Thóra managed to stop her eyebrows shooting up, as she was certain the woman would not appreciate it. “I see. Is it a busy job?”
The woman shrugged and sipped her cocktail. “Sometimes. Sometimes not so much.” She put down her glass and licked her red lips. “Jónas claims business will pick up. To tell the truth, it’s got off to a very slow start.”
“Oh, dear,” Thóra said sympathetically. “But isn’t it a nice place to work apart from that? It’s a lovely hotel.”
The woman snorted and scowled. “No it isn’t!” She turned to look at Thóra, but was still having trouble focusing.
“Are you talking about the ghost?” asked Thóra. “Does it disturb you?”
Stefanía shook her head firmly. “No. Fortunately I’m never there in the evenings. I haven’t seen any ghosts, but I guess they only work nights. I’ve never heard of a ghost scaring people during the day.” She pushed back a lock of hair that had fallen over one eye. “No, my problem is the women who work there.” She sighed. “It’s always the women. It would be great if it was all men.” She hiccupped. “And me, of course.”
“Well, yes, of course,” agreed Thóra. “But which women do you mean? I haven’t met many, though I did speak to Vigdís in reception.”
“Vigdís, Pigdís,” Stefanía mumbled. “She’s a real bitch.”
“Oh,” said Thóra, startled. “Obviously I don’t know her well, but she seems all right. Maybe I’ve got that wrong.”
“You bet you have,” Stefanía hissed. “She can’t stand me, even though I’ve never done anything to her.” Suddenly serious, she added, “Actually, I’ve analyzed it and know what her problem is.” She paused dramatically. “I’m a threat to her—a sexual threat.” She looked at Thóra triumphantly.
“What do you mean?” said Thóra, perplexed. “Is she frightened you’ll rape her?”
Stefanía chuckled. Her laugh was unexpectedly light and natural. “No, silly. As a woman, she feels a primal threat from other women who are more attractive.” She smiled smugly. “A blind man would see that I’m sexier than her.” She took a sip of her drink. “It’s always happening to me. I ought to know the signs by now.”
Matthew tugged at Thóra’s sleeve. “Can we order? I know what I want, and I’m starving.”
Thóra looked at the empty bowl of peanuts. “No problem. Just call the waiter and order.” She went to turn back to Stefanía, but Matthew stopped her.
“What about you? What do you want?” Matthew pointed at the menu. Thóra hadn’t even glanced at it.
“Anything,” she replied. “Just order me anything.” She went back to Stefanía while Matthew called the waiter over. “Speaking of women,” she said, “did you know Birna, the architect?”
Stefanía’s expression changed instantly. Her face fell and for a fraction of a second it seemed to be melting. “Oh, God,” she said with a lump in her throat. “It’s so awful.”
“Yes, it is,” agreed Thóra. “So she wasn’t one of those annoying women?”
“No, not at all. She was lovely,” said Stefanía. She emptied her glass in one gulp. Then she removed the tiny sword with the cocktail cherry, which she put in her mouth and sucked before ceremoniously placing it on the bar beside the others. “I’m devastated by all this, and I don’t really know how I feel.” She looked up at Thóra. “I’m not in the habit of coming here on Sunday evenings, even though I live locally.”
“I understand,” said Thóra, although she didn’t, not at all. “You seem to have known Birna well—do you have any idea who could possibly have wanted to harm her?”
Stefanía lifted her empty glass and spun it. The last few drops swirled around in the bottom. “Yes, I do,” she said calmly.
“Really?” Thóra could not conceal her eagerness. “Who is it?” Stefanía regarded her beadily. “I’m sworn to confidentiality. Sex therapists are like doctors in that respect. And lawyers.”
Thóra was careful not to burst out laughing at the analogy. Perhaps it was not so far-fetched—some of the divorce cases handled by her colleague Bragi could verge on sex counseling. “Well, I’m a lawyer and there are exceptions to the rule. The greater good, for instance.”
