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Meringue and Mischief

Page 4

by Ramona Ransom

  Knowing the information about Cody, she was tempted to believe that maybe he had been the one to kill Laverne, but she couldn’t skip talking to Abby, just in case. Since she had a little time before she had to be at work, she figured it was as good of a time as any to get it out of the way.

  “Can I help you?” a young woman asked, opening the door.

  “I’m looking for Abby,” Nessa said, hoping she’d gotten the right address.

  “She’s not here right now. Who are you?”

  Nessa was surprised by how blunt she was. “My name is Nessa, and I’m a friend of Renata’s. I was hoping Abby had a moment to talk to me.”

  “Well, Nessa, friend of Renata, I highly doubt that Abby would have anything to say to you. If you really wanted to talk to her, you wouldn’t have led with that.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name,” Nessa said, working hard to be calm.

  “I’m Erica, Abby’s roommate. If you’re a friend of Renata’s, you must know what she did to us already. Unless you’re here to tell her that the house is cleaned up and ready for her to move into, I don’t think you’re going to get anywhere.”

  Nessa heard the woman loud and clear but didn’t know why she’d acted as though it had been a personal affront to her. Erica hadn’t been the one planning to move in.

  “You think she’d still want to move in after what happened?” Nessa asked, looking over the first part of what Erica had said. She didn’t know which was worse.

  “I don’t see why she wouldn’t want a nice, big house like that all to herself. She can make all the noise and have all the parties she wants.” Erica took a step back and opened the door further, letting Nessa see inside. “And she can have so much more space to put her things.”

  Nessa tried not to feel uncomfortable peering into someone else’s home, but really, she kind of liked doing it. She was one of those people who wanted to look inside people’s windows as she passed by their house, in the least creepy way possible, of course. She found different lifestyles interesting, but when she looked inside Abby and Erica’s apartment, what she saw wasn’t very interesting at all. It was so cluttered and messy that she didn’t know what to make of it.

  “Do you know when she’ll be home? I’d love to talk to her,” Nessa said, trying to avoid mentioning the mess she’d seen.

  “About what?” Erica asked.

  Nessa didn’t want to get into it with Erica at all. It wasn’t her place to tell anyone or even hint toward the fact that, to her, it seemed like Abby had a great motive to kill Laverne. She didn’t want any unnecessary rumors spreading at all, and she certainly didn’t want to be the one who started them.

  “Renata,” Nessa answered as simply as she could.

  “Are you a reporter or something?” Erica scoffed.

  “What? No. I’m a friend like I said. I want to talk to her about what happened.”

  “And like I said, unless you’re here to tell me that she can rent Renata’s house or that you have one for rent yourself, I don’t think you’re going to get very far. Now, if you don’t mind, I have some cleaning to do.”

  The problem was that Nessa wasn’t there to tell Erica anything. She was there to talk to Abby, but it was clear that wasn’t going to happen.

  “Can you give her my number?” Nessa asked, pulling out a business card for the bakery.

  “Do you work there or something?” Erica asked, eyeing the card.

  Nessa nodded. “As a matter of fact, I do.” She wondered if she could use that to her advantage. “Have you ever been there?”

  Erica softened. “I used to go there when I was a kid. My grandma took me because she was friends with the lady who owned the place. She isn’t around anymore, which I’m sure you already know since you work there, but I remember her well. She used to feel bad for me because I don’t like the inside of pies. I don’t like cooked fruit at all, so she’d make this special thing for me with pie crust, and I always loved to go there.”

  “Was the pie crust rolled up into little pinwheels and dipped in cinnamon and sugar?” Nessa asked.

  Erica looked up. “Yes. That’s exactly right. How did you know?”

  “I’m her granddaughter. She used to make them for me, too, and I never knew why. I’m a bit older than you are, but I remember when she’d make them because she always gave me some. I never knew why she made them since they never went in the bakery case, but now I do. Thanks for sharing your memory,” Nessa said, glad she had a memory of her own. It always felt good to know how much of an impact her grandmother had had on people. Especially when they still felt that way several years later.

