

  “Mercedes. He’s not in love with her, and I’m not sure they are even an official thing. She’s someone his mother wanted him to date and nothing more. He deserves to meet someone he likes, and he doesn’t need me and you trying to stop him.”

  “So, he’s okay with what’s going on? Won’t he lose money too?”

  “He’s concerned, but at the end of the day, it’s just money, Jess. It won’t break us. It won’t stop us.”

  She met my eyes and reached over and took my hand. “I guess you’re a lot more used to having it than you thought. I still remember how hard it is to come by.”

  “I guess I am, but I remember too, Jess.” I hadn’t always been so blasé about losing millions, but it was really just a small loss compared to what I made in a day off of interest alone.

  “What about all of those people who work for you? Is it true you’ll have to downsize?”

  “Not likely, but anything’s possible. I could close down tomorrow, Jess. No one knows what tomorrow holds.”

  “But it’s more likely if you don’t get this test done tomorrow?”

  I had to nod. I owed her honesty. “Yes, okay? Is that the worry you want a day before your wedding day?”

  “There just has to be a different way, Cole. A way to make it all work.”

  I took her hand and brought it to my lips. “The only plan that works for me is us being married.”


  Despite my best efforts at dinner, I couldn’t get Cole to talk about the test again, and I feared if I mentioned it one more time, he would think I didn’t want to marry him.

  Dinner hadn’t been as bad with Tanner as I thought. In fact, he surprised me. But I was still not too sure that I wanted Leslie getting her hopes up. So, when she and I had a private moment together the morning of my wedding day, I thought I should probably talk to her about him.

  “Do you know when Tanner is going to get here?” she asked as we walked into Cole’s office where we would get ready for the wedding.

  “No, but I’m sure he’ll be along any minute.” We had told everyone to be a bit earlier at the rehearsal dinner, which went off without a hitch.

  “He’s really nice, don’t you think?”

  “You know what I think. Tanner is the same ass I’ve complained about to you for the past several months, and while I know he’s probably a lot nicer than I know, I want you to be careful, okay? He’s got a reputation for having multiple women on the line, and I know he’s been seeing someone recently.”

  “You mean Mercedes?” she asked like she knew all about it. “Tanner told me about her. He’s going to break it off, and he’s been looking for a good reason.”

  “Are you the good reason?” I couldn’t believe she had fallen for that and hoped that he’d been sincere when he said it. “Surely, he wasn’t already making promises.”

  “He did ask me out, and I said yes. I’m not sure when, but probably soon. I wanted to talk to him before we got busy with the wedding, but I’d like him to come by my house for dinner one night.”

  It was hard to imagine silver-spoon Tanner in her house, but then, the rich could sometimes surprise me. I hadn’t expected Cole to be a sweetheart, either. And if anyone would have told me I would be his bride one day, I’d have laughed in their face.

  “Just be safe, okay?”

  “Got it.” She put down the makeup case, and I walked over to drag one of Cole’s desk chairs to the nearest window. “Do you think the light is better here?”

  “Yeah, I think so.” Just then, she heard Tanner’s voice, and her head jerked around to look out the door. But instead of coming into the room, he went down the hall to his office. “Hey, do you mind if I take a minute to get started? I’d like to go and say hello.”

  I thought it was probably best for her to let him chase her, but she had always been a bit boy crazy, even in high school.

  I let out a sigh. “Fine. Just don’t forget, I can’t get married until I look beautiful.”

  “You already are,” she said. “I’ll just be a minute, promise!”

  She broke for the door, and when she threw it open, Tanner and Cole were both standing there about to come in.

  “You’re not supposed to see the bride before the wedding on your wedding day,” she said, trying to push him out.

  “Sorry to break it to you,” said Cole, “but I just woke up with her an hour ago. Besides, that tradition is so antiqu
ated.” If she had only known what else we’d been up to that morning, she would have blushed redder than my red rose bouquet.

  “Is the nanny you hired doing okay with the kids?” I was bitter about it and couldn’t help it. I wanted to take care of the kids, but I had to admit the woman he’d hired was a good match. She had experience and a good disposition, which she would need unless she wanted to be murdered. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to trust a stranger with my kids.

