HOSTILE: A Military Romance Novel (Military Men Book 1)

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HOSTILE: A Military Romance Novel (Military Men Book 1) Page 8

by Haven, Leila

  I bit my tongue so I wouldn’t say anything else and start a fight. Derrick obviously didn’t want me to slow him down, so I had no choice except to stay put like a pathetic damsel in distress.

  Sitting in a shadowy corner, I surrounded myself with the stray wooden crates and steeled myself for a long wait. There was no guarantee Derrick would return. I could imagine a thousand and one ways the Taliban could catch and kill him.

  Chapter 10


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  Where was a fucking car when I needed one?

  When that IED had exploded in front of us, I’d thought we were toast. I was so convinced our time was up that I could see my life flashing before my eyes.

  The highlight had been meeting Ariana.

  I hated that fact.

  Here we were, in one of the most dangerous places on fucking earth, and all I could think about was that woman. She had infiltrated my thoughts, and I hated her for it.

  Seeing her crying like that had broken my heart. I just wanted to kiss away each of her tears and put that gorgeous smile back on her face. She’d shown me her vulnerability, and it had ignited the fierce warrior inside of me. I wanted nothing more than to protect her from those motherfuckers.

  I had to focus on the plan. The moment my thoughts traveled back to Ariana, I wanted to go to her. Leaving her in that warehouse was one of the hardest things I’d had to do in a long time.

  A vehicle. I needed some kind of transport. This was a city run by the Taliban. We had no chance of staying alive if we didn’t leave as soon as possible. They had eyes everywhere. If someone hadn’t reported the two foreigners in their city by now, it would only be a matter of time.

  It was getting dark already. At least the night would give me some cover from the enemy. All I had to do was find a car I could hot-wire and we’d be out of this place in no time.

  Even a fucking bicycle would have done.

  I spotted an ugly brown car on a quiet street. It was parked outside an apartment building, which meant the owner could be close by. I watched it for a while, getting a feel for the neighborhood before I charged in.

  The streetlights should have been on by now, but they weren’t. The Taliban had probably put them on darkness in case of a night strike. It was going to work in my favor tonight.

  A rock through the window of the car from across the street was enough to shatter the glass. I waited a bit longer, making sure the noise hadn’t brought any unwanted attention.

  The street was empty.

  Now was my chance.

  Creeping from the shadows, I slid into the car and fiddled with the wires underneath the dash. The vehicle was old, making the job easier. It started after I found the wires I needed.

  The car was noisy, but I took it slow, trying to avoid any attention. I didn’t put the headlights on, hoping to move stealthily through the streets.

  It seemed everyone I passed looked at me with suspicion and knew what I had done. I told myself it was only paranoia. I was jumpy, far more nervous than I should have been on a mission.

  Now all I needed to do was get back to Ariana.

  The city was like a maze, and without headlights, the trip was even more hazardous. It was a miracle I got back to the warehouse in one piece.

  Jumping out of the car, I hurried inside with my fingers crossed. If something had happened to Ariana while I was gone, I would never forgive myself for it. I would forever beat myself up over such a stupid and fatal mistake.

  “Ariana?” I whispered as loudly as I dared.

  She wasn’t anywhere in sight. My heart stopped beating while all the blood rushed to my head and made me dizzy.

  She was gone.

  They’d taken her.

  The world spun around me as I staggered around the building. There was no trace of her, no sign anywhere of her ever being there in the first place.

  I wasn’t losing my mind, I was in the correct place, I hadn’t dreamed of her existence. She should have been there, waiting, like I’d instructed her.

  I told her to stay in the fucking building.

  Someone must have found her.

  Movement at the back of the warehouse instantly made my eyes sharpen into focus and my ears prick up to hear anything.

  “Derrick?” Her voice was little more than a croak, but it was enough to allow relief to flood through my body. I rushed to the corner where she was now standing.

  Just as I reached her, I stopped myself from crushing her against my body. She couldn’t see how relieved I was. I couldn’t let her see that or she would know how much she affected me.

  “I have a car,” I said, swallowing down all the words I wanted to say to her. “We need to go.”

  She nodded solemnly. “You were gone a long time.”

  “It’s how long it took.”

  “I was worried about you.”

  She was melting my resolve, piece by piece. It was time to get her to hate me again. It would be so much easier for both of us that way. “Do you want to stand here chatting all night or do you want to go home? I’m leaving; suit yourself.”

  I turned and strode toward the door. Ariana’s light footsteps followed shortly afterwards. Her fight was gone, or at least on hold for now. One of these days she was going to hate me and the emotion was going to stick permanently.