  “Are you telling the truth right now? Forgive me for asking, but since you said you’re friends with Renata, I’m not a hundred percent sure I should trust you.”

  Hoping to seal the deal with Erica, Nessa came up with a plan she thought would work. “I’m telling the truth, and if you want, I can ask my grandfather if he can make you the very same things that my grandmother used to make for you.”

  “Your grandfather… Why can’t you make them yourself?” Erica asked.

  If Erica wanted honesty, that’s what she was going to get. “I can’t bake. I own the bakery, I work there at least forty hours a week, and I don’t bake anything unless I have to.”

  “That’s weird.”

  “Maybe so, but it’s the truth. If you tell Abby that I want to talk to her, then I’ll get you those pie crust pinwheels. Fair enough?”

  Erica looked at Nessa for a moment before nodding. “Fine,” she said. “I’ll tell Abby, and I’ll give her your card. I’ll be at the bakery first thing tomorrow.” Erica shut the door in her face.

  “How rude,” Nessa muttered. She’d wanted to like Erica, even more so because she had a memory with her grandmother, but she didn’t much care for her so far.

  She pulled out her phone and called her grandfather. No matter how Erica had treated her or what the outcome was with Abby, she’d make sure that Erica got the pie crust treats that she’d remembered so fondly.

  Chapter Ten

  Nessa had been behind the register since she got to work, ringing up customers and working on her next no-bake recipe. She’d planned to make meringue cookies, but since they weren’t her favorite, it had been more challenging than she’d expected to come up with something. While she loved going into the kitchen and putting random ingredients together to create something unique, she felt that it was important for her to learn how to create and follow a recipe.

  Feeling particularly frustrated, she looked out the window. She saw Erica, and who she assumed was Abby, going into the thrift store across the street. They were smiling and laughing and appeared to be having a great morning.

  “Hey, Grandpa. Are those pie crust pinwheels ready?” Nessa asked, hoping he could hear her.

  Lex and Faye were in the kitchen working and had agreed to make the pinwheels for Erica. Nessa was almost positive they were going to make extra as they, too, remembered when Maude used to make them years ago.

  “I’ve got them right here. Has your friend arrived?” he asked, coming out of the kitchen with a box in his hands.

  Nessa hadn’t quite had the heart to tell him that Erica wasn’t so much of a friend as a person of interest in her little investigation. Nessa figured that Erica would come to the bakery that morning as she said she would, but she wasn’t expecting Abby to come as well. Not that she was complaining. She’d take a quick break to talk to them when they came in and would get the answers she’d needed.

  “I see them across the street. I’m sure they’ll be stopping here soon.” Nessa looked outside again, not seeing either of them.

  “Alright then. Well, here are the pinwheels, and there are plenty more in the back. I never knew people even liked these things that much, but I thought I’d put a few out in the case to see how they do. Maybe we’ve found our next big hit.”

  Nessa sighed. “I hope they sell well, but I’d prefer it if my merin
gue cookies were the next big seller.”

  “You finally settled on a flavor?” Lex asked, smiling proudly at his granddaughter.

  “Well, no, not quite.”

  “Gotta have a cookie before you try to sell them, no?”

  “I know. I’ll decide soon.” Nessa looked out the window again and felt her face flush. “Oh no.”

  “What’s wrong?” Lex asked, trying to follow her line of vision. “Oh, good. Renata is here. She told me that you talked to her and I meant to ask you about it, but we’ve been so busy. She said you promised her a few of your next no-bake creation. Since you don’t actually have a new no-bake recipe, I told her that I’d whip her up a peanut butter pie cheesecake. That’s her favorite, by the way. So, the next time you need to use the bakery as a way to get information, you can be better prepared.”

