Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2

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Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2 Page 23

by Marie, Jordan

  “I’m not Sabre’s girlfriend, we just met today. I was stranded. He was just being nice. I’m lucky he runs a garage.”

  “Sabre doesn’t run a garage.” I hear from behind as I go to the fridge to get them some drinks.

  “I’m afraid all I have is water or soda? Well, I did make some peach tea this morning?”

  “You make your own tea?” This time from the darker one.

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Tea is good!” They both say it in unison.

  I’m not sure what to make of the looks on their faces. I go ahead and fill two glasses with my tea and some ice from the dispenser. By the time I get it done they’re sitting at the bar, so I slide the drinks over to them.

  “Okay, I’ve got to know names here, I feel silly calling you the blond and dark one,” I tell them to break the ice because the silence makes me feel a little awkward. To busy myself, I go back to putting dessert together. I’m making a chocolate lasagna and it has to freeze for an hour, so I might as well do that while the guys are cooling down.

  “We’ve been called worse, but I’m Keys and this ugly fuc…guy is Shaft,” he says already finishing his tea. He looks so forlorn at his empty glass that I get the pitcher from the fridge and bring it over to fill both of their glasses back up.

  “Would you guys like to stay for supper?” I ask before I can second guess myself. I’m alone so often, and though I probably should be wary of having strangers in my house, something about these guys make me feel safe. It was the same feeling I got around Sabre, only with Sabre, it was more intense.

  “Sure, let me just shoot a text to our road boss, we were supposed…speak of the devil,” he adds as his phone starts ringing.

  “Yo. (Pause) No, we’re finished. Sabre’s woman just invited us to eat with her. C’mon man, it’d be rude to say no. Besides, she makes her own tea and shit, you should taste it.”

  Again my face warms at being called Sabre’s woman. Why does he keep saying that? Why do I like it so much?

  “Hey, Peaches? Torch and Beast want to come over and eat too, is it cool?”

  I blink. Torch and Beast? Still, he asked, and it’d be rude to say no. I was always taught to never be rude. Then again, I was always taught to never have strange men in my home, either, and now I will have four.

  “They’re all part of the club, Sabre would be cool with it,” Shaft says and I don’t know why that makes me feel better, but it does. “Sure, but I’m afraid it’s just meatloaf and mashed potatoes, some corn, and I am going to make a….”

  “They’ll be here in ten,” he cuts me off.

  I decide to just go with it. After all, Sabre would approve. Maybe I’m coming down with the flu? I shrug it off and ask the question that’s been on my mind since they introduced themselves.

  “Now, I have to know, how did you get these names? Sabre? Keys? Shaft?”

  The men look at each other for a minute and shrug. Shaft is the first one to speak up. “Well, Sabre got his because he’s freaky with knives. Like, I think he could kill a fly by throwing a knife from 100 feet away. Though some of the men say it’s because he’s like a sabre tooth tiger, once he bites into something, he really latches on. He doesn’t let go until the problem is gone or solved, whichever.”

  I listen to him talk and put my dessert together without really paying attention. My mind pictures Sabre holding a knife and caressing the blade while he’s talking to me, and my breath lodges in my throat. I try to concentrate on the dessert, but I’m still thinking over what Shaft said about Sabre. I can’t help but be intrigued—even if I shouldn’t be.

  Brittany, my big tabby cat, picks that moment to come in. She sniffs around the feet of Keys and swishes her tail at him. When he doesn’t take the hint, she grabs him with her claws, at the back of his leg. I’ve been on the receiving end of that little temper tantrum. It’s never good, even if he is wearing jeans.

  “Ow! Son of a bitch!” He growls looking down to where Brittany is meowing at him and waiting. I get the feeling he wants to kick her into next week. To his credit, he doesn’t.

  “That’s Brittany. She doesn’t like to be ignored. Sorry. If you pet her, she’ll move on,” I tell him, not bothering to admit that she’ll just move on to Shaft. “Now, how did you get your name, Keys?” I ask and look up to see he’s stroking Brittany behind the ear.

  “There’s not a car I can’t hot-wire and start. You named your cat Brittany?”

