BROKEN: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (Satan's Wings MC)

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BROKEN: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (Satan's Wings MC) Page 54

by West, Naomi

  After cleaning up dinner and getting Ian bathed and in bed, Sara came back downstairs. She had so much to discuss with Saxton, and it had been difficult to wait all evening to get him alone so they could talk. Now that the moment was here, she felt a bit hesitant.

  Sara walked downstairs and sat beside Saxton on the sofa. He was still watching TV. Some program about motorcycles. She didn’t want to interrupt, so she sat quietly, watching with him, waiting. When the show ended, he turned off the TV and moved so he was facing her.

  “What do you know about what happened today?” he asked.

  “Not much. I was hoping you knew something.”


  He didn’t offer any more information, so she continued. “Earlier today when I was working, I saw that guy who attacked me come in. He was at one of my tables. He was very quiet and creepy, then he started asking me all sorts of questions. I talked to—”

  “What questions?”

  “About where I worked, how may kids I had, what time I was done.”

  Saxton narrowed his eyes. “Okay.”

  “So, I talked to my manager about him, but there was nothing he could do really. I tried to get one of the guys to walk me to my car because I was afraid to go out there alone, but they were busy and I was already running late to get Ian, so I had to risk it. I tried to be careful. I was looking around, but I just didn’t see him until it was too late.”

  “So, you got a real good look at the guy?”

  She nodded. “And he’ll be on camera in the restaurant.”

  “You didn’t see his credit card or any identifying information?”

  “He didn’t even wait for a bill. He ordered a coffee, asked me those questions, then left a $5 on the table.”

  “Did you notice any sort of patch or other marking on him that could be gang related?”

  She thought back to what he wore. It was simple and basic. Nothing to make it stand out from every day clothing from a discount store.

  “Nothing. He was just wearing a plain t-shirt and jeans.”

  “And you have no idea why he might have attacked you?”

  “No.” She had assumed it was somewhat random. That this guy showed up and took a liking to her for whatever reason. But the way Saxton asked these questions and the look in his eye made her think that there could be more to this. “Do you?”

  “I have some thoughts.”

  “Like? And how were you even there, anyway? I’m grateful you were, don’t get me wrong. But it was a little strange that you showed up just at the right time to save me.”

  “It was. That part was a lucky coincidence. I was out driving around and I thought it might be nice to pick you up from work. I pulled in and saw that guy come up to you.”

  Sara pulled her eyebrows together. “So you’re saying it was just a coincidence that you were there?”


  “That’s hard to believe.”

  Saxton’s gaze lit with anger. “What does that mean?”

  Sara shifted on the sofa, crossing her arms and sliding a little away from him. “I don’t know, Saxton. I don’t know what you’re into. But just last week, you were stabbed in an attack and then today, some guy shows up, trying to kidnap me, just as you happen to be there?”

  “You’re saying I’m in on it somehow?”

  “What? No!” She let out a long sigh. “I’m saying maybe the guys who were after you are coming after me because of you. Maybe they thought they’d get there before you could or they wanted you to watch or something. I don’t know, Saxton. Who were the guys who stabbed you?”

  “Gang members. I was asking too many questions.”

  “And you don’t think maybe they want to finish what they started? To keep you from asking any more questions?”

  “Maybe.” He seemed to be calming down. His posture relaxed and he stroked his beard. “If they’ve been watching me, they certainly saw you coming and going from this house many times. But it doesn’t make much sense. They stabbed me, and I haven’t done anything else to provoke them. Yet.”


  “I have to keep searching for Liam’s killer. And if those guys want to protect the Cruel Crows, but they’re the ones who killed him, then I’ll have a lot more searching and asking to do. I’m not going to stop until I find who did it.”

  “Even if it means they kill you?” She dropped her voice to a softer volume. “And even if they come after me again?” She had no right to make him stop his search for her sake. She was nothing to him, really. And he had no commitment to her. But she liked to think he was a decent enough guy that he wouldn’t endanger her and her son for the sake of hunting a murderer. No matter who had been killed.

  He gave her a long stare. “I never had to worry about anyone else being at risk before. I can protect you.”

  “So you won’t stop, even if it puts me and Ian in danger?”

  “I don’t know for sure that you are in danger. It might not be related.”

  “But you’d risk it.”

  He let out a breath and put his head in his hands. Finally, after a long silence, he muttered, “No.”

  The relief in her chest was small. He clearly didn’t want to give up his search. Even if he was saying now he didn’t want to risk her, how long would that last? And what exactly would that mean? He’d just walk around as her bodyguard until they thought she was safe? Then would he return to his search?

