Until Rayne

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Until Rayne Page 4

by Elle Christensen

  “Don’t look away and I’ll give you what you want,” he told me in a gravelly voice.

  I nodded and he began to speed up, each drive getting harder and so, so deep. Every thrust made me cry out when he hit just the right spot. I was panting hard and struggling to keep our eyes locked. However, the intensity of his gaze somehow gave me the ability to do what he’d asked.

  Eventually, he was pounding away, and the room was filled with the sounds of our pleasure. He pushed me higher and higher until I was strung tight and about to break apart. I could tell he was close, but he seemed determined to make me come first.

  His mouth made its way to my tits again, sucking and nibbling. Then he kissed his way back up so we were face to face. “Come, Rayne,” he purred. “Let go.”

  I shattered with a scream, my body shuddering with waves of ecstasy.

  “Fuck! Oh, fuck! Yes! Fuck!” he roared as he tipped over the edge. The frantic pulsing of his cock and the heat of his come as it filled the condom sent me into another small orgasm.

  I held him tight as our tremors subsided., our eyes never leaving the others. Finally, he rolled to the side and kissed me quickly before getting out of bed. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move,” he ordered.

  He padded to the bathroom and I heard the condom snap as he removed it. Then the water ran for a few seconds before it shut off and he walked back into the bedroom with a damp cloth.

  I was shocked when he tenderly cleaned me up before tossing the rag to his hamper. No one had ever done anything like that for me. It wasn’t like all of my sexual encounters had been wham-bam-thank you ma’ams. But, there had never been this level of intimacy and…I never spent the night.

  However, when Nick pulled back the covers and maneuvered me under them, then climbed in beside me and hauled me up against him, I didn’t protest.

  “That was fucking amazing, Rayne,” he whispered in my ear. “I think I’ll keep you.”

  I froze and the fear and anxiety that had started to creep in before came rushing back. It wasn’t long before his breathing evened out and I oh-so-carefully extracted myself from his arms and gathered up my clothes. I used the app on my phone to call for an Uber, then dressed frantically and raced outside to wait for my ride.

  Chapter Nine


  Rayne was going to get her ass spanked.

  When I woke up alone, I couldn’t believe she’d snuck out on me. If she thought this was over, she was unbelievably mistaken.

  I knew she was working the late shift tonight, and I considered going straight to her apartment and giving her the spanking she deserved before fucking her until she agreed to stay. But, I was pretty sure that would only drive her away. I decided to bide my time and snatch her at the end of her shift. We’d have this conversation at home.

  It was a beautiful day, perfect for working on the house. And a decent way to blow off some steam. I changed into worn jeans and a paint-splattered T-shirt. I called Trevor Mayson to see if he had some free time and apparently, his wife and sisters-in-law were having “girl time”. He was all too happy to get the hell out of his house for a while.

  I’d bought a shed to put out back and at the moment, we were using it to restore the kitchen cabinets and some of the other woodwork that needed to be done. I headed out there and started sanding while I waited for Trevor so we could tackle some of the more complicated tasks.

  “Yo!” Trevor called out a little while later.

  “Shed,” I yelled back.

  He moseyed inside wearing a similar outfit and carrying a tool box. Trevor was tall, with brown hair cut short, brown eyes that women seemed to drool over incessantly, and a square jaw that made him look like a damn model. All the Mayson boys were favorites of the ladies in town. Not only were they good-looking, but they had a magnetism about them that I could never quite capture. I used to be intimidated by them, especially after I attempted to get November to go out with me when she first got to town. Asher quickly made it very clear that he was claiming her and, not in the market to get my ass handed to me, I backed off.

  However, while working on my house, I’d earned some grudging respect. It went a long way in making me realize that I was their equal, not the second choice a woman settles for.

  I lifted my chin in greeting and walked over to a fridge we’d installed. Grabbing a couple of beers, I tossed one to Trevor. I popped the cap off using a work table next to me and took a long swallow.

  “I’m about done with the sanding on the cabinets, what’s next?” I asked.

  Trevor looked them over and nodded. “Nice job.” Then he gave me new instructions and we got to work. I threw myself into it and after an hour of silence, Trevor spoke. “You’re unusually quiet, man. Everything okay?”

  I almost brushed off his question, but then I remembered he’d told me some of the story about what it had taken just to get his wife to date him after they met. Maybe he was just the right person to run everything by.

  “I met a woman,” I started. “I’ve never experienced the emotions I felt from the moment I saw her. It’s like I become someone else when she’s near. I have a hard time admitting it because I never believed it was possible but…I just knew she was mine.”

  Trevor laughed, interrupting me. “Ahhh yeah, Nico mentioned his theory that our curse might be contagious. Apparently, he saw your reaction to the new bartender and he said your face had boom written all over it. He was hysterically laughing the whole time.”

  “I’m glad I amused him,” I groused.

  Trevor took a swig of his drink and relaxed back against the work table. “So, what’s the problem?”

  I told him about the conversation Rayne and I had on our date. Her belief that she needed to be free and her attitude about settling down etc, etc. I also told him about the possessive, jealous, demanding guy I seemed to become around her. Lastly, I conveyed to him how our night ended (minus the sex details), with her sneaking out.

