Forgotten Kisses

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Forgotten Kisses Page 6

by Verna Clay

  Unexpectedly, Chief Gikuyu asked, "Is there something else you want to tell us?"

  Alex glanced at Hannah, who looked puzzled. He returned his gaze to the chief and laughed. "Is it that obvious?" Before the chief could respond he blurted, "Hannah and I are engaged."

  The chief's wife placed her hands on her cheeks and said, "I just knew something was up between you two." Her expression became thoughtful and she glanced at her husband, and then at Hannah, before returning her gaze to Alex. "Instead of one marriage in the village today, we could have two."

  Hannah choked on her tea and liquid sloshed over the side of her cup. Neither Alex nor Hannah said anything.

  Chief Gikuyu said, "Of course the marriage would be symbolic and not recognized by either of your countries, so it's something you would want to talk about."

  Alex glanced at Hannah and started to ask her to step outside so they could discuss the offer, but the Chief said to his wife, "We should see how the preparations are coming along."

  His wife jumped up. "Yes, of course." She glanced from Alex to Hannah. "You two decide while we're gone."

  After the chief and his wife left, Alex tilted his head and perused Hannah's expression. "What are you thinking, Hannah?"

  "I'm not sure. I'm kind of in shock."

  "I understand." He shifted his position on the pallet until he was in front of her. "I love you, Hannah, and I would do anything to make you happy. If having a ceremony in Africa would please you, it would definitely please me. After we leave this country we'll have another ceremony with our families."

  Hannah smiled broadly at Alex. "It would certainly create a wonderful memory; something we could delight our children with."

  Alex's serious expression morphed into a giant smile. He clasped both of her hands. "Let's do it."

  Three hours later both couples, surrounded by villagers, stood in the center of the ceremonial ground. Following the traditions of the village, Chief Gikuyu performed the ceremony joining Makena and Wamugunda, and Hannah and Alex. Afterward, the community hut was laid out with a feast and crowded with well wishers. The festivity lasted all afternoon. About two hours before nightfall, Alex approached Hannah, bent, and said in her ear, "Chief Gikuyu just told me that one of the huts will be vacated if we want to spend the night here. He said the family would be honored if we stayed in their hut on our wedding night. But if you want to return to our village, we need to leave soon." He hesitated and finally said, "If you'd rather wait to consummate our marriage until we're legally married, I understand." He stood straight again and waited for her response.

  Hannah didn't even have to consider her reply as she tilted her head upward and met his gaze. "I want to stay here. As far as I'm concerned, we are legally married."

  After nightfall, they were led to a hut on the outskirts of the village. When Hannah discovered a family of six were being displaced, she started to protest, but was cut off when the mother of the household said, "You and your husband joining yourselves in our home, honors my family. Do not be concerned about us. We will stay with the mother and father of my husband."

  Hannah recognized the sincerity in the woman's words and hugged her. "Thank you. We are honored to stay in your home."

  The family left and Alex excused himself to speak with the chief, but Hannah knew he was really giving her time to prepare for their wedding night. She washed and pulled on the simple cotton gown the chief's wife had given her. Unwanted misgivings about the coming night began to taunt her. The only experience she'd had in lovemaking had been during college. She'd been a sophomore dating a senior. The guy had been nice and they'd dated for five months before he'd asked her to spend the night with him at a local motel. The motel had looked dreary to Hannah, but she'd fancied herself in love and talked herself into joining the modern age as a modern woman. Later she realized that their encounter had been doomed from the start. The values she'd been raised with wouldn't let her be. The fact that they would come together without benefit of marriage played a part, but was not uppermost in her thoughts. The real culprit lay in her lack of excitement. Although she did love the guy, it wasn't the kind of love that made her heart hammer, and she wasn't sure he was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Here, with Alex, she knew he was the one. He was her soul mate. She would do anything for him; even die.

  The door to the hut opened and Hannah dropped her comb. She whirled around wide-eyed and her heart hammered at the sight of Alex. With his dark hair tousled and his emerald eyes intently studying her face, he said, "Hannah, luv, we don't have to do this."

