Goody Goody Gunshots

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Goody Goody Gunshots Page 9

by Rose Pressey

  “Do you think the killer is on his way over to my house right now?”

  “No, I don’t think that, but I’d like to talk to you in person, if that’s all right.”

  I blew the hair out of my eyes. “Sure, that will be fine.”

  “All right, I will see you in about fifteen minutes. Don’t answer the door for anyone other than me, okay?”

  “Yeah, okay,” I said. “I won’t do that.”

  After hanging up the call, I dashed into my bedroom so that I could put some clothes on other than pajamas. No way was I letting him see me in my pajamas with the little kittens on them. I wiggled into a pair of jeans and pulled on a white T-shirt. I stuffed my feet into my tennis shoes. Yes, I could have gotten more dressed up, but it would’ve been awkward to explain why I was just hanging out at my house in a cocktail dress and high heels. After adding just a touch of pink lip gloss, I raced over to the front door. Why was I worried about my appearance at a time like this? Oh, yes, because the detective was hot. There was no denying that. Not that I wanted to date him or anything, but I didn’t want him to see me a hideous mess. I peeked out into the darkness, looking for any sign of the detective.

  When I saw the headlights pull into the driveway immediately my stomach flipped. I hoped that was him. I moved back from the window just a bit so that whoever had pulled up didn’t see me. With my luck it would be the killer and he would attempt to break in my front door. Or he would just shoot right through it and hope to hit me. Only a few seconds passed before Detective Monroe got out of the car and walked up the path to the front door. Good thing I’d left the porch light on. Before he had a chance to ring the bell I opened the door.

  “Why did you open the door? I told you not to open it for anyone.”

  “I had to open it for you.”

  “But how did you know it was me?” he asked.

  I pointed over at the window. “I was watching you.”

  He smiled. “I suppose that’s all right then.”

  I opened the door wider and motioned for him to come in. “Thank you for coming over. I hated to bother you.”

  “This was no bother. It’s important and I’m glad that you called.”

  I gestured over my shoulder. “The phone is right here in the living room if you’d like to take a look at it.”

  “Sure, I’d like that,” he said.

  He followed me into the living room. I grabbed the phone and turned around to hand it to him.

  The detective was checking out my home. He probably expected colorful jars of candy and whimsical pictures on the walls. I wasn’t totally obsessed with candy though. The color palette for the room was shades of gray with pops of turquoise. I kept everything neat and tidy. A sofa was to the left with turquoise accent pillows. Gray ruffled curtains and a white arm chair by the fireplace had a gray and turquoise pillow. I thought the room was cozy yet sleek. A white rug centered in the room had a gray diamond pattern. I’d even installed the chandelier myself. I was into the do it yourself projects.

  He took the phone from me. “Thanks.”

  “What do you think?” I asked.

  After studying the phone for a moment, he handed it back. “Unfortunately, we won’t be able to get any information from that. You’ll let me know if you get anything else?”


  “Are you doing all right?”

  “Well, I’m nervous, so that’s why I called.”

  “I’m glad you did. It’s important that I know these things as soon as they happen. As a matter of fact, do you mind if I send a message in return?”

  I handed him the phone back. “Not at all.”

  He typed out a message and then hit send. He handed the phone back to me. “We’ll see if they respond to that.”

  I looked at the phone to see what he had written.

  This is Detective Monroe Clark with the Savannah Police Department. We are aware of your threat. Please know that we will find you soon.

  It was almost as if he was taunting the killer. Was the killer the one who really sent the message? I could only assume. Who else would send that message to me? How did the person even know my number? I didn’t have any enemies. At least not that I thought.

  “You look a little bit stressed. I guess you were trying to read a book.” He looked down at my romance novel that had a guy with no shirt on the cover.

  “My friend gave me the book,” I said.

  Why had I even answered that?

  “Perhaps I should just take a look around outside the house. Plus, we need to make sure all the windows and doors are secure on the inside.”

  “If it would make you feel better.” I said with a wave of my hand.

  He nodded. “Yes, that would make me feel. A lot better. Thank you.”

  “Are you sure I shouldn’t be worried?” I asked.

  He started going around all the windows. “So, you live here by yourself?”

  Why did he avoid my question?

  “Yes, it’s just me.”

  “How long have you been here?” he asked as he moved on to the next window.

  “About a year now,” I said.

  “Really? So no husband or anything?”

  My stomach danced when he asked the question. Actually, I was surprised he had asked. “No husband. No boyfriend.”

  “Maybe I should stay with you for a while because you’re scared.”

  Now I felt like he was feeling sorry for me. The lonely candy woman had no one. He walked through the dining room, checking the windows, and then moved back to the kitchen. I followed him as he checked the back door to make sure it was locked too.

  “Well, everything is secure in here. I’ll just have a look around outside, then I’ll come back in to check on you.”

  I nodded. “Thanks again.”

  “I’ll get my flashlight from the car,” he said.

