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Mended Page 1

by J. L. Drake


  Broken Trilogy, Book Three

  J.L. Drake


  Copyright © 2015 by J.L. Drake.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: June 2015

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-153-9

  ISBN-10: 1-68058-153-8

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.



  Our journey in life will test us,

  mold us, and define us.

  We’ve been broken and shattered,

  but now we are mended.

  Now is the time to live.

  Now is the time for happily ever after.


  Baby Olivia,

  Run for two, love for two, live for two.

  ~ Aunt Jodi

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  They say time heals all wounds, but they fail to mention it’s a bitch of a journey.

  I’m twenty-nine years old and feel I haven’t really lived yet. My life up to now has been filled with lies, loss, death, betrayal, and heartache. After several months of hell, I’m finally over the worst of it, and now I’m starting to mend, slowly pulling my life together and picking up the pieces.

  It’s time to live…my way…

  Chapter One


  I close the door behind Keith, lock the two deadbolts, chain, and latch, and breathe a sigh of relief. Keith installed them all the night I arrived, while I pretended to act like I was fine without them. Not true. He spoke with the man at the front desk about keeping an eye on me, and also put sensors on all my windows…I live on the fifth floor.

  After I grab a quick bite to eat, I head over to the mirror, checking my outfit and smoothing my hands over my hair. I can do this. I pick up my keys after a little mental pep talk and head out, pushing myself to move forward. The painfully slow elevator calls me, but I opt for the stairs instead. It’s been a week since I left the safe house and moved here, a week since I’ve seen Cole. Keith keeps finding odd jobs around my one-bedroom apartment that he can only do during the night, since he has to work through the day. I know he’s nervous to leave me alone, and frankly, I like having him on my couch. Of course I keep telling him to leave and stop babying me, but that’s just another lie I add to the already long list.

  Secretly, I’m worried my friends back at the safe house are growing tired of me, so I’m trying to act as independent as possible. That why I’m walking three blocks to Zack’s restaurant, knowing that Keith is sitting in the coffee shop across the street, watching me to make sure I get there all right. I smile to myself and pull out my sunglasses. Who knew scary old Keith would end up being a protective older brother?

  I grin, thinking about the other day.

  My apartment is quiet, something I don’t enjoy anymore. Melanie is out with friends and wanted me to join them, but all I want to do is watch old reruns of Lie to Me. Maybe I’ll learn something. Resting my glass of wine on my leg, I pull the covers over me more. It’s cold, and I’m too stubborn to turn up the heat. I don’t want my electric bill to be too much. Daniel is trying to pay my bills, but I’m determined not to have that happen. I’ll be making enough when I start my new job in a few days. I don’t need much.

  I’m not sure what time it is when a light knocking wakes me. Oh, wow, I must have dozed off. I pull my lazy ass off the couch and trudge to the door, looking through the peephole to find Keith staring back at me.

  After I unlock all five locks, I open the door. He is holding a plastic bag.

  “I got you a fish.”


  He holds up the bag, showing me a purple rainbow fish staring back at me through the plastic.



  I hate fish.

  He smiles, seeing my discomfort. “’Cause you’re lonely and could use someone you can’t push away.” He steps past me, but turns when I go to close the door. “Wait.”

  “I don’t push people away.” I fold my arms as I look down the hallway and wonder who else is coming.

  “Right.” He chuckles as he runs water into a glass bowl he took from another bag. “You’d be surprised how attached you can become to Aloof, here.”

  I shake my head. “Aloof?”

  He nods as he slips the fish into its new home. “Seems suitable for how you’ve been lately.”

  I close my eyes, feeling his words hit me like a blow to the gut. “I’m sorry, Keith. I’m not trying to push anyone anyway. Especially not you. I-I…don’t know what I am.”

  He sits the bowl on my counter, rubbing his finger along the glass and getting the fish’s attention.

  “I know things have been rough lately. Just don’t shut us all out.” I nod miserably. The cookies are on top of the fridge. I reach up and grab them and sit them in front of him.


  “I was never mad at you. I just miss the old Savannah sometimes.” He takes my hand and drags me into a side hug, while he snags two cookies at once. “Do you need anything?”

  I shrug, knowing he needs this. “Actually, the tap in the bathroom has been dripping.”

  His face lights up. “I’ll go get my tools.”

  “Wait, Keith, who is comin—”

  “Why does your elevator take nine years to get to the fifth floor?” June jokes, setting a large box on my kitchen table. I nearly jump into her arms. I’m so thankful to see family here in my own place.

  June nods at Abigail, who is holding a bag full of homemade food.

  “Thought you might like something different to eat.” She opens my fridge and sees my jar of peanut butter and bottled water. “Well, I thought you might be hungry.”

  “Thanks!” I peer over her shoulder and see a container of her lentil soup. Yum.

  June pours herself a glass of wine, then wanders over to the couch and retrieves mine from the side table. “This is a lovely place, dear.”

