Secrets Vol 1

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Secrets Vol 1 Page 2

by Hamre-Gaines-Landon-LeGendre

  "Good." Antonia removed her pelisse and started to undo the buttons of her high-waisted walking dress. "I had best get ready then."

  She paused when Clarry drew it from her. A sudden chill swept across her, leaving her shivering. It's just nerves, she reassured herself. She'd come this far, she could go through with it.

  Before she could change her mind, Antonia hastily undressed

  and donned the emerald robe. It fell over her breasts in a silken shim

  mer to sweep to her feet. She placed the mask over her face, adjusted

  the mouth and nose openings and tied the strings at the back ofher

  head. She experimented with the mask until she was comfortable.

  "There. That should do it."

  Clarry drew back the perfumed sheets. "You'd best get into bed, milady. That is if you insist on doing this."

  Antonia said nothing as she arranged herself artfully on the soft mattress. "I'm ready."

  She heard Clarry's rustles as the maid bustled about, tweaking a blanket here, plumping a pillow there, placing Antonia's clothes in the armoire. Antonia composed herself against the oversized pillows,

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  until at last, they heard a knock on the outer door.

  She sat up, her backbone straight.

  "Shall I send him away, milady?" Clarry sounded hopeful.

  "No." Antonia made herself relax back against the pillows. "When you are ready, allow him in."

  Clarry left the door partially open. From her position on the bed, Antonia could hear the murmurs as Clarry spoke with the applicant. The voice was rough edged with none of the cultured tones of the peerage, but it was young and enthusiastic.

  "First off," Clarry stated, "You are not to ask milady's name. You are to know nothing about her unless she tells you. If you are rough with her, or if you hurt her, heaven help you, for these two won't."

  Antonia envisioned her two footmen bristling at the young man. She and Clarry had chosen them for their absolute loyalty to her, for their strength and ability to protect her.

  "If milady says enough, or if she rings her little bell, you are to stop at once and leave her. If you do not, then it's that sorry I am for you." Clarry's voice carried the threat of what would happen to him if the applicant ignored his instructions.

  "Aye. When do I meet the lady?"

  "You understand what you are to do?"

  "I'm to pleasure the lady—"

  "That's all. You are not to do any more, do you understand?"

  "I can't—"

  Clarry interrupted him, her voice firm. "No."

  "But, that's not natural, like. It's the man who's to say when and how—"

  Antonia tensed. "Those are milady's rules," she heard her servant

  state. "No questions.

  If you go in that room, you do as she says."

  "And if I pleasure her, and she likes it, then I get to—?"

  "Not this time. If she likes you enough, she'll tell you to come again."

  "But if I do all that, when am I to—?"

  Clarry snorted. "If you can't control yourself, man, then when

  she's done with you, you can go into the room beside hers and do

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  what you must."

  "Crazy fool notion," he grumbled, then his voice brightened."I can do what I please with her?"

  Antonia held her breath until she heard Clarry reply, "You may touch her to give her pleasure. You can do whatever she lets you do. But you're not to harm her, you understand?"

  "All right. Where do I take my clothes off?"

  "You don't. Your jacket and those great hob boots is all."

  Antonia heard the heavy boots drop to the floor, one after the other. Her breath quickening, she lay back against the pillows and waited.

  The young man came through the doorway and closed the door behind him. "Milady?" he whispered.

  Now that the moment was upon her, Antonia felt nerves overtake her, then remembered that this was her plan. She was in control. If necessary, she had only to call out and her servants would rush to help her. With that reassurance, she remembered why she had to take a lover. How else would she subdue her desire for Sutherland? Perhaps this applicant would be lusty enough to drive the thought of the Duke from her mind. She beckoned. "Come closer."

  His footfalls muffled by the thick carpet, he approached the bed and stopped at the edge of the draperies. Antonia could hear the slight rustle of the draperies and his breathing change as he waited for instructions.

  "Do you know what to do?" she murmured.

