Forgotten Kisses

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Forgotten Kisses Page 9

by Verna Clay

  "Here ya go, Missy Hannah." Hank placed a big cookie in a napkin in front of her. Then he rushed to the fridge to pour an icy glass of milk.

  "Thank you, Hank. I sure do love you," she added.

  The middle-aged cook pulled out a stool and sat across from her. "And I love you too, Horse Girl."

  The endearment put a smile on her face. She munched a small bite of her cookie and sighed with contentment. If only life were as simple as milk and cookies.

  Hank seemed to read her mind. "Life sure has its ups and downs, eh?"

  She gulped a large swallow of frosty milk. "You can say that again!"

  Not one to mince words, Hank replied, "I noticed your young fella's been havin' a hard time."

  Hannah wasn't surprised by his astute observation. "Yeah. And it breaks my heart. But Dad and I have an idea to get him involved in the ranch. We're going to see if he wants to ride Buttercup. If he does, then I'll gradually show him the ranch." She paused and set her cookie on her napkin. "He was such an active man that it's difficult seeing him like this. We also thought we might get him involved in ranch life by maybe buffing saddles, untangling gear, and the like. It will give him a sense of purpose."

  Hank nodded in agreement. "We all need a sense of purpose." He hesitated and added, "Honey, I know ya got feelins' for him, and well, my gut tells me he's got feelins' for you, too. I want ya to know that I'm prayin' for both of ya. Sometimes things get dark before they get bright. So you jus' hang in there, Horse Girl."

  Hank's encouraging words put tears in Hannah's eyes. "Thank you, Hank. I know you're right. I just need to keep the faith and believe there was a purpose in Alex and I–" she almost said "marrying," but caught herself in time. She finished with "meeting in Africa."

  While Hank returned to baking cookies and singing off key, Hannah finished her monster cookie, gave her friend a peck on the cheek, and said, "These cookies are so addicting they should be outlawed."

  She returned to the great room and through the window saw the ranch van drive up. She wanted to rush from the room and blurt her news, but decided staying low key would be better. What if Alex didn't like the idea?

  She watched Lester, the hand who had visited the Lazy M during childhood through a Big Bro program and made up his mind, then and there, that he wanted to become a cowboy at their ranch when he grew up, lower the lift and assisted Alex to the dorm's entrance. He held the door open while Alex wheeled himself inside. Lester tipped his hat at Hannah before closing the door. Alex's expression was glum, but it noticeably brightened when he saw her. "Hello, Hannah," he said in a voice that always gave her shivers. Almost nightly she dreamed of that sexy voice's erotic whispers. She slowly sucked in a breath to clear her mind and replied, "Hello. I've just come from the kitchen where Hank is baking Monster Cookies. Shall I get you one?"

  Alex smiled, which creased the corners of his mouth and eyes, and made Hannah want to go down on her knees so she could kiss those creases. Her heart ached with love for him.

  He said, "Maybe a little later," and grabbed a water bottle from the pouch on the side of his wheelchair. Hannah watched the movement of his mouth and throat as he swallowed and felt like she would die from desire. Before she said anything to embarrass herself, she blurted out, "There's something I want to talk to you about."

  Alex returned the bottle to the side pocket and rolled his wheelchair over until they were within touching distance. He waited for her to speak.

  "How would you like to start riding a horse again?"

  He nodded slightly. "I'd love to and I've actually been thinking about it myself."

  "You have?"

  "Yes. All I need is help onto the horse. Specific equestrian memories haven't returned, but somehow I know I'm skilled at it. I guess I should call Dr. Casper to get his approval."

  "Already done!" she said with excitement. Their conversation was turning out better than she'd expected. "I mentioned it to my father and he thought riding was a wonderful idea, so he called and got the doctor's okay."

  "So, we're on the same wavelength," Alex teased.

  Oh, I hope so, thought Hannah.