  “Thank you.” I sit at the counter and watch Abigail.

  “Here,” Abigail says, pushing a large wrapped present toward me. “This is to keep Keith happy.”

  I grin, wondering what the heck it can be. I pluck the silver bow off and rip the paper down the sides. My hands stop mid-tear when I see what it is. “Oh my.”

  “I hope it’s the right color.”

  “It is.” I open the box and carefully pull it free from all the packaging. My fingers run along the red paint, down the neck, and around the shiny metal bowl. “It’s just like her Mixmaster.” Pressing my lips together, I rein in my emotions. How did I ever get so lucky to have these two amazing women in my life? “Thank you so much!”

  “You’re more than welcome, dear.” They both give me
a hug.

  It looks perfect next to my coffee maker. I turn to see June and Abigail looking at my living room. Leaning against the counter, I feel happy they’re here. This is nice. I really have to try harder.


  “This is your locker, aprons are here, bathrooms are over there, and this is where you punch in and out.” Zack takes the time card and slips it into the slot where we hear it stamp the long yellow form. “There, you’re officially on the clock.” He motions for me to follow him through a short hall to the bar which is alongside his restaurant. “Since you’ve bartended before, this shouldn’t be too hard for you. Jake will show you the ropes.”

  “All right.” Butterflies dance in my stomach. I’m nervous about being around such a large crowd; it’s been a while.

  He hands me my nametag. “Here’s the deal, Savi. You have any problems with the customers, talk to Jake. He’s great, and he’ll have your back no matter what. We don’t have much trouble here, but there are always a few…well, you know what I mean. But if Savannah needs help,” he gives me a look to make sure I understand that I go to him if something comes up with my case, “you come find me. I should always be working the same shift as you, but if for some reason I’m not, Keith or Daniel won’t be far away. Any questions?” I shake my head, taking it all in. “Jake,” he calls out, “meet your new sidekick.”

  A tall, well-built guy about my age flashes me a set of pearly whites. “Well, aren’t I just the lucky one? Hey there, I’m Jake.”

  “Savi.” We shake hands, but before I pull away, he spins me around, studying me.

  “Okay, first, this isn’t going to work.” He shakes his head and reaches under the bar and hands me a t-shirt. “Go put this on.” He smiles and points to a small door. I quickly change into a black V-neck t-shirt that has a bit more cleavage showing than something I would have picked out. The shirt hangs just below my belly button, showing half an inch of skin above my pants. Jake rubs his fingers over his lips when he sees me. “Good, but…” he pulls my ponytail free and lets my hair fall around my shoulders, “this is better.” He nods approval. “Sex sells, and in the afternoon and night this place is buzzing with tired men looking for a drink. With that body and face, Savi, we’ll have this place packed to the max, and that means…tips!”

  Just after seven, the place is slammed. Thankfully, Jake is patient, and my memory hasn’t given up on me. I’ve never made four apple martinis at once, but I’ll tell you what, I can now. I learn quickly that the girls who come to the bar are rich and impatient, and most of the men are into some kind of extreme sport or other. I barely have time to think about breathing before the next order is being barked at me, but I’m soon into the swing of it and am getting the job done.

  “You have a gentleman caller,” Jake says over my shoulder as I enter the order into the computer.

  I glance over and see Mark grinning as he snags an empty seat in the middle of the bar. I finish up and head over, wiping my hands on a rag.

  “Well, hello, stranger,” I lean over and give him a hug. “It’s good to see your face.”

  He eyes my shirt. “He’s not going to like this.” That painful knot in my stomach tightens, but I shrug his comment off. “How are you, Savi?”

  I laugh and lean over the counter to make my point. “Really, how am I?” Like you all don’t get a play by play update from Keith. He smirks, nodding at the Stella on tap. I grab a glass and pour him one. “I’m all right, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss you guys. How are things at the house? How’s Abby? Is June still here?”

  “You can come home, you know.” He peers at me over his glass, but when he sees my shrug he changes the topic. “June is still here. She’s talking about moving in permanently. She hates being away from her sister. You know how she and Abby are,” he smiles.

  I slap my rag against the counter. “Really? It will be so great to have her around!”

  “Yeah, it will be.” He turns his attention to a customer who’s calling out for me. I hold up a finger and rush over to the guy.

  “Hi, what can I get you?” I ask.

  The man pushes up his sleeves as he takes a seat. “You, for starters.” I sigh inwardly and keep my expression the same.

  “How ’bout a drink?” I counter, but this makes him smile.

  “Scotch, neat, keep them coming, and if by the end of the night you do a good job, I’ll do the same for you.” He slips me his credit card and hotel key. I stare at them both in shock. This man doesn’t waste any time. I pluck the credit card and, ignoring his key, make his drink. When I hand him the drink, he wraps his fingers around mine. “I’m Don.” He reaches over with his free hand and fingers my nametag. “Savi, that’s a pretty name.”

