Nothing Stays in Vegas

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Nothing Stays in Vegas Page 2

by Moira McTark

  When the door closed, Dette’s gaze fixed on the ceiling, tears already pooling at the corners of her eyes. “This is serious.”

  Lara’s gut tensed, her face hardened. Damn, she’d only been here for two days, this couldn’t be happening already. “Just tell me what happened, what you need me to do.”

  “Say you were in Vegas one month ago. No one will know you weren’t.”

  Dette talked and Lara listened, the sinking feeling in her stomach increasing as the story unfolded.

  “One of the groomsmen?” Lara shrieked.

  “This is a bona fide happily-ever-after emergency! I know it’s bad, don’t give me crap right now.”

  “Happily every after? Dette, fairy tale romance doesn’t include the bride-to-be running off to screw one of her attendants a month before the wedding!”

  “I didn’t know he was a groomsman!” Dette hissed, her arms, straight at her sides, ending in balled fists of frustration. “He said his name was Kenneth or something…but I just saw him outside, so he must have been lying,”

  Dette never ceased to amaze her. “The fact that you didn’t know who he was really isn’t the point. You slept with someone other than Adam!”

  “Damn it, haven’t you ever heard of cold feet?”

  “Are you kidding me? You went to Vegas, picked up a stranger, had sex, and now you want me to pretend that I did it so you don’t get caught?”

  Dette glared at her. “Sort of.”

  “Four weeks ago!” Lara took a breath and softened. “What are you going to say to Adam? You have to tell him.”

  “Like hell I do.”

  “I can’t lie for you when it comes to a marriage. I can’t cover this up for you.”

  “Can’t, can’t, can’t,” Dette shot back, her eyes brimming with tears. “Can’t you stop judging me for once in your flawless life? Not everyone is as perfect as you.”

  Lara wanted to laugh, only it wasn’t funny.

  Dette’s eyes darted around the room, finally settling back on Lara. “I didn’t want anyone to know this, but Adam broke off the engagement, dumped me. He was the one with cold feet. I was brokenhearted. I ran off to Vegas, wanting to get away from everything. I drank way too much. Woke the next morning with a blinding headache, a man in my bed, and no memory of how he got there.”

  Lara stared at her with more than a little skepticism. There was one way to get a straight answer. “Oh my God. Maybe he drugged you.” Lara gripped her sister’s wrists, daring her with her eyes. “I’m calling the police.”

  “No, no…fine,” Dette shook off Lara’s hold. “I remember taking him back to my room, but I was drunk and stupid. I should have known Adam would get over his wedding jitters and be calling to apologize the next day, but I was so self-destructive, self-defeating, maybe I just didn’t believe I deserved to be happy.” Gripping her sister’s shoulders, she stared into her eyes. “I would give anything to take it back, do anything to change it, but I can’t.”

  Lara held her breath for a count, memories of Dette’s tear-streaked pleas for help all running together in her mind. The rash choices, the uncontrolled outbursts…the sorrowful eyes filled with regret. Dette had such a hot head. She acted before she thought, and it always seemed to come back to haunt her. Almost like she was still trying to get caught.

  “Adam broke up with you?”

  “For two days. Neither of us told anyone.”

  “Maybe if you explained what happened, he’d understand.”

  “Are you crazy?” Dette squeaked. “He would never forgive me, never get over it. What if this guy walks in and announces to everyone what happened? The wedding would be off. I didn’t tell Adam before and I’m not going to now. This is my life,” she pleaded. “I just want to be happy like everyone else is. I need your help, but if, now, when I need it more than ever, you are going to leave me to twist in the wind, then fine. I guess my most desperate hour is even more hopeless than I thought. I’ve been abandoned by my own sister.” She sniffed, a single shiny tear drifted down her cheek. “My best friend.”

  Shaking her head slowly, Lara studied her. For all Dette’s accomplishments, grace and glamour, she believed she never got a fair shake, that everyone else had it easier. She needed to grow up, but at twenty-eight years old and days before her wedding, Lara didn’t want to be responsible for teaching her that lesson. And if Adam really broke it off, then what happened over those two days was none of his business.

