Coming For You

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Coming For You Page 3

by Alyson Reynolds

  This wasn’t me; I was always the one in control.

  I pulled away gasping for breath. Zane’s fingers dug into my hips hard enough that I would bruise. His eyes were clouded over with lust and I’m sure mine mirrored the same haze, but I knew I needed to end this for the night. It took everything I had, but I pulled away from his delicious mouth.

  “You have an early morning surgery,” I whispered.

  His lips brushed along my collarbone and I shivered.

  “I do, but it’s an easy one. I would much rather be here with you.”

  I climbed off of his lap and stood next to the bed. My hands rested on his shoulders as I leaned back down and I played with the hair at the nape of his neck. The fact that he had an undercut and long, dark hair on top made him even sexier in my book. I liked a modern cut on a guy. If he could pull it off—and the man could—I loved to see it. Most men, especially those that worked in a professional setting wouldn’t try. Even better was the combination of that long hair and his sexy stubble covering his fierce jaw line.

  Why was I turning him away again?

  “You should go. I don’t want to be the reason you can’t focus tomorrow,” I said breathlessly. “Plus, I have an early meeting of my own that I’ll need to get to.”

  He stared at me in shock for a few seconds before reacting. Disappointment, then a fierce determination flashed over his features.

  “You’re right. I should probably get going.”

  We walked to the door, our fingers loosely threaded together. As I reached to open it, he turned me in his arms and crashed his mouth down on mine once more. My fingers dug into his arms and his hands gripped my ass hard.

  He pulled away and gave me a cocky grin before leaning down to whisper in my ear.

  “Just remember how wet I make you when you’re in bed later.”

  His breath was hot on my neck and I tried not to gasp as his hand went up my skirt and rubbed lightly over my pussy through my thong. Before I could react he was gone, closing the door behind him with a sharp click.

  I leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes tight, trying to get my breathing back to normal. That man had just left me so turned on my entire body felt electric. What in the hell was I getting myself into?

  * * *

  My work office wasn’t a well used area. I typically worked from home on my couch and only came in when it was absolutely necessary. Lucky for me, my editor was okay with this setup and allowed me tons of freedom. It also helped that I was one of the highest ranked AP journalists in our office. My byline had shown up in more major newspapers around the US than most journalists could list.

  I flicked on the light and put my laptop bag down on my desk. I had ten minutes before my monthly meeting with my editor. We were a week earlier than normal, so he must have had a big lead on a story. Or he’d heard how well mine was going. Right now I was following up on an anonymous tip that a private practice surgery center was ‘double dipping’ into Medicare payments. While I was investigating that, I ran into some things that might prove some doctors had issues running free and loose with their prescription pads. That’s how I ended up in Dr. Zane Turner’s office, not that he knew the real reason I was there.

  My boss’s door was open when I walked down the hallway towards the break room after dropping off my stuff. I knocked lightly and he motioned for me to come in.

  “Hey Dillon. It’s nice to see you around here for a change.” He smiled and gestured for me to sit across from him. “How did your meeting go yesterday?”

  “Surprisingly well. I think Dr. Turner will be comfortable talking with me. He’s cocky enough to think this is going to be an article about him saving lives and not his surgery center fucking them up.”

  He nodded once. “This is going to be bigger than we thought. You know the senator that went to jail last year for insurance fraud?”

  “Yeah, it was all over. I was pissed that I didn’t get that story.”

  He laughed humorlessly. “You’re getting your story now. We have it on good authority that this center is where it all started.”

  “You’re kidding me.”

  “Nope. If this goes as deep as I think it will, every doctor there will lose their license at the very least. Some of them will probably be facing some major jail time.”

  I sat back in my chair. “Wow.”

  Will frowned at me. “That’s it? I expected more of a reaction than that. Dillon, this could possibly be your Pulitzer.”

  I sucked in a breath. “You think this story is actually that big?”

  “We’re talking at least thirty doctors going down, world famous surgeons that have operated on some of the biggest names you can think of. So yeah, it’s that big. Can you handle it?”

  I scoffed. “When have I ever not been able to handle a story?”

  He grinned back at me. “That’s why it’s all yours. I want weekly updates—move quickly—but triple check your facts, Hart. We don’t want to fuck this up. One other thing, you should probably have your brother on standby for when things get ugly.”

  If he was already mentioning me talking to Jake, this really was a big thing. I nodded once. “I’ll get the story if there’s one there.”

  I stood up and got ready to leave his office. As I reached for the door, he spoke one last time.

  “Dillon? I trust you, but don’t get personally involved. Do what you have to do to get in there, but check all your emotions at the door.”

  I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  Chapter 4



  That’s the only way for me to explain how I felt when Dillon kicked me out of her apartment last night. She’d been just as into that kiss as I’d been. There was no faking emotion like that, but she pulled away and practically shoved me out the door. At least I was able to get one last dig in before I left. Her pussy had been wet. Fucking drenched. My cock twitched every time I thought of just how damp her panties were.