  We climbed into the car. Ariana sat very quietly, looking sexy as all hell even when she was angry. “Do you have a plan or are we just driving blind?” she asked.

  “We drive until we get somewhere.”

  “That’s it?”

  “You have something better?” I asked, knowing Ariana loved a good challenge. I expected her to argue with me, at least throw some of her biting wit my way.

  But she didn’t. All she did was shrug and sigh, curling up into a ball on the seat. Maybe I’d pushed her too far, forced her over the brink until she was crushed.

  We drove in silence for a long time. Ariana snoozed restlessly after we left the city. The deserted roads all looked the same after that. I didn’t want to risk using the car’s headlights, so I was forced to drive slowly.

  It was well after midnight when I realized I couldn’t go any further without some rest. As far as I could tell, we were in the absolute middle of nowhere. If I pulled off the road far enough, chances were nobody would find us even if they did happen to drive past.

  The sound of the engine switching off awoke the sleeping beauty. Ariana blinked and stretched. “Are we there yet?”

  “No. Go back to sleep.”

  She sat up straighter. “What are we doing?”

  “I need some sleep. We’re staying here for a few hours.”

  “Are we safe?”

  “Safe enough.”

  Her eyes widened in panic as she looked around and tried to see outside. It was nothing but complete blackness out there. “Where are we?”

  “The middle of nowhere. Go back to sleep.”

  “I’ve slept. Should I stay up and keep watch or something?” For her to even offer reminded me what a strong woman she was. If there was someone to be stuck on this mission with, I was glad it was her.

  “If you want,” I replied, shifting to get more comfortable – something that was practically impossible in the car. “But I doubt anyone will drive past tonight. I haven’t seen another vehicle in hours.”

  She settled down again but still remained alert. My dick noticed everything about her in the dim lighting of the vehicle. Even when I turned the light off I could still picture the curve of her tits, the ruby redness of her lips, and the tight wetness of her cunt.

  My pants grew tighter while I pictured her naked, straddling me in the car. Even despite my fatigue, I would have been up for a quick fuck. It wouldn’t be the kind that lasted for hours; it wouldn’t be an exploration of one another’s bodies. It would be quick and dirty, both of us chasing the ecstasy like horny animals.

  My cock throbbed for it. All the blood in my body drained into my dick
until it was painful ignoring it. All I had to do was wake Ariana and lay on the charm. Would she agree to it?

  Somehow, I doubted it.

  Not after how I’d been treating her.

  It was dark in the vehicle and I was almost desperate enough to take care of the situation myself. But jerking off would make the car rock, I wouldn’t be able to be completely silent. Ariana would know what was going on.

  What would she think?

  Some girls got a kick out of watching a man masturbate. Would she be one of them?

  Would she join in?

  The thought of her watching me was only making the situation worse. God, I wanted to fuck her. Not only for the relief of my throbbing cock, but because we were alive and so many had lost their lives today.

  But it was a stupid idea. She was still a reporter and still the target of my mission. There were dozens of reasons why fucking her was the wrong thing to do. I wished I could just get the image of her naked body out of my head.

  Every time I blinked, there she was.




  “Derrick?” Ariana whispered tentatively, like I might snap if she said it too loudly. My face burned with the shame of all my filthy, dirty thoughts.


  “I’m scared.” The admission cost her a lot, I could tell. A strong woman like Ariana didn’t readily admit to being fearful. They hid it with everything they had, even if it killed them.

  “We’ll be alright. At first dawn we’ll keep moving.”

  In the shadows of the moonlight as the beams infiltrated the car, I could see the concern on her face. I wanted to kiss them away but I couldn’t.

  Just like I couldn’t fuck her.

  Still, I could offer her comfort. She wouldn’t be able to run home and write a scathing report on that. My hand snaked across the vehicle until it found hers.

  We fell asleep holding hands.

  * * *

  It was still dark when I awoke. There was no way to tell how long I had been asleep. A weight was on me, pressing me down onto the seat and holding me there.

  For a moment I panicked and went to lash out. If it hadn’t been for some whispered words, I would have.

  “Be with me, Derrick. Please,” she said into my ear. The skimming of her breath on my skin made my spine shudder with need.

  Ariana was straddling me, I quickly realized. Her soft lips were kissing my neck, her small hands grappling with the buttons of my shirt in the darkness.

  My cock was going crazy with anticipation. It didn’t need any time preparing; it didn’t need anything more than to be unsheathed and shoved into her cunt.

  I could have just sat there and taken it, let Ariana do whatever she wanted to me. But I had a mission to think of, a career that I needed to protect. I grabbed her hands and held them together between us. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  The moonlight was making her eyes sparkle, hitting her face in the most spectacular way. God, she was beautiful. “Please, Derrick. I need to be close to you tonight. I can’t sleep anymore. I keep… remembering. Please.”