  “Ellen’s fine. She had Cam singing to Sky when I left, and she’s agreed to have them here in another hour so we can get them dressed.

  “I still can’t believe that you hired a nanny,” said Leslie.

  “I had a nanny once,” said Tanner. “My mother caught her stealing from us and fired her when I was only three years old.”

  “How terrible,” said Leslie. “I had a babysitter, too, but she wasn’t a nanny. Just the old lady next door.” Leslie giggled. “I used to hide her walker.”

  Tanner chuckled. “Little rebel.”

  I couldn’t help but notice that Tanner had smiled with his eyes unlike I’d ever seen. Could the two really make each other that happy after knowing each other for one night? It sure seemed like it. As long as my friend was happy, I would leave it be.

  I looked over to Cole and noticed him staring out of the window, looking at the hangar below which was all decorated for our wedding. There was a distant look in his eyes, and I could tell that he was probably having second thoughts about not doing the test. His window to get it done was only getting smaller and smaller as the hours ticked by.

  I walked over and took his hand. “You look worried.”

  “Not about the wedding. I’m sure this is where I belong.”

  “I know, and I know you want to marry me, but I think instead of running off to a big ceremony, you should do the test. Once the guests arrive, we’ll start the ceremony, and then we can make a big announcement. I know the guests will understand. Hell, half of their jobs could depend on it.”

  “It’s your day, Jess.”

  “Bullshit. It’s our day, Cole. Ours.”

  “And I’ve already made it clear how I feel.”

  “Then I can’t marry you.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Cole’s eyes narrowed. “You can’t just call it off like that.”

  I let out a long breath. “I can, and I am.” I took off my engagement ring, which hadn’t left my finger since the day he put it on, and handed it back to him.

  “Don’t do this, Jess.” His eyes turned to our friends, and I glanced over as well to see their eyes wide with worry.

  But I wasn’t going to let them stop me from making my point. “Why? You don’t care about what I want. I want you to do this test, and I’d like to give you that gift today more than anything. Instead, you’re being stubborn because you want to give me what you think is the perfect wedding.”

  “It should be everything you dreamed it would be.”

  “And how could that be when you’re not happy? I can honestly say I never wanted to marry a man who isn’t happy.”

  “It would work,” said Tanner, who then cleared his throat. “I’ll help with the arrangements, and you wouldn’t have to worry about it. I’ll make my appearance as best man, and we’ll get you two hitched, then make a detour.”

  “And if it fails, then the entire wedding party, including some of our investors, are going to see firsthand that their money was wasted.”

  “I believe in you,” I said. “I believe that you’re going to make it work. Think of the party we’ll have.” I gave him a nudge.

  He looked at Tanner. “Do you believe in me too, friend? Enough to help me copilot?”

  “Wait, we’d be in the plane?” Tanner hadn’t thought about it long enough to realize that we had never booked the pilots.

  “It’s going to be tough to get someone else to do it on this short notice, and Franklin won’t be around. We’re the only two pilots we have to depend on, and if I remember correctly, this is why we got in the business to start with.”

  “Wait.” I began to panic. “You mean, you’d have to test it? But that’s dangerous, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, and even more so if I don’t have faith enough in my designs.”

  I knew I had to show him that I had complete faith in him, and while I was terrified of losing him on our wedding day, I had pushed him into this corner.

  He took my hands and held them tightly. “I know you didn’t realize that I’d be flying it myself, and I know that it terrifies you to think about something happening, but I could do this if you still want me to. But if you’re having second thoughts, I understand that, too.”

  I’d lost Cameron already, and it terrified me to think of losing Cole. I couldn’t make it without him, and I knew that if something happened—well, I didn’t even want to think about it.

  “No one knows more about the plane than me, Jess. I’ll be all right.”

  I gave a nod, and Cole looked up at Tanner, and the two sprung into action, taking the plans out of his desk and talking about a lot of things that didn’t entirely make sense to me. Leslie came over and clutched my hand, and I knew she was afraid for Tanner as well. She looked at him with a longing that I hoped I would see again after the day was done.

