Destiny's Call

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Destiny's Call Page 8

by E. Markus Sharp

  “My lord may I present Corin of Zaneth and Marshal of the Red Plains.” The page introduced the two to the king who waved away the page.

  The throne room was a true work of art. Giant vaulted ceilings, exquisite frescoes of past quests of Edward, statues and war trophies in glass cases, the walls lined with gilding and thrones made for comfort more than the awe factor, still made of the finest materials just made more humble it seemed.

  “I’ve read your letter and was wondering if this was it. You see my past companions swore to secure the next Avatars and all I see is you two, very distressing.” Edward said at last after looking at Corin and Marshal for a long moment.

  “I told you husband that this was a waste of time. Destiny does not choose heroes royalty does. The others waste their efforts.” The lady in black robes sitting on the other throne said.

  “Eleanor you were there when I received my vision from Rurik. He would not mislead me.” Edward argued.

  “I still think your vision was false.” Eleanor told Edward and the large man gnashed his teeth for a moment.

  “Get out!” He ordered his queen and she stood. She started to speak and the king cut her off.

  “Get out of my sight.” He ordered and Eleanor stormed out of the room followed by two guards.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that I will not abide blasphemy from anyone even my lovely wife.” Edward explained.

  “Now where were we? Oh yes the others. Where do you suppose they went to?” Edward asked and Corin Shook his head.

  “I’m not sure my lord. Who are the others?” Corin asked.

  “Please stand both of you we have much to discuss and little time if the Witch-King is involved.” The king ordered. Corin and Marshal stood up and rubbed their knees neither was used to kneeing before a king and the floor was made of marble not so good on the knees.

  “To answer your question I’m not entirely sure I just have the limited information from my most trusted companions. They knew to keep the descriptions vague do to spies from well everywhere. You will be our only hope someday and many would like to have you in their possession for good or ill.” The king told Corin.

  “What do you have as far as descriptions then?” Corin asked hoping they would be sufficient.

  “A Monk of Zaneth, two Red Plainsmen- a man and a woman, two mages, a squire of Zury, a dwarf from the red plains, a pure and good cleric and an industrious gnome.” The king gave the vaguest of descriptions.

  “I’m sorry to say my lord but the woman from the red plains is dead. She was my wife killed by creatures from hell.” Marshal told the king who frowned.

  “I’m truly sorry for your loss great plainsman. All I can say to give you peace is I hope you get to deal out your revenge against the one who sent the assassins one day.” The king told Marshal who nodded.

  “The Witch-King will pay and I’ll be there to weigh out the scales, Valas willing.” Marshal replied through his grief.

  “That means there’s one less of us.” Corin told the others.

  “Destiny will choose another to take her place.” The king assured them.


  Banz approached the guards at the entrance and they turned to challenge him.

  “Who goes there?” the first one asked.

  “It’s Banz my friends. No light is alright kin brothers.” He said and they relaxed. He walked right up to them and once he was close he drew his poisoned daggers. The tunnel was too cramped for swordplay but daggers well they were perfect. He stuck them several times each with blinding speed. He felt guilt killing his kin brothers like this but he wanted to live. Before the guards could bring their weapons to bear they were dead and falling to the cave floor. Banz left his dead brothers behind and entered a sewer connected to the tunnels. He had to move the light in the sewer coming in from the street covers was agony. He would go blind from this light. He closed his eyes and pushed up on the cover. Once the cover was out of the way he crawled out onto the surface and made his way to a shaded alley. He was burning up and his eyes were almost useless how was he to get the dark elves plans to someone who mattered in this huge place being this helpless? He hadn’t thought it out enough but he was here now and he had to succeed in this. He had to.

  “You there, come with me.” Someone spoke in perfect Underworld common. A shadow took his arm and helped him to his feet and then began leading him away somewhere he could see nothing and only felt the burning sun.

  “I’m Rowenthel Moorish and by Rurik’s instructions I’m here to help you.” The shadow told him as they walked.

  “Who is Rurik? Why help me?” Banz asked Rowenthel as he was lead to who knew where.

  “Patience my friend all will be revealed soon.” Rowen told Banz helping him up into a wagon. It was darker here and cooler. Banz could see things around him in a blurry haze. The one who saved him from the sun was old and human but no one was perfect.