  I begin to answer him and then stop, “Why would you need to hot-wire a car?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” He asks in return and looks so thoroughly confused, I let it go. “So then, how did you get the name Shaft? Was it because of mechanical work? Or did you really get into that TV show or movie?” The silence stretches for so long that once I put the top layer of cream topping on the dessert and move it to the freezer, I have to look at them. “Well?” I prompt.

  Shaft looks like he almost blushes but says nothing and neither does Keys. I close the freezer and go back to the bar. “C’mon, tell me how you got your name?”

  I was so intent on my guests that I failed to notice the door open. In walks two more men. I can only assume these are Torch and Beast. Holy hell. Where is this garage and how in the world did I miss it all this time? Do they not have one ugly man in the bunch? One man is big and brawny and has this shaggy beard. Normally, I’m not a beard kind of girl; right now I so am. He has on this white t-shirt my girlfriends in college used to refer to as wife-beaters. I always thought they were ugly; but somehow, he makes it look like the best thing a man could wear. He’s covered in ink everywhere. I’m just assuming this is Beast because well, the name fits. The other guy is muscled for sure, but he’s leaner and more…pretty. Still, he’s sexy, there’s no doubt about that. His hair is kind of long and falls over to one side, and it makes a woman want to run her fingers through it. I bet he got his name because women all over carry a torch for him.

  “Peaches, this is Beast and Torch,” Keys says, pointing to each one to confirm their identity and yeah, I was right. I smile at them and then decide, as big as they look, I better make more food. I pull out the dough I had rising earlier and start shaping rolls.

  “Hello,” I answer, feeling slightly intimidated with all four of them staring at me.

  “What are we talking about?” Torch asks and before I can answer, Shaft does.

  “Peaches wanted to know how I got my name.”

  “Oh, that’s easy,” Torch says.

  “It is?” I ask before placing another roll in the pan. I go to preheat the oven and come back to my dough. I’m ignoring looking at the men because honestly, I’m feeling out of my element here. I wish Sabre were here and that’s a strange thought to have.

  “Yeah, Shaft here doesn’t care where he puts his cock. Beast once told him he’d put his shaft in a black snake’s mouth if someone would hold it open. The name just stuck,” Torch speaks up. I stop to think about what he said. My parents would be scandalized. I throw my head back in laughter. It feels strange…but, it feels good, too. I think I like being around Sabre’s men.

  Chapter 5


  Mine. That’s a four letter word you better learn real quick. Because I promise you, I will fuck you up if you touch my property.

  Before I even get to the front of the door, I hear the laughter and that just fucking pisses me off. I’m going to fucking beat down these motherfuckers. I sent two men to fix a damn vehicle, not move in on my property. Annie is my property. I don’t give a fuck if I haven’t said more than a handful of words to her. I want her, I saw her, and she’s mine. I don’t have to be fucking logical; I’ve never been before. I wrench open the door and stand there watching these sons of bitches hovering over my woman, and I swear, steam is coming out of the top of my head.

  Annie is standing behind the bar in her kitchen and Torch, Beast, Shaft, and Keys are all sitting on the side closest to me in the large living area. They’re eating dinner like it’s an
everyday occurrence and laughing. Fuck, even Beast is laughing, and I haven’t seen that out of him in years. Annie is putting a glass in front of Keys and I watch as he grabs her hand, brings it to his lips and kisses it.

  “Marry me, Annie! Marry me and make me the happiest man on the face of the Earth,” he says in some fake ass voice. Instantly everyone is laughing, including Annie. Her eyes sparkle. I can see them from here, they fucking glimmer like stars, and she’s laughing for some other motherfucker that is not me. That is not happening. In fact, this entire fucking scene is not happening. No way. No-motherfucking-way.

  “What the actual fuck?”

  Everyone stops laughing, instantly, and they should because I’m going to fucking kill some pretty-boy bikers, and I’m starting with that son of a bitch, Keys.

  “Sabre! I didn’t know you were going to come by. Did you bring the bill? Because your men here didn’t, and I wanted to make sure…”

  “We’re not his men, love,” Torch speaks up, and I instantly add him next on the list for calling Annie that dopey-ass nickname.

