Denial of Service [Cyber Sex 2]

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Denial of Service [Cyber Sex 2] Page 3

by Mandy M. Roth

  "Oh gods,” Dirks said, his voice hoarse. “There. Uh, there."

  "Come on my face,” the redheaded droid said.

  Nora twisted a bit and glanced over her shoulder at Dirks. When her blue eyes met Jonas’ she smiled. “I want to watch them."

  Surprised by her request, he simply nodded and turned her a bit, until Dirks and the droid were in plain view. Dirks’ gaze flickered towards Nora and Jonas fought down feeling of jealously. If Nora wanted him to fuck her with other people watching them then he would. He'd known Dirks for so long that he was positive it would go no further than the bedroom.

  Jonas added his thumb to the mix, using it to rub Nora's clit. Still finger-fucking her and licking around her rosette, he had her bucking wildly in no time. It was easy to see that Nora was now watching the droid, who was still sucking off Dirks while she moaned and pushed back on his finger. “Do you like that, baby? Do you like to watch?"

  "Uh-huh,” she panted.

  Sliding up her, Jonas slapped her ass with his cock again before driving himself to the hilt in her tight pussy. Nora cried out, gripped the sheets and met him thrust for thrust. She felt so good with her channel fisting him. Too good.

  His entire body stiffened as he felt his pending orgasm speeding towards him. He went for Nora's clit, needing to assure himself that she'd come with him. The second he touched it, she tossed her head back as her pussy clenched his shaft. His balls drew in and he released his seed into her, letting her milk him as he did.

  "Uh, that's it, baby,” Dirks said, drawing Jonas’ attention as he continued to fill Nora with come.

  Dirks stood in the center of the room, holding his cock as it spurted semen onto the droid's face. She gleefully lapped it up, moaning and sucking as she went. He ran his hand through it, smearing it over the droid's lips and pressing it into her mouth.

  Jonas withdrew from Nora slowly and wrapped his arms around her. He buried his face in her hair, breathing in her scent and letting it brand his brain. The woman did things to him he never thought possible. She made him want to not only protect her but keep her close and never be with another.

  Dirks and the droid kept going, each pleasuring the other, seeming oblivious to Nora and Jonas’ presence. Jonas didn't care. Apparently, Nora didn't either because she drifted off to sleep in his arms. The thought of letting her go, even for a moment, terrified him. Deep down inside, he knew keeping her would be a battle. The scariest part of it all was that Nora might not want him at all.

  Chapter Three

  "Sir, I think we should get back to the ship,” Dirks said, his voice low. The man knew better than to continue to push Jonas, yet he did.

  Jonas rounded on him. He narrowed his gaze and glared. “I'm not leaving this planet without Nora."

  Dirks nodded. “I understand, sir, but the brothel owner has already told you he doesn't know anyone by that name and he has no droids fitting her description."

  Anger welled in Jonas. “I fucking know she's not a droid!"


  The urge to punch Dirks was strong. Somehow, Jonas managed to hold back. All he wanted to do was find Nora, inform her she was to be his wife and get the hell off the planet. So far, that wasn't happening. He'd woken to find Nora gone. She'd managed to sneak past not only Jonas but Dirks and the droid as well. He and Dirks had spent two straight days searching for her with no luck. The town was run down, the people less than friendly and everyone seemed to be interested in getting him the hell off the planet. He suspected they all knew exactly who Nora was but had no plans on telling him.

  The stench of the planet was almost as overwhelming as the heat. Fengaria had no natural water system and relied on Star Union vessels to escort the water haulers in and protect from those who would hijack the ship. Water fetched a pretty penny in the Bagune Galaxy due to how rare it was.

  Dust blew up and around him, settling on Jonas like a second skin. Dirks coughed but stayed close at Jonas’ heels as they headed down another alley. This one was as bad as the rest. In fact, Jonas was hard pressed to tell a difference from one section of the town to another.

  They neared the end of the alley and it opened into a large rectangular area. Two men stood on a makeshift stage, addressing a man wearing a powdered wig. Jonas cast Dirks a questioning look and he shrugged.

  "I'm as lost as you are, sir."

