Found by Love

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Found by Love Page 30

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "Yes. Whatever you want to do to me, I'm ready."

  "Aww Sweetheart. That's exactly what I wanted to hear." He reached over and pulled something into his hands and I recognized them immediately. He had a few of my silk scarves that I had brought from the house. "I promise these won't hurt at all baby. Trust me." I winced at the scarves but I knew if I didn't play along with his little game this could be it for us and I wasn't about to take that chance.

  "I trust you and I'll never doubt it again." I gulped and he looked into my eyes seductively and right then and there I didn't care what his game was going to be because I was ready for whatever he had planned.

  "Are you sure? I'm not complaining about our sex life so far because I must say... It's been exemplary but I want to go a bit further if you are willing."

  "What do you mean by…. further?'" He shook his head and leaned back with the scarves in his lap.

  "Maybe this wasn't a good idea Cru. If you're going to ask me a bunch of questions then maybe you're not ready. This is a game that I would like to call… Trust. Do you think I have any intentions of hurting you? Please answer only yes or no and don't ask me another question to my question." It only took me a second to answer.

  "No." I couldn't stop at just no though. "I can't imagine you hurting anyone. Well... Unless someone is hurting me or someone you love. Like Roger tried to hurt Grayson. Hey. You never did tell me what you went to jail for before. Remember? When you got arrested? You said it wasn't the first time you've ever been to jail." He sighed at me and raised his leg up and leaned his head to rest on his knee as he shook his head.

  "I lied. I knew you were worried about me going to jail and I didn't want you feeling bad that the first time I went to jail had anything to do with you so I lied to make you feel better." He pulled three scarves out and started tying 2 of them on each leg of the table. "I need to tame you is what I need to do. You're like a lioness in the wild that refuses to let anyone help her protect her cub."

  "You lied to me?" He clicked his tongue at me while he shook his head.

  "Yes I did. I lied to protect your feelings. You lied to hurt mine when you were thankful that you weren't pregnant. Which lie was worse do you think?" Dammit! He got me there.

  "But a lie is a lie." He cocked his eyes at me.

  "Even if it's out of protection for someone's feelings? Protection to keep someone from thinking they should end a relationship because of the chaos in their life? Were you not thinking that you should end it with me in that moment that I was getting arrested?"

  "Yes. You knew that's what I was thinking."

  "Which was why I lied to you, to not make you feel bad and not do something stupid. That's what someone does when they love someone. Was I going to end up telling you the truth? Yes, but only when I knew you could handle the truth and not run from me like your mind was telling you to. Are you ready to talk about your lie?" No! That's the last thing I want to talk about because I know that I hurt him too bad. I shook my head slowly. "Why? Because it's too fresh on our minds? Because you're afraid that I'm going to tell you that the last thing I want right now is a baby? Because you would be right. We aren't ready for a baby if we can't deal with what's here and now and that is that you don't trust me. You don't trust me to love you unconditionally and you don't trust me to love Grayson as if he were my own flesh and blood. Do you love Eden and Gideon as if they were your own flesh and blood?" What? Why would he ask me that? I love them more than life itself.

  "Of course I do! Why would you think I didn't?"

  "That's my point Cru! Are you the only one that can love someone? Blood or no blood? Is blood thicker than water with you? Because if that is the case then Grayson is the only person in the world that shares your blood." He's not telling me anything I didn't know but the way that he's saying it has me really thinking.

  "Do you have a point to all of this?" I raised my hands up or shall I say I tried to raise my hands up as each wrist had a scarf around them tied to each leg of the table. I could maneuver them more than I could with the string but there was no touching my face if I wanted to. Here I am, once again, tied up to the table. I knew he was going to tie me up but I was so distracted by the conversation that I wasn't paying attention to what he was doing.