  “Now, I just want to spank her ass for it and lock her in my room.” When I was done unloading myself, I shrugged and held my hands out. “This is uncharted territory for me, man. I’m a little lost.”

  Trevor listened without comment, but the corners of his mouth had tipped up occasionally. He finished off his beer and tossed the bottle into a nearby trash can. Then he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me seriously.

  “I’m going to give you the same advice Asher gave me when I was pursuing Liz. Stick with it, don’t give up, and don’t be afraid to push her a little. Seems like she is convincing herself that she doesn’t want to stay. I can even quote him, ‘Don’t give her a choice; play all your cards, even the ones that push her into a corner.’”

  I frowned and used one hand to rub the back of my neck. “I don’t know if I can do that. I’ve never been that kind of guy.”

  Trevor pushed away from the table and took a wide-legged stance, staring me down. “Sounds like that guy is in there and she brings him out in you. So, don’t be a fucking pussy and go get your woman.”

  I arrived at Stumble In by eleven and waited until a stool opened up at the bar. Once I was seated, I kept my eyes on Rayne; other than staring down every asshole who tried to flirt with her.

  She kept throwing glances my way, trying to be covert about it. I smiled and winked at her every time. My reaction seemed to confuse her, which made me chuckle.

  After last call, when everything was cleaned, and they were ready to lock up, I stood at the door, waiting. Rayne walked in from the back and headed to where I was standing.

  “Hey,” she said, then rolled her eyes. “Well, that was lame.”

  I laughed and drew her into my arms. “Hey,” I whispered before kissing her deeply.

  When I pulled back, she was a little dazed and breathing heavy. “What…um, what are you doing here? Besides being a crazy stalker and staring at me all night?”

  “To be fair, I’m less stalkery because I stared at your face, not your ass or tits.” Sh
e raised an eyebrow. “Okay, I stared at your face most of the time.”

  “And the attitude you were tossing at all the men I served?” Her tone had become indignant, but there wasn’t real heat behind it.

  “Just letting them know who you belong to,” I explained with nonchalance.

  She planted her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes at me. “Does that mean I should be scaring off every woman who looks at you?”

  “Fine by me,” I replied, clearly surprising her. I winked. “If you want, you can even tattoo your name on me and make it official.”

  She shook her head, exasperated. Apparently, she didn’t catch the underlying seriousness in my tone. If I were ever to have something inked on my skin, it would only be Rayne.

  “I guess you’re here to make sure I get home safely?”


  “Suit yourself, Loafers.”

  I entwined our fingers and led her outside, over to my car.

  “You’re going to drive me the three blocks to my apartment?” she asked, her brows drawn low.

  “Home, baby,” I said firmly. “Not where you’ve been staying.”

  Chapter Ten


  I jerked to a stop, my hand tugging Nick’s, causing him to halt and turn around. I stared at him disbelievingly. His face was set in a stubborn expression; eyes narrowed, lips mashed into a straight line.

  “I must have misunderstood you,” I practically sputtered. “It sounded like you said the place where I pay rent and sleep, isn’t my home. I realize it’s temporary—”

  “You heard me right,” he interrupted, his blue eyes glinting with determination.

  “You want me to stay with you for the rest of the time I’m in town?”

  “I want you to stay with me.” I tried to drop his hand, but he tightened his grip.

  “But we just met two days ago!”

  He shrugged. “Irrelevant. I’m taking you to the place where you belong.”

  Again with the contradiction. The man towing me toward his sensible, silver car was demanding that a woman he barely knew come home with him. Share his space.

  After the night we’d shared, I wasn’t opposed to sleeping with him again. In fact, just the thought had my girl parts whirling around while throwing confetti. But, actually moving in? Even temporarily? The intimacy made me feel vulnerable and that scared the shit out of me.

  Nick suddenly yanked my arm and I stumbled into his embrace. “I know you want to be with me again, baby.” His head dipped, and he kissed the side of my neck before sliding his lips up to my jaw, then over my cheek to my ear. “I bet you’re soaking wet at just the thought of the things I’ll do to you.”

  For the first time ever, butterflies erupted in my stomach. I was not a butterfly kind of girl. I was hard edges, confidence, and a badass. The fluttering in my belly was just another reason why I should tell him he was going home alone. Although the thought of my empty bed, in my tiny apartment, was a little depressing after the night I spent with Nick.

  “Babe, this isn’t a discussion.” He took my chin between his thumb and index finger, locking our eyes. “I’m telling you what’s happening.”

  On behalf of all women, I knew I should protest his arrogant demands and cocky attitude. The problem was…I found it unbelievably hot. Nick was nothing like the guys I usually went for, so it baffled me a little that I found him so utterly sexy and secretly loved it when he went possessive and alpha on me.

  “Okay,” I agreed coolly. Despite the nervousness brimming just under my surface. “It’s only for a couple of weeks, right?” I laughed.

  Nick didn’t say anything as he unlocked his car and opened the door for me. I lowered myself into the passenger seat and rapidly inhaled when he leaned over to buckle me in. His delicious scent filled my lungs and I squeezed my legs together to try and alleviate the ache.

