Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2

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Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2 Page 29

by Marie, Jordan

  “I want you to take me home,” she answers, the tears are trying to escape but she’s doing her best to keep them contained.

  “I’ll be there baby, I just want to take out the trash.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Show them what a real demon looks like.”

  “You won’t kill them?” She asks and I study her face.

  “You would care?”

  “I hate them, and I know you said, sometimes, in your job you have to see to things I probably wouldn’t like. But, if you kill them…I don’t want you to even risk jail for the likes of them. They’re not worth it. I know it’s stupid, but he’s my father.”

  “Then I won’t kill them. I’ll tell them an angel begged her demon for their lives. Now kiss me, woman.”

  “I love you, Sabre.”

  “Show me,” I urge her and she gives me her lips. I’ve never been more proud of a woman in my life. She amazes me. I’m still going to tan her hide for risking her life, that’s a given. We break apart slowly. The best thing I’ve ever done in my life is claim this woman.

  “I’m going to tan your hide for scaring me, Annie.”

  She smiles through her tears and leans up on her tip toes to whisper next to my ear, “Well, at least something good came out of this then.”

  I laugh. I’m still mad at the fuckers who dared try to hurt my woman, but I laugh.

  “Get your ass home, woman.”

  “Yes, Sabre.”

  “Practice those words, you’ll need to know them tonight,” I order her as she walks off, partly because everyone is listening.

  She stops at the door, holds her head down for a second, and then shocks the hell out of me.

  “I’ll do my best to remember them, as long as the cookie monster comes out to play.”

  Every single brother in there starts laughing. Fuck me. After I get over the shock, I laugh, too. I laugh hard. Annie doesn’t know it, but I honestly wasn’t sure I could keep from killing her fucker of a father. She just saved his life. Still, Keys and Shaft will have to drag him and his sorry ass brother back to Illinois because they won’t be walking for a little while. They’ll also have a message to deliver to Annie’s mom, personally. I watch as Latch and Annie leave the room and then turn to the boys. I look at Skull and he gives me the all good sign and nods his head in agreement. He knows where I’m coming from—no words are needed.

  “Torch, you’re in charge,” I growl, taking off my cut and rolling up my sleeves.”

  “Of what?”

  “Making sure I keep my promise to Annie and don’t kill these weasels,” I growl and grab her sorry uncle first. Hopefully, by the time I finish with him, her lousy excuse for a father will have come to.

  “Don’t we get to join, man? We all like Peaches,” Shaft asks.

  “No way. These motherfuckers are all mine,” I tell him as I take off my belt. I think I’m going to start with a little eye for an eye. I’ll just make sure their scars are much bigger than the ones Annie carries.

  Chapter 16


  Sometimes being wicked feels really, really good.

  We make it back to the house about an hour later. Latch isn’t really talking to me, and I know he’s upset. I don’t really know how to make that better, either. My brain is fried. I feel dirty for even having been in the same room with my uncle and father. I’m a little worried that Sabre lied and will kill them anyway. I shouldn’t even care. It’s kind of messed up that I do.

  “Where’s Lucy?” I ask to break the strained silence as I go to the fridge and get a bottled water for me and a beer for Latch.

  “Staying over at a friend’s house since I couldn’t be there to pick her up in time,” he growls, and when he does that he sounds almost like Sabre. I take him the beer that Sabre keeps in the fridge for him and the boys and hand it to him.

  “I’m sorry, Latch, I didn’t mean to cause you trouble.”

  He looks up at me with his dark eyes. His looks are so much like his sister’s, except definitely more masculine and defined.

  “You could have got yourself killed, Peaches. Do you know what that would have done to me?”

  The words sound raw and full of emotion and my stomach clenches. Sabre said Latch was in love with me. It makes me feel guilty. Sabre owns my heart, even if I am attracted to Latch.

  “I’m sorry. I promise it won’t happen again. I’m going to go take a bath before Sabre comes home.”

  “He won’t be long, he’s going to teach them a lesson and then have the boys take them back to Illinois,” he says, still pouting and turning on the television.