  "Yes. My point is that you have over a dozen people that love you almost as much as I do but you continue to second guess them. You don't seem to trust any of them and especially me. So, I'm going to have some fun with you to see how much you really trust me with your heart and especially that sexy beautiful body of yours. I promise I'm not going to hurt you but give you the most intense pleasure you've ever experienced in your whole entire life. And then we will see how much you trust me. Close your eyes so that I can blindfold you. Please." I looked at him petrified at the word blindfold but the intense pleasure comment didn't leave my thoughts and had me interested in what he was about to do to me so I closed my eyes and let him put the scarf around my head to cover my eyes. "Are you ready my love?"


  "Yes what?"

  A thought popped into my head. "Wait a minute. This isn't when you decide to tell me that you're into bondage and want me to be all submissive to you and all that are you?" I waited a few seconds for his reply and the idea didn't scare me as bad as it I thought it would. He chuckled though and I grinned.

  "No Cru. I just want to be in control for once and really pleasure you. I promise I don't have any whips on me." I heard and felt him move away and then come back closer to me. "Tonight that is. I might have a paddle to spank you with for being naughty earlier though. From now on when I ask you a question you reply back to me 'Yes Nerd Boy' okay?" He started touching me with something foreign to me but it felt so good and was making my body burn with lust. He whispered in my ear. "I love the way you say it and it makes me go hard." I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and answered as seductively as I could answer.

  "Yes Nerd Boy." He moaned in my ear and I started feeling a light brush of something between my inner thigh that was getting me wet and I tried to squeeze my thighs together but he wouldn't let me.

  "If you do that again I'm going to tie your feet up as well." He growled at me in such a way that I was getting turned on even more. "You like that don't you?" Oh do I! Whatever he's touching me with has me shivering all over. I know it's not his finger but it's very light and soft and arousing. I feel the softness go from my inner thigh up around my hair line and down the other thigh and I refrain from squeezing my legs to just enjoy the feelings that are taking over my body.

  He continued to caress me with what I'm beginning to think could be a feather up my stomach and around my nipples. I breathe in when I feel him start rubbing between my legs gently with his finger. He stopped at my swollen nub and started rubbing gently in a circular motion and I'm already about to lose it I'm that close to coming. I feel his hot breathe at my breast.

  "Baby don't come until I say you can. We're gonna come together but I'm going to torture you first. Okay baby?"

  "Mmmhhmm." I couldn't do anything but moan at the tingling going on in my body. I feel myself getting closer and closer to that wonderful crescendo as he stopped. Now I see what he meant by torture because I was so close to that high and he immediately took it away. I raise my hands up and tuck my legs up to try to keep my mind off of how close he was taking me. "That was pretty mean ya know that? Uuugh!!" I felt him shuffling around his little collection of toys and he is on my neck with his warm breath.

  "Oh baby. I know it was mean but I promise you're gonna forgive me. It'll all be worth it. I think you'll like this next round. Here, let me give you a little hint." Coldness exploded in my mouth as he kissed me and I drank from him as I moaned. It was killing me to not be able to touch him while he had his hands all over me caressing every inch of my body. As our kiss lingered on and on I pulled my legs up and pushed my hips into his realizing that he was naked and he had stripped away his pajama pants finally and I about come undone.
r />   "Please." I moaned against his lips. "Please Nerd Boy! I want you inside of me right now." He pulled away from our kiss and started nibbling behind my ear and I groaned and felt skin at my mouth and started running my teeth over his collar bone as he started moaning into my ear.

  "Oh baby.... Do I make you feel as good as you make me feel?" He hunched himself between my legs and I could feel how aroused he was but he still wouldn't give me any relief and enter me. I bit into his skin hard enough to cause a little bit of pain but pleasure as well and he groaned and kissed me again but this time more possessively. I started sucking on his tongue to keep him there and started maneuvering my body just right for him to not have anywhere to go but inside me. He pulled away from me and chuckled.

  "Oh no you don't sweetheart. It's time for your punishment because you never answered me." He rolled my hips over and started caressing my ass gently as first and started kneading each cheek with his hand slow and gentle at first and then deep and hard.

  "Yes Nerd Boy." I am thoroughly enjoying my punishment. I was not expecting to be as aroused as I am. Every nerve in my body is burning with fire and we haven't even got to the fireworks yet.

