Taming The Lion: BBW Paranormal Lion Shifter Romance (Gray Bears Book 5)

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Taming The Lion: BBW Paranormal Lion Shifter Romance (Gray Bears Book 5) Page 3

by Natalie Kristen

  Winston was finishing up his paperwork when he saw Aidan leaning against the doorjamb. Winston always kept the door to his office open so that his deputies could come into his office and talk to him any time of the night and day.

  Sometimes they needed his advice on the cases they were handling. Sometimes they just wanted to talk, about what was going on in their lives. He always listened and he never shut anybody out. He was always objective, fair and he could size up a person and a situation pretty quickly and accurately.

  Winston waved Aidan to a chair. “What's up?”

  Aidan sat down and said casually, “Kaylee is being discharged from the hospital today.”

  “I...yes. Y-yes, I heard.” Winston wondered briefly why he was stammering. His lion seemed to sit up and take notice at the mere mention of Kaylee's name.

  “None of my brothers are free to drive Ne-ma and Gramma to the hospital. And I'm on duty,” Aidan carried on. His innocent tone told Winston that his intentions weren't so innocent. Aidan and his family were up to something.

  “Can you picture two impatient elderly witches who enjoy muttering spells under their breath, stuck in midday traffic?” Aidan went on ominously. “Someone might get turned into a toad.”

  Winston gave a crooked smile as he rubbed his chin. “I think I remember calls being made to the Station because a large pumpkin was obstructing traffic some time back.”

  “That large pumpkin was Peter's car. He was road-hogging and Ne-ma was in a hurry,” Aidan deadpanned and glanced at his watch. “Your shift ended half an hour ago, right? You've been here all night.”

  Winston pushed back from his desk and logged off his computer. “All right. I'll give Gramma and Ne-ma a lift to the hospital.”

  As he left his office, Winston said over his shoulder, “Don't think I don't know what you're doing.”

  Aidan took a big slurp of his coffee and answered smugly, “I'm just doing my duty, Sheriff. I'm being a helpful police officer!”


  Kaylee looked up as the hospital room door opened and Gramma and Ne-ma rushed in.

  “Oh, I thought we're late,” Ne-ma said breathlessly.

  “Winston had his siren on, so everyone moved out of the way for us,” Gramma chuckled.

  “Winston?” Kaylee stuttered and unconsciously smoothed her hand over her hair. She should have combed her hair and slicked on a coat of lipstick. She looked pale and ungroomed. But she didn't know the Sheriff would be coming to fetch her from the hospital. Why did she feel so pleased and nervous about seeing Winston?

  “Yeah. Winston gave us a lift. He'll drive us all back to the inn. He's waiting downstairs,” Ne-ma said, and linked her arm through Kaylee's. “Let's go home!”

  Kaylee thanked the doctors and nurses who had taken such good care of her during her stay. Some of the doctors were witch doctors, and they had given her a potent healing brew. The potion had kicked her body's healing abilities into high gear and her cells had repaired themselves in double quick time.

  It was pretty amazing and awesome, and Kaylee had a newfound respect for witches and the magical work they did.

  She could walk steadily and her fractures had healed perfectly. Only a few scars and bruises remained, but they didn't bother her. She had even gone over to the other ward to see Lorni Jones. Lorni was badly shaken and her injuries were more serious than Kaylee's. She would be staying with her sister and brother-in-law after she was discharged from the hospital. “I'm afraid he might come back for me,” she'd told Kaylee. “But I don't want to be afraid!”

  “Do you know who he is?”

  Lorni shook her head. “No. I described him to the Sheriff, but I've never seen him before. I think...he was watching me, stalking me. He knew the opening and closing hours of my shop, he knew my habits and whereabouts, he knew that I was alone...oh God! If you hadn't gone after me that night, who knows what...” She couldn't continue, and Kaylee had hugged her for a long while and comforted her. Kaylee didn't want to think about what might have happened to Lorni if she hadn't been driving by at that exact moment.

  Every place, every city and town had its monsters. It was that much scarier if you had to fight them alone.

  But if you had people to fight with you, for you, it made a huge difference. It made all the difference.

