Can't Fight It (Fair Lakes Book 3)

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Can't Fight It (Fair Lakes Book 3) Page 1

by Kaylee Ryan

  Can’t Fight It

  Kaylee Ryan

  Lacey Black

  Copyright © 2020 Kaylee Ryan & Lacey Black

  All Rights Reserved.

  This book may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Kaylee Ryan and/or Lacey Black, except for the use of brief quotations in articles and or reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, locations, businesses and plot are products of the author’s imagination and meant to be used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events throughout the story are purely coincidental. The author acknowledges trademark owners and trademarked status of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks are not authorized, sponsored or associated by or with the trademark owners.

  The following story contains sexual situations and strong language.

  It is intended for adult readers.

  Cover Design: Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative Covers

  Cover Photography: Sara Eirew

  Editing: Hot Tree Editing

  Proofreading: Kara Hildebrand & Deaton Author Services


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Thank you

  More from Lacey

  More from Kaylee


  Chapter 1


  “Well, little man, it’s just you and me,” I tell my son, who is sleeping peacefully in my arms. I look around the sparse furnishings of our new home and sigh. I’ve been in the military since the day I graduated high school. I own nothing but the clothes that traveled with me. That’s both a good thing and a bad thing at this point in my life. It’s good because I have saved most of the money I’ve made. Bad, because here I am, a single father, with an infant son, in a house that’s well… bare.

  And I’m sure this is no surprise, but kids are expensive. Diapers, formula, co-pays, clothes that he grows out of overnight. Toys and car seats, and I could ramble on forever. Kids are expensive, and it’s just me. His mother signed him over to me, and although I don’t understand it, I’m grateful she did. I always thought my life would be spent in the military. One trip home changed all that. This little man snoozing away in my arms changed it all. Not to mention, I’m going to be an uncle. My little brother got married and is going to be a dad himself. My parents are getting older, and I realize that life is passing me by. I’ve done my duty, served my country with honor, now it’s time to live for me, and Milo. Hence the reason it was time to man up and buy a place of my own.

  This house is small but is set up with an in-law suite with a separate entrance. It’s a two-bedroom, three if you count the in-law suite. Nothing lavish, it’s actually perfect for Milo and me. The realtor convinced me that getting a tenant would be a good idea to offset some of the mortgage payment. The in-law suite is more like a tiny one-room apartment. There is a kitchenette, and a full bathroom, along with a small sitting area and room for a bed and dresser. Nothing huge, but definitely worth a couple of hundred bucks a month in rent.

  I was starting to have second thoughts about the tenant. I don’t know if I want some stranger living here with my son and me. I mean, I can afford this place on my own, but having some help is always nice. I want to be able to give Milo the best in life, family vacations, the cool new tennis shoes that are ridiculously expensive. I know that’s all far away, but I’m a dad now. I have to think about these things.

  Chase and Gabby were here last week after the closing, and Chase mentioned the door to the in-law suite could be locked both ways. Since it has its own entrance, I can lock the door from my side to prevent my new tenant from having access to our home. That sold me on the idea, and I posted an ad. Within hours, I had several inquiries, but one stood out. This guy named Hollis. His email was short and to the point. I don’t need much space, and I just need a new start. Can pay first and last month’s rent before moving in, and I’m willing to take any drug, alcohol, or background tests needed to be approved. He even attached a criminal background check from two years ago.

  I messaged him back, we emailed back and forth a few times, and he sent me the first and last month’s rent on Monday. Now, here we are, Saturday midday, and he should be here any minute. Chase and Gabby are coming over too. Gabby is going to watch Milo, while Chase and I help the new guy move in. That’s the least we can do. Then we’ll probably invite him in for a beer after so we can get to know him.

  “Knock, knock.” My brother’s voice echoes through the pretty much empty house.

  “We’ve got company, buddy.” I climb to my feet, my son none the wiser, and head toward the kitchen. “Hey,” I greet Gabby and Chase.

  “Aw, is my little guy sleeping?” Gabby asks, completely ignoring me. Not that I blame her. My son is handsome and hard to resist. He does get his good looks from his father. Just saying.

  “He just conked out about fifteen minutes ago. What’s all this?” I ask, nodding toward the bags on the island.

  “Oh, just some housewarming stuff. We stopped at the store and got some spices and condiments. Some kitchen utensils, potholders, a pizza pan, and some other random stuff.”

  “And by stuff, she means, she filled the back of her SUV. Hand over my nephew and help me carry this stuff in.” I carefully transfer Milo into Gabby’s waiting arms.

  “I can’t help it. I was in the mood to clean and get our house settled.”

  “She’s nesting. That’s what the books say,” my brother replies.

  “Oh, hush,” Gabby says, still staring at my son. “I’m not nesting. I’m just trying to go through my stuff that was stored in the garage before the baby gets here. I just want it off our plates.”