  I walked with him to the front door. While he looked outside I paced across the floor, waiting for the detective to return. I glanced at my phone several times, wondering if I would receive a text in return. So far nothing had come through and I hoped it stayed that way. Perhaps it was just someone trying to mess with me. It could have been someone I knew who saw the story on the news and decided to play a trick on me. That would be a cruel prank and I didn’t think I had any friends who would do something so mean.

  “I found nothing out there.”

  He had startled me, and I spun around.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  I attempted a smile. “Yes, I was just lost in thought.”

  He pointed at the phone. “Any response?”

  I shook my head. “Nothing. Thank goodness. I guess I’ve held up enough of your time.”

  He started at me for a long pause. “Yes, I suppose I should let you get back to that book.”

  Heat rushed to my cheeks. So he had seen it.

  “Mary Jane gave it to me.”

  Why had I said that? I should have just kept my mouth shut.

  A sly grin spread across his face. I knew what he was thinking.

  I closed the distance between us. “I can walk you to the door.”

  “That would be nice,” he said as walked beside me.

  “Thank you again, Detective Monroe, I really appreciate that you came over here.” I said.

  “Please call me Clark.” He studied my face.

  Why did I keep blushing around him?

  “Okay, Clark. Again, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Please call if you need anything.” He gave me one last look before walking out the door. When he reached the car, he called out, “Don’t forget to lock the door.”

  I waved to let him know that I’d heard him. I closed the door and made sure the lock was secure. I even double-checked just to be sure. I peeked out the window and watched as the detective pulled out of the drive. His car headlights disappeared, and I was once again alone. Usually I had no problem with this, but in light of recent events I had a sinking
feeling in the pit of my stomach about being here all by myself. I needed to just go to bed. My night of relaxing with a book was over.

  Chapter 15

  Somehow, I made it through the entire evening without suffering too many panic attacks. Only a couple before I finally drifted off to sleep around one. I slept all the way through until six AM. It was definitely not enough sleep, but it would have to do. Now it was time for me to get to work.

  I hurried through breakfast of a bowl of cornflakes, and then dressed for work in my usual white pants and pink shirt. I felt that it was good to have a bit of a uniform even though I didn’t officially have one. The black pants and white shirt went well with the pink and white apron.

  I’d never received another text back, so I was hoping that it was just a prank. Yes, that was probably what it was. The person who’d sent me that probably didn’t even know me.

  Grabbing my bag, I stuffed my phone inside, picked up my keys, and then stepped out onto the porch. It was a beautiful morning and last night seemed almost like a dream. Nothing to be worried about. I felt a bit embarrassed that I had called the detective and had him come over here. He must have thought I was completely paranoid.

  After climbing behind the wheel, I headed in the direction of the shop. Traffic was a bit congested, but the drive only took me about fifteen minutes. When opening the shop, I had specifically looked for a place that was close to my house. I didn’t want a long commute and if need be, I could probably walk there if I left early enough.

  After parking my car in the first spot I found, I hurried out and down the sidewalk. It was about a block from my shop. Parking wasn’t the best, and it was always hard to find a place. At a brisk pace, I headed down the sidewalk toward the shop. I passed by the dentist’s office. I wondered if he was already in the office. Probably so, since he seemed like the type who always arrived on time. I liked to get to the candy store a couple of hours before opening time so that I could restock candy and just prepare for the day ahead.

  When I reached my store, I stopped cold in my tracks. The door was open slightly. I knew I hadn’t left it that way. I was sure that I had locked the door, but what if I hadn’t? Maybe it hadn’t locked and then the wind had blown it open. Nevertheless, after what happened, I was nervous. There was probably a reasonable explanation, but of course my mind went to the worst immediately. I needed to go in and check things out. I’d have to make sure an intruder hadn’t broken in.

  I really didn’t like the idea of going to check this out by myself. I probably should call the police, but then after calling the detective last night, I didn’t want to do that again. I really would seem paranoid. Though having an open door was kind of a big deal, right? Especially when I thought it had been closed. It was pretty significant. I was torn on what to do, but I had to make a move soon. I couldn’t just stand there and stare at the door all morning.

  “Is everything all right?” the male voice asked.

  I screamed and spun around to find the dentist behind me. I clutched my chest. “Oh, I didn’t know you were behind me.”

  “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry. Is everything all right?”

  I pointed at the door. “My door was open. I remember locking it yesterday. I need to go in and check things out.”

  “I can check things out for you,” he said.

  “Oh, no, I couldn’t ask you to do that. What if someone is in there?”

  “They’re probably long gone by now if they were in there.”

  Unless it was the murderer, I thought. I didn’t want to remind him of that. He was already unhappy about the incident.

  “We can go together,” I said.

  “Okay, but I go first,” he said. “Just to be safe.”

  That was fine by me. Though I still hated to put him through this. Heath eased the door open and stepped inside. I was right behind him. As soon as we walked in I scanned the room, looking for any damage. Nothing seemed out of place. That was a huge relief. I had halfway expected to see broken glass and candy everywhere, but it was just as it had looked last night before I left.

