He moved again to her mouth demanding urgent kisses from her, and she could do nothing more than oblige. Her warm breath traded with his, their tongues dancing and swirling, if she didn’t stop she may faint, or die, but boy would she go a happy and fulfilled woman. And that is precisely what he made her feel like, a woman. She had never felt so wanted, almost demanded, and it thrilled her to no end.
She took her hands and softly explored his chest and around his shoulders sending a shiver through him. She enjoyed his hard-sculpted muscles, that bulged with every motion. She enjoyed his male scent, it sent her senses reeling. When he nipped her neck, her fingers curled, nails digging and pulling. It made him groan against her neck which sent a shudder through her. He ground his erection, rubbing against her, faster and harder. She knew her impatience drove him crazy as she pulled at his tunic. They tore at each other’s clothing not knowing how anything came off and Ian broke their kiss and backed away.
“Let me eyes feast on your beauty, Els. From the first time, I saw you, I thought you an angel. Brought tae me from heaven. I wanted you so bad. If you kenned how hard you made me at just a glance at you at the river, you may have run screamin’. But I’d never seen anythin’ as bonnie as you. In all the worlds, or my hundred’s years of life, it’s you I want, only you.”
She let him caress her with his eyes, and he slowly looked at her, his gaze gently traveling up and down her naked body. She blushed under his intent gaze, it was hard for her to stand still in front of him, she felt bashful. She watched as he glanced at her, his silver eyes blazing a burning trail down her stomach and hips. Then his eyes stopped at the bright red v of silky curls.
She blushed even more if that were possible and met his gaze. Eagerness ravaged her, she wanted to touch and kiss him. But she wanted to feast her eyes on all he was, like he had done with her, he was so magnificent. Large broad, sun kissed, olive shoulders, long wavy midnight hair tied back, tight muscular chest, his bulging arms that drew attention at the river, then she looked farther down and blurted, “You’re huge! That will never fit!”
Ian laughed. “It’ll fit perfectly dearling. We were made for each other. You’ll see. Come let’s bathe, take it slow.”
Elspeth sunk down in the warm water and sighed. Silky heat blanketed her tired muscles. Ian entered behind her and sat her on his lap. She couldn’t help but notice the very hardness to him as he repositioned himself. He poured sweet smelling oils in the tub and began to wash her back. “Ummm,” she murmured and closed her eyes. He washed her long tresses of red hair, massaging her scalp. He lingered on her breasts dropping the cloth and using his hands to massage her breasts, tweaking her nipples and plucking, causing her to moan.
He slid his hands along her thighs and a groan escaped. He rubbed her curls around, sliding between her moist swollen lips, but never touching her sweet spot. In nature’s way, she wiggled for him to touch her. She moaned and leaned back against him.
Arching up her hips she came out of the water. But he didn’t stop there he massaged her buttocks and returned to her curls. He pushed her long hair to the side. He licked along the pulse of her throat and she felt his teeth brush against her again.
“Stand for me Els, turn tae me and stand.”
She whimpered, moaned, and wanted to do anything to relieve the tightness in her. She wanted, no needed him, and she wanted him now. She stood facing him.
She let him explore and enjoyed it as he spread her legs apart massaging her thighs, then softly slid his fingers gently up and down from her breasts and over her belly. He brushed at intervals across the hidden bud at the apex of her opening, and then back around her hips, she gasped.
He spread her legs farther and leaned in toward her bright red curls. “What are you doing Ian?” Where he was going was unheard of. “The church…wouldn’t…”
“Gods would,” he replied with a grin. “Let me taste the most delicious flavor a mon could ever ask for.” With that he licked her curls, he smothered his face in her blanket and moaned. She could feel his hands tremble as he softly brushed them over her belly then down to her back side where he gently grabbed her.
He squeezed and kneaded her buttock and pulled her close to his face. His moans vibrated against her skin and she tingled all over. Leaning her head back and giving him more access, she lost all thought of propriety and just felt. And oh, how she loved the feeling.