After thinking for a while, Stefanía conceded, “If you’re a lawyer, it’s safe to tell you, right? It’s only a couple of names, and you won’t tell anyone, will you? It’s certainly not a question of that ‘greater good’ of yours.”
Thóra could hardly believe how well this was going. She had envisaged a long session at the bar, waiting for Stefanía to drink enough to forget her oath of confidentiality. “Absolutely not, I can’t tell anyone, I promise.”
“Great,” Stefanía said. “I’ve felt sick ever since I heard the news, because I can’t tell anyone. Maybe this’ll make me feel better.” She looked Thóra in the eye. “Promise?”
“I promise,” Thóra repeated. She crossed her fingers behind her back—she’d have to tell Matthew. “Who wanted to harm Birna?”
Stefanía clearly hadn’t exaggerated about needing to get this secret off her chest. When she spoke, it was at triple speed. “She was having an affair with a married farmer from around here. His name’s Bergur and he lives at Tunga. The sex was kind of extreme, and she came to me for counseling. She thought it had gone too far.”
“And could you help her?” asked Thóra. “Did you advise her to stop seeing him?” A breakup might be sufficient grounds for a man to commit murder, if he was unbalanced.
Stefanía put down her glass. “No.” She put one of her red fingernails in her mouth and bit it, hard. When she removed the finger, there was a white mark on the nail where the varnish had cracked. “No, I didn’t.” She stared at her empty glass as if in a trance. “I told her just to go for it. That rough sex wasn’t necessarily dangerous.”
“Oh, dear,” said Thóra. “I can see why you feel bad.”
The sex therapist nodded slowly. When she looked up at Thóra, she spotted Matthew behind her. Until now she had been so absorbed in her own misery that she hadn’t really noticed him. She smiled, a little unpleasantly. “Who’s that? A friend of yours?” she asked coquettishly. Thóra decided to use the language barrier to her advantage. “He’s a foreigner. He’s here to relax.” She leaned over to Stefanía and lowered her voice. “He’s impotent. Result of an accident.” Then she nodded conspiratorially and sat up straight again. “So sad.” Although Thóra felt a bit bad about having lied about Matthew’s sexual prowess she was certain that this sex therapist minx would leave him be as a result. The end in this case would have to justify the means.
Stefanía’s eyes widened. “What a shame,” she said, crestfallen. “If you want, I know a few techniques that could help you. You can have a lot of fun without actual penetration.”
“No, thank you.” Thóra smiled politely. “But thanks for the offer.” She turned to Matthew. “Come on,” she said in German, “the food should be on its way.”
Stefanía smiled at Matthew. “It’s very important that you eat well and don’t miss any meals,” she said sympathetically.
“Okay, thanks,” said Matthew, bemused.
Thóra put her hand on Stefanía’s shoulder. “Thank you very much. I’ll definitely see you soon, because I’ll still be working on this project for Jónas.”
Stefanía looked at her in astonishment. “Don’t you want to know who the other one is?”
“Which other one?” she asked, confused.
“The other man who wanted to harm Birna,” replied Stefanía with a hint of irritation.
Thóra nodded quickly. “Oh, yes, definitely.”
Stefanía leaned over to whisper in her ear. When she was so close that Thóra was certain her ear had been smeared with lipstick, Stefanía said in a low voice, “Jónas.”
Thóra watched the police cars pull up. Three cars—clearly something was going on. They drove slowly onto the graveled space outside the hotel and parked side by side in one corner. The slamming of car doors broke the si
lence as six officers got out, including one woman.
“What now?” Thóra wondered aloud. “They said they weren’t coming back until tomorrow.”
They watched the group stride toward the hotel entrance, outside which she and Matthew were lounging in the trendy patio furniture probably provided for smokers, enjoying the evening sun with a glass of wine each. She was still hungry, because Matthew had repaid her indifference to the menu by ordering her just a green salad. He had hardly fared better with his vegetable lasagne, which was barely a mouthful. As a result, they had twice had to order extra bread, and even that had not sufficed.
She knew two of the officers by sight; the pair who had questioned Jónas and confiscated his mobile. The elder one was named Thórólfur, she thought.