  Chapter 23: Complication

  For Alex the handling of a horse came natural. According to his family he had been an excellent horseman, and Hannah confirmed that by relaying the conversations they'd had in Africa about the horses he'd owned. However, the first time he was lifted onto Buttercup with the aid of two cowboys, he was mortified. The shame he felt in being so helpless almost had him calling the whole idea off. And the reality of Hannah being there, along with her father and mother, only added to his distress. If not for the fact that he knew he'd disappoint them if he didn't follow through, he'd have suggested they try another day, and then put that day off indefinitely.

  After he was on the mare, a sweet animal that had the patience of a saint, he breathed deeply and unexpectedly felt at home in the saddle, and, for a moment, a surge of hope put a smile on his face. He glanced over at Hannah on Snowflake and watched a duplicate smile lift the corners of her mouth. Then, for the briefest moment, a vision of his mouth on hers flashed across his eyes. He jerked his gaze away. Was he truly remembering something or was it only wishful thinking. He was engaged to a woman who swore they'd been in love since childhood, but he felt drawn to Hannah both physically and emotionally, even though she was much younger than him. He pushed the picture of his mouth caressing hers from his thoughts and concentrated on Buttercup as Sage held the bridle and began walking the horse in a circle around the corral.

  Over the next three days the same scenario with Buttercup was repeated with longer outings each day. On the forth and fifth days the horse was led into a pasture, and on the sixth and seventh, Hannah rode her horse alongside his on a trail she said led deep into their land. Buttercup was now under Alex's complete control and she responded to the slightest movement of his legs. All his former embarrassment was gone and he felt wonderful while in the saddle.

  On the eighth day, he set out with Hannah on a sightseeing tour of the Lazy M that was bursting with myriad shades of fall. After a short ride they came to a dirt road and she explained, "This road is used for the Wagon Train Trail Blazes hosted each year. The last one finished up just before our attack in Africa."

  The reminder of that attack placed a pall on their previous gaiety and they became silent and contemplative. Finally, Hannah said, "Since the attack I've come to the conclusion that I can let those moments become the defining ones of my life—which would be sad—or stay focused on my future goals."

  "And what are your goals?" asked Alex.

  "I've decided I want to continue working for charitable organizations, but in a different capacity. I want to help shape an organization from the inside. I have a business degree, so in addition to helping my family run our ranch, I'll volunteer my time with a non-profit organization to learn the ropes." She hesitated. "And maybe someday I'll start my own. As for the ranch, most people have no idea how difficult it is to run and maintain a successful operation like this. If not for my father's lucrative career as a model and my mother's as an author, it's doubtful the Lazy M would be as large and diversified as it is today."

  Alex studied her face before responding. "Although I have no recollection, I know beyond any doubt that you are one of the most amazing women I have ever met, and whatever you set your heart to do, you will accomplish it."

  Hannah's heart pounded as she listened to Alex's response. I would change all my plans for you, Alex.

  They crossed the wagon train road and continued along the trail. After a short stretch they came to a beautiful meadow with views of hills fronting distant snow capped mountain peaks. Hannah loved the land she'd been raised on and the wonderful family she'd been blessed with, but her love for Alex made her aware of how lonely life would be without him. Would she ever fall in love again, could she? She doubted it.

  They continued to the far side of the meadow and she reined in Snowflake. Alex halted Buttercup beside her an
d she began pointing out various mountains and landmarks. "And those barely visible buildings at the base of that first foothill belong to Toby and Dovie. They have a beautiful home and–" She heard Alex make a strange sound and jerked her head around to see what was wrong. His expression was one of shock and incredulity as his eyes bored into hers. "What's wrong!" she exclaimed.

  Although Alex knew he was in Colorado with Hannah, his mind was back in Africa as he relived making love to her. His inner vision jumped to a scene of them staring into each others eyes as their bodies merged. That vision continued with passionate kisses and erotic sighs.