  I take that in. I’m glad. I meant what I said to Sabre. Surely, they’ll be smart enough to leave me alone. I know, inside, it’s over and I feel free.

  An hour and a half later, I’m forced to get out of the tub because my skin is starting to wrinkle and prune. I spend extra time putting on the lotion that smells like sugar cookies that Sabre likes. Then blow dry and brush my hair out. Finally, I slip on Sabre’s long T-shirt that says Devil’s Blaze on it and falls down almost to my knees. I’m going to go straight to bed to wait on him. I can’t deal with Latch pouting anymore or the conflicting emotions he gives me. When I walk out into the bedroom, I freeze. Sabre and Latch are both sitting in the chairs I keep in my reading corner.

  “Sabre, I…”

  “I told you not to do it, didn’t I, Peaches?”

  “But I just…”

  “You just defied an order I gave you.”

  Sabre has always walked the edge of dominating me, and I love it. It speaks to something inside of me, but while I may appear meek to the outside world, I’m not, really. I don’t want to spend my life with a man where he expects me to follow orders.

  “I don’t see why you’re so upset, it was just…”

  “Because you went against my orders. I told you to stay close to Latch and home until we figured out what to do about your uncle and things calmed down at the club. You agreed and then turned around and ignored it. That can’t be allowed.”

  “Sabre, I’m not the type of girl who will obey a man. I mean, I’m not…”

  “I believe I know that about you, Peaches. You give me hell constantly, woman, but when I give you an order, it is to keep you safe. My world is different than yours was. When you gave yourself to me, I made a damn vow that I would always protect you. Do you remember that?”

  I swallow and nod my head in agreement. He did, and I loved it. Sabre makes me feel special. After a lifetime of feeling invisible, it’s an amazing thing.

  “Good, then you can understand why the fact that you defied my orders and went to the church tonight upsets me. Right?”

  I feel a moment of shame because I do. He’s right. I shouldn’t have gone. Still, I know a moment of resentment and I have to defend myself.

  “I had it under control. I’m sure you saw that when you got there. I didn’t go empty-handed.”

  “They weren’t expecting you to be the woman you are now. That was their mistake. This easily could have ended a lot different, and you wouldn’t be able to stand there and continue to sass me. Now, say the words.”

  “I’m sorry, Sabre, I should have listened,” I tell him looking down at my feet.


  I gasp and look up at him in shock. He couldn’t have said what I thought. No way.

  “Strip,” he confirms. I look around the room nervously. I can do this. Sabre’s upset, obviously and with good reason. But he won’t hurt me. In fact, I’ve liked all of the things he has done to my body. I’ve come to crave it.

  “Peaches,” he growls.

  My eyes snap back to him. “I will! I was waiting for Latch to leave!”

  “Latch isn’t leaving, Peaches.”

  “Sabre, you can’t…wait, what did you say?”

  “You lied to Latch and he felt this was his fault. If you had gotten hurt, it would have haunted him. He deserves something for that. So, he’
s going to help punish you. Now, strip.”

  I look at Sabre then Latch and back to Sabre. I can’t do this! Can I? My heart is tripping over itself. I wish I could run away. Still, underneath my panic, there’s a big part of me wanting this. Wanting to see where this goes…and that scares me. Sabre has stormed into my life and let the tight leash I kept on my desires loose. This is a huge step in a direction I’m not sure I want.

  “Annie, look at me.” I do, and I know he can see the fear in my eyes. “You got your safe word. Nothing happens that you won’t like, baby. I can promise you that.”

  I study his expression and know he’s serious, and I also see that look on his face that spoke to me from day one. Need. That gives me the courage to lift the shirt over my head. I let it fall to the floor.

  I keep my eyes on Sabre at all times. I may be attracted to Latch, but Sabre needs to know he’s the one in control here. I need him to know that.

  “Go sit in Latch’s lap,” Sabre orders, his voice dark and gruff, and it feels like a caress on my skin, grating each tiny nerve cell I possess.

