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Mended Page 16

by J. L. Drake

  “The wedding is in, ah…two weeks.” I stumble over my words. “I, umm, I’ve been thinking.”

  He closes his eyes. “You don’t have cold feet, do you?”

  “No!” I laugh. “God, no.” I sigh and move closer to him. “I don’t have any family left—from, you know—my side. You are the one I’m closest too, the one I consider my big brother.” He sets the hammer down and turns his attention on me. Screw it. “Keith, will you walk me down the aisle?”

  His face changes as my words sink in, and his eyes soften then gloss over. “It would be my honor, Savannah.” I leap into his arms, and he gasps at the force. “Thank you, Keith, so, so much.” He hugs me hard before he clears his throat and steps back.

  “Right, well, you tell me when and where, and I’ll show up.” I shake my head at his comment. Men.

  I step back but smirk. “You better.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He grabs his hammer and heads back to the gate. I turn on my heel, feeling so pleased at our conversation.



  “Thank you.”


  “Wow,” I whisper in the mirror. I hardly recognize myself. “Molly, you did an amazing job.” My makeup is flawless, and my hair hangs in long curls with one side pinned up.

  “Here we are.” Abigail beams, holding my garment bag. She hooks it behind the privacy divider. “Would you like anything?”

  “Mark wanted you to have this.” June hands me a martini. “It will help with the nerves.”

  Oh, I love Mark.

  “Hand it over,” I say, then take a long sip. I’m not nervous about getting married, just the thought of standing in front of everyone gives me the jitters. Thankfully, we kept it to a small number, not that a hundred and fifty is small.

  Sue gasps when I step out to show them my dress.

  “Holy…” I jump at the sound of John’s voice from the doorway. “Sorry, but you look great, Savannah.”

  I look down at the form-fitting white dress that hugs my curves. A slit stops at mid-thigh. The beading starts at the right hip, spreading up and across to my left shoulder and scattering up the halter strap. It’s the only piece of New York I would allow on this day. Sue called in a favor from a friend when she got word about the dress I wanted. Four weeks later, I found it hanging in my old closet with a note.

  Your mother would have gotten it for you. I just helped her.

  ~ Sue

  Needless to say, I sobbed.

  “Sue,” John motions with his head, “Zack is here with his crew to set up the food. Would you show him where to go?”

  “Yes, of course.” She turns to me. “It’s perfect, honey.” I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Sue.”

  June appears from somewhere with a secret little smile. “Here.” She opens a velvet bag and pulls out a deep red garter outlined with black lace. “A little something for later.”

  I laugh as she pushes my dress back, slipping the garter over my shoe and up my leg, just above where the slit in my skirt stops.

  “I love it.” I wrap my arms around her, thinking this day couldn’t get any better.

  “Okay,” June starts to fan her eyes, “I need to grab my camera. I’ll see you down there.”

  I move toward to the mirror, taking one last look at myself. I start to feel a little emotional. I would sell my soul to have my mother here with me today. The more I look, the more I see her in me.

  “All right, ladies, the show is about—” Keith stops at the door. I catch his reflection in the mirror. His mouth drops open. “You look very pretty, Savannah.” I smile and press my lips together. He stands a little straighter then steps forward, offering me an arm. “Miss Miller, it is time.”

  I thread my arm through his and take a deep breath. “Don’t let me trip.”

  “Never.” He grins down at me. “Come on, your future waits downstairs.”

  This is our day, our moment, our time. I beam up at Keith, feeling complete.

  “Okay, I’m ready.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sue and Daniel have outdone themselves with decorating the entire house and grounds for our outdoor wedding. Yellow roses line the walkway leading outside to the rows and rows of chairs full of eager people patiently waiting for my arrival.

  I hear Abigail scold Mark for dipping into the appetizers. I chuckle and think that only Mark would hold things up at our wedding because he’s sneaking food. Bottomless pit.

  I hear her behind me, and the warmth that spreads right down to my toes is worth the possible spit-up that comes along with that sound. I whirl around and see her dark eyes peeking out from her tiny white hat. “Hellooo, my little love.” I lift my daughter out of Sue’s arms, cradling her in mine, breathing in her scent. She warms my heart from the inside out. “Are you going to behave for Mommy and Daddy today?”

  “Fat chance.” Mark grins and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “She is, after all, half you,” he jokes, then steps back to take in my dress. “Oh, Cole is gonna love this.”

  “Mark!” Abigail hisses from the doorway. “Go.”

  “I am, I am,” he mutters, heading outside. “Relax!”

  “Come here, Olivia.” Sue holds out her hands, taking her from me. I feel my heart squeeze when I hear her name. My mother’s name. “Come on, Grandpa,” Sue calls. “You and I need to help this little thing throw some flower petals. Let’s make a mess!” She throws some in the air, laughing and hugging Olivia to her. It’s hard to believe she’s already six weeks old. “Let’s not make Daddy anxious by keeping him waiting, or he’ll get Uncle Keith to stick a tracking device on you.” Sue laughs at Keith, who gives a nod with a deadpan expression.

  “Have no fear, your Male of Honor is here.” Jake comes strolling in, looking like he jumped out of a tuxedo ad. “I’m ready when you are.”