  “You’re not? But I just assumed you all worked at the garage.”

  “Garage?” Beast asks, his gruff voice echoing in the air.

  I pinch my nose from the tension I can feel behind my eyes, take a deep breath, and then look back up.

  “What are you motherfucker’s doing in my woman’s house?” The room goes silent, except for Annie’s startled gasp. The men look at Annie and back at me.

  “Peaches here made us dinner. Good thing you claimed her because if you hadn’t, I was going to,” Torch says taking a bite of food and watching me very closely. Motherfucker knows he’s walking on thin ice.

  “You would have had to get in line. I was just about to claim Peaches here myself,” Beast says, and I look at him like he’s lost his damn mind. Only trouble is, I can tell he’s completely serious, and that’s fucked up. My brother hasn’t touched another woman since he lost his old lady, and that was almost two years ago.

  “Wait, no one has claimed me. I don’t think…”

  “Hell, Sabre, is that true? Because if you haven’t claimed her and she is open game, then I’m standing up right now saying that I’m staking her out, too,” Torch says.

  “Me too,” Beast adds.

  “Yeah, so am I,” Shaft speaks up.

  “Shut up prospect, this is none of your concern. Patched in members get dibs always motherfucker,” Beast grumbles. Shaft gives him the one fingered salute but wisely doesn’t argue further.

  “She’s mine. It’s not even a question. The only question is what the fuck you yahoos are doing here?”


  “Hush it, Annie. We’ll discuss this after these idiots leave.”

  “Sabre, that’s not being nice. I was feeding them dinner.”

  “Yeah, Sabre. Peaches is feeding us dinner.”

  “And that’s another fucking thing. Why the hell are you assholes calling her Peaches?”

  “We’ve decided that’s her club name.”

  “The fuck you have,” I growl, mad as hell. Even if I was going to call her that, it was mine to name her.

  “You snooze you lose, brother,” Torch says smoothly and that does it. That pushes me over the edge.

  I walk to him and give him a punch in the gut. He sees it coming, so it’s not like he’s unprepared. In fact, he’s expecting it because I don’t even get to blink and he plants a fist into my jaw. I stagger backwards but manage to grab him by the shirt. I draw my fist back to mess up his pretty-boy smile when I’m blindsided by a broom. It slams me on the side of the face; the straw bristles poking into the skin. I step back to figure out what the fuck just happened, and that’s when I see Annie holding the broom and those beautiful blue eyes pointing daggers at me.

  “Stop hurting Torch! I won’t stand for fighting in my house. Now, if you’d like to eat…”

  Stop hurting Torch? She won’t stand? The men are laughing in the background, but I don’t take the time to give them the beat down they deserve. I grab the broom and throw the damn thing across the room. I hear it bang against something, but I don’t turn around to see what. I grab Annie under her legs, throw her over my shoulder, and stomp in the direction of the hallway I saw when I came in.

  “Stop it! What are you doing? Where are you going?”

  “Bedroom. Where’s your fucking bedroom, Annie?”

  “What? You can’t be serious. I demand you put me down right now! Sabre…”

  She drones on, but I tune her out. I open the first door I come to and it’s a bathroom. The second seems to be her bedroom. It’s got dark brown walls and a dark purple cover on the bed, with lighter purple throw pillows. The curtains on the one large window are purple and the bed is a rich cherry color and huge. A fucking king-size, four-poster bed draped in silk and it all looks like it was made to fuck in. My Annie is full of surprises. Here I was expecting yellow daisies everywhere and a room so bright it would make my eyes hurt.

  I stomp over to the bed and throw Annie down on it. She struggles to prop herself up on her elbows.

  “I don’t think…”

  “Shut it, Annie, and roll over,” I growl at her, taking my favorite knife out of the holster on my side.

  Her eyes grow wide in fear and she rolls over. There are tears in her eyes, and I’m enough of a bastard that my cock gets even harder at the sight. She rolls over and that perfectly plump, round ass stares as me, and I want to jerk off right then and there. This isn’t about me, though. Annie doesn’t realize that she’s mine. I’m about to give her lesson number one.