  Ne-ma and Gramma had come to see her almost every day at the hospital. They brought homemade soups and stews, and sat and talked to her for hours. They told her all about their grandsons and the tricks the Gray boys played on them. The four Gray brothers were Gramma's grandsons, but Ne-ma had helped her best friend raise the four rambunctious bear cubs after their parents passed away. They were like her grandsons as well, and it was clear that the Gray brothers loved both Gramma and Ne-ma dearly.

  Kaylee liked the Gray family a lot. Tristan and his younger brothers were boisterous and outspoken, and they had asked her point-blank if she had a boyfriend. They were like nosy, busybody big brothers, and when she shook her head, they had all exchanged knowing looks and started singing Winston's praises non-stop. Kaylee had blushed and clamped up. Was her subtle crush on the Sheriff not so subtle?

  She took the lift down with Gramma and Ne-ma, and when the lift door opened, she saw Winston standing there, looking so smart and handsome. She'd never dated a man in uniform before. She had only been with jerks and cheaters. Did she dare hope and dream that her luck would change? Kaylee sighed quietly.

  “I was about to come up and get you,” Winston said, smiling.

  “Oh, we got her.” Gramma grinned.

  “Do we get to ride in your swanky Sheriff's cruiser again?” Ne-ma asked.

  “Of course. But my cruiser is far from swanky.” Winston winked at them.

  Kaylee smiled shyly at Winston as he led them to his car. Gramma wanted to ride shotgun so Ne-ma and Kaylee piled into the back.

  It was just a short drive to Broomstick Inn, and Kaylee gawked at the quaint little inn as she got out of the car. It was really lovely, cozy and well-kept and when she stepped through the front door, she was greeted by the mouth-watering smell of a delicious, home-cooked meal wafting from the dining hall.


  “Alisa's been cooking all morning,” Ne-ma said. “Alisa's the chef at our inn. She wanted to cook something homely and nourishing for you.”

  Before Kaylee could reply, Alisa came bustling out of the kitchen. “You're just in time,” she beamed. “The food's ready!”

  Kaylee stepped into the dining hall and saw steaming bowls of soup, freshly baked bread and mouth-watering pasta sitting on a table. “Dig in!” Alisa said, motioning them to the table.

  “Oh, this...this...” Kaylee stammered, blinking rapidly. “You shouldn't have...”

  Ne-ma stuffed her into a chair and put a spoon in her hand. “Eat, and tell us how you like the food.”

  Kaylee took the hunk of bread from Gramma and dipped it in the soup. She took a big bite and looked up at the expectant, eager faces. “I like it...so much,” Kaylee said with her mouth full. “I love it. You are a great cook, Alisa.”

  “Home cooking.” Alisa smiled. “I love cooking for family! The soup was prepared by Ne-ma though. She was in the kitchen before dawn, slicing and grinding and making sure everything was perfect.”

  Kaylee stood up and hugged Ne-ma, Gramma and Alisa. “Thank you,” she whispered, her eyes misting with tears. “Thank you so much!”

  Ne-ma gestured to the table and clapped. “Come on. Let's all eat! Winston, sit down. I don't want to see any leftovers, understand?”

  The meal was the best. Kaylee had never eaten food that not only filled her stomach, but also filled her heart with so much warmth and love.

  And there were no leftovers.

  Alisa had gone off immediately after they sat down to lunch to relieve Harper of her babysitting duties. Alisa and Harper took turns babysitting the cubs and working at the inn.

  Harper came in just as th
ey finished their meal and mock pouted at them. “You didn't leave any soup for me,” she accused.

  “Of course we did,” Ne-ma answered. “There's more in the kitchen!”


  While Gramma and Ne-ma were sipping their tea, Winston took the tray from Harper and went to put the dirty dishes in the kitchen.

  Kaylee followed Winston into the kitchen and was about to start doing the dishes when Harper stopped her.

  “Go,” Harper said, shooing her away. “Winston's waiting for you.”

  Harper laughed at Kaylee's look of surprise and confusion. “I heard Ne-ma and Gramma asking Winston to show you around town. And you can't get any safer with the Sheriff escorting you around!”