  “Thanks,” I say, pulling my hand away. “Excuse me.” I head back over to Mark, who is watching me like a hawk. I slap on a smile and ask if he wants another.

  “Really, Savi, you want to work here? With these guys?” Mark twists his beer in his hand as he points with his head at the Don guy. “Cole isn’t going to like this.”

  Shaking my head, hands on my hips, I raise an eyebrow at him. “Were you sent here to spy, Mark, or did you come by as a friend seeing a friend?”

  He glared right back. “First, I’m seeing family, not just a friend. You don’t think I’ll be hounded when he calls in tonight? Please spare me the look. I have to report something to the poor guy.”

  I reach for a towel and wipe down a nonexistent water ring. “Where is he this time?”

  “Washington. He testified against The American yesterday.” My throat suddenly goes dry. “It went well. He should be home tonight or tomorrow.” He makes a face, and I know what he’s going to say.

  “When do I have to go?” The blood drains from my face when I think about having to see those people again.

  Mark downs his beer. “Cole is trying to get you out of it. We’re hoping you can do it from here using video chat, but it would be more effective if you were there in person.”

  “I’ll do it,” I say, tossing the towel aside. “Tell Frank I’ll come to Washington.”

  “You don’t have to, Sav—”

  “I should get back to my customers. It was really nice seeing you, Mark. Please say hello to everyone for me.” I start to walk away, but Mark hooks my arm and stops me.

  “Come by the house tomorrow night and have dinner with us.”

  I shake my head. “Sorry, I’m working.”

  “Then during the day?”

  “I’ll see,” I pat his arm and leave to tend to the rest of the customers.

  “You did great tonight,” Jake says a few hours later as he tugs the strap of his bag over his head. “Can I walk you out?”

  “Sure.” We step out into the freezing air, and tiny snowflakes wander down from the sky. I wrap my scarf around my neck. “How long have you been working for Zack?”

  Jake starts walking in my direction. “For about three years. I don’t have any family here, so he’s taken me under his wing. I see he’s done the same with you.” I nod, feeling very at ease with Jake. He’s very kind and soft spoken. “Actually, you seem to have a lot of people keeping an eye on you,” he says quietly. “That guy who came by tonight, is he your boyfriend?”

  “Just a close friend,” I smile, thinking if Mark came off as my boyfriend, maybe Don will lay off the next time he comes in for a drink.

  “That’s good, because I know he’s dating Mel.” I glance up at him. “She’s a friend too. So what’s the deal, Savi? You have Mark, Zack, and that huge, tall guy who’s like your shadow.”

  “Keith,” I say with a laugh. “He’s like an older brother.”

  “Okay, so what’s with the army of men? You, like, in some kind of trouble?” I nearly trip on flat ground with his guess.

  “You’re pretty observant for only knowing me for, what, nine hours?”

  He pulls the collar of his jacket up higher to keep the chill off his neck. “It’s sorta something I do. I
love to people watch.” He stops and turns to face me. “I’m just offering an ear if you need it.” He points with his head. “This is me.” I smile when I see we are standing in front of my building.

  “What floor?”

  His face drops. “Oh—ah…I didn’t mean…”

  I grin when I realize how that just sounded. “I meant what floor, because I live on the fifth.”

  He tosses his head back, laughing. “I’m in 5G.”

  “5H.” I extend a hand. “Nice to meet you, neighbor.”

  We take the stairs, bitching about the elevator, and saying goodbye outside our doors. Once inside, I check my phone, which is on the counter where I left it. I keep forgetting I own one now. Two missed calls from Keith and a text letting me know he won’t be spending the night.

  My stomach twists when I realize I’ll be on my own for the first time since moving here. My finger taps the counter as I re-read the message. I guess I’m going to have to get used to this. It is what I wanted. I text him back saying I’m home and no problem.

  After a long shower, I still can’t seem to unwind, even though the water felt wonderful. I pull on yoga pants and a tank top and lie in bed, pulling the covers to my chin. I find myself staring at the ceiling, wishing I could stop jumping at everything that goes bump in the night.

  Tears leak out as I think of Cole. I wonder if he’s thinking of me. Probably not in the way I’d want. I want to call him so badly to find out if he really meant those words, but I can’t. I can’t show weakness; I have to stay strong. I stroke absently along the spot next to me, feeling the coldness of the sheets there, and jerk my hand back. I curl into a ball and let my armor flake away. Oh, I miss him so much. I would do anything to smell him right now. Then I remember something, and my feet hit the cold wood floor, hurrying my steps. Yanking open the top right drawer, I see it tucked neatly inside. I remove my tank top and pull on Cole’s camo t-shirt. His name, Logan, wraps around my back almost like it’s his arm. Looking around my room, I decide this just won’t do, so I grab my comforter and pillow. Instead of going back to bed, I head out to the living room where I click on the TV and make myself comfy on the couch facing the door. I spend the next four hours watching reruns of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.


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