  “You’re late.” I raise an eyebrow.

  “Sorry.” He blushes, and I don’t even want to know. Graham slips through the door, not making eye contact. I smack Jake’s arm and roll my eyes.


  “He surprised me with a trip to L.A.” He shrugs, but I see his excitement just below the surface. “We’re going to be staying with his cousin, Pete. It’s getting serrriiious.” I give him a hug. I know how important Graham is to him.

  “I’m so happy for you, Jake, I am.”

  Suddenly, the music starts, which brings on the butterflies. This is it. Keith hooks my arm and nudges me forward.

  “You’re up, sweetheart.” He smiles down at me. Jake walks behind Sue and Olivia, with Daniel beaming beside them. Talk about excited grandparents; I can’t help but grin. Then the aisle clears and my heart stops.

  Cole is in his full dress military uniform. He stands strong and tall, hands at his sides. His dark eyes lock with mine, his mouth parts, and his gaze slides down my front stopping at the leg-revealing slit. A devilish grin appears, and my feet move a little faster. Keith pats my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  My face hurts from smiling when we finally reach the altar. Keith shakes Cole’s hand, giving a little bow to me. I grab his hand and step up on my tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you,” I whisper, and he blinks a few times before he turns and takes his seat.

  Cole holds my hand and latches his eyes onto mine. I barely hear the minister speak; I’m so fascinated with this amazing man. He turns my life right side up, and everything makes sense when he’s near. He’s my life, and now it’s going to be official.

  Cole flinches, pulling me out of my thoughts. He gives a guilty grin, forcing the minister to repeat his commands. I can only imagine what he was thinking. Oh, right, the vows. Focus, Savannah.

  Cole lets out a puff of air, outing the fact that he’s had a brandy. I wonder if he’s nervous too. I hear his words.

  “I had this recurring dream, where I meet the love of my life, and we spend eternity together. Every day
together we would fall deeper and deeper in love. Problem is, as many times as I’ve dreamed of her, she never had a face.” He pauses to collect himself. “Until one night, when I opened a file and found her. I worked like hell to get you, and I’ll work like hell to keep you. I love you and I always will, Savannah.”

  Jake hands me a tissue, and I dry my cheeks. I shake my head and try to sort my thoughts. Then I find my voice.

  “I always wanted to be Cinderella.” I smile shyly. “I wanted to blend in with the colors around me, not be noticed. I certainly never thought I needed a prince. I lost control of my life, I lost hope. Then one day a prince came and took me to his castle. I fell passionately in love. Not only did I become Cinderella, but my prince saved me not once, but three times.” I step closer and let my lips graze over his smooth jawbone. “I love you, Cole Logan, with all my heart…Fall, Cole, because I promise I’ll be the to catch you.” He reaches out and pulls my head to him, smashing his lips to mine. Everyone breaks into laughter and cheers as he holds me tightly. He reaches deep down in my soul, and any damage left in my heart is finally mended.


  “Mrs. Logan.” Cole’s extends a hand and leads me out onto the dance floor, spinning me once and waiting for the music to start. He asked to pick the song for our slow dance. So I’m very eager to hear the song he’s chosen. He tugs me closer when the first note is played. My eyes shoot up to his when I hear it. Ed Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud. It’s perfect. We start moving, and everyone blurs, and I almost forget we are not alone. He looks down and mouths a line from the chorus. I laugh thinking how unique our tale is. Maybe I should write my story. He slows the pace toward the end. His hold relaxes, and his chin rests on my head. Figures become bigger and smaller around us. No one matters but us right now.

  “I hate your dress,” he whispers as I feel him smile into my hair.

  “No, you don’t.”

  His laughs, dipping me backward. “Yeah, I don’t. You’re stunning, Mrs. Logan.”

  “Mrs. Logan,” I repeat. “I like the sound of that.”

  His eyes light up, remembering the first time I said that.

  Jake has me laughing as he dances around me to Stolen Dance by Milky Chance. Mark scoops me into his arms and twirls me around in circles. I laugh at his playful face.

  “Where’s Melanie?” I shout over the music. He sighs and flinches.

  “She has decided to head to Chicago for school.” Oh no. “So, we broke it off.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He shrugs. “She’s a great person, but we got to the ‘question part’ of our relationship. Where do I live, why do I leave for days on end …you know the drill.” His eyes soften and show me his true emotion. “You and Cole are very lucky. Sometimes I think the only way I’ll find love is if I change my profession.” He smirks a little, pulling his mask back down. “And we all know that won’t happen.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, it’s for the best. I’ve had someone return to my life that I’m not ready for yet. So until that gets cleared up, I need to stay focused.”

  “Anything bad?” He nods but doesn’t go further, so I leave it be. I think for a moment; I want to choose my words carefully. “This may not count for much, but I know you’ll find someone. Maybe not in this town, but she’s out there waiting for you to find her.”

  He leans down and kisses me on the cheek, but before he pulls back his gaze flicks over my shoulder. “Well, that’s interesting.” He turns me around, and my mouth drops open.

  I gasp. “Who is that with Keith?”