  Lara closed her eyes and exhaled through her nose. “We might look alike, but how are you going to get past the names?”

  “Give me some credit, I crossed the country to make sure no one recognized me, of course I didn’t use my real name. Contrary to the way you treat me, I’m not stupid.”

  Of course.

  “Okay, what do I need to do?”

  Dette yanked her down the hall into her peaches and cream bedroom, stuffing Lara into the seat in front of the mirrored vanity they’d been playing dress-up at since they were girls. It charmed Lara that her sister, who always needed to have the newest and hottest of everything, left her bedroom exactly the way it was from her childhood fantasies. Glass-front cabinets held row upon row of pristine china faced dolls in silk dresses, miniature porcelain horses, and a collection of ballerina jewelry boxes. Her attachment to her girlhood treasures was one of the sweeter things about Dette.

  A silver-backed brush began to rip through Lara’s hair with determined pulls. “I slept with him one time in Vegas. He was blasted, coming off some break-up of his own. He might not even remember but, if he does, he’s going to remember that it was you. I’m going to fix you up because, when your hair and face are done right, you look more like me than I do.”

  Lara’s jaw set and her eyes closed. She just needed to take this one hit for Dette.

  If this Vegas guy thought he recognized her, she’d avoid him. She’d be with Cal most of the time anyway, she just needed to make sure Dette’s mishap didn’t get in the way of what they’d started.

  Why did Dette always have to go for the sleaze—Adam excluded, she assumed without really wanting to know—why couldn’t she be attracted to the decent guys like Cal? What kind of a creepy pig would pick someone up like that? The one-night stand was gross enough as it was, but to lie about his name on top of it? Who did that kind of thing?

  Breathing through her nose, she stopped. Dette did. Had. Still, the idea of the man calling himself Kenneth had her skin crawling. She hoped this would be the last time she’d need to bail her sister out. Five days from now, Adam would be the one Dette turned to. Hopefully.

  Chapter Two

  The third bedroom on the right in the guest wing was soft blue with ornate plasterwork in shades of wheat scalloped around the ceiling and draped in vines around the walls.

  Caleb Daniels set his bags down next to the satinwood Adams style dresser and, exhausted by the long day of travel, fell back onto his four poster bed.

  The place was huge. The house sat on ten acres of beachfront property in one of the most coveted and exclusive stretches of real estate in the county. It amazed him that with a home like this, Lara came across as one of the most down-to-earth, practical people he knew.

  He blew a long breath out through his nose, trying to chill out. It had been too long since he’d talked with her and he was getting antsy to finally meet her in person. Any minute now, he’d be able to lay his hands on her shoulders and tuck her into his chest. Feel the warmth of her body against him rather than just sense it through her words. Pulling out his PDA, he checked his email. The inbox was filled with work related correspondence, but nothing since last night from Lara. The little devil was making him wait.

  Well, he was here now. The tiny text was about to become a thing of the past.

  Scrolling through the mail, he took care of what was important and then forwarded the rest on to the vice president of Daniels Consulting. The VP had been handling more and more of the business lately, as Cal had been stepping back, and
he knew his company was in good hands.

  Adam knocked at the open door and walked in with the redheaded groomsman, Keith, in tow. “No time for naps, man. Get your crap together and I’ll give you the tour before we head down for cocktails.”

  Cal pushed off the bed, stretching his arms and back. “Hey, Adam. Keith. I’m all set. A drink sounds great, but I was wondering if Lara was around.”

  Adam arched an eyebrow at Keith and then looked back at Cal with a speculative stare. “Lara, huh?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been emailing with her and was looking forward to putting a face with the name.”

  Keith let out a snort. “E-buddies, that’s cute, Cal.”

  Cocky and condescending, Keith had been grating on his nerves since they’d met at the airport. They didn’t seem to have a thing in common beyond their relationship to Adam, and Cal had been doing his damnedest to ignore the majority of what came out of the guy’s mouth.