“Good evening,” she said, addressing him.
“Hello,” he said dryly.
“You weren’t expected until tomorrow,” Thóra said. “Is something wrong?”
Without stopping or looking at them, Thórólfur answered as he passed their table, “Things change.” Then the group of officers vanished into the building.
Thóra cleared her throat. “There’s one thing I don’t understand.” She looked at Jónas, who was sitting beside her, his face ashen. “Why do you want to talk to my client? He doesn’t own the stables, and I can’t imagine that anything has emerged in your initial investigation to suggest that he was involved in this.” She regarded Thórólfur steadily. “Has it?”
Now it was Thórólfur’s turn to clear his throat. “I would have thought it was obvious. The last time a body was found here in the neighborhood, it turned out to be a woman who worked for your client, and since that was only a few days ago, our first question must be whether anyone is missing from here. We have reason to believe that the same person was responsible.”
Jónas leaned forward in his chair. “Would you please use my name? I don’t exactly feel comfortable at being called ‘a client.’ ”
Thóra suppressed a groan but looked at Jónas and nodded. Then she turned back to Thórólfur. “In other words, you’re only here to ask Jónas whether the deceased could be a guest or employee of the hotel? Not because you consider him connected in any other way?”
Thórólfur clenched his fists. “I didn’t say that. The investigation is only in its early stages, as I indicated. However, it should be clear that at this point in time we are only trying to discover the identity of the deceased. What happens after that is completely undecided.”
“These stables,” said Thóra, “am I allowed to ask who owns them?”
“Ask what you like,” Thórólfur answered moodily. “I may answer.” He cracked his knuckles. “But it’s no secret that the stables in question belong to the farm of Tunga.”
Thóra gave a start, and hoped that Thórólfur hadn’t noticed. “Is it close to here?” she asked casually.
“It’s the next farm along, just west of here,” Jónas chipped in, relieved to be able to contribute.
“I see,” Thóra said. “Then it must be very close to the beach where Birna’s body was found, right?” She addressed the question to Thórólfur. Since he didn’t seem about to answer, she added, “Oughtn’t you to be talking to the people who live there, rather than those at the hotel?” She had decided not to tell the police about the farmer’s relationship with Birna until she had met him herself. She resolved to contact Bergur first thing in the morning, since the truth was bound to come out. Once that happened, she might not get the opportunity to speak to him.
“Let’s get back to the subject,” Thórólfur said tetchily, turning to Jónas. “I presume you know the stables in question?”
“Yes, sort of,” Jónas answered. “I know where they are and I have been inside.”
“Do you ride?” asked Thórólfur.
“No, not at all,” Jónas answered. “Just interested. I hope to go into that line of business in the future. At the moment the hotel operation is keeping me busy.”
“So what were you doing in the stables, that time you went inside?” said the detective.
“Rósa was kind enough to show me the horses,” Jónas said, adding hurriedly, “Rósa is the lady of the house, Bergur’s wife. We’ve discussed horses on the few occasions that we’ve met, and she wanted to show me a young stallion they had just bought. That was quite a while ago, at least six months.”
“Do you remember the name of this stallion?” Thórólfur asked.
“Yes,” Jónas said. “I think it was called Snowy.” He smiled. “It ought to have been called Fire, really—I’ve never seen a horse with such a temper.”
Thórólfur took his time formulating his next question, scribbling something on a notepad. Thóra was ill at ease. There was something about these questions about the horse that suggested that this was more than a fact-finding mission. She decided to wait and see what happened.
Eventually Thórólfur looked up from his notepad and glared at Jónas. “In other words, for six months you have known that in these particular stables is a horse that is rather bad-tempered—indeed, uncontrollable? Is that correct?”
“Yes,” said Jónas, looking surprised. “Why do you ask?”
“No particular reason,” the detective said, jotting something down. “And what about foxes?” he asked. “Can you tell me anything about foxes around here?”