“Ask me, Els. Ask what you want I weel give it tae you.”
“Y…yo…you. Oh, Goddesses Ian. Please make me… just, please I need…you.”
She smiled as he laughed, and then he smothered her with his mouth and tortured her with his tongue. He laved around her hardened button, stroking and gently sucking until she felt herself starting to quiver.
Her moans and desperation had her pulling his hair, tangling her fingers in his long dark locks. He chuckled and grabbed on her nub with his lips, sucking gently until the muscles in her thighs did a dance of their own. She didn’t know if her legs would hold her. He must have felt it because he grabbed her thighs and hung on.
The tension in her belly wrapped tight and she thrashed her head back and forth groaning and finally something snapped and soaring to an unimaginable place, she saw stars. Spasms overtook her, she screamed his name, and when she didn’t think she could take anymore, she floated back toward earth. When she opened her eyes, and looked at him, he had a grin from ear to ear.
“You love me now, doona you sweetling?”
She laughed. “Let me wash you now, and I’ll show you, just how much I do!”
Ian laughed. “Come tae me then, me bonnie lass!” Standing in front of him she leaned over, and started with his hair and scalp, making sure to bend before his face where her swollen breasts brushed against his lips.
He was so hard he was ready to explode. He was trying to give her slow, but all he wanted was to drive deep and have his way. Instead he planted his hands on the edge of the tub, knuckles white, and held on waiting for what would come next. He smiled at the thought of his innocent fire haired beauty.
She leaned over him, brushing her breasts against his face and mouth. It was more than he could take. He had held himself in check this entire time, when she drove him nuts with her smell, touch, tenderness, and moans. He knew then without question she was his.
The words “life mate” ran strongly through his body and mind. The mating ritual for vampire included exchanging blood. His incisors dropped again. What the hell was the matter with him. This was the third time in one day he’d lost control of his incisors. He’d never had the desire to share blood with anyone in such a manner.
He had to have blood every three days or so to remain young, and it was never uncomfortable for anyone, but the sharing of blood, becoming mated was entirely different. Rutting was fun, but it was just that…a good romp. With Elspeth, he wanted more. He wanted to exchange blood, to hear her thoughts daily and for her to hear his, to be connected.
His mind wandered for a second. Perhaps she’d make the change for him, and they’d have a family and live hundreds of years together. He inhaled the scent beside her ear. He’d wait and talk to her later about how the mating ritual tied them for life. He didn’t want to scare her. Right now, he wanted to love her, drive her wild, watch her face, and taste her.
The scent of her arousal was driving him insane. She brushed her breasts against his face once again. Ian growled at the sight of the beautiful scene in front of him, and just when he was going to grab her she quickly straightened, turning to him she held up the dripping cloth with a grin on her face.
“Enough woman! A mon can take only so much!” She laughed. He jumped up splashing water over the sides of the tub and grabbed her. Without drying off he strode to the bed, both of them dripping wet, and tossed her atop the furs. He knocked the gowns to the floor and jumped on top of her. He kissed her hard, stroked her in a frenzy, kneaded and plucked her breasts, and couldn’t get enough of her.
Ian looked in Elspeth�
�s eyes. He warmed at her half-lidded expression and seeing the trust there humbled him. He knew she was an innocent, he didn’t know if she’d ever been kissed. He wanted to be gentle with her, slow, sensual, and give her first time all the attention it needed. This allowed him to slow down and savor, where a second ago he trembled at the thought of burying deep inside her warm flesh.
She stared into his eyes and he saw a bit of fear, a bit of longing, and most of all love. He could feel it. They both could. It enveloped them both, and inside he felt something warm unfurl deep within his soul.
He felt protective. He wanted to bottle her up in his love and make sure nothing ever harmed her. He felt tenderness melt through him, and he leaned in and gently kissed her, long, tender, tasting her. She gave back and their dance together ensued. He left her mouth and kissed gently down her neck, he trembled like he never had before, uncontrollably, his hot breath garnering a little mew.