  The man with the wig smacked a gavel on his desk and eyed a tall man with dark hair. “What say you on the charges against your sister?"

  "I say she's guilty, Lord Magistrate. She didn't show up for her planned weddin’ and she disappeared for almost two days after,” a tall man with a scruffy face and a large belly said as he scratched his armpit.

  Jonas and Dirks exchanged glances each no doubt thinking the man disgusting and went to move on. The Magistrate slammed his gavel again. “If no one speaks in her favor, death it is."

  "Drivas, please,” a familiar voice said, catching Jonas’ attention.

  He turned to find Nora being yanked onto the stage by several men. Her wrists were bound in front of her and ugly bruises covered her jaw and neck. A fury he'd never known lit deep within him. He went for his weapon but Dirks was already stripping him of it. “Give it back,” he bit out.

  "Can't do that, sir. You'll shoot every man up there.” Dirks sighed. “Trust me. I'm not blind. I can see they didn't treat her well but you need to try the diplomatic approach first. If that doesn't work, I'll help you kill them all.” A slight, forced chuckle followed.

  Jonas knew that despite his laugh, Dirks was serious. He would indeed help to kill all men involved in harming Nora. Clenching his fists, Jonas stood tall, willing himself to appear calm even though he wanted to bash every man's face in who dared to even look upon his Nora.

  "I will speak for her."

  All eyes, including Nora's, fell on him. She shook her head, suddenly appearing terrified. “No! Lord Magistrate, I don't know that man. He can't speak for me. He can't...."

  "Like hell you don't know me, Nora. You're quite possibly carrying my child and I can assure you that you will be my wife before I leave this backwards planet."

  A chorus of angry growls sounded around them. Dirks cleared his throat. “That might not have been the best thing to say, sir."

  "Which part?” Jonas grinned, no longer caring who he pissed off.

  "Umm, all of it."

  As a wave of men swarmed in around him and Dirks, Jonas put his hand up. “Harm her or either one of us and I can guarantee you that no Star Union vessel under my command will ever escort your water haulers again."

  Dirks laughed from the gut. “Oh, I'd listen to him, folks. He's an Admiral."

  The townspeople froze. Several of them backed up. The others went after three men, one of whom had spoken out against Nora. The man narrowed his gaze on Jonas. “We won't let you have the whore."

  "My wife is no whore, you ignorant piece of space trash. Continue this and I'll see you strapped to the ass end of my transport vessel."

  Dirks nudged him. “On the outside, right, sir? I just had it cleaned but I'm willing to overlook that for the sheer satisfaction of seeing that asshole disengage on take off."

  Jonas baulked. “Of course on the outside. I'll not have that thing anywhere near my wife, who is coming with us now or I'll see to it this planet never has water again."

  The Magistrate's eyes were wide as he slammed his gavel once more. “Case dismissed.” He swallowed hard. “Oh, and by the power vested in me by the Lords of Fengaria, I acknowledge the union and bless it. You are now husband and wife."

  Nora blinked twice and then fainted dead away. Dirks burst into laughter and Jonas arched a brow. “That was fast."

  "Yeah and your ‘wife’ took it well."

  Ignoring Dirks comment, Jonas rushed to Nora's side and lifted her with ease. His gaze met the Magistrate's and the man nodded feverously. “Very happy for you, Admiral. Congratulations. Best wishes ... umm ... ah...."

  Jonas gave him a
pointed stare. “You can shut up now."

  "Yes, sir."

  Chapter Four

  Groggy and sore, Nora opened her eyes slowly and took a moment to adjust to her surrounding. The light, barely there, gown she wore rubbed against her nipples, causing them to rise to hardened points.

  For a moment, Nora thought she was outdoors due to the sound of animals around her and the greenery surrounding her. It took her a minute to realize she was in a room with artificial lighting. The oversized green plants were like nothing she'd ever seen before. Pink veins ran through the center of each leaf.

  "Do you like it?"

  Startled by the sound of Jonas’ voice, Nora shot up and off the bed. “What?"

  A manly chuckle followed as the plants seemed to part. Jonas stepped through, wearing nothing but a towel. He looked good enough to eat and she couldn't help but bite her lip as thoughts of taking his cock in her mouth beset her. He slid his hand down his tawny chest. “Nora? Something a matter?"