  She was practically begging me to fuck her, let her have her devious way with me. I didn’t have to do a thing except let her.

  I released her hands and she returned to kissing me, holding my cheeks in both her hands so her lips could find mine in the darkness. She tasted like strawberry lollipops, which was a miracle considering we hadn’t had anything to eat in hours. And definitely nothing tasting remotely like strawberries.

  Shoving her off me was not an option now. She had me pinned in place and I was powerless to stop her. Ariana could win this round. I would gladly concede defeat to her.

  I would pay for the consequences later.

  She would be worth it.

  Her lips and cute little kisses traveled down my body to my chest. She managed to open my shirt, but I couldn’t get it off my body while in my current position. My shirt wasn’t the one that needed to come off, anyway.

  My hands tugged on the bottom of her top until she caught on and lifted her arms. I slid the thin material over her head, throwing it on the seat next to me. Her bra was unclasped with one hand, discarded easily.

  It was a crime to cover her tits. While one of my hands drifted around her body and settled on her lower back, one hand stayed on her boob. Her nipple was as hard as a stone, easily able to be rolled between my fingers and elicit a soft moan from her lips.

  It was cramped in the car, but that only meant our bodies could not lose contact with each other. Ariana let out a contented sigh as she rubbed her body against mine. Every time the fabric touched my crotch, my dick pulsed and twitched with need.

  “I want your hands on my cock,” I whispered in her ear. She pulled back slightly, just enough to show me the wicked gleam to her smile.

  “You’re going to have more than my hands, Corporal.”

  With that being said, her fingers danced their way down my chest. She pushed back on her ankles to make room, her sexy tits bouncing with every one of her movements. My hands were attracted to them like magnets, never wanting to let go.

  She tugged on my zipper, opening my pants with a look of concentration furrowing her brow. My erection was as plain as day even in the darkness. She tugged on it, pulling my dick free until it stood between us in all its engorged glory.

  Her fingers wrapped around my shaft, pulling on the sensitive skin in all the right ways. My head lolled back on the seat, ready to be given over to all the joy this woman could give me with only her hands.

  I was so horny I could have come in seconds, and that’s not what I wanted. The only way I wanted to climax was inside her cunt, snug and buried as deep as I could go. I gently removed her hands. “That’s not playing fair, Ariana. I want to fuck you, I’m going to come inside you.”

  I reached for her pants. They didn’t have a zipper, just elastic. She had to help me slide them down her legs, the car not making it easy for either of us. The whole time, my cock winked with anticipation while my heart beat erratically in my chest.

  While she was in position, I slid her panties down her legs, too. Her cute little snatch was on display, all hot and sticky for me.

  She settled back down, her cunt dangerously close to my cock. It was tempting just to thrust into her, but I had something else in mind first. I wanted to hear Ariana try to stifle her moans of pleasure when I played with her clit.

  Her hands were on my shoulders while mine went roaming. I kneaded her nipple with one hand while the other slid down her stomach until it reached her mound. I didn’t hesitate in delving further, not until I felt the warmth of her slick wetness.

  I tickled her clit, just light enough to make her horny as hell but not hard enough to give her any relief. I wanted her to beg me for it, drop that haughty attitude and forget all about who we were in the real world. It was dark here. We could be whoever we wanted to be.

  Her hips started undulating, trying to press her clit against my fingers to make my touch harder. I backed off, not letting her play that game. I was the one in charge here. I would decide when she could come. And that wouldn’t be for a while yet.

  My hands went to her hips to stop her movement. She was biting on her lip while she looked at me through her long dark eyelashes. She had no idea how sexy she was, she really didn’t. My cock was screaming with excitement just from that one look alone.

  “Are you going to behave?” I asked. She shook her head no. “Then no more for you. Do you want to stop right now?”


  “Will you behave, then?” She nodded this time, the answer I was looking for. My hands went back to her as she let out a sigh of contentment.

  I played with her clit, toying with it between my fingers and giving it a tug every so often. She kept her hips in place this time, not risking me stopping again. My fingers easily slid through her pussy; she was drenched and so ready to be fucked.

  My fingers slid further
under her until I reached her entrance. I pushed one finger in, her cunt offering no resistance. A second finger followed it in, pumping her with my hand while my thumb rubbed circles on her clit.

  Ariana’s back arched, her expression a picture of desire and want. She needed a release; she longed for the orgasm I was teasing her with. Her nipples were so close to my mouth, tantalizingly close. They were perfect and pert, juicy and big. I could have come just from watching them bounce as she writhed.


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