He licked down between her breasts then turned and took a nipple in his mouth. He gently sucked and flicked his tongue over the hardened nub, then turning his attention to the other one. He felt himself harden to the point of being painful. He didn’t mind, she was worth the wait, he wanted to savor her, and Gods he was certainly doing that.
Never had any other woman affected him so, and he had many over his eight hundred years, no one compared to her, not her beauty, nor her soul. He couldn’t believe he’d found her, that she was here, and he was holding her, touching her, tasting her, loving her. He shuddered at this intense realization and buried his face in her silky-smooth stomach and rubbed his lips back and forth savoring the texture of her skin, the intoxicating smell that was her, he felt he was about to burst.
With trembling hands, he moved lower until he once again knelt between her thighs. He looked at her face bent back, flush with lust, her eyes closed, and her lips parted, her breath coming fast. He bent and took her in his mouth and she groaned. He brought her to a fever pitch then stopped and looked at her as he moved atop her. “Look at me Elspeth,” he whispered.
In a moment of stillness, he looked in her eyes with his forehead to hers. “It’ll only hurt you the first time, and I’ll be careful. It canna be helped sweetling. I’m sorry.”
“I know Ian, I just want you. Please…I can’t wait any longer.”
Holding her gaze, he entered her slowly. He trembled with anticipation, trying hard to hang onto some sort of control. When he reached her barrier, she moaned, and he entered swiftly, tearing past it. He stopped buried deep inside, he squeezed his eyes tightly shut.
She was so soft, so tight, her wet heat engulfed him, and he almost spilled his seed. He stilled himself clenching his teeth waiting for the throbbing to quit, hoping to take control of himself before everything ended then and there. My Goddesses where was his control.
She cried out at the instant intrusion and he passionately kissed her. He held her tightly, stilled. He waited until she started to relax, kissing her slowly, patiently. His tongue tasted her lips, and on her sigh, he entered her mouth. A moan escaped her.
Brushing her smooth skin with his hands, he waited for her to go at her own pace. When she began to move her hips, he pulled back and entered smoothly, setting a slow pace.
Gently he entered and withdrew. He knew when she completely forgot the pain as she increased the thrusts joining him halfway up to his downward ones. “More,” she said. “Please Ian, I want more.”
He laved her nipples, licked up the length of her neck, then kissed her hard.
She groaned and returned his kisses with a fervor of her own. She kneaded his shoulders and stroked his chest. She kissed him. She licked and nipped her breathing punctuated by little mew sounds. She increased her aggressiveness and thrusts and he readily complied.
He looked at her face, her head bent back, eyes tightly shut. “Look at me Els, open your eyes and see what you do tae me. Look at what we are together.” She opened her eyes and melted in the depth of his blue gaze. He leaned up, buried deep and pushed deeper.
“Look at us locked as one.” She gazed from his face and down his chest to where they were joined. He pulled almost all the way out and entered deeply again, burying himself. On his knees, he picked up her hips, and buried himself once again. She groaned. She looked back in his eyes.
“Please, Ian more.” He increased the pace, and she wiggled around him, grinding and thrusting. “Harder, more!” She pleaded with her gaze and started to close her eyes again.
“Nae, doona,” he said softly. “Watch and feel us.” With eyes half open she gazed again at him. He let go of her hips, leaning closer he massaged her breasts. He licked the tight nibs. He leaned back and grit his teeth to try and hold his control, waiting for her. Sweat beaded his neck and ran down his back.
He knew when she was close, he could feel her muscles tighten, hear her gasps, she arched under him and then she let go screaming his name. She shattered in his arms, quaking, their eyes locked together.
At the first ripple he lost himself. With the roar of her name they came together with an intensity Ian had never experienced before. Gasping for breath he held her tightly and turned them on their side, entangled in each other’s arms and legs, remaining inside her still hard.
He brushed the hair back from her flushed face. Eyelids lazy, half-closed, her emerald eyes stared into his as if his soul was caressed by hers. He didn’t have any words but didn’t need them. He felt something pass between them binding them tightly together.