  I do as he asks and wait. I’m not sure what Sabre has in mind here, but I know wherever it leads, he will take care of me. Latch’s jeans are rough against my skin, and I jump when his large hands stroke down my sides and squeeze my hips gently. He’s breathing rough, but then so am I. My eyes are locked on Sabre. He’s unzipped his pants and has his cock in his hand, stroking the hard, glistening member and instantly, my mouth waters. I’m so engrossed with watching Sabre that I wasn’t expecting Latch’s hands to come up and hold my breasts. I jump at the sensation. He kneads them, placing a kiss on my shoulder. Excitement floods my system and I’m so wet, I can feel the moisture on the inside of my thighs.

  “Are you wet for us, Peaches? Is your clit throbbing, needing attention?” Sabre asks and I search his eyes, but I can’t find any disappointment there.

  I give him the truth and nod my head yes.

  “The words, Peaches. Give me the words.”

  It doesn’t escape my attention that he’s calling me Peaches. He said Annie was his and his alone. I don’t know why that distinction calms me, but it does just the same.

  “I’m wet, I’m so wet, Sabre.”

  “Check and make sure she’s not lying Latch,” he orders, his hand moving slow and steady up his cock. I can see a drop of liquid gather on the head and run down the side of his shaft onto his hand and I lick my lips, wishing I could taste it. I feel Latch’s hand come between my legs, his finger dragging through my arousal. It’s hot being in his arms and watching Sabre stroke himself, but it’s not what I want.

  “She’s soaking wet, Sabre.” Latch groans.

  “Do you want my cock, Peaches?”

  “God, yes,” I answer, not even bothering to hide how eager I am. It’s too late for that.

  “Come over here and get down on your knees, Peaches, and I’ll let you suck my cock.”

  I should be ashamed at how eagerly I jump off of Latch’s lap. I get down on my knees so quickly, I’m surprised I don’t have rug burns.

  “So eager,” he says cupping my cheek and pulling me to him as he bends down to kiss me. There’s so much emotion in that kiss, more than I’ve ever felt before. “Do you get how much I care about you, Annie? How much it would kill me if something happened to you?”

  His words hit me and tear me open inside. The change of the name doesn’t get past me, and there’s a depth of emotion coming from him that hasn’t been there before, or at least where it was so evident. His eyes are intense and they speak of something…deeper. Of fear and caring certainly, but there’s something else, I want to call it a sadness, a regret. I’m just not sure, and I’m way too aroused to study it further.

  “I’m sorry Sabre, I won’t do anything like that again. I’ll always talk to you first.”

  His thumb brushes the corner of my lip, gently, and for a minute he looks so deep in thought it almost scares me. I want to ask him what’s wrong, I can even feel the beginnings of panic flood through me. Then, this mask comes over his face. The change in him is that drastic, almost night and day.

  “Now, Latch.” His gruff, husky command rings in the room.

  My body stiffens in response. I had forgotten all about Latch being in the room. I try to look behind me, but Sabre doesn’t let me.

  “Keep your eyes on me, Peaches. Always on me.” I give him my nod of agreement and he combs his fingers through my hair. “Suck me, Peaches.”

  At his words, the tight coil of need inside of me breaks free. Sabre’s holding his cock towards my mouth and I open for him, without a moment of hesitation. His warm, spicy, unique flavor fills my mouth and I moan with the pleasure. I release him and flatten my tongue out using it to lick along the hardened vein that is throbbing. I lick all the way to the top and then dive into the crevice on his head, gaining more of his pre-cum and savoring it. I repeat the action but along the side of his cock this time; licking him as if he were my favorite ice cream cone and I’m trying to get every drop before it melts. I’m so intent on Sabre that I didn’t notice Latch get behind me. I feel his rough hands rub my ass and knead it in his strong hands. The effect is almost too much. I look up at Sabre and his eyes are all on me. I suck him down to the root as my excitement amps up. Latch’s fingers brush the lips of my pussy. The very tips of his fingers slide between them and graze my opening. I widen my knees to offer him better access like a mindless animal in heat. I am. God, I’m so hot right now and dying to be filled. I never imagined sex could be like this. Elemental, hot, and all lust…this is fucking. This is totally different from anything Sabre and I do together and maybe that’s good. Because, it should be different with Latch involved.