  The hot water made rivulets stream down the glass door of the shower. It was the only thing I could focus on as I gripped my cock in my hand and braced my other arm against the wall. My body shook as I pumped. It was easy to imagine Dillon’s hot, sassy mouth wrapped around me, her long blonde hair hanging between her breasts as she took my cock as far back in her throat as she could. Loud groans filled the shower as my cum hit the wall. I suck in deep breaths of air and try to calm my heart from beating out of my chest.

  What in the hell is this girl doing to me?

  I hadn’t been lying when I said I had an early morning surgery, but it was one I’d done a thousand times. If I didn’t take care of the situation at hand, my balls would ache all fucking day. My staff already thought I was a dick most of the time anyway; I didn’t need to add any fuel to the flame.

  It took me a few minutes to pull myself together and get dressed for work. Five am wake up calls always sucked, but being out of the OR by nine or ten was great. It allowed me to finish up rounds by one and actually have a life outside of the hospital. Kade and I had busted our asses in medical school, and through our fellowships. And now we were able to enjoy ourselves when it counted.

  The surgery was quick and easy because my scrub and nurse knew me well. One of the perks of being fellowship trained was that I got away with pretty much anything. Surgeries went flawlessly when you had the right people next to you and I’d handpicked most of my OR staff, which allowed me to do what I do best.


  My only problem now was that I couldn’t get Dillon Hart out of my head. We had another meeting tomorrow night and I wondered if I should try to schedule dinner somewhere impressive or go with a different idea. If I was this exhausted after one night though, how in the hell would I keep up long enough to get laid?

  * * *

  Kade sat waiting at a table in the back of the diner we liked to frequent when we actually had time. We had gone to medical school together, but he chose a much different specialty. He liv
ed in the world of plastic surgery—and he was damned good at it—while I chose neurosurgery to get a high paycheck and play God. He actually made a difference in people’s lives, taking tons of pro bono plastics cases and making trips overseas to donate his talents. Sure, I made a difference in people’s lives too, but I had the ego and success rate to prove it.

  “You’re fucking late,” he griped as soon as I sat down.

  “I’m sorry Prince Asshat. I was in surgery. Next time listen to me when I say I’m going to be at least half an hour late. My patient had a hard time coming out of anesthesia and I didn’t want to leave since things were already bad.” It was frustrating as hell too. The entire case had gone tits up in the first thirty minutes. Four liters of blood on the floor later and I was starving.

  “Fine. I’ll just be late next time,” he said. I grabbed a fry off his plate and he knocked my hand away before I could get more. “What’s the point of ordering for you if you eat all my food before it gets here?”

  I laughed and grabbed another fry. “It’s been a long time since breakfast. I think I’ll live.”

  He shrugged and shoved his plate closer. Luckily the waitress chose then to drop off my food. We sat in silence while I ate the first few bites of my burger.

  “Tell me about this chick you banged last night.”

  Just thinking about her put a smile on my face, which wasn’t exactly normal for me. “Dillon Hart. She’s the one I was telling you about the other day. And I didn’t bang her,” I hesitated. “Not yet anyway.”

  He paused between bites. “She blew you off? Told you she didn’t want to see your tiny cock?”

  I groaned and flipped him off. “She didn’t blow me off, and she sure as hell didn’t have any complaints about my cock, but yeah. It’s the same chick.”

  He whistled. “It’s kind of nice to think of you striking out every once in a while. That just means you’re human like the rest of us.”

  I tried hard to keep my thoughts from going to that one amazing second I’d touched Dillon’s panties the night before. If I’d had my way there would have been a lot less clothing between us. Fuck, I needed to stop. The last thing I needed was to have a hard on in scrubs.

  “It’s not like you have issues getting anyone to fuck you either.” He grinned at me like an asshole. “I can’t figure out what happened. I think I came on too strong or something. Maybe she has one of those stupid three date rules. She was hot and heavy, then totally shut me down.”

  Kade snorted a laugh. “Maybe you’re just losing your touch.”

  “Fuck that. I’m kind of enjoying the challenge. For once a girl is putting up a fight and isn’t throwing herself into my bed.”

  “It must really suck to be you,” he said, rolling his eyes.

  “Seriously?” I said incredulously. “You’re worse than I am.”

  And he was. The guy would practically fuck anything with a pulse. He also was bisexual, so it wasn’t just women in his bed that he was trying to fuck.

  He swallowed his mouth full of French fries. “That’s because I spent years married to a materialistic bitch that hated me.”

  I shook my head. “We all told you not to marry Vanessa. Maybe you should have listened to your friends.”

  He grimaced. “Fine, you guys were right,” he relented. “Back to you and Dillon. What’s your next move?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back in my chair. “I have the perfect date planned.”

  “Perfect date? Are you trying to marry her or fuck her?” I narrowed my eyes at him and he grinned at me over his plate. “No seriously, tell me, where are you taking your future wife?”

  “Dick,” I mumbled. “We’re going to watch a Brave’s game in the box.”

  “Do you even know if she likes baseball?”

  It was going to be awesome to rub in how amazing Dillon was. She was the kind of woman any man would want to have. “She likes hard liquor and fast cars. The way to her heart will be a hundred year old scotch and a ride in Stella.”

