The expression in his eyes made the breath catch in her throat.
His own breathing had become a bit ragged as well “Don’t like you?” he continued. “Why, I think I’ve been in love with you ever since you planted your fist on my nose that first morning I met you.”
“You have?” she said a bit uncertainly. “You mean you don’t think I—”
“I mean that I want you to marry me, my dear Caroline.”
“Are you sure? Because I doubt I shall be able to change much— I shall always be headstrong and outspoken.” Her mouth quivered just the tiniest fraction. “Perhaps you should tire of having to pick me up out of the mud.”
Suddenly she was in his arms. “I shall never tire of it, my love,” he said as he planted kisses on the lobe of her ear. “Indeed, life would be sadly flat without having to try and keep up with you.” Then he turned serious. “You think you can put up with all my faults? For I, too, fear I shall remain a growling bear at times. And you are all too aware of the state of my finances. I can hardly offer you the life to which you are accustomed.”
Caroline ran her hand along the thin white line of his scar. “Julian,” she said simply. “Oh, Julian.”
The she lifted her lips to his.
When finally they parted, his eyes were a mesmerizing shade of blue she had never seen before.
“Is that a yes?” he ventured.
She smiled in answer. “If you hadn’t spoken today, I might have been forced to follow you to Highwood and put on breeches again so that I could ask you myself.”
“You may wear breeches anytime you wish. You may ride neck and leather, you may drain bottles upon bottles of brandy, you may curse like a sailor—just as long as you do all those things with me.”
Caroline blinked back tears of joy. “Why, I can’t imagine a life without you. I do love you so—” The rest of her words were cut off by another kiss.
A soft knock came at the door. Without waiting for an answer, Lucien entered. “Julian...” he began, then stopped short at the sight of his cousin wrapped most intimately in the earl’s embrace. A sly grin spread over his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, I assume the two of you know what this means.”
Davenport made no attempt to release her. “I know very well what it means, and so do you.”
“Was this your final strategy, cuz?” demanded Caroline. “Just in case the subtle suggestions didn’t work? How dare you follow me— “
Lucien’s mouth twitched. “I have no idea what you are talking about. I came in here to speak to Julian on a very important matter.”
“And what was that?”
“Why, to be the first to wish him happy, of course.” The grin widened. “Either that, or to call him out, though I’m not sure which a sane man would consider the lesser of two evils— facing my much improved aim or being leg shackled to you for a lifetime.”
Caroline gave an indignant yelp and looked for something to throw at her cousin.
Lucien winked at the earl. “I take it I may wish you happy?”
Davenport chuckled as his arms tightened around Caroline’s waist. “You may, indeed.” His lips then brushed close to her ear and the rest of his words were murmured for only her to hear.
“For no one in the world could be happier, my love.”
About the Author
Andrea Pickens created her first book at the age of five-a neatly penciled story about cowboys, the pages lavishly illustrated with full color crayon drawings of horses and bound with staples. She has since moved on from Westerns to writing about Regency England, a time and place that has captured her imagination ever since she opened the covers of Pride and Prejudice.
Andrea graduated from Yale University and now works in New York City as the Creative Director of a lifestyle sporting magazine, a job which lets her combine her love of the printed word with a Master's degree in Graphic Design. She feels very fortunate in that her work allows her to travel to interesting destinations around the world-but her favorite spot is London, where the funky antique markets and used book stores offer a wealth of inspiration for her stories.
Publishing Information
Copyright © 1999 by Andrea Pickens
Originally published by Signet (ISBN 9451196929)
Electronically published in 2011 by Belgrave House/Regency Reads
No portion of this book may be reprinted in whole or in part, by printing, faxing, E-mail, copying electronically or by any other means without permission of the publisher. For more information, contact Belgrave House, 190 Belgrave Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94117-4228
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This is a work of fiction. All names in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to any person living or dead is coincidental.
Table of Contents
About the Author
Publishing Information
The Hired Hero Page 21