  There was no uncertainty in her voice when she said, "I want this more than anything, but I have to tell you something. I had a boyfriend in college and we went to a motel. We…uh…fooled around but when it came time to…" she paused, "I just couldn't go through with it because I realized that, although I loved him, I didn't want to spend my life with him." She smiled. "The way I want to spend it with you. I love you so much it hurts. I want to be a wonderful wife to you. I-I just want you to know that I've never been with a man…completely." She inhaled deeply and shifted her gaze to the ground.

  In an instant Alex was beside her, caressing her hair. He lifted a strand and kissed it, then he spoke in her ear, "Hannah, dearest, those are the sweetest words I've ever heard. I also love you so much it hurts, and I want to be the kind of man you're proud to call your husband."

  Hannah turned her head just enough to touch her lips to her husband's and felt as if she had finally found her happily-ever-after. For a long time their kisses were soft as they spoke loving words and gently caressed each other, but as the night deepened, so did their passion. They explored each others bodies, sighing and moaning with anticipation, and finally, in the early hours of a new day, joined bodies and claimed each other for eternity.

  Chapter 16: Nowhere to Run

  Hannah woke and stretched luxuriously on the straw pallet on the floor. Since coming to Africa she sometimes awakened wondering where she was, but not today. She knew she had just spent her wedding night with the most magnificent man on earth, in a village in Africa, and on a pallet on the floor. Things couldn't have been more perfect. She shifted above her husband to watch him sleep. He was perfect in every way. His body was solid and toned; his face angular and handsome; his lovemaking electric; and his heart pure. She had no doubt about his love for her. Together, no matter the obstacles, they would forge a life of adventure. She would stand beside him when he broke the news of their marriage to his family; she would love his sorrow away. She would…"

  "Tell me what you're thinking, Hannah," Alex's deep voice rumbled softly.

  She caressed his face with her fingertips and replied, "I was envisioning our wonderful life together."

  Alex encircled her waist with a strong arm and pulled her down on top of him, their naked bodies a perfect fit. He chuckled, "I was thinking about something else."

  In a voice still husky from sleep, Hannah said, "Well, I was thinking about that, too," and teased him with feathery kisses until he groaned and reached his palm around her nape, keeping their mouths locked.

  Mid morning, Alex watched Hannah interacting with the village children and grinned. They loved her and he knew their own children would be happy and well-adjusted. He had always wanted children, but Hannah increased that longing a hundred fold. Finally, she hugged each child, bade goodbye to everyone, and hurried toward the jeep. Alex had already said his goodbyes and now gave a wave. As he held the door open for her, she said, "I'm sorry to make you wait. I just wanted to express my gratitude–"

  Alex interrupted, "Luv, you don't have to explain anything. I could have watched you all day." He leaned in and kissed her cheek.

  During the drive home they decided to immediately break the news of their marriage to Chief Kamau and request that Hannah be allowed to live in Alex's hut. Alex said, "I don't foresee a problem," and laughed. "In fact, the chief may want to perform another ceremony. Would you mind getting married again?"<
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  Hannah's response was deadpan. "Only if I get another night like last night."

  Alex laughed so hard the jeep swerved. He straightened the vehicle and replied, "There will never be a dull moment with you, Hannah."

  "I should hope not." She replaced her pokerfaced expression with a grin and laid her hand on Alex's forearm. They continued toward home in happy silence.

  Suddenly, Alex cursed, "What the bloody…"

  Hannah gasped as he skidded to a stop when a vehicle they had been following for about fifteen minutes suddenly swerved and turned crosswise about a hundred feet ahead of them to block the road.