  Her cell phone rang and his mental pictures were interrupted. He sucked a breath and shifted his gaze to the snow laden peaks in front of them as she retrieved her phone. He could feel her studying his profile when she said, "Hello, Dad."

  Hannah's father's voice on the other end of her phone held no humor when he said, "Hannah, you need to return to the ranch right away."

  "Why?" she asked, while envisioning all kinds of scenarios. "Is someone hurt?"

  "No. No. It's just that we have visitors…er…Alex has visitors."

  Hannah's heart plunged toward the ground. From her father's tone he wasn't sharing good news. Her voice cracked a little when she asked, "Who?"

  "It's his fiancée, Morgana, and his sister, Maisie."

  Hannah's throat had constricted, but she forced herself to sound cheerful for Alex's sake. "How nice. I'll let him know and we'll head back to the ranch."

  Alex was watching her when she disconnected. She forced a smile. "It seems you have visitors. Morgana and Maisie are here."

  He frowned. "Did you know anything about them coming?"

  "No. I guess they wanted to surprise you."

  "Hmm. It's a surprise all right."

  Hannah bit her bottom lip. "Ah, before the phone rang, you got a really strange expression on your face. Is everything okay? Did you have a flashback?"

  Alex turned his horse around and replied with his back to her, "Maybe. I'm not sure. I'll let you know when I sort it out."

  In her heart Hannah knew he'd remembered something important, but the fact that he wouldn't share it, hurt deeply. Maybe he'd remembered something about their relationship and didn't want to believe it. And now things had just become exponentially more complicated with Morgana back in the picture.

  Chapter 24: Peasant

  The return to the ranch was silent except for the clomping of the horses' hooves, an occasional breeze singing through the pines, or the scurry of squirrels chasing each other. Although Alex heard the sounds, he paid little attention to them; his mind was still trying to wrap around what he'd envisioned—real memories or just an overactive imagination? But why would he invent something so serious? So sensual. And why did these visions, each one more intense than the last, keep occurring? A hundred times during the return to the Lazy M he almost blurted, "So, Hannah, were we lovers?" But more to the point, "Why didn't you tell me? Was it because you regretted it?"

  The barns and outbuildings came into view as they entered the last pasture. Alex wondered if Morgana and Maisie would be waiting for him in the barn. He hoped not. His vanity didn't want them watching him being assisted off the horse and returned to his wheelchair. Damn his vanity! Maybe it was time to face the fact that he could be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

  To his relief, his visitors were not waiting for him in the barn or dorm. Hannah asked, "Do you want to go directly to the main house or freshen up first?"

  "I'll wash up before coming over."

  "Okay. I'll let your guests know."

  For an instant Alex's eyes locked on Hannah's, and in that moment he knew the truth…they had been lovers. He had cheated on his fiancée.

  Hannah brushed the tips of her index fingers across the corners of her eyes, just in case a few tears tried to escape, as she slowly walked toward the main house. Her dread of coming face-to-face with Morgana again put a lump in her throat that she couldn't swallow. The woman despised her and made her feel like a peasant. Hannah almost laughed at her choice of words. Back in the heyday of English nobility she would have been a peasant—someone of no consequence.

  She walked past the Mercedes rental car and climbed the steps of the porch. Pausing, she inhaled a calming breath before entering the living room of the only home she'd ever known until going off to college, and then to Africa. Morgana sat on the couch beside Maisie. Hannah's mother was entering the room from the kitchen carrying a tea tray. She grinned at Hannah. "Hannah, honey, I'm about to refresh everyone's tea. What would you like?"

  "Um…orange spice sounds good."

  Sage said, "Morgana, Maisie, you've already met my daughter Hannah, so there's no need for introductions." To Hannah he asked, "How was the ride? Did you go as far as the meadow with the views?"

  Hannah greeted the women politely and sat in a chair across from them. She glanced at her father. "Yes, and it was beautiful with fresh snowfall on the mountains. That's where we were when you called."