Astonished, Jónas looked from Thórólfur to Thóra. “Am I meant to answer that?” he asked, perplexed. Thóra nodded. She was dying to know where all this was heading. Jónas turned back to Thórólfur. “I don’t quite understand the question. Do you want to know about foxes in general, or whether I have any?”
“Well,” said Thórólfur, “I would like to know whether there are many foxes in the vicinity. But if you keep foxes, it would also be good to know that.”
Jónas leaned back in his chair and frowned. “I don’t keep any foxes. Why would I keep foxes? This isn’t a fur farm.” He was addressing his words to Thóra, who shrugged but motioned him to continue. Jónas did, although he clearly found it uncomfortable. “But there are wild foxes around here. I know because they attack the eider ducks and the farmers complain about it. To tell the truth, that’s all I know about foxes.” He fell silent for a while before adding, “Well, except that they are the only mammal that was native to Iceland at the time of the settlement.”
Thórólfur smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I wasn’t asking for a lecture on the natural sciences.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Tell me another thing. Do the letters ‘RER’ mean anything to you?”
The hotelier shook his head. “No. I can’t say they do.” He looked at Thóra. “How about you?”
“I haven’t the faintest,” she answered, and turned to Thórólfur. “What does it mean?”
“It’s not important,” he said firmly, then changed the subject. “Do you have a sewing room in the hotel here?”
“No,” replied Jónas. “Do you have a loose button or a hem that needs mending?” he asked, in apparent sincerity.
Thórólfur did not answer Jónas, but continued, “Do you offer acupuncture?”
“I don’t personally, but we have discussed calling in an acupuncturist temporarily,” Jónas answered, startled. “It’s an ancient practice, but you can achieve incredible results with all sorts of ailments. I know of a man who smoked a pack a day of unfiltered Camels for thirty years—” He got no further.
“In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re not making small talk here,” Thórólfur growled. “I ask; you answer. Preferably yes or no, as appropriate.” He had been rubbing one of his shoulders as he talked, and Thóra prayed that Jónas would not offer him a hot-stone massage.
“What I want to know is this: is there a sewing room here? Is acupuncture practiced? If not, do you offer any kind of service that requires pins or needles?”
Jónas thought for a moment, then answered in accordance with Thórólfur’s instructions. “Yes,” he said.
The policeman sighed. “Yes, and … ? What kind of service?”
Thóra indicated that Jónas should answer. “In each room is a little sewing kit, the size of a matchbox. It’s for guests who need to make minor repairs to their clothes. I can fetch one of those sets if you want. There are several colors of thread, one needle, two or three buttons, and a safety pin, if memory serves. There’s nothing else in it.”
“No other pins?” Thórólfur asked.
“No,” said Jónas, shaking his head. “I’m fairly sure of it.”
“I’d like to see one of those sets before I leave,” Thórólfur said. “And take a look at where you keep the stock.” He paused, glowering at Jónas. “One last question. I’ve been notified that Birna’s room was broken into.”
“What?” exclaimed Jónas. “I didn’t know that. Who told you that?”
“That’s none of your business, unless you know who did it and when it happened.” Thórólfur’s glare didn’t waver.
“I don’t know anything about it. I haven’t been in there since you had the room cordoned off on Friday evening and banned everybody from entering. I swear it wasn’t me.” Jónas was gabbling now. “I have no reason to go in there.”
“That’s what you say,” Thórólfur said, finally looking down at his notebook. “Somebody felt they had a reason. If not you, then who?” He looked back up at Jónas.
“Well, I don’t know. The murderer, I suppose,” said Jónas, flustered.
“Is that everything?” interrupted Thóra. “You said, ‘One last question,’ and Jónas has answered it now. Can we go?”
Thórólfur flapped his hand dismissively. “Please do. But I definitely need to talk to you again tomorrow,” he said to Jónas. “Don’t go anywhere.”
Jónas’s eyes widened, and Thóra spoke before he could. “No, of course. We won’t. I should remind you that I wish to be present any time Jónas is questioned. I assume that won’t be a problem.”
“No, no,” replied Thórólfur. “Why would it be?”
My Soul to Take tg-2 Page 18