  He sat up and looked in her eyes again. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to having anyone but myself to worry about. It’s all new to me. And this is why I don’t get into relationships. I don’t want to have to worry about someone like that. But, I guess it’s too late.” He moved closer to her and put his hand on her cheek. “I don’t want you to be afraid or having to watch over your back all the time. I will do whatever I can to protect you and keep you and Ian safe. I do want to find out who attacked you and why. That will help me keep you safe. Liam’s killer… He’s already been out on the streets for more than six months. If I have to wait another six months or longer to find him, if that’s how long it takes until I know you’re safe, then that’s what I’ll do.”

  Sara bit her lower lip. Her eyes threatened to fill with tears at his proclamation. The feeling of warmness in her chest that too often came when she thought of him, flared hot. It spread through her, making her lean toward him.

  “Saxton? Are you saying you actually care about me?” He had all but said he thought they were in a relationship. What sort of relationship, she didn’t know, but this was something.

  He dropped his head, but kept his hand on her cheek. “Yes. Despite trying my best to avoid it, I do care.”

  She leaned forward and kissed his forehead. He raised his eyes and met hers, then pressed his lips to hers in a hard kiss.

  Their kissing heated quickly, moving from just lips slipping over each other, to tongue and playful biting of lips. Her whole body thrummed with desire for him. When she thought of their last night together, her insides churned in flame and she felt herself dampen.

  He leaned forward so that he was over her on the couch. “What is it about you that drives me so crazy?” he breathed in her ear.

  She ran her hands along his back, squeezing his tight ass through his jeans. He nearly devoured her with his kisses along her throat and neck and to her ears, tugging on her earlobe with his teeth.

  “You drive me just as crazy,” she said.

  He moaned and reached under her shirt to caress her breasts. Her nipples were already hard and every time he passed over them with his thumb, she felt a shiver of pleasure through her body.

  She reached down to pull her shirt over her head. With her breasts bare, he moved his mouth down to kiss and suck them. He made his way lower and unzipped her pants. He tugged them down and off, letting them hit the floor and land in a pile.

  He pushed her legs apart and separated her lower lips. Then he flicked and sucked her clit, making her moan with each touch. He sli
d a finger inside her and moved it in and out fast while he continued to flick his tongue over her.

  The swell built and she came all over his hand. He licked her juices from his fingers and came back to kiss up her stomach to her neck and return to her mouth.

  She reached down to grip his erection. He moaned, but she wasn’t going to take any time to stroke him. She positioned him at her opening and he didn’t hesitate to push inside her.

  He shoved in deep, then paused, letting the sensation wash over them.

  “I’m feeling much better this time,” he said with a playful grin. “I can give you a proper fucking.”

  He lifted her leg to thrust into her deeper. His rhythm was fast and hard and it didn’t take long before she felt her self getting close again. Then he suddenly pulled out of her. She glanced down to see if he had come.

  Instead, he had a mischievous grin on his face. “Turn over.”

  She did as he asked and got on all fours in front of him. He pushed inside her again and reached up to grab a handful of her hair. He pulled back gently, but slammed into her hard. Every time her ass slapped against him, a tingle of pleasure ran through her entire body.

  He moved his other hand around to circle her clit. He pounded her even harder and faster, matching the speed of his thrusts to the rubbing of her clit. Her head spun with the intense feeling of it and she came hard. She cried out more loudly than she intended. His hand dropped from her clit and her hair so that he could grab her hips. He slammed her against him as he thrust forward and then he cried out, too, as he finished.

  He held her hips in place for a moment. She felt his pulse throbbing in his still-hard dick from inside her. After his breathing slowed a little, he pulled back to slide out of her, and she collapsed to the couch. She didn’t think she could ever move again.

  He kissed along her back and caressed her ass. Then he lay beside her and pulled her close so that they both were on their sides on the narrow sofa. They continued to breathe heavily and enjoy the lingering sensation of pleasure.

  Sara awoke some time later, naked on the couch. Her back was warm from Saxton’s heat, where he still lay behind her, holding her tight. But her front, exposed to the living room, was chilled. She needed to get upstairs to Ian.

  She carefully slid out from under Saxton’s arm and dressed. He lay on his side, sleeping peacefully, the bandage barely visible on his abdomen. He looked so perfect like that. She wanted to take a picture to keep this image of him forever. Her naked lover, now her defender and protector.