  While Sarah handed Hannah her tea, she said to their guests, "Alex is making a remarkable recovery. He's now able to ride a horse and Hannah's been showing him outlying areas of the ranch."

  Morgana gasped. "He's riding a horse? Is he walking again?"

  Sage interjected. "No, but we've found horseback riding to be very effective in the long term."

  A crease in Morgana's forehead marred her flawless perfection. "If Alex is still paralyzed, how can he ride a horse? What if he falls off?" She turned an icy stare on Hannah. "What would you do if he fell while on a tour of the ranch? How could you possibly help him?"

  Before Hannah could answer, her father said evenly, "You needn't worry. We've been working with physically challenged folk for years and we've never had a serious injury. All our guests have benefited from their experiences at the ranch and Alex is no exception. He's recovering at a pace that suits him perfectly."

  The sound of a wheelchair on the front porch ramp interrupted the tense moment and Hannah released the breath she'd been holding.

  Sarah hurried to open the door and usher Alex inside. Morgana jumped to her feet and rushed toward him with Maisie behind her. She gushed, "Alex, darling, you look wonderful! At your father's encouragement, your sister and I decided to surprise you with a visit."

  On one side of Alex, Maisie bent to kiss his cheek, while Morgana kissed his other one and let her mouth linger for a moment. Hannah looked away.

  Politely, Alex said, "It's wonderful seeing both of you. How long can you stay?"

  Hannah glanced back at the scene and met Morgana's gaze. "As long as need be," she replied in her sultry voice.

  Alex started to wheel himself farther into the living room, but Morgana stepped behind his chair and began pushing it. "Where would you like to go?" she asked sweetly.

  Hannah had seen enough to know that Morgana was the last person Alex needed in his life. Although she came across as sincere and wanting to help, she was actually doing more harm than good. Hannah wondered if Alex could see through the pretty package to the viper inside.

  Over the next hour everyone politely conversed and exchanged pleasantries. Hannah wasn't surprised when her father made no offer to accommodate Morgana or Maisie in the guest room of the main house or in the dorm. Her father was an excellent judge of character.

  Finally, their visitors excused themselves to return to their motel in Paxtonville. As they were driving away, Beaner stopped by to report on a malnourished horse Sage had just rescued from the next county.

  Sage said, "I've been trying to save that gelding from its idiot owner for weeks. Thank God we got him in time. Several weeks pampering, and hopefully he'll be happy and healthy."

  Over the years Hannah had watched her father and mother rescue numerous animals, including: horses, cows, dogs, cats, rabbits, donkeys, and even a few chickens. Of course, now that both her brothers were veterinarians, they examined the rescued animals and gave orders regarding their

  Sage said to Beaner, "Did you let Toby and Preston know we have the horse?"

  "Yes, sir. One of them will be here tomorrow."

  "Good. Also, call Dirk and make an appointment for an evaluation of the gelding."

  Sarah explained to Alex, "Dirk is a former rodeo star and now a horse whisperer. He's really good at communicating with animals and he's always in demand."

  Alex seemed interested and asked, "Would you mind if I observed him with the horse?"

  Sage grinned. "Of course not. I'll give you a heads up when I know the appointment date and time."

  Beaner asked, "Are you going to rename the horse, sir?"

  Sage tapped his index fingers together. "Right now his name is Maddox, but I think I'll wait for Dirk's assessment before deciding. See what the horse wants."

  Hannah saw Alex's incredulous expression and grinned. She interjected, "It won't seem so weird after you meet Dirk and watch his interaction with the animal."

  Sarah invited Beaner to stay for tea and cookies. He declined the tea, but grinned and said, "A couple of cookies would be most welcome, ma'am." She motioned toward the tray of goodies and Beaner happily selected more than a couple.

  Alex wheeled his chair toward the door. "I guess I'll head back to the dorm. Thanks for your hospitality to Morgana and Maisie, and I apologize for their unexpected arrival."

  Sage waved Alex's apology aside. "No need to thank us. You're like family, Alex."


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