  "Pleasure you" he said after a moment. "But how?"

  "How do you usually do it?"

  "Kiss her 'til she says she wants me."

  "Kiss her where?"

  "On the mouth, o'course."

  "But you may not kiss my mouth. Where else would you kiss me?"

  She felt the bed jiggle as he edged closer.

  "Can I touch you?"

  "Yes." She felt the tip of a callused finger against her nipple. "That would be nice, but a little later. Where else could you start?"


  His fingers trailed down her body to the chestnut curls. He hesitated, then dipped between her legs, looking for her little bud.

  She closed her thighs. "Too fast," she corrected him. "Think again."

  This time, his fingers trailed down her legs to her knees. She felt him drop beside the bed and then felt first his warm breath, then his lips hover over her knee. "That would be a good place to start," she agreed.

  His mouth was warm, his tongue agile as he pressed kisses to her calf, her knee and then licked his way up her thigh. "That's the right idea."

  His kisses grew hotter the closer he got to the juncture of her thighs. She relaxed, but not enough to give him access. Taking his cue from her, he bypassed that area and moved his mouth across her hipbones, down into the hollow of her stomach, then nudged his way past her ribs. He nuzzled between her breasts, and when her nipples began to peak, he lapped at one, then took it firmly between his lips and suckled.

  As the tugging at her breast grew stronger, she sighed and relaxed. With this encouragement, he climbed on the bed with her and lay at her side. He continued to feast on her nipple.

  She lifted a hand to stroke his shoulder. "That's very nice," she murmured. "Don't forget the other one needs attention, too." He let the one go and turned obediently to the other as her hand drifted over his corded muscles. "How old are you?"

  He lifted his mouth just enough to say, "Three and twenty."

  His endurance wouldn't be a problem, then. "You're very strong."

  He nodded. The motion pulled at the breast, making her feel the sensation deep down inside. It felt good to concentrate only on her own feelings, without having to worry about pleasing her companion.

  Gradually, she let the strangeness of the situation be forgotten as she delved deeper into the pleasure. While his technique lacked polish, his willingness to take direction satisfied her. Now that he had an idea of what she wished, he seemed determined to fulfill her requirements.

  With his mouth still busy at her breasts, his hands roamed her body, learning the curves and indentation of her hips and buttocks.

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  He trailed a warm finger between the half moons of her derriere until it eased into the moist heat between her legs. She moaned and flexed her thighs, opening herself to his inquisitive touch.

  With a gentleness that surprised her, he caressed her inner flesh, his breath quickening as he felt the dew of her desire. Seemingly spurred on by the evidence of her acceptance, he eased a finger into her, stroking softly, then harder as her hips lifted to him.

  "Yes," she whispered. "That's it. More."

  He obliged, fitting himself more securely on the bed that his hand might pleasure her more deeply. He maintained the stroke, alternating that with a flicking motion of his thumb on her nub. His breath came harsher, hotter, as sh
e responded to him.

  Against her thigh, Antonia felt his erection grow and strain against the coarse material of his trousers. The length of it pleased her as she thought of the depths he could reach and caress with his hard manhood. All at once, the memory of Sutherland's body, so close to her in that unforgettable waltz, spurred her into her a mild fulfillment.

  When the inner contractions stopped, she lay on her bed, unsatisfied. The young man had done as she bade him. It wasn't his fault that the thought of Sutherland intruded at such an awkward moment, yet it was apparent to her that this applicant would be incapable of banishing Sutherland.

  She sighed with disappointment. "Go now."

  "But, I pleased you," He eased into a sitting position. "You know I did. What about me?"

  "You may take care of yourself elsewhere."

  "Aye, but next time?"

  "You will be informed if there is to be a next time."

  She felt him hesitate, as if debating with himself whether he should press the issue. Then with a muttered curse, he heaved himself away from her. She listened to his heavy footfalls as he left the room, then heard him draw on his clothing.

  She heard the clink of coins, and imagined the look on his face as Clarry paid him.