  Nessa worried that her grandfather was mad. Not only had she not been prepared enough to have a recipe, but now he knew she talked to Renata. He might not know what it was about, but it wouldn’t be that hard for him to piece it together.

  “Are you mad that I used the bakery?” She worried about the other things, but she didn’t want him upset because she promised both Renata and Erica food for information. “I’ll pay for the food,” she added.

  “Oh, dear. Why do you think I know half the things I do? I know nearly everyone in town’s favorite dessert.” Lex winked, letting her know that he wasn’t upset with her.

  “Okay, but there’s one more thing,” Nessa said, barely above a whisper. “Renata is here because I talked to her about Laverne. When we talked, I learned about Abby and Erica…”

  “And one of them is coming in for pinwheels,” Lex finished her sentence.

  “Yes, and Abby is the one who was supposed to be renting from Renata. She was basically already moved in when Laverne showed up.”

  “And now they’re all coming into the bakery at once?”

  “Not if we hurry Renata out. I saw Abby and Erica going into the thrift store. If we can get Renata in and out before they get here, then we’re golden.”

  “Golden until we’re not,” Lex muttered. “I’ll go get her cheesecake.”

  Lex went into the back for the cheesecake and to no doubt tell Faye what was going on. Nessa knew they’d have her back if she needed them.

  “Hello,” Renata said, coming into the bakery. “Quiet morning so far?”

  “It’s been on and off. Steady, but nothing too crazy,” Nessa said, not realizing until then how thankful she was that it was quiet. With her luck, the place would be packed by the time Abby and Erica walked in and while Renata was still there. She needed a better plan when it came to talking to her suspects or she’d have the whole place in an uproar.

  “I’m here for my cheesecake. I was hoping to try a new recipe of yours, but your grandfather told me that you’ve been so busy with the website and that young girl you took in that you haven’t had time to get anything new created.”

  “I’m sorry about that, but I heard that peanut butter pie cheesecake is your favorite, and it’s on its way out to you right now,” Nessa said.

  “The service here is always impeccable. Did you see me out the window?” Renata asked.

  “I did. I want to apologize that I don’t have anything made up for you, but I promise I’ll save you something the minute I do.” Nessa smiled, silently wishing her grandfather would hurry up.

  As though he’d read her mind, he came out from the kitchen. “Renata, it’s so good to see you.” He held out the box and lifted the cover to show her.

  “Looks amazing, as always. Is Faye here?” Renata asked. “I’d love to talk to her about book club.”

  Nessa panicked. “She’s not here.”

  “Hmmm. I could have sworn I saw her car in the parking lot,” Renata replied.

  Lex cleared his throat and nodded toward the door. Nessa looked, seeing Abby and Erica on their way from across the street.

  “Nessa is mistaken,” Lex said. “Faye’s here, but she’s in the back working hard on a special project. She asked not to be bothered, which is why Nessa said what she did, but I’m sure she can make time for you.” Lex rushed around to Renata and all but dragged her into the kitchen.

  Thanking her lucky stars for her grandfather’s quick thinking, Nessa pasted on a smile and got ready to greet Abby and Erica.

  “Hello, Nessa. I believe you wanted to talk to Abby,” Erica said.

  Nessa nodded. “Hi, Abby. Hi, Erica.”

  “Do you have my pinwheels?” Erica asked, not wasting any time.

  “Right here,” Nessa said, looking over her shoulder toward the kitchen. “How about we go sit over there?”

  Nessa led them to a small booth and forced the two girls to sit facing the wall while she sat facing the kitchen. “Sorry to make you sit here, but it’s the best place for me, so I can still keep an eye on the customers.”

  The girls seemed to buy her story, or rather, Abby seemed to. Erica was too busy shoving pinwheels in her mouth.

  “So, Erica says you’re a friend of Renata’s?” Abby asked.

  “Sort of. I heard about what happened, and I wanted to get your take on it.”