He smiled, and she snuggled in closer her face warm against his neck. He pulled the fur over them and they fell in a deep sleep as the sun sank over the mountain and left the room draped in ribbons of moon light.
On and off all night they’d awake and make love. Sometimes fast and furious, other times slow and long. When late morning came, and the sunlight filtered over their faces, they awoke to make love again.
When finished, Ian leaned up on his elbows and said, “You’re beautiful Elspeth McLellan. Let’s eat and you can tell me something aboot yourself. I’d like to ken everything aboot you.”
“Weel, I lost my parents at seven winters. I grew up in a monastery and I’m a healer. I love caring for people, animals, and now dragons. I have a deep respect for all living things, including many flowers and plants that aid in healing. My brother found me a year ago and brought me back to where I first lived.” Thinking of Athdar made her instantly sad.
Ian picked up her sudden discomfort. “What is it Els? What has you troubled?”
“Something the king said about my brother. He said he rutted beside him in battle, insinuating that Athdar was as cruel as he, in abusing women. I’ve never been close to my brother because he’s a lot older than I am, but I wonder at his cruelty. Something about Athdar makes me nervous, almost afraid, always has. Isn’t that a strange way to feel about one’s brother?”
“Weel how aboot, together, we figure things oot?”
That brought a smile to Elspeth’s face. “Tell me something about you, Ian.”
“Weel, you already ken I am vampire, weel half vampire, the other half fae. I ken you doona understand what it means tae be a vampire or fae as you are from inner earth. I ken there are tales aboot us, and some knowledge of our existence, but not many ken of us. I ken you must have questions that I’d be happy tae answer.”
“What does that mean exactly? Do you have special powers like I do as a healer? I’ve heard of fae and vampire only in stories. I thought they were myths. Do you have to drink human blood to live?”
“Els, let me begin with this,” he said, sitting up pulling his hands through his tousled hair. “I’m not from your earth, although I help protect the mortal realm. I’m from here. That’s why we had tae use Merlin’s portal.” He looked at her confused expression, as she sat up facing him. Och weel, he thought, she may as well know.
“There is a parallel world, two earths, we call our’s outer earth. You live in inner earth. In between is the Lulara Veil. The only way to trave
l through the veils is through a portal. You are all mostly human. Here, where I’m from we are many different species, fae, vampire, werewolf, demons, trolls, among others.
“Basically, people like you but with certain powers and abilities. When inner earth is threatened, there are certain ones of us who travel there tae, weel, help even things oot. We protect the humans. We do it discreetly of course. I drink blood every few days, but not tae live on. I eat food like you, but the blood is what keeps me young, from growing old. I am eight hundred years old. I’m sorry Els, I can stop,” he said noticing her grimace.
“No,” she said crossing her legs. “What you said just took me by surprise. Go on please, it won’t change how I feel about you.”
Feeling comforted, he continued. “I doona have tae drink human blood, animal blood works, not as weel, but even if we partake of human blood we doona kill for it, and it is quite nice for the donor who gives it. Our incisors impart a chemical that leaves the donor with a euphoric feeling. They enjoy it, and everyone is happy. I wipe their memory then, so they doona remember.
“I can turn tae mist and transport to anywhere I’ve been afore, except through the veils, or if I were tae transport you with me, we could go tae anyplace you’ve been on inner earth, even if I haven’t. Our connection allows for me tae do that. I couldn’t with just anyone, but I ken you can tell we have a special connection.
“I canna transport between worlds, or through veils, for that we need a portal. The fae part of me can call on the forces of nature, rain, snow, bodies of water, wind, heat, these things, and I’ve had tae in battle. Sometimes I can call on animals tae come. Mostly small animals. They like me. I can conjure up fireballs as a weapon and throw them. I usually like my sword, Dragon Slayer, though.” He grinned. Warmly placing his hand on her shoulder, he gently turned her and brought her on to his lap. He sighed then continued.
The Peacekeeper Page 6