  Adam coughed into his fist then dragged his teeth back and forth over his bottom lip. “Come on, Keith, cut him some slack. Lara’s definitely a looker—sweet too—but of all the available females in the Sinclair line, I got to be honest with you, she’s not the top investment.”

  He wasn’t sure what that meant, but doled out an appeasing smile nonetheless. No doubt, Adam had the best intentions, but he wasn’t looking for anyone’s approval or opinion for that matter. Cal made decisions for himself. Hell, he’d waited this long to get his hands on Lara, what difference would a few more minutes make? “Let’s get that tour started then.”


  Lara stood behind her sister, who kneeled against the door, peeking out through the keyhole. Dette’s room was situated at the end of the family wing and, from her position, she would be able to see straight down the hall, past the stairwell, and into the guest wing. As girls, the two did their fair share of spying and it was disconcerting to see how little things had changed.

  “This is ridiculous. Why can’t we just go out?”

  “Lara, don’t be stupid. If he recognizes me, the timing will be crucial. Quiet!”

  So much for the “best friends, greatest sister in the world” business.

  “Okay, they’re headed downstairs. Pull me up, my legs are asleep.”

  Lara hoisted Dette off the floor and watched as she smoothed her white skirt and blouse. Suddenly self-conscious, Lara adjusted her own outfit, checking her reflection in the mirror. Too much eye shadow, blush and lip liner for her taste. Her dark hair was set with huge stiff waves and it was all she could do not to run her fingers through it, gather the mass together and cinch it back with an elastic band to get it out of her way.

  They could pass for twins all right. It was terrifying. The look was glamorous, sophisticated. Not at all Lara.

  Dette’s face appeared next to hers in the mirror as she fidgeted with the neckline of Lara’s blouse. “Not half bad. If you ever listened to me, you’d be able to make yourself look this sharp.”

  “I listened, it just doesn’t work on me. I can’t keep clothes like this neat. My make-up smears, my hair won’t stay.”

  “That’s because you’re always chasing around, sit still and it would be fine.”

  Lara felt a pang of sadness for Dette. Always trying so hard to teach her how to be a lady. Hoping, in vain, that if she’d made little Lara perfect, their parents might want to spend more time with them instead of travel so much. But it didn’t work and when the Sinclairs left, Dette would try to bring them home as soon as possible…using any means necessary. With only eleven months separating them, Dette had no business trying to be a mother to her, trying to protect her, but she’d tried nonetheless.

  Patting her sister’s hand at her shoulder, Lara smiled at her reflection. “The way I look works for me. After all, the third-graders certainly aren’t going to care. But it’s nice to see myself cleaned up sometimes too. Thank you.”

  Dette cocked her head, wearing a pleased expression. Then she cleared her throat and tossed her hair back, practicing her most sincere smile of welcome, followed by the most transparent look of confusion ever. “Okay, I’m good to go. Sit tight and wait until we know. If he recognizes me, you need to move fast.” Dette was halfway out the door when she turned back and pulled Lara into a hug. “I so owe you for this.”

  “Yes, you do.”


  The sound of their steps ricocheted off the marble stairs, vaulted ceiling and mosaic tile floor of the main entrance hall. With doorways opening from the main hall in every direction, Cal could see himself lost in this place without too much difficulty. Maybe Lara would draw him a map to her room. A treasure map.

  Girlish laughter echoed out from somewhere in the back of the house and died away. There were supposed to be thirty guests here now, but Cal had yet to cross paths with anyone. Of course, he was staying in the main house and there were two out buildings with guest quarters as well, but it felt strange to be surrounded by so much unoccupied space.

  “So you want to take a tour now, or hit the terrace? We’ve got the bar stocked for you new arrivals.”

  “Whatever’s fine with me.” Adam looked relaxed, at home in the Sinclair estate. Cal didn’t remember him being so smooth back in college but then, time had a way of changing everyone.

  At the base of the stairs Adam grabbed his arm. “Hang back a sec, Cal. Here comes my lovely girl now.”

  “Finally, the blushing bride—” Cal froze, mouth hanging open as the woman from Vegas pranced down the stairs not twenty feet from him. She smiled wide like she didn’t have a care in the world.