  “How is it you can speak my language human?” Banz asked he was sure it wasn’t taught to him.

  “My God Rurik has given me the ability. Everything is possible through Rurik.” The old man told him with reverence in his voice.

  “Another God to pull your strings lives on the surface too. Will I escape these monsters? Let them pull on your strings old man I’ll have none of it.” Banz told the puppet of Rurik.

  “You misunderstand friend. Rurik doesn’t rule over me. He shares his blessings and asks I use those gifts to do good in the world. Rurik doesn’t lead armies or command the faithful- Rurik guides me so that I may lead a life of service to others and help the innocent in the Great Battle.” The old man told him and Banz crossed his arms.

  “What Great Battle?” Banz asked.

  “The only real battle my friend the battle of Good versus Evil.” The old man told him.

  “Rurik told me that a key player was about to defect from evil’s grasp and I needed to save you.” The old man told Banz. It all sounded too unreal but here he was defecting and the old man was at the right place to save him. Banz decided to trust Rowen. He had to trust someone.

  “Ok old man I believe you after all you did save me from your blistering sun.” Banz told Rowen admitting his weakness.

  “We’re here let me do all the talking after all they won’t understand you anyways.” Rowen told Banz who nodded. Rowen led him into a huge structure. Once he was inside his eyes cleared up. It wasn’t dark but it was bearable. He could see far yet but he could see and it was gloriously cool.


  Regina sat next to Lila as she continued to pray. Roderick was sleeping, Trevor was sitting in the pews with his feet up and Kindle was sewing a damaged cloak for Lila. Regina was bored out of her wits and started looking around at her companions. She would do him, do her, not him, definitely him…when the doors to the outside opened and a priest helped in what looked to be an injured man in a large cloak. The priest sat the man next to Regina.

  “Could you watch over my friend here until I return?” The priest asked and Regina nodded. The injured man handed the priest a bundle of parchment and the priest thanked him. The priest then exited the needle!

  “Where’s he going” Regina said out loud and the man took down his cloak and scared the heck out of Regina.

  “Dark elf!” Regina screamed jumping up to her feet on the pew and drawing her short sword and dagger. The dark elf just smiled at her.

  “I surrender little one.” Banz spoke in another language but somehow she understood him!

  “What? Why? How? Who?” Regina asked shaking in her boots. He was a very intimidating dark elf with his dark elf features…but he was also very handsome. Regina could believe he broke hearts where he came from. The rest of the group finally came to life there slow response would’ve gotten Regina killed if he wasn’t so friendly. He smiled and began speaking his language was beautiful.

  “I’m Banzalessar Demmontizan you can call me Banz and I’m defecting. I just gave Rowen the priest all of the dark elves battle pl
ans and numbers. I’m assuming he’s bringing them to the rulers of this city. Why? Because I hate Loth and her ways and I saw an opportunity to escape her and my miserable life. I’m happy to make your acquaintance.” Banz said as Regina put away her weapons and took his hand in friendship. She felt all tingly from the initial startle no doubt or was it that he was so beautiful?

  “I’m Regina.” That was all she could say and the others relaxed and sat back down. Regina finally came back to her senses and let his hand free but he knew she was crushing, how could he not? Her face was burning up.

  “Is it getting hot in here?” She asked and the dark elf smiled at her again.

  “No it’s very cool.” Banz told her and they both laughed a bit.

  “Tell us about your escape.” Lila asked sitting down across from them.

  “There’s not much to tell only I’m helpless under your sun. I’m blinded and I can’t handle the high temperatures.” Banz told them and Regina had an idea! She took out her schematics Book and opened it up to a blank page and started drawing out what he needed.

  “I think I can help you with that.” Regina told Banz as she worked. She had everything that would be needed. The prototype would be plain and would need replacing but she could make it quickly and it would solve one of Banz’s issues.