  Right on cue, Ne-ma and Gramma waltzed into the kitchen and chirped excitedly, “Kaylee, would you like to go explore the town with Winston?”


  “Winston knows the town inside out. He knows every nook and cranny. Go drive around, walk around and get to know the town and the people. You...you're staying here, right?” Ne-ma said with a huge smile, but Kaylee caught the slight quiver in her voice.

  Kaylee's heart clenched painfully. She knew that Ne-ma wanted her to stay in Shadow Point. Ne-ma hoped that she would stay here, settle down and put down roots.

  But the decision was hers.

  She could decide to stay. Or she could move—again.

  Kaylee went to take Ne-ma's hands firmly in hers. “Yes. Yes, of course I'm staying in Shadow Point. I'm staying, for good,” Kaylee said.

  Smiling, she added in a clear, strong voice, “I belong here. I have family here!”


  Kaylee nodded and murmured in response as Winston pointed out the sights of Shadow Point to her as he drove. He drove past the library, the post office, the park, rows of shops and eateries and showed her where to get the best cakes and pastries.

  “Baker's Hut,” Winston said, pointing out the small bakery at the corner of the street. “Elle's the owner, so Aidan is always bringing in cakes and cookies to the Station. Our belts are all getting a little tight.” Winston patted his non-existent paunch.

  Kaylee smiled. “Those women are all so capable,” she muttered. “Ne-ma's granddaughters-in-law.”

  Winston slotted the car into a parking lot and studied her for a beat. Kaylee met his intense, quiet gaze and blew out a breath. “I mean, Alisa is a chef, Elle owns a bakery, Suzanne is an accountant and Harper juggles the cubs and helps out at the inn. They're all so accomplished and settled and sure...of their lives.”

  “And?” he prompted.

  “And I'm just her useless, drifting grandniece.”

  Winston quirked a lopsided smile. “I kind of knew you were going to say that.”

  “You agree with me.”

  “No. I don't agree with you at all,” he said emphatically. “But I knew that's what you were thinking.”

  Kaylee looked away and sighed. “After my parents passed away, I just kept floating around. I never stayed in one place, or one job, or one relationship for long.”

  “Hmm. Just like a flower.”

  “What?” Kaylee blinked at him.

  “You. You're like a flower that has been growing safely under the shelter of a big, stable tree,” Winston answered matter-of-factly.

  Kaylee smirked. “You're saying my parents were the big, sheltering tree, and after the tree was gone, I just floated away in the wind.”

  “And the reason you kept floating and flying was because you never had the chance to put down roots and grow into...”

  “A tree!”

  Winston smiled. “If that's what you want to be, then yes, a tree.”

  Kaylee considered his words for a moment. “Ne-ma is a tree,” she said softly. “She has a wonderful family, and so many friends. She runs the inn, and she's very active in the community. She and Gramma have a reading group, a knitting group, and they've recently taken up Pilates. She has so many branches, so many leaves and flowers...”

  “You want her to be proud of you, but she only wants you to be happy,” Winston said.

  Kaylee narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you a psychic?”

  “No. But I am very observant. It's an occupational hazard.” Winston shrugged and got out of the car. “Come on. Let's take a walk.”

  Kaylee followed him down the street, and smiled as Winston greeted families and shopkeepers along the way and introduced her as Ne-ma's grandniece. Everyone seemed to know Ne-ma and Gramma, and Winston seemed to know everybody.

  As she listened to his easy banter and conversations with the residents of Shadow Point, Kaylee saw that Winston Knight was indeed very astute and observant, and she suspected he had a photographic memory. He could remember faces, names, obscure street names and places, major and minor events. He could even tell Mrs Prakash what she wore to last year's Sheriff's Charity Ball. He was a very good Sheriff, approachable, sharp and genuinely concerned about the residents.

  Winston had earned the respect and affection of the town. He protected the town, maintained law and order, and kept the community safe. Shadow Point was a better place because of him. The man made a difference to people's lives, yet remained humble and unassuming.

  “You're a good Sheriff,” Kaylee said, as they headed towards a small pub.

  “I do my job,” Winston said simply. “It's a small town. Everyone does their part.”