  Was that all he was to her? She thought maybe he was becoming more. All the effort she put into fighting those feelings kept being outweighed by the things he did and said. And tonight he’d hinted that he had feelings for her, too. Made it sound like they were already involved. Both of them were clearly hesitant about a serious relationship. He was likely the type who could keep sleeping with someone and not expect any sort of commitment, but she couldn’t do that.

  They couldn’t go on like this. They’d either have to become something much more, or she’d have to cut ties completely. Though her heart and head took her in two different directions, she still hadn’t decided fully which side she would let win.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next day, Sara got up and got her and Ian ready as always. But when it came time to drop him off at school and then head to work, she felt frozen. She stood in the foyer, looking at the interior garage door, unable to move closer to it.

  “Come on, Mommy.” Ian tugged at her hand, but she pulled it back, out of his grasp.

  Saxton had been in the kitchen, drinking coffee and reading the paper. Now, he looked up and watched her. She met his eyes and swallowed hard.

  “Want me to go with you?” he asked.

  She nodded slowly, feeling her cheeks warm in embarrassment. He set down his coffee mug and walked over to her. He took the keys from her hand and opened the door. Ian ran over to the car. Saxton held out his hand, and Sara was finally able to move forward.

  He stopped her as she walked near him and pulled her into a hug.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be.”

  “I just keep thinking how he came out of nowhere.”

  “Do you have anything for protection? Pepper spray? Something?”

  She shook her head. “I keep my gun in my bedside table. Maybe I should go home to get it.”

  “Stay here.”

  He went back into the house and she heard his footfall on the staircase, then again as he came back down. He turned her hand and placed a small handgun in it.

  “You know how to use this, right?” he asked. “You’ve gone to a shooting range or something and actually learned how to shoot?”

  “Yes. My brother taught me. I can throw knives, too.”

  “Well, let’s just stick to firearms for now.”

  “There’s no safety on this?” She looked at the gun more carefully. It was a little different than her revolver.

  He took it from her and showed her how the slide at the top loaded the bullet. Then, he emptied the chamber and gave it back to her.

  “Does that make you feel better?” he asked.

  “A little.” She tucked the gun into her pocket, and its weight did give her some comfort.

  “Let’s go.”

  Sara got into the passenger seat and let Saxton drive her car. They dropped Ian off, then headed to the restaurant for her morning shift. Seeing the parking lot again where she’d been attacked made her break into a sweat.

  “If you see him again, call me,” Saxton said. “Or anyone else who looks shady or worries you. Do not walk outside alone. I will come back to pick you up and I’ll come in to get you, okay?”

  She nodded and swallowed hard.

  “I’ll keep my phone on me all day. And while you’re working, I’ll try to find out who attacked you and why.”

  “Be careful.”

  “You too.”

  She leaned over to kiss him before getting out of the car.

  Sara’s shift did not go well. It seemed to drag on for hours longer than normal and many times, she made mistakes. Her mind was scrambled and she kept her gaze pinned on the door, waiting for Mr. Creepy or someone like him to walk in. More than once, she put in the wrong order, forgot a customization, and once, she let a table sit for over ten minutes waiting for their drink refills. Her service was reflected in her tips, and that made her stress out even more.

  Mid-way through her shift, she looked up and saw a man walk through the door. Like every other time, her eyes went to his face to make a quick assessment. But this time, when her gaze skimmed over the dark eyes and hair, her heart leapt in joy instead of dread.

  “What are you doing here? I’m not finished for another two hours,” she said.

  Saxton shrugged and glanced around. “I thought I’d get lunch. Check the place out. See what’s going on.”

  A smile stretched across her face. “I’m glad you’re here.” Her whole body relaxed in one breath. She felt instantly safe.

  The hostess looked from Sara to Saxton. “Do you want me to seat him in your section?”

  “Please,” Sara said. Then to Saxton, “I’ll be right over.”

  She went to check on two of her tables, then hurried over to table six, where Saxton had been seated.

  “What can I get you?” she asked.

  “What’s been going on? Anything new happening?”

  “No. I’ve been watching the door. I haven’t seen that guy or anyone that seemed shady.”

  “Good. You haven’t overheard anything? Gotten any strange calls on your phone?”

  Sara took her phone from her pocket to check it. She normally couldn’t do that in front of customers, but this was a little different. There were no new calls or texts. “Nothing.”

  “Good. I might have gotten some new info today. Not sure yet where it’s going to lead.”

  “Okay… And this isn’t going to lead to another stabbi

  “I hope not.”

  Sara’s eyes went wide.

  “I’m not bleeding at the moment or anything.” He winked.

  “Okay… I guess that’s good. So long as nothing happens later.”

  “I’m not worried.”

  “Good. Are you going to eat anything?”


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