  “I’m not sure, but I would like to know if she has a sister,” Mark mutters, fixing his jacket. I roll my eyes at him, then do a quick scan to find Cole.

  My heart nearly bursts when I find him dancing with Olivia off to the side. She looks so tiny in his huge arms. He’s singing her the words to Love by Matt White. Her little fingers are over his mouth, and he kisses each one, beaming down at her with so much love. His face lifts, almost as though he can feel me watching. He grins and mouths, “Hi, baby.” I wave at them and put a hand on my chest, feeling incredibly complete.

  I point over my shoulder to Keith. Cole shakes his head, just as surprised as I am.

  “He’s free. Keith has secrets. I’ve seen one once before.” Mark shifts to move in front of me, before I can ask what he meant. “Quick, if he’s going to spill to anyone, it’s you.” He pushes me in Keith’s direction. I laugh, wondering why Mark cares so much.

  “Hey.” I tap Keith on the shoulder, and he turns and gives me a look. “Can I have a dance?”

  “Mmm hmm,” he murmurs quietly. I know he’s on to me. Keith’s hold is very tense. I can’t tell if he’s uncomfortable, or if he just doesn’t like to dance. “Spit it out, Savi.”

  I fight my grin, but I really am bad at hiding my emotions. “Who’s the pretty woman?”

  He drops his eyes to mine. “A date.”

  “A date?”


  “I didn’t know you were dating anyone.”

  “You never asked.”

  “Okay.” I nod, thinking that’s fair. I haven’t, but Keith isn’t someone you talk to about feelings. “What’s her name?”


  “How did you meet?”

  He sighs a little. “She runs the bakery on Mulberry Lane.”

  I think for a moment. “Is it serious?”

  He actually smiles. “No, Savannah, we’re just having fun.”

  “Fun?” I sound like I disapprove, when really I simply find myself feeling protective. I don’t want anyone to hurt Keith.

  “Yes.” He nods and takes a step backward, pulling me along with him. “She’s just a friend.”


  His eyebrow raises as he peers down at me. “Okay?”

  “Yes. As long as she’s good to you, then I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks.” He laughs, but I can see that comment hit him deep. He knows I love him.

  Daniel interrupts, asking to cut in.

  After an hour of dancing, I take a break. The moon is bright, illuminating the thin fabric of the canopy draped above us. Twinkle lights sparkle from the trees, and the lanterns from Cole’s proposal hang throughout the forest. The stars are out in the cloudless sky, scattered around the mountains. I step off the wooden dance floor Daniel made, removing my shoes and walking to the edge of the lawn. The grass is cool, and I shiver slightly. They have a spectacular view of the valley. Dipping my head back, I stare up and try to feel her. I recall all the things I love about her…her smile, the sound of her laugh, the way she loved to sing. “I’m happy,” I whisper, “really, really happy, Mom.” I take a deep breath and gather myself. Taking one last view, I turn on my heel to find him watching me a few feet away. His jaw flexes with a twitch of his lips.

  “Come home with me?”

  The house is surprisingly quiet. Cole takes my hand and leads me downstairs.

  “Where are we going?”

  He takes our joined hands and gives my diamond wedding band a kiss. “I want to give you my gift.” He walks to the last room on the left. I’ve been in these offices before. He turns to look at me. “This is your room. No one will bother you. It’s so you’ll never forget.” He opens the door and steps out of the way. I grab the doorframe to stabilize myself as I take in the room. “I picked the colors, but June did the rest. If you don’t—”

  “No,” I huff, feeling my voice run off. “It’s perfect.” I cup my mouth as I step forward. The red soundproof room is huge, with a wall full of books, a seating area filled with gold pillows, and a fireplace. Gracing the center is a beautiful black grand piano.

  He pushes off the wall and strolls up to me with a swagger. “I told you I’d give you the world if you came back to me.” I want to ask what he means by that, but his hand reaches around my neck while the other slides down my leg, stopping at the garter. “What do we have here?” He drops to his knees to get a better look. He begins to slide his finge
r under it, but I move his hand to the side.

  “Ah, ah, baby, with your teeth.”

  His eyes turn dark as night. “God, I love you.”

  My name is Savannah Miller,

  and this is my happily ever after.

  The End


  A huge thank you to Corporal George Myatte and Officer Darcy Wood.

  About the Author

  J. L. Drake was born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada, later moving to Southern California where she now lives with her husband and two children.

  When she is not writing she loves to spend time with her family, travelling or just enjoying a night at home. One thing you might notice in her books is her love of the four seasons. Growing up on the east coast of Canada, the change in the seasons is in her blood and is often mentioned in her writing.

  An avid reader of James Patterson, J.L. Drake has often found herself inspired by his many stories of mystery and intrigue. She hopes you will enjoy her books as much as she has enjoyed writing them.

  Novels by the Author

  Broken (Book One, Broken Trilogy)

  Shattered (Book Two, Broken Trilogy)

  Mended (Book Three, Broken Trilogy)

  What Lurks in the Dark (Book One, Darkness Series)

  Bunker 219 (Unleash the Undead, Anthology)

  All In (Second Chances Anthology)








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