  He said, "This may not be good, Hannah. There's another vehicle gaining quickly from the rear. If this is a trap, there's no way I can escape them. I don't know what's going on, but let me do the talking." They waited as the driver of a battered Humvee, not an unusual vehicle to find in outlying areas, opened his door and cautiously started toward them carrying a raised semiautomatic weapon. Hannah glanced behind them to see a second man exit a rusty pickup. He also pointed a weapon at Hannah and Alex. Alex spoke low. "Remember during our first visit to Muturi I showed you the nine millimeter handguns fastened under our seats?"

  Hannah could barely breathe. "Yes."

  "You said you were proficient with the weapon."

  "I am, thanks to my father and brothers."

  "Good. The guns are ready to fire. All you have to do is reach down and pull yours free, release the safety, and shoot. You have ten rounds. If it comes to shooting these men to save your life, can you?"

  Hannah's voice trembled, "Who are they?"

  Alex spoke rapidly. "They're insurgents that were supposedly defeated. You can tell by the bands tied around their arms. We haven't much time. Can you shoot them?"


  "How much money do you have on you? Maybe that's all they want."

  "About twenty dollars in this country's currency."

  The man from the Humvee reached their jeep and rapped on Alex's window with the tip of his gun. Hannah glanced toward her outside rear view mirror and saw his cohort from the truck waiting at the rear of the jeep. Alex rolled his window halfway down. The rebel had a long, jagged scar from his forehead to his upper lip, which curled upward and gave him the appearance of being perpetually angry. His tone was sullen when he asked, "Who are you?"

  Hannah thought she might faint from fear.

  Alex said calmly, "I'm Dr. Alex Wyndham. I had an emergency in the village of Muturi."

  The man's lip curled up even more as he said to his companion. "So, it looks like we have a European do-gooder in our country." He paused and looked back at Alex. "Or are you a spy posing as a doctor."

  Alex said, "Sir, I have no political affiliation. I am simply here to help those in need of medical care."

  Scarface dipped his knees until he could peer at Hannah. Unexpectedly, he grinned. "And is she in need of medical care?"

  Hannah wanted to throw up.

  Still speaking calmly Alex said, "She's my assistant."

  The man tilted his head, studied Hannah, and replied, "Well, maybe I want her to become my assistant."

  It was then that Hannah knew they were doomed.

  Suddenly, the scary man stepped backward and lifted his weapon higher. "Get out of the car!"

  Alex said evenly, "Do you really want to harm us? It will only bring the military down on you. If you want money, we'll give you everything we have."

  The angry man seemed to ponder Alex's words and come to a decision. "Get out of the car! I'll have your money and other things too."

  Hannah understood his reference to other things and whispered to Alex, "I'd rather die fighting."

  Alex tried to reason with their captor again. "Let my assistant go and take me hostage. My family will pay well for my safe return."

  The evil man only laughed. "I'm taking you both hostage and getting double the money."

  Alex lowered his head slightly and said under his breath, "There's only one way out of this. It probably won't end well, but we're doomed to die at the hands of these men."

  "Get out of the car!" Scarface shouted.

  Alex said to Hannah, "I love you, dearest, and I will for eternity."

  "Stop talking and get out of the car!" the rebel yelled again.

  Alex called out, "Okay! Okay!"

  An unexpected calmness engulfed Hannah like a blanket. "I love you more than life, Alex. Let's get this business over with. I'll take out the man behind us." And with those words she leaned toward her door as if opening it, glanced at the outside mirror to sight the rebel, reached one hand under her seat for the handgun, quickly released the safety with her other, and turned and fired through the back window, shattering the glass.

  At the same time, Alex grabbed his weapon and fired at Scarface. Through the volley of bullets, Hannah felt a sharp pain in her side. Ignoring the pain, she kept firing out the back until her clip was empty. The entire gunfight lasted only a few seconds that felt like an eternity.

  A strange noise sounded above them and Hannah wondered if it had anything to do with death—her death—as the pain intensified. Rounds of ammunition pelted the ground outside their vehicle. Then a loud voice was heard. Was God talking to them? Hannah's confusion suddenly disappeared when she recognized the sound of whirring helicopter blades and saw swirling dust.