  “Everything looks okay so far,” he said. “Maybe the lock didn’t catch, and the wind blew it open.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. I have to get that lock looked at.”

  “I can take a look at it if you’d like,” he said with his best smile.

  “I wouldn’t want to put you out or anything.”

  “Oh, it’s no bother at all,” he said.

  We moved past the counter and to the door that led into the kitchen area, but as soon as we opened the door I saw the mess. It was exactly what I had figured. Someone had definitely been in the shop. What had made them skip the front?

  “Wait right here,” he said with a gesture of his hand. “I want to make sure no one is still there.”

  I nodded and watched him walk over to my office. I had left the door open. Heath moved over to the door and peered into the room. He walked inside, and I waited by the door. I looked over my shoulder for fear that someone might grab me from behind. A couple of seconds later Heath came back out.

  “No one in there.”

  “This is such a mess. Why do you think someone did this? Were they looking for cash?”

  “Could be,” he said as he scanned the room. “They were definitely looking for something.” Things were turned over and containers dumped.

  “I guess I need to call the police now,” I said.

  “Yes, it’s probably a good idea. They can make a report.”

  “I just can’t help but think this was someone involved with the murder.”

  “That would probably be a good assessment.”

  “I can’t imagine what the connection is either. I mean, if they were coming for me they would wait until I was here, right?”

  “Yeah, that would be ideal.”

  I pulled the phone from my bag and hit send. The last call had been the detective. I waited while it rang.

  Heath’s eyes widened. “You have the police on speed dial?”

  Oh, no. He just kept thinking the worst things about me.

  “I got a scary text message last night. That was kind of terrifying, so I called the detective.”

  “What was the text message?” he asked.

  Just then the detective answered. I held up my finger and cut off the conversation. A break in the conversation was just what I needed. I wished I didn’t have to tell Heath about the text message, but I had already opened my mouth.

  “Ms. Sweet, is everything all right?” the detective asked.

  Did he recognize my number?

  “My store was broken into. It’s a mess.”

  “I’m on my way,” he said. “I’ll have additional officers headed in that direction too. Are you outside?”

  “No, I’m in the shop, but I’m not alone. The dentist next door came in with me to have a look around.”

  “Go outside and wait until I arrive, okay?”

  “We can do that,” I said breathlessly.

  “Be safe,” he said.

  When I ended the call, I said, “He’s worried about us.”

  “Reese, are you sure you didn’t make someone mad?”

  I blew the hair out of my eyes. “Unless someone didn’t like my candy, then no.”

  Only seconds after hearing the sirens outside the store, I heard my name called out. I looked at the door leading to the main area. The detective met my stare.

  “Are you all right?” he asked as he crossed the room.

  “We’re doing all right. Everything is back here. It’s a mess.”

  We went to the back shop to assess the damage. Other officers came to the door and headed back toward the detective. I stood with Heath, but I watched everything unfold.

  “I really should get back. I have a patient soon,” Heath said.

  “Oh, no, I understand. Thank you for staying with me.”

  “I really feel bad,” he said.

  “Why?” I ask

  “I don’t know… I guess I was so worried about things happening with my clients that I didn’t realize how much danger you could be in. I apologize.”

  “It’s okay. I understand completely.”

  “I’ll come by to check on you later.”

  “That would be nice,” I said.

  He smiled and then walked out of the shop, leaving me there alone for the moment. Well, other than the police looking for fingerprints. I made eye contact with the detective several times while he was talking with other officers. Another minute went by and then he walked back over. Before we had a chance to talk, a commotion came from right outside the front door.

  Grandma Honey and Mary Jane were at the door, trying to get in, but were being stopped by officers.

  “I know them,” I said.

  Detective Monroe waved for the officer to allow them to come in. They ran over toward me.

  “Are you all right?” Grandma Honey asked as she embraced me in a big hug.

  “I’m fine.”

  “What happened here?” Mary Jane asked.

  “Well, it looks like someone broke into the shop.”

  “Oh, my gosh. It’s the killer. He’s come back to kill us.”

  “Calm down,” I said. “You don’t know that. It was probably someone looking for money.”

  “Are you sure about that?” She looked to the detective for an answer.

  “We’re looking for fingerprints now and I’m sure we’ll find out who did this,” he said.

  “I knew we should’ve got an alarm system on this place,” Grandma Honey said.

  They were freaking out and I hadn’t even told them about the text message yet. Maybe I would just keep that to myself. There was no need to worry them when it wasn’t necessary.

  “As long as you’re all right. That’s the most important thing, and it looks like nothing happened up here,” Mary Jane said.

  “Yeah, I just thought maybe the wind had blown the door open and it was an accident until I got to the back and saw the mess,” I said.

  “We’re all finished up here. I will let you know as soon as I find out anything. I’ll have someone outside just to make sure everything is okay.”

  “Now I have police protection?”


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