  As Tanner headed to the door, Cole walked over and gave me a kiss. “I’ll be waiting at the altar,” he said.

  Just in time to make me a widow, I feared.

  They shut the door behind them, and when Leslie walked over, I collapsed against her.

  She stroked my hair. “They’ll be okay. You’ve got to worry about the wedding next, and then we’ll worry about the flight together. I think I could love that man someday, Jess.”

  “Well, I didn’t think I’d hear myself say it, but I hope you do. I mean, I really hope you have the chance.”

  There was a knock at the door, and my hairdresser stood there with her case, looking as if she were lost. I welcomed her in, and for the next few hours, I was pampered, my hair and makeup done to perfection, until finally it was time to step into my dress.

  Leslie smiled. “You look amazing.”

  I felt amazing, other than the worry that tried to dampen my spirits. I wasn’t going to let it. I had to think positively.

  I glanced out the window and saw the entire floor filled with our guests, including the nanny who sat in the front row with the kids who we’d gotten ready while waiting on the last-minute alterations of my dress, which was still too big. I spotted the reverend in the front row talking with one of my aunts. I squeezed Leslie’s hand. “Could you ask Reverend Hoke to come up? I need to talk to him about rushing the ceremony.”

  She chuckled. “Okay, but I’ve never known the reverend to hurry a sermon. You might be in trouble.” She disappeared down to the elevator, and I turned to look in the mirror I’d brought from home.

  I hadn’t ever thought I would see myself in another wedding gown. The one I’d worn the day I married Cameron was just as beautiful, even though it cost way less, and while I never thought I’d marry anyone again, I also hadn’t thought that I could ever lose anyone else too.

  I closed my eyes and fought back the horrible memories of that night. I lifted my chin to the heavens. “I won’t let you have another one,” I whispered. “You don’t get to take Cole home today.”

  I knew some would see it as a sin to make such declarations, but if there was anything I could do to keep Cole safe, I was going to try.


  By the time I was supposed to meet Jess at the altar, I had already gotten everything ready for the plane to be moved out of the hangar, and I was dressed in my tux. I had never thought this moment would come, both my wedding and the day my project was complete. Not only that, but I was marrying the hottest, kindest woman on the planet, who loved me so much that she would make her big day into ours. Not many brides would do that, and it truly made her special to me.

  Tanner led the way down the hall and across the lo
bby once we hit the first floor. “Did you see the crowd? I thought you said this was a small wedding.”

  “Well, every time I saw anyone at a meeting, I’d tell them to come. How was I supposed to know that they’d listen?”

  “Well, they’ll be in for a big treat when this is all over, won’t they?” He pushed open the doors, and we walked out, still whispering to one another as we walked across the hangar and took our places at the altar.

  I looked across the crowd and waved at the friendly faces. I was excited to see that Vinny and Cheeks had shown up for the big day, and even Tanner’s mother, who sat with a tall lanky woman who looked a lot like Mercedes.

  Tanner must have spotted them the same time I did. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he said. “I told that woman I didn’t want to see her again. And why did you have to invite my mother?”

  “I didn’t think she’d come, really. I was just being polite.” I gave a shrug.

  He plastered on a smile and gave the two women a wave, and they waved back, Mercedes blowing him a kiss.

  His shoulders slumped. “I’m ready for the test flight now.”

  I chuckled, and the music started playing to announce the bridal party. In the lead was Leslie, and she didn’t take her eyes off of Tanner as she walked forward to join us.

  “Damn, she’s got a banging body,” he whispered. Then he turned to see that the reverend had been in earshot the whole time. The old man gave a nod and a wink and then cleared his throat as the bridal march played and everyone stood up.

  Suddenly, my entire body was alive and tingly; my head was fuzzy, but my vision didn’t miss a single second of my gorgeous woman as she walked toward me with her hand in Cam’s, who was giving her away.

  He was a special kid, and I was so lucky to be his father. I felt the tears in my eyes, and while I had preferred not to be all leaky in front of everyone I knew, I didn’t care either. I let them come.

  When she came forward and took my hand, I pulled it to my lips and kissed it. “You look absolutely beautiful,” I said, with a breathless voice.


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