  "That's it, then?"

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  "If my mistress wants to see you again, I'll let you know."

  Moments after the outer door closed, Clarry wasted no time in going to Antonia.

  "You're all right then? He didn't hurt you?"

  Antonia pulled the mask off and shook her head to free her hair. The chestnut tresses tumbled to her shoulders. "No, but he won't do."

  Clarry put her hands on her ample hips. "He didn't satisfy you, then?"

  Regret tingeing her voice, Antonia said, "No, not enough."

  "You want to go on with this, then?"

  "I must," Antonia said simply.

  Clarry muttered under her breath all the while she helped Antonia refresh herself and dress. She took a moment to tidy the room, then ushered Antonia, in her veil once more, down the stairs to the waiting carriage.


  Antonia hid a yawn behind her black lace mitt as she sat in the ornate salon of the Howard's town house. Feeling the strain of interviewing potential lovers by afternoon, and maintaining her social calendar by night, she longed to put an end to the intimate testing.

  Though each of the applicants had pleasured her, some more so than others, none measured up to her requirements.

  Tensing her jaw against another yawn, she noticed movement to her side then glanced first at a pair of trousers barely skimming the hard muscled thighs beneath them, then up at the man wearing them. Not again!

  "Hate these musicales, myself," Sutherland murmured as he took the gilded white seat next to her. "Hear Lady Howard has them weekly. Poor Howard."

  She said nothing.

  He leaned closer and lowered his voice. "You are yawning, my lady. Perhaps you are fatigued by your busy days?"

  She froze. Could he know? Feverishly, she thought over the arrangements. Clarry had vowed secrecy. Sutherland could not possi-

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  bly know anything. Reassured, she kept her eyes on the trio of musicians. "My days are always busy."

  "More so lately."

  She shot an alarmed glance at him. He regarded her with casual ease, but she didn't miss the narrowed brown eyes, the craggy cheek bones made more pronounced by the muscle ticking at his jaw. He was angry? With her?

  Antonia looked around None of the other guests seemed interested in them. She kept her voice low and forced a polite smile. "My activities are no concern of yours, your grace."

  "And if I wish to make them mine?"

  "There is no reason to do so."

  His mouth tightened. "Let us discuss this more privately."

  "There is nothing to discuss. Pray do not disturb me any longer."

  He hooked his hand under her elbow, and forced her to rise with him. Stepping carefully past the people seated next to them, he drew her to the aisle, then out into an adjoining foyer. With one grim look, he dismissed the footmen.

  Once they were alone, she tugged her elbow free. "What do you think you are doing?"

  "Merely ensuring you listen to me." His voice softened and he looked at her with something like amusement. "Did you know I came haring to London when I heard you had ousted Effingdale?"

  Antonia shrugged. "Gossip travels exceedingly fast, your grace. What does that prove?"

  "Do you know why I came so quickly?"

  She shivered at the intent look on his face. His amusement had faded, replaced by a look more akin to possessiveness. He stood so close that she could feel the warmth of his breath upon her cheek, feel the heat of his body next to hers. Once again she felt like his quarry and stared back, mesmerized, into his predatory eyes. Her blood began to simmer. She moved away, hoping her casual manner betrayed none of her inner turmoil. She gestured with her fan. "I'm sure your reasons have no interest for me."

  He moved closer. "On the contrary, they concern you."

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  "How odd. I can think of no reason why you should involve yourself with me."

  "No?" He took another pace closer. "Shall I tell you why?"

  She edged behind a small round table. "I am not interested, your grace." She cocked her head as the music floated to her. "Lady Howard will wonder what has become of us."

  He came forward, rounding the table after her until she found herself with her back against the wall. Though several inches remained between them, Antonia felt surrounded. His body blocked out the sight of anything behind him. She was conscious only of him, of the heat of his body, of the determined way he stared at her, eyes narrowed and intent. Her heart beat faster beneath the low décolletage of her evening gown.