  “Ah...” Kaylee swallowed and chewed her lip. She fidgeted a little and finally blurted out, “I would like to do my part too. I want to live and work here, build a life and a future here. Can you...help me find a job, Winston?”


  Winston turned and stared at her for a beat. “I...I would like to find a job here. And...you know, do my part,” she stammered.

  A smile spread across his face. It was a boyish, winsome, heart-stopping smile and it made Kaylee's breath catch and her heart stutter.

  Joy and pride lit up his amber eyes, and she suddenly realized how good it felt to make someone happy and proud. She had to be honest with herself. She really liked and admired Winston. She didn't want to drift anymore. She wanted to be more like him, grounded and stable and secure.

  There was a simmering, sizzling attraction between them, but it was more than that. Winston was smart, kind and caring, and he was hot. Tall and broad, with dark wavy hair and intelligent amber eyes. She saw heat and passion in his piercing eyes, but she also saw humor and promise. He saw her, truly saw her and saw what she needed and yearned for. He wanted to help her, but he wasn't looking for anything in return. He wasn't at all like any of the guys she'd been with. Those guys always looked out for themselves first. They were domineering, selfish and insecure.

  Winston was a true alpha male, she realized. He was strong and confident, not pushy and arrogant, and he looked out for others. He was a protector, and he didn't need to make others feel small in order to feel big and important.

  “Come.” He took her hand and she blushed. Did he notice that she was ogling him? Of course he did. He noticed everything.

  But Winston didn't smirk or laugh at her. Instead, he tugged her excitedly down the street.

  “Where are we going?”

  “The Round Table!”

  Kaylee spluttered, “As in...King Arthur?”

  Winston chuckled and said mysteriously, “Well...you will get to meet a Knight of The Round Table. I'm not kidding.”

  Winston hurried her across the street and into a small, busy lane. He stopped outside a pub and announced, “Here we are.”

  Kaylee looked up at the signage and laughed. “Ah, I see. The Round Table.”

  They entered the small, noisy pub and Kaylee looked around in wonder. The pub was cleverly done up like a medieval castle, and there were swords, flags and even a full-sized knight's armor on display.

  It was Happy Hour at The Round Table, and the place was buzzing with lively chatter and raucou
s laughter.

  The bartender looked up and raised a brow when they approached the counter.

  “Gareth, this is Kaylee,” Winston said, sliding onto a stool. “She's Ne-ma’s grandniece.”

  “A Knight of The Round Table at your service, m'lady,” Gareth bowed.

  Winston rolled his eyes. “This is my younger brother, Gareth.”

  Kaylee chuckled. “A Knight...Gareth Knight. Yes, indeed. I am pleased to meet you, Sir Gareth.”

  Gareth's amber eyes darted from Kaylee to Winston and he gave his big brother a knowing smirk. He leaned in to say something in Winston's ear and guffawed when Winston punched him in the arm. Kaylee stared at the two brothers. They had the same warm amber eyes and were tall and tanned, but Gareth was leaner and had light brown hair.

  “Kaylee's looking for a job.” Winston scowled at his brother when Gareth continued laughing and winking at him. “The position still open?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I'm looking for a barmaid.” Gareth cocked his head at Kaylee. “Take a look around. This pub is small, but it can get really busy and crazy.”

  Kaylee swiveled on her stool and took a quick look at the crowd. It wasn't a rough crowd. She had worked in rougher, sleazier bars than this.

  “You have a great place,” she said.

  Gareth nodded. “Can you pour drinks? Wipe down tables? Mop up spills quickly and fend off drunken customers?”

  “I can do that. I've worked in a bar before.”

  Gareth raised a brow and glanced at his brother. “When can you start, Kaylee?”

  “Right now.”

  “Great!” Gareth grinned and pushed a tray of drinks towards her. “You're hired. Now get this over to those four cackling witches at the corner table!”


  Kaylee was clearing a table when Olivia came and took the tray from her. “I'll get this,” the petite vampire said and pulled a face. “Shit! I hate it when my gum gets stuck on my fang!” Olivia worked part-time at the bar, and came in only after dark. She was a pretty, busty, young vamp who favored blood-red lipstick and dark eyeshadow.


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