  “It’s not hurting anything sitting in the garage.”

  “No, it’s not. However, I feel better having gone through it.”

  “Nesting,” Chase says again.

  “Call it what you want. It’s done, so that’s all I care about.”

  “Happy wife, happy life.” Chase winks at her, and she rolls her eyes.

  “What time is this guy getting here? What’s his name again? Harry?” Chase asks.

  “Hollis. And he should be here anytime.”

  “Good, let’s get busy unloading so we can help him.” He leans down, places his hand on Gabby’s protruding belly, and kisses her softly. “Love you,” he whispers before disappearing out the door.

  I follow along behind him with a twinge of jealousy. I never really thought much about settling down and having a family of my own. However, I assumed if I ever did, it would be in the right order. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever think I would be a single father to an infant, courtesy of a one-night stand.

  “You weren’t kidding,” I tell Chase when we open the back of Gabby’s SUV. “You guys didn’t have to do all of this.”

  “It was all Gabs. It’s expensive to start out on your own. We’ve both been there, and we didn’t have a baby to take care of. Besides, some of this stuff is used. We combined our places, cleaned out the garage from when she moved in, and we have duplicates of a lot
of things. We figured you wouldn’t mind.”

  “No. I appreciate it, man. I was just thinking about how I have this house, but it’s bare-bones.”

  “This should get you by. It’s all in good shape. We just don’t need it.”

  “Thank you. Not just for this, but for taking such good care of Milo. I don’t even want to think about what could have happened if it had not been your doorstep she dropped him off on.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe think twice before you use my name again. I don’t think my wife would appreciate that.”

  “Trust me, that’s not going to happen. Those days are long gone. I have more than just myself to think about. Milo needs stability, and I’m going to make damn sure he has it.”

  “Great. Start by taking this.” He places a large box in my arms.

  “What’s in here?”

  “Dishes. Baking dishes, and honestly, I’m not really sure. What I do know is it’s yours now, toss or keep it. We don’t care either way.”

  I carry the box into the house and place it on the small kitchen island. “Thanks for all this, Gabby.”

  “It’s nothing. We were going to get rid of it anyway. If you don’t like it or need it, just pass it on or donate it. Whatever. I only brought the stuff I thought you might want or need.”

  I start unpacking the box and pull out some mixing bowls, a couple of glass baking dishes, and a full set of glasses. “Are you sure you don’t need this stuff?”

  “Positive. Between everything from my apartment and what Chase already had, we’re overflowing.”

  “These are new.” I point to the glasses.

  “Yeah, I bought them on clearance right before I had to move. We like the ones that Chase had better so, there you go.” She grins. “I’m going to lay him down and then start helping you wash and put all this away. Do you have a preference of where it goes?”

  “No. The cabinets are clean and bare. You do what you think makes the most sense, and we’ll go with that. Thank you, Gabby.” My brother did damn good finding his forever.

  “We’re family.” She leaves the room to place Milo in his Pack ’n Play and then reappears and gets right to work.

  “I thought we were hauling all this shit in? As in, you and me, brother? Instead, I find you in here chatting up my wife.”

  “My sister,” I counter, and he smiles despite his words. “And I was just taking the time to thank her for all of this.”

  “I’m taking it all back if you don’t get your ass out here and help me.”

  “That means you have to load it all back up in your SUV,” I counter, and he curses under his breath, making Gabby giggle. “Come on, you big baby.” It takes us two more trips to get it all unloaded.

  Once the bags and boxes are unpacked, my house doesn’t feel so bare anymore. The kitchen is stocked. From baking dishes, glasses, to plates and bowls, even silverware. I have a stack of linens, a throw blanket, and an end table and a lamp that fits perfectly next to the new couch that was delivered earlier this week. There’s now a rug lying in front of the front door, and there are two empty laundry baskets ready to be filled in the small laundry room.

  “If you need me to watch Milo while you go out and grab whatever else you need, just let me know.”

  “Thanks. I need to get some paint for his room, and get it all fixed up.”

  “Oh, I can definitely help with that.” She smiles, and her eyes light up at the possibility.

  “How about you pick it all out? I’m not good with that stuff.” I’m sure I could figure it out, but I know Gabby, and this is right up her alley.

  “You have no idea what you just agreed to,” Chase jokes. “She’s been shopping online every night for our baby’s nursery. Who knew there were so many options, and that a tiny little human would need so much?”

  “Well, they don’t really need to have all of it,” Gabby chimes in. “But, it’s cute, and you want them to have a place of their own, and babies need routine and security.”

  “I already told you. Tell me what you want, and it’s yours.” Chase leans in and presses his lips to hers.

  “I knew I loved you for a reason,” she quips.

  “My baby-making skills,” Chase offers with a smirk.