  He shook his head. “I still think you’re an asshole for naming your car.”

  “You can’t have a car that magnificent and not give her a name. That would be like not having a name for your dick.”

  He snorted a laugh. “You’re an idiot. And I still don’t have a name for my dick, nor will I ever have one.”

  I grinned for the first time all day. “I’ll be the idiot getting laid tomorrow night.”

  “Five hundred bucks says you won’t.”

  I sat back in my chair and stared at him. The bastard was goading me, but I wasn’t about to back down.

  “You’re on.”

  * * *

  Convincing Dillon to go to the game had been harder than I expected. She had been just fine when it was a business dinner, but apparently this ranked too close to a date for her. I promised her that we would talk shop some and reluctantly she agreed to go. We bantered back and forth through a few text messages. It took some doing, but she finally seemed excited to go out. Dillon was an odd girl and I definitely wanted to get to know her better.

  As I walked into the lobby of her building, she was already waiting downstairs for me. I didn’t know if it was because she was worried to let me back upstairs, or if it was because I was ten minutes late. A grin tugged at the corners of my mouth when I noticed her bright blue shoes. The girl never went anywhere without her trusty heels as far as I could tell. She looked amazing and I loved that she was dressed up for a baseball game. It was just white jeans and a Braves tank top, but she looked phenomenal.

  She let me take her arm and lead her to Stella. The reverent look on her face was enough to make my cock throb. I had never found a woman that loved my car as much as I did and it was really fucking sexy.

  “Dillon, I want you to officially meet Stella.”

  She ran her hand along the hood as she walked to the passenger door. “Nice to meet you, Stella. I’m honored you’re telling me her name,” she joked. “Really though, is it bad that I’m turned on by your car?”

  My mouth dropped open and she laughed. “I…um…no. No, absolutely not.”

  She smirked at me as she tucked herself into the seat gracefully. How women did that in heels made me wonder about life in general.

  We drove to Turner Field and I parked in the VIP parking. Each of the doctors in our center kicked in yearly so we had premium seating, not that any of us were actually able to use it often, but being able to impress Dillon by taking her to a suite made it worth the money I’d spent this year.

  Dillon whistled when we walked into the decked out room. The view was awesome and it had both open and closed seating. I tried to make it to at least half of the home games when I had the chance, but tonight would probably be a little different.

  “How did you end up getting all this?”

  I grinned. “About fifteen of the doctors at ESEC are Braves fans, so we all pitch in.”

  Her smile became a little more fixed and less natural. “Awesome. Well, I’m glad I get to be here with you tonight. I am going to make you work for it though.”

  “Sure.” I tried to get a read on the change in her attitude, but the girl was like Fort Knox. I looked down at my watch. “We have about twenty minutes before the game starts. Do you want to get some of the business part of our evening out of the way?”

  “Sounds good.” We sat down on one of the leather couches and she grabbed a small notebook out of her purse. She turned the recorder on her phone and smiled at me. It was almost eerie that she was all smiles again that quickly.


  I brushed off the weird feeling and nodded.

  “How long have you been at ESEC and what exactly do you do there? Why did they hire you specifically?”

  “I’ve been at ESEC about six months and I’m a neurosurgeon.”

  She frowned. “Neuro? I thought everything at ESEC was ortho.”

  “It typically is. I’m not a partner, yet, but the guys are look
ing to expand the spectrum of what we treat. It’s a work in progress. They do bodies, knees and hips mainly, and I do backs and brains. Ortho and Neuro aren’t that far apart in the surgery world, so if we can combine the two in some way it might be beneficial for all parties involved. I’m very talented at my XLIF and the partners can appreciate it.”

  The look on her face had me puzzled. “Is everything okay, Dillon?”

  She shook her head like she was trying to clear it. “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”

  “You just seem…perplexed.”

  She bit down on her lip and my cock stirred to life. Now wasn’t the time, but he wanted me to know he wasn’t bowing out easily. I watched as she turned off her phone.

  “I guess I’m just trying to figure out a timeline,” she mumbled.

  “A timeline?”

  Now I was really confused.

  “Nothing. Don’t worry about it. You know what? Let’s forget about work for now. I’m excited about the game.” She scooted closer to me on the couch. “And a few other things.”

  Her hand rested on my thigh and I resisted the urge to move until her hand was on top of my cock. I traced my fingers up and down her neck lightly. Her lips parted and I could tell she wanted me to kiss her again. As I leaned forward to do just that, people started coming into the box.

  While we watched all nine innings with her leg pressed tight against mine. Some of my colleagues came in and sat down next to her, forcing her even closer into my side. The sexual tension between us was ratcheting up quickly. It had taken walking myself through an entire ALIF to get my cock soft enough that it wouldn’t draw attention to itself.

  We won the game by three runs, which had made my night even better. It took me twenty minutes to pry her out of Dr. Williams clutches. He wasn’t winding down any time soon, but I was ready to go. Dillon looked relieved that I was taking her away from the grabby old man. We tried to hold our laughter in until we were back to the car. Once I had her safely tucked into Stella, I turned to her and grinned.


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