  “My take on it? I don’t know what that means or why you’d care, but whatever.” Abby shrugged. “I’m so mad about what she did that I’ll tell anyone willing to listen. That witch told me I could rent her house. She got me all geared up, thinking that I was going to finally get to be an adult and make adult decisions and, well, if that’s what being an adult is like, I’m not interested.”

  “What do you mean get to be an adult?” Nessa asked.

  “I’m only twenty years old. I’m technically an adult, but my parents have helped me with everything so far in life. I was finally ready to try to get a place, and I’ve saved so much money for a down payment on a house. I was excited to see what living in a house alone was like, and then this happens. Renata made me upset. I can’t believe anyone would do that to someone else. I heard she kicked me out because Laverne had more money than me. I hate rich people who think they are better than everyone else.”

  “I’m sorry that your first experience doing something on your own went so badly,” Nessa said, realizing how angry Abby truly was. She wasn’t just mad at Renata, either. She had every reason to dislike Laverne.

  “I’m sorry, too, and I’m glad Laverne is dead. Now she can’t ruin lives with all that money. And as for Renata, I hope she feels terrible about what she did to me.”

  Erica nearly choked on her pinwheel as Abby spoke.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Nessa saw the door to the kitchen swing open, and Faye stick her hand out, telling her to wrap it up.

  “Thanks for coming in, you two. I have to be getting back to work, now,” Nessa said.

  “That’s it? That’s all you wanted to know?” Abby asked.

  “I… I uhhh. Well, I have a friend living with me right now, and she’s looking for a place of her own. I thought maybe Renata had something, and after I heard about what happened to you, I wanted to hear the truth from your end. Now that I know, I won’t send my friend to her. Thanks for your help.” Nessa had no idea where that came from, but since she did have a friend living with her, if any rumors came about after this conversation, at least it wasn’t a total lie.

  “If you want to help your friend out, don’t send her to Renata,” Erica said, taking one more pinwheel before closing the box.

  Abby looked at her, brows raised but didn’t comment.

  “Thanks again. I hope the pinwheels are exactly how you remember them,” Nessa said, leading the girls out of the bakery.

  After they left, Faye let Renata out of the kitchen. Nessa talked to her for a moment to make sure that Abby and Erica were nowhere in sight before Renata left. She didn’t need a brawl on the sidewalk any more than she needed one inside the bakery.

  “Enjoy your cheesecake!” Lex said, waving as Renata left.

  Once everyone was gone, Nessa leaned against th
e nearest wall, wanting to slide to the floor. “I thought they were going to see each other.”

  “You should have heard Faye in there,” Lex said. “She was ranting and raving about every book she’d ever read in order to keep Renata busy.”

  Nessa laughed. “Thank you.”

  “You can thank me by telling me what you found out,” Faye said.

  “Abby is furious at Renata and seems to hate Laverne for having money. Those seem like great motives, but twice now, I’ve felt like Erica might be involved. She doesn’t seem happy that Abby is back. Their apartment is a disaster, and if she wanted Abby out that badly, she could have killed to try to make it happen.” Nessa explained everything she knew and hoped Faye or her grandfather had some wisdom to share with her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Thankful for her day off, Nessa puttered around the house. She’d already had her coffee, cleaned her bedroom, did laundry, and was about to start dusting the rest of the upstairs when Clint arrived. He would be working on the patio area that day, and Nessa was excited to have him there. Not only because he’d be getting more work done, but because she wanted to talk to him about Laverne.

  “Hey,” Clint said, coming inside. “Are you off today?”

  “Yeah, but if I get in your way at all, feel free to let me know.”

  “Unless you’re planning on going swimming, I think you’ll be fine,” Clint joked.

  “I think I’ll pass.” Nessa laughed. “I’ll be opening the pool before I know it, but it’s still too cold.”

  Clint got to work right away, and Nessa finished dusting. She looked around her kitchen to see what she needed to buy at the grocery store when Clint came in through the patio door. “Do you think I could have some water? I forgot my cooler at home.”


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