  "No,” she said a little too fast. “How did I get here? Better yet, where am I?"

  "In my home here at Expedition Central."

  "Your home?"

  He laughed. “Yes and it's your home now that we're married."

  Drawing in a sharp breath, Nora looked around the expansive bedroom. “Married?"

  "Nora, honey, are you going to keep repeating everything I say?” He took a step towards her.

  "Maybe.” Her gaze moved to the top of his white towel as it undid it. As he cast it aside, she whimpered. “Jonas, talk to me. Tell me what's happening."

  He was on her in an instant, caressing her erect nipples through the gown and pressing his warm lips to her hers. Tugging on the gown, he lifted it as he pressed his cock to her stomach. “Don't you remember marrying me?"

  That was real?

  Jonas didn't wait for her to respond. He rubbed his shaft against her bare stomach allowing his pre-cum to seep out and onto her skin. “I can't get enough of you, Nora."

  "But, I was supposed to marry a man my brothers selected for me,” she said, unsure why it came out when it did.

  "Let's just say that the Magistrate thought I was better suited for you."

  Reaching down, Nora wrapped her fingers around his cock as best she could. She stroked him as she stared into his blue eyes. “Why did you do it? Why claim me as yours?"

  "Because—” He ran the pad of his thumb over her lower lip. “You are mine."

  It wasn't the answer she wanted but it was one Nora could accept for the time being. She tried to slide down the length of Jonas’ body. The need to take him in her mouth and taste his cum was great but he held her in place. “Jonas?"

  "Nora,” he kissed her lips, “I love you."

  Air swooshed from her lungs as his words hit her. She wanted to deny they could be true but in her heart, she knew. He did love her and she him. Returning his kiss, Nora pressed her body to his. “I love you, too."

  Jonas lifted her quickly, laid her out on the bed and eased her legs open. Nora stared up at him as he guided his thick cock to her core. In one thrust, he was buried deep within her. Nora clung him as he moved his hips, dipping in and out of her body. It was impossible not to revel in the moment, feel as if she could soar. Jonas had changed everything. He'd opened her eyes while being temporarily blinded himself and Nora knew she would never get enough of him.

  * * * *

  Jonas drilled his cock into his wife, savoring every second of it. Part of him still couldn't believe she was really his. Really his wife and with him for always. Another part feared he'd wake up to find it was all a dream. That his trip to Fengaria had never taken place and that he'd never met Nora.

  She felt so good, so real that it was hard to deny she was truly beneath him. Pumping into her, he let his body go. Let it do what it had to in order to assure itself she was indeed his. He fucked her like a deprived man, pushing into her so hard that he lost track of where he stopped and she began.

  "Yes, Jonas. Yes,” she panted. Her pussy clenched around his dick, pulling him back into her depths as her orgasm struck.

  Jonas rammed into her and held fast as his balls drew up and cum shot forth, filling her fully. A beeping noise caught his attention.

  "Admiral, paramedics are being dispatched,” the computer said. “ETA less than two minutes."

  "Paramedics?” Jonas asked, drawing out of Nora and seizing a sheet to cover her with. “Why in the hell are they coming here?"

  "Your heart rate elevated quickly, sir, and I detected foreign emissions. The moment my sensors picked up a third life form enter the room when no doors had been activated, I followed Star Union protocol. Are you pleased, Admiral?"

  Jonas jerked around just in time for the doors to his bedroom to slide open and a team of paramedics to rush in. They froze when they spotted him standing there in nothing more than what he'd been born in. Dirks rushed in behind them.

  "Sir, are you ... you're naked!"

  "No shit. Really?” Jonas didn't bother to hide his sarcasm.

  "Lt. Commander Dirks is correct, Admiral,” the computer said. “You are indeed lacking your uniform or any other attire for that matter."

  "Jonas?” Nora asked, her voice tight. “What third life form in the room? It was just us and why are they still here?"

  "Out! Everyone! Now!"

  "Sir, uhh, we need you to sign a release form,” a young, newer crew member said as he held out a waiver pad.