  “What the hell, is this a joke?” Cal turned to Adam and, seeing the confused expression, his gut knotted with the immediate knowledge that whatever was going on, Adam had no idea.

  “What are you talking about? This is Claudette Sinclair, my fiancée.” His eyes were hard, brows furrowed.

  Cal looked back at the woman descending the staircase, searching for any sign of recognition. Nothing, just one big smile and a mouth full of perfect white teeth. She was good, but it only took one look and he was sure. This was the woman from Vegas, who had used every tacky trick in the book to get him back to her room. And she was planning on marrying Adam in less than one week’s time.

  “This is your fiancée?”

  Blood rushed the surface of his skin as he tried to swallow down the bitter taste of betrayal he knew too well. His friends had stood by and let a woman make a chump out of him. Cal had been blindsided by Paige’s cheating and swore if he ever had the chance to protect someone else from that kind of pain and humiliation, he’d take it. And here it was. This woman wasn’t going to make a fool out of Adam when Cal knew the truth.

  Shifting his gaze between them, he tried to pull Adam aside. “Look, man, I need to talk to you in private for a minute.”

  “What the hell for? Dette, do you know Cal?”

  Thank God, it wouldn’t have to come from him.

  Dette opened her mouth but the words spoken next came from the landing above her.

  “Cal?” the voice faltered. “Oh my God, it’s you?”

  Cal’s head snapped to the Dette replica paused at the landing wearing a look of shock. Her eyes pinched shut for a second as though she were debating what tack to take and when they reopened, steely determination was all he could read. She started down the stairs at a leisurely pace, one hand dragging along the mahogany banister beside her. “I thought you said your name was Kenneth or something.”

  She didn’t even remember his name. “I told you, twice. Caleb.”

  That was his girl from Vegas, all right. Relief washed over him in a wave of confusion. Dette had sisters. Thank God. Shit, he had to find Lara. Sleeping with her sister was a fuck up, alright, and he hoped like hell it wasn’t going to cost him what they’d started.

  Keith stared at his shoes and let out a completely inappropriate whistle.

  Cal shot him a look. “Yeah, thanks for that.”

  Crap, he needed to fix this

  Glancing back and forth between Adam and Dette, Cal felt the color rushing to his neck and face. This would be embarrassing to explain, but it was a world better than what he’d thought he was going to have to say. “Dette, forgive me. It’s very nice to finally meet you. I didn’t realize you had a twin and it seems that she and I have already met.”

  Dette continued smiling at him, shrugging her shoulders like she hadn’t a clue what had transpired. “We’re not twins.”

  Turning to Adam, he threw up his hands. “Punch me if you have to, but I thought—you don’t want to know what I thought. Look, man, I need to find Lara.”

  “I’m Lara.” There was a waver in her voice, but the words were clear enough.

  “What—” Obviously, he knew Lara was Claudette’s sister, but his mind had skipped straight to a third sister. There was no way he could reconcile the shallow, indifferent woman in Vegas with the funny, sensitive girl he’d been communicating with for the past three weeks. Cal swallowed hard, inspecting her from her coiffed head to heeled toe. Shaking his head slowly, he uttered his denial. “No, you can’t be.”

  This wasn’t the woman he’d been fantasizing about. The cool, laid back girl who kept him on the edge of his seat waiting for her next insight. The sexy kitten who got hot in her little sweat short pjs. This wasn’t her! Damn, he’d been so stupid—that girl didn’t exist anywhere but in his head. He’d been so desperate to get past his breakup with Paige, he’d talked himself into finding the perfect girl by filling in the gaps of an internet relationship with details that didn’t jive with who she really was.

  Adam looked like someone had just stepped off his lung. But with a quick rub of his palm across his brow and through his neatly combed hair, all evidence of strain vanished leaving only the charming gloss of playful banter. “Lara, you little minx. So how do you know Cal here?”

  “You said your name was Eve.” His disbelief came out sounding like accusation. Maybe it was. Disappointment was beating its way through his body, throbbing in his temples, tightening his throat and lungs, sickening his stomach. He’d never wanted something to be untrue more in his life.


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