  As he retreated, his smug smile made it clear he knew the effect he had on me. I scowled and stared out the windshield. Get it together Summers. I lectured myself silently. You’re not the kind of chick who gets mushy over a guy.

  Except…I so was when it came to Nick. He gave me a scorching look before facing forward and pulling out onto the road, then clasped our hands and placed a kiss on my knuckles before resting them on his thigh.

  I decided the wicked witch of the west didn’t know what melting really was because she’d never been on the receiving end of Nick’s sweetness or his passion.

  We sat in comfortable silence for the ride to his house. He parked the car in the garage and came around to open my door. Hand in hand, we walked out of the garage and across the yard to the side door. Nick stopped in the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge, then ushered me up the stairs to the master bedroom.

  Memories of the night before assaulted me and I shivered. Nick’s arms wrapped around me from behind and since my hair was in a braid, he was able to place several small kisses on the back of my exposed neck. He inhaled deeply.

  “You smell amazing,” he mumbled. When I felt his tongue slide across my skin, I gasped and instinctively bent my head to give him better access. “You taste even better.”

  His hands splayed over my abdomen for a moment; then one traveled up to cup one of my breasts while the other went down and cupped my sex.

  “Fuck, I want you,” he growled.

  Leaving a scorching trail behind, the hand between my legs glided up and deftly popped the button on my jeans. He slowly lowered the zipper and his fingers dipped into my underwear. I was so wet; these panties were definitely ruined.

  That’s when I realized we hadn’t stopped by my place to grab anything. “Nick,” I rasped. “I didn’t bring anything.”

  Nick chuckled, his hot breath brushing across my neck. “You don’t need anything. In fact, I prefer you in nothing.”

  “I—um—” He was distracting me with his touches, and I could barely string words together. “Work—tomorrow—oh!”

  “I’ll go in late tomorrow and take you to change and pack up all of your stuff.” He pulled me back so I was flush against him and I felt his hard length pressing into my ass. “Now, if you’re still thinking about anything but me and what I’m doing to you, I’m clearly not doing my job.”

  It didn’t take long for him to succeed in his goal, scattering all of my thoughts until my head, my body, my soul, were filled with nothing but him.

  Later, as I lay naked and sated, sprawled over him; his fingers traced circles on my back.

  “Rayne,” he said softly. I lifted my head to see him watching me, his face serious. “No more running away from me.”

  I nodded. “I shouldn’t have left like I did this morning,” I admitted. “I promise not to sneak out again.”

  He seemed like he was going to say something else but decided not to and instead, cupped my face and guided me up so he could kiss me deeply.

  When he finally dragged his lips away from mine, he locked his beautiful blue eyes with mine. “One more thing.” I canted my head to the side and raised an eyebrow, waiting. “While I’m your man, I am your only man.”

  I drew my brows down in disappointment. “Oh…my husband won’t be happy to hear that.”

  Chapter Eleven


  A barrage of emotions were barreling through me all at once. Rage, jealousy, hurt…until I saw the smile Rayne was trying desperately to hide.

  “You know,” I drawled. “I’d decided not to give you the spanking you deserved for sneaking out this morning.” Rayne’s eyes widened, her amusement giving way to shock. A wicked smile grew on my face. “But, just for that, your ass is going to be cherry red tomorrow.”

  Rayne stared at me, plainly trying to decide if I was serious. I quickly rolled us over so she was on her back and I was hovering over her. My lips sealed immediately with hers and I ravished her mouth. When she’d given in completely and was distracted, I wrenched away and flipped her over, pulling her up onto all fours.

sp; I popped her on one butt cheek and laughed when she shrieked, her head twisting to stare at me in surprise. My handprint looked fucking amazing on the firm globe of her ass. Taking advantage of her stunned state I slapped her other cheek. This time, she scrambled off the bed and faced me.

  She was gloriously naked, her cheeks flushed, and her tits bouncing with her rapid breathing. She looked like a fucking goddess.

  “You spanked me!” she snapped, planting her hands on her hips.

  I tried to pry my eyes away from her body and look at her face. Climbing off the bed, I scowled at her playfully as I prowled toward her. “I told you, you earned it, baby.”

  She backed up as I advanced until she was up against a wall. My expression must have conveyed my predatory intentions because she glanced around frantically, looking for a way to evade me. Her eyes landed on the door and bounced back to me.

  “You won’t make it,” I growled. “And even if you did, I’ll catch you.”

  She bit her lip as she once again judged her only escape route. I was almost to her when she made a run for it. Despite her efforts to keep far out of my reach, she was close enough that as she passed me, I was able to slap her ass once again.

  I heard her muffled laughter as she reached the hallway and decided to give her a ten-second head start. Then I jogged out after her.

  She’d made it down the stairs and into the kitchen. I found her standing at the back door with a rueful grimace. She’d obviously just realized she was still stark naked.

  I stopped a few feet away and crossed my arms over my chest, my legs in a wide stance and a smirk on my lips. “Come here.”

  Rayne mirrored my stance and shook her head. “I don’t think so, Loafers.”


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