  Growling, Jonas pressed his palm to it while giving the crew member the evil eye. When the boy rushed away, shaking slightly, he knew he hadn't lost his touch. Only Dirks lagged behind, laughing slightly as he stared at Jonas and Nora.

  "What are you looking at?"

  Dirks grinned. “A man who just learned he's about to be a father but seemed to miss the hint."

  A father.

  "Computer, scan my wife. Report findings in regards to pregnancy.” He glanced down at Nora to find her wide eyed.

  "I'm not...."

  "Affirmative, Admiral. She is in the first phases of gestation. Logging in records now. Shall I proceed with scheduling a prenatal visit with Dr. Wextonarie?"

  "Yes, and once Lt. Dirks is gone, lock my doors and dim the lights.” Licking his lips, Jonas locked gazes with Nora. “I'd like to create some more strange emissions with my wife."

  The smile that spread over Nora's sweet face said it all—she was happy. So was he.


  Excerpt from Project Exorcism: Paranormal Payload by Mandy M. Roth, available at New Concepts Publishing!

  Lorelei Janelle plopped behind the control panel in the central observation deck to see what vessel had sparked the warning probe's alert system. She didn't like the idea of intruders in their vicinity, but it only happened every now and then so she couldn't complain. As much as she disliked worrying about outsiders, she did enjoy the company. Her nights had been filled by erotic dreams of a man too good to be true and her days were a rude awakening to the harshness of her world. Her nocturnal lover hadn't come to her in two weeks and her fear that her mind had finally given up generating him was great. It would, of course, wait until she'd mated mentally with him to pull the plug.

  "Unit One, this is Captain Vasil of the Alpha Brig Three requesting permission to enter atmosphere and dock. Emergency commission code 327 has been initiated,” a deep, familiar voice said in her earpiece.

  Her inner thighs damped and for one brief moment, her breath caught in her throat. Who was this man that sounded so very much like her secret lover? How had he elicited that shocking response from her body with nothing more than his words? Fearing he was another Dsendiyun, she sighed. Lorelei was beginning to think the sex starved planet they came from encouraged them to ‘get lost’ as close to her people as possible. It wasn't like they got any sort of sexual stimulation while they were here. Not unless they considered being chained together good fun.

  Some men do.

  Lorelei glanced up at the glass ceiling. Se
eing no sign of a vessel nearby, she double checked her radar to be sure she hadn't imagined the entire thing. There was no way she could have received a hail signal yet have the radar detect nothing. The electromagnetic waves that a vessel put out in a non-cloaked state would have shown up before. None did.

  Having had many unauthorized vessels attempt to dock in her lifetime, Lorelei knew exactly how to handle them. She tweaked the computer's controls, demanding a more precise reading. Varying the frequency of the waves being sent off, she hoped to initiate a reflection of some sort, allowing the radar system to accurately pinpoint the vessel's location. It didn't work. Tweaking the calibrations even more, Lorelei set the control tower's sensors to ultra in hopes of catching a pattern of bounce backs consisting of the direct opposite waves than they were sending out. If the outsiders thought they were going to get away with active cancellation they were wrong. Dead wrong.

  Much to her surprise, nothing showed up on radar. Having never had one elude her, Lorelei tried another approach. She shifted to the Commission based recognition systems they'd installed many years ago after a sanctified vessel crashed into their red sea. Instantly, a blip appeared on the screen. Zeroing in on it, she brought it up closer and began to run a remote diagnostic on it. The main fuel tank had a crack so large that she knew they'd lost the majority of their liquid fuel as soon as it happened. Their life support systems were dangerously close to giving out and their alternate source of power seemed to be having issues as well.

  Who would be stupid enough to enter our atmosphere with that amount of damage?

  As soon as the question formed in her head, Lorelei knew the answer. The Dsendiyuns. Once located on radar, they were easy to spot with their flashy crafts and telltale too strong pick up lines. They would certainly have announced themselves to her by now. The tiny bit of thrill they got from trying to make her work at pinpointing their point of entry would have long worn off and she'd have gotten it right within seconds. Not to mention their ability to stay cloaked for long intervals within the planet's atmosphere was almost non-existent. No. Who or whatever approached them couldn't be the notorious romancers from Dsendiyun.


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