  “Well, I mean, I guess there is that,” Gabby says, barely able to contain her laughter.

  “Woman.” He slides his hand behind her neck and crushes his lips to hers. I have to look away. I don’t need to see all that. Especially since I’ve been in a dry spell. So dry, in fact, the night Milo was conceived was the last time my baby-making skills were utilized.

  “Keep it PG, brother,” I chide Chase.

  “Have you seen my wife?” he retorts, pulling away from her.

  “Put us to work, babe,” Chase tells her.

  She doesn’t hesitate as she points out dishes and which cabinet to put them in. I do as I’m told. Sure, this is my house, but it’s overwhelming. Besides, Gabby loves this stuff. Might as well give her this, for as much as she’s done for Milo and me.

  “That’s the last of it.” Gabby wipes her hands on a hand towel that she must have brought with her as well. “At least you’re set up for meals, and Milo has what he needs as well.”

  “Thanks to the two of you. I can’t ever repay you for all you’ve done for me, and for Milo.”

  “You would have done the same thing,” Chase tells me.

  He’s right, and I would have. I’m just about to tell him that when Milo’s whimper stops me. “He didn’t sleep long.”

  “It’s a new place, and we weren’t exactly quiet.”

  “You told me not to be quiet.”

  She nods. “You want him to get used to sleeping through everyday sounds. Keeping a serene quiet house is hard to do, and you and Milo are both going to be sleep-deprived if that’s the path you try to take.”

  “I’m in over my head, aren’t I?” I ask them. Milo’s whimper turns into a full-on cry. Making my way toward the living room, I lift him in my arms, and I can smell immediately why he was crying. “We’ll get you cleaned up, little man.” His cries quiet once he’s in my arms. “Phew, you stink,” I tell him, and his cries quiet further.

  The doorbell rings. “That must be him. Time to meet our new roomie.” I pull open the door, just as I feel wetness seep through on my hand. Taking a better look, I see my hand is now covered in shit, and my son, well, let’s just say his current situation gives new meaning to covered head to toe. “Come on in,” I say, not bothering to look up. “I’ve kind of got a situation on my hands.” I turn to head to the bathroom. That’s the only solution to this mess.

  “I can see that.” A soft angelic voice greets my ears and has me stopping in my tracks.

  I turn to look over my shoulder, and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen is standing just inside the doorway. Long brown hair, tan skin, and big green eyes that are regarding me with amusement.

  “I’m sorry, do I know you?”

  “You’re Colton Callahan, right?”

  “I’m Colton.” My mind is going through every woman I’ve ever met, but I’m pretty sure I would remember her.

  She takes a step forward and holds out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Hollis, your new roommate.”

  “Colt, everything okay?” Chase enters the room, but I don’t look at him. I can’t seem to pull my eyes from the goddess standing in front of me.

  My new roommate.

  Fuck me.

  “Y-You’re Hollis? You’re a woman.” A sexy as hell, mouthwatering temptation is more like it. To a man who’s been in the desert a good portion of this last year, she’s a tall, cold drink of water. I can hear Chase laughing, but my eyes remain on her.

  “Is that a problem?” she asks, tilting her head to the side.

  “Babe, wh— Oh, hi.” Gabby offers her hand to Hollis. “I’m Gabby, Chase’s wife.”


  Gabby’s mouth forms the perfect O. “You’re Hollis?”

�I am.” She turns to me and grins, then scrunches up her nose. “What on earth?” She moves toward me, and that’s when I remember that not only is my hand covered in my son's shit, but he’s covered as well.

  “Right. I need to handle this.” I turn on my heel and rush toward the bathroom. Once Milo and I are behind the locked door, for good measure, I take a deep breath. “This isn’t what I was expecting, bud. We’re going to have to tell her to leave, right? She can’t live here with us. No way. Sleeping with our tenant is not a good idea. Daddy’s just going to have to tell her there was a mix-up, and she needs to find a new place. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.”

  I take my time getting my son cleaned up before wrapping him in one of his infant towels that I just folded and put away this morning. From the bathroom, I head down the hall to his room and quickly get him in a fresh diaper and clean clothes. He’s smiling up at me, happy as can be.

  “Your belly feeling better?” I ask. He coos and kicks his legs, which is a good enough answer for me. “All right, bud, time to do this.” I lift him into my arms, and we head back toward the living room. I stop when I see Chase carrying two totes and Hollis behind him wheeling two suitcases.

  “Thank you for your help, Chase.”

  “No problem. My nephew has bad timing.”

  “Maybe I should go see if he needs help,” Gabby speaks up.

  “He can handle it.”

  “All better,” I state and the three of them turn to look at me.

  “Come here, you little stinker.” Gabby takes Milo from my arms and snuggles him close. “Aunt Gabby missed you.”

  “This is the last of it,” Chase tells me.


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