  I place a knee on the bed and stretch out alongside her. I want her naked, but I’ll do that tonight. For now, I just need one part of her naked. I move my hand along her thigh, smiling at how she jumps under my touch. I slowly move my hand up to capture her ass and massage one of the cheeks, loving the way the juicy flesh rolls in my hand.

  “Sabre, don’t hurt me…”

  You can tell she’s full of fear and her voice betrays her unshed tears and physical strain. That shouldn’t turn me the fuck on, but it does. I reach and pull the clasp out of her hair and smile as the white gold falls over her back and onto the silky cover we’re lying on. I pull her hair, not like I want to—not like I will. I apply just enough pressure so she can feel the sting and then I move it away from her ear.

  “I’ll never hurt you, Annie. In fact, if you ever feel like I am, all you have to say to get me to stop is ketchup.”

  “Ketchup?” She asks, her voice small.

  “That’s it, but you can only use that word if you think I’m actually going to hurt you. Using it any other time? That will cause problems. Do you understand, Annie?”

  “Yes…” her voice squeaks out. It might be because my hand has moved under her pants now. She’s so soft and warm, and I hate the panties she has on, even without looking at them.

  “Now, what’s your safe word?”

  “Ketchup?” she asks, and I can’t stop the grin that spreads on my face.

  “That’s it. Now, Annie, did you know that what you just did in front of my men was disrespectful?”

  “What? How? You were hurting Torch, and I…”

  I sigh heavily, sounding upset. In truth, I’m enjoying the hell out of this. Sweet Annie is going to be fun to teach.

  I pull away from her. I take my forgotten knife and place it on her pants, using my hand to pull it away from her body and provide tension. Then I slide down the leg, easily separating the cloth.

  “Ketchup!” Annie cries out and I sigh, this time I am annoyed. I ignore her and do the other sides of her pants the same way. “Ketchup!” She screams louder. I push the torn article down to her knees. She’s wearing cotton briefs, plain white. If I were going to allow her to wear panties, this would be disappointing. I quickly cut into the side of them and roughly pull on them so they completely leave her body. Then, I throw them to the floor and admire what is mine. “Ketchup!” She screams agai
n, and this time I decide I can’t ignore her anymore.

  “Annie, did you really think I was going to hurt you?” I ask her, my voice full of regret and disappointment.

  “You destroyed my clothes!” She says and her voice is wobbly, but I also hear a thread of anger. Interesting.

  “What did I tell you, Annie?”

  “To say ketchup and you’d stop. But I did and you didn’t, and I don’t think…”

  She’s rambling and the further she goes, I don’t hear fear in her at all. At. All. I hear anger and maybe a touch of excitement. So, I stop her tirade by sliding my hand against the opening of her pussy, not pushing my fingers in but applying pressure. She stops talking, and I think she stops breathing. Again, I’m smiling. Son of a bitch.

  “Did the knife touch you, sweet Annie?”

  “Knife?” She pants.

  “Did it touch you?”


  “Repeat after me, Annie. Sabre will…”

  “Sabre will,” she repeats.

  “Not hurt me,” I finish.

  “Not hurt me.”

  I kiss her lower back in reward for being such a good girl. I then decide she needs a little more incentive and slide the tips of my fingers into her wet pussy. It takes all of my willpower to not slide into her further, to stretch her opening with my fingers and ready her for my cock. I don’t. That’s not in the plan right now

  “Good girl. You’re mine now, do you understand that, Annie?”

  “I…we just met…”

  I take my hand from her pussy and smack her ass hard. “You’re mine now. Say it.”

  “Ow! Sabre!” I spank her again. When she doesn’t answer again, I spank yet another time. And another. Another and finally another, her ass is red with my handprint. She’s still not saying anything. More importantly, she has yet to say her safe word. She’s also arcing her ass up to meet my hand, silently begging for more. I pet her beautiful, pink ass and wait. I need the words. It’s silent for a few minutes, except for her ragged breath. I’m about to give up hope she will give me what I want. Then she speaks, “I’m yours.”


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