  Desperately, she tried not to let him see how his nearness affected her, but her body sensed the lure of his and responded. She told herself she was susceptible only because she had thought of him at a critical time only that afternoon, but what she felt now made her earlier feelings tepid and dull.

  The warmth spreading through her softened her, making her moist and ready. Her breathing became jerky under his intent and powerful gaze. Her breasts expanded as her nipples bloomed against the delicate lace of her chemise. The tiny chafing made her wonder how Sutherland's mouth and tongue would ease the small hurt.

  "I can tell you what will become of us, Antonia. We shall be lovers."

  "How absurd." She tried a laugh, but it sounded more of gasp. "I choose my own liaisons."

  "And so you shall. You shall choose me." Bending slightly forward, so that his voice reached only her ear, he asked, "Can you imagine what it will be like between us? Pure flame. You are a passionate woman, not in the least afraid of your womanly desires. Do you know how rare that is? I am a man who appreciates and rewards sensuality in a woman. We shall do wonderful things together."

  He smelled of rare and marvelous spices and ointments, of aroused masculinity held rigidly in check. Antonia wanted nothing more than to put out the tip of her tongue and trace the underside of his jaw and his

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  throat, to sample him, to see for herself if he tasted as she imagined.

  She eyed the tanned flesh of his neck above the snowy white cravat and wondered if his skin would be as tawny everywhere else. Would the pelt on his chest be as silk to her hand, or the rougher fur of the lion he resembled? Would he be as dominant, as forceful in bed as he appeared to be out of it?

  She swallowed past the dry lump in her throat. "Nonsense," she demurred though the heat rose in her blood and melted her resistance. She swayed on her feet, leaning toward him in an irresistible longing to feel even more of his warmth, to feel his body next to hers, to savor the pleasure his few words had conjured up. More than anything, she desired to put his claim to the test. Would they indeed go up in flames together?

  "You ar
e in need of a lover, Antonia. Even now your body is ready for mine. Why not accept me?"

  His words cooled her faster than an icy bath. In another instant, she would have succumbed to desire and ruined everything. ""

  "Be warned, Antonia, I am not a patient man."

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  "How many more applicants are there?" Antonia peered over her morning cup of chocolate as Clarry brushed crumbs away from the bedcovers.

  Clarry jumped and tipped the silver pot. She fluttered with a napkin, mopping up the few drops that had stained the pristine white cloth.

  "Is something the matter?"

  "No, not so's you'd notice, milady."

  Antonia studied the older woman's face. She appeared uneasy and strangely reluctant to speak. "Then, what is it?"

  "Don't go on with this any more. You'll regret it."

  "What ever is the matter with you this morning, Clarry? You look like you're going to collapse. Sit down, here, next to me." Antonia moved her legs to make room for Clarry's ample rump. "Now, talk."

  Clarry fidgeted with a fold of her skirt. "I don't want you to go back to that place. Not again. No telling what'll happen if you do."

  "I have to," Antonia murmured. "Are there any more applicants, then?"

  Clarry looked away. "Just one."

  "That is all? I thought you'd said that you had to turn them away."

  "I did." Clarry faced Antonia, her old face indignant. "I turned dozens of them away, all of them with their tongues hanging out."

  Antonia winced. "I don't understand. What has changed?"

  Clarry devoted her attention to her skirt again. "Maybe the lord's out that the masked lady is too particular like. That no one

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  can please you."

  Her words reminded Antonia of Sutherland. Despite herself, warmth coiled low in her abdomen. She lifted the cooling chocolate to her lips and sipped.

  Clarry continued, "Why don't you choose one you've already tried out and let it go at that?"

  "I can't." Antonia replaced the cup on the tray and sank back against her fluffed pillows. "None of them will do." She thought of the fumbling applicant she'd last interviewed and without volition, her mind instantly compared him to Sutherland. Until she found someone who could erase Sutherland from her mind, she had to continue. "Perhaps this last one will do the trick."


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