  The amplified voice spoke again, but Hannah barely heard it. All of her attention was riveted on Alex slumped over the steering wheel. Through excruciating pain she scooted toward him, yelling, "Alex! Alex! You can't die!" Her nightmare escalated when she saw a wound to his head and blood pooling on the floorboard. "NO!" she screamed, and thrust her body over his.

  Vaguely, she was aware of the amplified voice speaking again. "We are the military of the Republic of–" Everything went black.

  Chapter 17: We have a Situation

  Hannah could hear voices softly murmuring but she couldn't understand the words. However, she recognized the voices and made a valiant effort to open her eyes. Why were her mother and father in Africa? Suddenly, fragments of something terrible surfaced and she jerked her eyes open. "Alex!" The sound of her voice was little more than a tortured whisper.

  Immediately, her mother and father stood on opposite sides of her bed and she became aware of the beep of monitors and the smell of antiseptic. She was in a hospital. Visions of Alex slumped over the steering wheel, with his eyes closed in death, tore a gut wrenching sob from the depths of her soul. She cried his name again, only this time it was a wail. "ALEX!"

  Both her mother and father tried to calm her, but she moved her gaze from one to the other and sobbed, "I should have died with him!"

  Her mother countered with, "Honey, he's not dead!"

  It took a moment for Hannah to process her mother's declaration. She glanced at her father and he squeezed her hand. "It's true. He's alive, baby girl."

  Tears welled up and streamed down Hannah's cheeks. Her mother reached for tissues and began blotting them away. Her father left her only long enough to pull a chair from across the room and sit beside her. "Hannah, Dr. Wyndham is in the neurological ward." She blinked and waited for him to continue. "A bullet passed through his shoulder and another one lodged in his head, but the doctors were able to remove it."

  Hannah held her breath when her father hesitated. "What else?" she croaked.

  "The doctors aren't sure about any lasting complications."

  Hannah gripped her father's hand. "What kind of complications?"

  Her father sighed. "He's having difficulty moving his legs and he has amnesia. He doesn't remember what happened, and when questioned about you…he can't remember you or the village the two of you worked in. He doesn't remember anything of his past, not even his family or fiancée."

  Hannah's lips trembled. "Is his family here?"

  "Yes. Also his fiancée."

  "What about his brother?"

  "No, his father said he was backpacking in the Himalayas
and unreachable."

  Hannah closed her eyes with immeasurable thankfulness that Alex lived. The sound of beeps interrupted her thoughts. "What about me? How long have I been out?" she rasped.

  Her father squeezed her hand. "The doctors kept you sedated for three days and you've been in and out of consciousness for three more. A bullet tore into your left kidney and for awhile it was touch and go as to whether you would lose the kidney, but the doctors believe they were able to save it. They said that if you don't experience problems for six months, you can consider yourself healed."

  "Where am I?" she asked.

  "You're at a military hospital in Kinjia. Later this week you'll be flown to Paris and then back to the U.S."

  "What about Alex?"

  "His family will be flying him home to England."

  Hannah's mother said, "Sage, could you leave Hannah and me alone for a moment, please?"

  Hannah glanced at her father and saw his surprised expression, but he didn't question his wife. "Okay, Sarah. I'll go round up some coffee."

  After the door closed, Hannah released a gush of tears while her mother smoothed her hair back. Softly, Sarah said, "Hannah, is there something romantic between you and Dr. Wyndham?"

  Hannah nodded because she couldn't speak.

  Sarah said, "This shines a whole new light on the situation since he has a fiancée."

  Hannah sniffled. "He was going to break off with her."

  Sarah's voice trailed when she said, "And now he has no memory of anything…"

  "Not even that we're married," Hannah choked out the words.

  "What!" her mother whispered loudly.

  Hannah tried to explain. "It wasn't a real marriage. I mean it was real to us, but not in the eyes of either of our countries."

  Sarah placed some tissues in Hannah's hand and said, "Wipe your eyes, sweetie, and tell me your story from the beginning."


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