  Latch’s fingers slide into me at the same exact time Sabre’s fingers tease one of my nipples. He rolls it between his finger and thumb, pulling on it until that moment where there’s pain, but it’s oh so good. Latch is slowly fucking me with his fingers and I thrust against it, tightening my pussy against the entry, trying to hold them inside. I’m so absorbed in the sensations bombarding at me, that when the first hard slap against my ass connects, I cry out loud. My scream comes out garbled because my mouth is full of Sabre. I slowly release him and look into his eyes as Latch spanks me again, and again. Each slap is hard, and I can feel the fiery heat against my skin. My eyes sting from the intense pain, and I’m waiting for that point. That point where the pain slowly morphs into pleasure. Sabre is watching me closely, stroking his cock the entire time. That’s even hotter than what Latch is doing to me. Eventually, though, I feel it; that moment when I need more of a sting, more of what Latch is giving me. My cream is sliding down my legs. I’m thrusting up, seeking more contact and riding nothing but air; still needing more. I whimper as Sabre grabs my hair and pushes my mouth down on his cock. He resumes playing with my breast and over the rushing blood in my ears I hear his command.

  “Now, Latch. You can taste her.”

  The intense way he says it is almost enough to set me off. I’m caught up in the different pleasures zooming through my body that I’m unprepared when I feel Latch’s mouth against my pussy. Sabre stands up, taking his cock from me, but I don’t have time to protest because he pushes me away from him, until I’m sitting up, straddling Latch’s head.

  “Ride him, Peaches. Fuck his face and ride him hard and take your pleasure,” Sabre urges me—right before taking my hair roughly in his hands and pulling my mouth to his cock again. I grind against Latch’s so hard, I’m probably smothering him. Rotating my hips, riding his tongue and hell, I think even his nose. Latch’s hands push into my ass cheeks which are still stinging, and he lets his fingers bite into them, adding to my need. Then he takes control of my movements, angling them just enough to make me feel like I’m about to explode. I brace myself on Sabre’s thighs, letting my hands hold him tightly as he continues fucking my mouth while I’m riding Latch.

  Eventually, Sabre pulls me off of his cock and I look at him through eye
s that are hazy with lust. I’m so near to coming, just another second and I know I’ll tumble over the edge.

  “Are you close, Peaches?”

  “God, yes,” I groan as Latch’s tongue lashes against my clit. I try to bear down on his face. He uses his hold on me so that doesn’t happen. I grunt out in defeat. “Are you frustrated, sweetheart? Does that greedy little cunt need to come because you’ve got two men in here dying to fuck you?” He asks and I can’t stop a growl that breaks free.

  “Sabre let me come, damn it. Let me come,” I huff. My head tips back in pleasure as Latch continues to tongue fuck me and eat out my pussy but never giving me enough or in the right spot to carry me over the edge.

  “Are you sorry for making us worry now, Peaches? Do you see why it’s important to let me know what you’re doing? How much you’re loved and wanted?”

  Tears sting my eyes, and it’s not just because of being denied my pleasure. It’s the words. Loved and wanted. I am. For the first time in my life, I am—and by two amazing men. I’ve always known Latch felt that way, but I’ve tried to hide from it because I can’t give him what he needs. I was afraid to dream that Sabre felt that way. So the tears fall, and I let them.

  “I’m sorry, Sabre. I promise never to worry you, either of you again like that. Please, sweetheart.”

  He growls and pulls me off of Latch, and I cry in protest. I was so close. I’m on the edge and ready to break into a million pieces. I just need one touch. One touch will send me over. I reach down to do it myself, but I don’t get the chance.

  “It’s my pussy now, Peaches. All mine. I’ll tell it when to come, I’ll tell it how to come. You gave it to me. Remember?” Sabre questions.

  “Yes!” I cry out, thinking his punishment may kill me.

  He turns me around, yet again, my back to his front. The warmth of his body envelopes me as we slowly slide to the floor. He kisses on my shoulder, bites on the tender skin of my neck and follows an invisible trail up to my ear. His hands wrap in my hair again, harder this time, more intense. He pulls it back and his breath is against my ear.


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