  "Do you even remember what the question was?"

  "Uh...." Slap! He spanked me hard and I jumped. He started rubbing where he spanked me at and I couldn't feel the sting anymore. ” Oh please do that again!" What has come over me? I'm about to get off on a spanking? A couple more of those and I won't need him to finish me off.

  "I knew you'd like that." He has ice again in his mouth and he's slowly torturing me with it while he’s sliding it up my stomach with his tongue, taking his time at each breast. I tried grinding against him again but he has me turned sideways while steadily holding onto my hip. "You ready baby?" I nodded my head at him and SPANK! I start falling apart and I'm so close to going alone if he doesn't do something. "Come for me now Cruella.

  "Oooohhhhh." He parted my legs and entered me roughly as I yelled out his name. "Nerd Boy!" My blindfold is pulled down and I looked into his beautiful smoldering eyes that are so full of love for me. We both start crying as we come at the same time while screaming each other's names while tears fell down our cheeks. He pulled at my scarves and loosened them so I could wrap my arms around his neck as we came down from the most intense lovemaking of our lives. We both lay there for what felt like forever and he rose up, still inside me with no intention of going anywhere.

  "You've ruined me ya know that? I had so much more planned to torture and tease you with but I couldn't do it. I couldn't help but take the pain away." He leaned down and kissed me and I barely kissed him back I was so sated. "Are you alright? Your eyes seem to be a little glazed over." I tried to move but I couldn't because I have never felt so fulfilled in my life. I clear my throat and try to raise my head.

  "I don't have a coherent thought in my head right now." I felt him twitch inside me letting me know that he was ready to go again and I moaned with pleasure.

  "Well evidently you do." He started pumping slowly and I could feel myself heading towards the edge of cliff again at full speed. "Maybe we shouldn't stop until we completely clear your mind.... of everything Cru." I never answered him. I pulled my legs up over his waist to pull him in to go faster and he complied.


  I woke up the next morning with Caleb's arms and legs draped across me in our bed. I was so spent from our love making session that I could barely stand up and he carried me to our room where we did it again. I looked at the alarm clock and realized that we only managed to get in two hours of sleep. I was surprised that I didn't care and felt as refreshed as I did.

  I felt his eyes on me and looked over and he was grinning from ear to ear. He stretched out and moaned a little as he stretched and put his arms out for me as I gladly rolled into his embrace.

  "Good morning gorgeous. I guess a few hours are all the beauty sleep you need. You look rather ravishing this morning." I beamed at him because he looked rather ravishing as well.

  "I feel amazing this morning and it's all because of you. I feel like a whole different person. I feel so-"

  "Loved, wanted, needed and cherished maybe and might I add... Tamed?"

  "Oh hush. You took the words right out of my mouth until you said tamed." He laughed and reached under the sheet with his hand to rub my bare butt seductively which had me squeezing my thighs at the remembrance of the spankings. "Alright. Tamed! I'll agree with you on that." He pulled his hand out and grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down for a kiss.

  "Haha. I figured you'd change your mind baby. I feel like we got closer last night. Or shall I say this morning." He was shocked by the time on the clock. "Wow! We came to bed two hours ago? I feel like I got a full night’s rest."

  "I know. It's kind of cool getting things off your chest huh."

  "Yes and I think it was nice to have a few hours to ourselves to work on us. Bottling things up isn't ever going to get us anywhere Cru. You do realize that don't you?"

  "Yes I do." I grazed my teeth up his chin and pulled in one of his lips with mine. "Nerd Boy." He pulled me on top of him to straddle him and I felt immediately what his intentions were.

  "Oh woman! I don't want to leave the room today. Do you think Carmen will bring us dinner if we call her up?" I slapped at him and laughed.

  "Over her dead body! I'm sorry baby but I have to jump into the shower. We're taking Grayson and Mattie to town today to show them around. Remember?"

  "Oh yeah. I forgot because you tend to do that to me and make me forget what in the hell is going on." He got up and headed to his dresser. "I know the timing might suck but I want to give you something. I don't want to do it in front of everyone else after what we went through last night. I want it to be just you and me."

  He opened his drawer and moved things around and looked at me and then back into his dresser. I knew immediately what he was looking for and holy shit! What did I do with it? My robe! It's in the pocket of my robe! I look around for it and realize that I left it in the theatre room.

  "Hey. You hold on to that thought and I'll be right back." I headed towards the door as he mumbled something at my back. I never turned around and ran straight to the theatre room.

  When I got into the room I noticed the movie was still paused. Hmmm. Should I stop it or just leave it alone. I accidentally push play and I jumped because I didn't realize how loud Caleb had the movie on. I push mute and then stop the movie.

  Focus Claudia! Focus! You're here for the ring! I look around for my robe and notice an array of kitchen utensils on the floor and a bowl of water with a feather next to it. That's what he was running up and down my body. Oh I loved that! And there's a... spatula and a wooden spoon. What in the hell was he planning on doing with those? Oh... Oh... Oh my! Okay, okay… the ring.

  I spot my robe under the table and I get down on all fours to get it out from the middle of the table and I hear someone coming into the room. Damn! Caleb figured out what I was up to. He knows that I must have found the ring. Damn! Why didn't I leave the movie alone?!

  "Liv? What are you doing under there? I thought you were going to make a bottle for the twins so I could feed them for you?" That's not Caleb. It's Cash! "Oh baby... that is my favorite position ya know." I feel a spank on my ass and I'm so shocked I bumped my head on the table as I tried to rise up.

  "What in the hell Cash?" I crawl out and he's as flustered as I am. I don't believe I've ever seen his face any redder. He backed up as far away from me as he could and turned his face away.

  "Oh my God Claud! Holy shit! I thought you were Olivia! What are you doing in here so early? Were you watching a movie? Oh my God! I just spanked your ass!" I went to answer him and tell him it was alright but I heard Olivia behind him.

  "You did WHAT? And why did you spank HER ass in the first place?" Oh shit! Shit just got real. I know that tone and that's not Olivia's nice tone at all.

  "It's just a misunderstanding O. I think he thought
I was you when he did it. I was under the table looking for something and... Well. That was when it happened so he had no clue that it was me."

  "No clue? Well hmmm... let's see. Turn around Claudia." I looked at her and started to laugh but oh man she was serious.

  "What were you looking for Cru?" Crap! I'm busted! I knew Caleb would come straight in here.

  "Not now Caleb. I'm proving a point to my husband at the moment." Oh damn! This is not going to bode very well for Cash. Not at all! I shrug my shoulders at him and give him the most apologetic look I could muster and turned around like I was ordered to.

  "Okay you guys. What's going on? Olivia? Why are you fuming and Cash? Why do you look like you just walked over hot coals? You're sweating dude!"

  "Because he just SPANKED Claudia's ass thinking that it was MINE, that's why!" I looked over my shoulder at Caleb and at first he seemed jealous and mad but then he put his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. I could see it in his eyes that he was holding it in and I had to turn around to keep from laughing myself.

  "Olivia? Why am I turned around? It was an honest mistake. By the way..." I turned around and looked at her coyly. "I now know that I'm not the only woman that likes to get spanked from time to time."

  "Claud! Not now! I'm trying to prove a point!" She stood shoulder to shoulder with me and turned her head around and pointed at her ass and then mine. "Now can you tell the difference?! Hers is quite a bit smaller than mine THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I would think you KNEW that by NOW!"

  "Liv... Sweetheart. It never crossed my mind that Claudia would be in here. I knew you headed down stairs to get some bottles and the twins fell back to sleep so I was going to help you and tell you to take your time. When I reached the stairway I heard the sound of a movie so I thought you came in here." He shrugged his shoulders and continued. "When I heard Claudia's voice and her head hit the table I knew it wasn't you. If you do recall it's quite dark in here because the movie screen doesn't give off that much light in the room." Olivia looked around the room and realized that he was right and then she looked down onto the floor next to the table.


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