  “Yes this could work.” Regina told herself more than them. Banz would be so happy. Did that thought make her just quiver? Yes it did…


  Chapter 5

  Zolin crawled out of the muck and onto dry land the sun was high in the sky so it was midday how much time had passed he was unsure. The poison wasn’t enough to kill him but it had made one if his arms lame and he lost sight and hearing on his left side. Zolin was now lame and his healing hadn’t fixed the damage. He would remain lame the rest of his days because of his arrogance! Even one hundred years ago he wouldn’t had fallen for such a base trick! His anger would fuel his revenge and then he would retreat to his lair and try to forget this humiliation. Zolin still had his senses and he sniffed the air. He wasn’t very far from the boats there was not many creatures there so the army must be on the march. He would destroy the boats and eat those left behind. Then he would go after the army and Teamon. He would make them pay. Zolin spread his wings and flapped up becoming airborne. Then with a little effort he flew off towards the boats. Even a lame dragon could destroy these fools.

  “Now it’s my turn.” He said as he flew to the doomed boats. Now it was his turn!


  Creata woke naked and in chains she got to her knees and a hand stopped her.

  “Stay just like that or I’ll let the cursed eat you.” A voice ordered that voice was…

  “Mother? Why?” Creata asked weeping.

  “Creata my dear you allowed Banz to escape with our battle plans and he killed two guards in his escape. What should I have done? You disgrace house Demmontizan. I have no choice but to punish you. But in your punishment we will have a new ally.” Her mother explained. Creata looked around and realized she was in the center of a demon summoning circle! She was to be sacrificed!

  “NOOOOO Mother please?!” Creata screamed.

  “OH yes dear do not fear if he takes you instead of killing you outright you may have a half dark elf half demon. I’ve heard legends speaking of such a thing. It will burst forth from your womb and serve us. Cheer up.” Creata’s mother told her trying to reassure her.

  “Please?” Creata begged.

  “Silence or I’ll have you turned cursed instead.” Her mother threatened and Creata shut up. Maybe she would live through the birth of a demon baby but becoming a thing…it was unthinkable.

  “That’s better.” Her mother said petting her head.

  “This is a mercy punishment. Enjoy whatever comes. You are still a priestess of Loth. Oh and fail me no longer.” Her mother reminded her.

  “May I be worthy of Loth’s love.” Creata said regaining her composure. Her mother would pay someday when it was her turn. That was the way of the dark elves. She just forgot herself for a moment.

  Every pain gave you strength and every slight showed you the face of your enemies and gave opportunity for revenge.

  As the pain started Creata bore it with a smile and came to enjoy it. She would hold her enemy’s future in her hand and she would get her revenge.


  Queen Eleanor watched as a priest was brought before Edward. He had all of her plans in his clutches! How could this be? The whole plan was falling apart. Eleanor excused herself and sicked up. Her plans were all over. How long until Edward realized the maps and guard placements were from the palace? How long until they found one of her letters in the pile and put it all together? She stormed into her apartments and dismissed her staff. She ranted at them to leave when they paused to stay. She lost herself in worry and doubt. She was going to be hanged at a traitor.

  “Relax my dear I’m here.” A voice called out to her from her balcony. The curtains parted and Tolin her Knight, her co-conspirator, her lover strode in with his usual confidence.

  “Why are you crying? My men are in place.” Tolin asked coming to her side and taking her in his arms. He had a chill about him it followed him around but she liked it. He had power that radiated off of him like a thunderhead. Someone followed him in a woman.

  “Who is that?” Eleanor asked as she came closer.

  “This is your release from fear. She will bring you an unmatched power among the living. She will free you from the mortal coil that constricts you and holds you back.” He explained and she didn’t understand until the girl smiled. She was a vampire! One of the undead!

  “No.” She ordered and Tolin smiled.

  “Yes my dear. It is what you need.” He told her holding her in place as the undead girl leaped on her.

  “Don’t worry this is for the best and changes nothing you will still rule Lightbringer. Don’t fear” Tolin told her as she faded away from lack of blood. The last thing she saw was Tolin smiling down on her.

  “Yes…my…love…” She said with her last breath.


  “Rurik requires your guests.” Rowen told the king as he knelt before the great man. The Monk stood to Rowen’s right and looked down at him with curiosity.

  “I have foreseen the upcoming battle and Corin and Marshal need to come with me. I also have a suggestion deploy your forces inside the city and call for reinforcements.” Rowen told King Edward who called for his armor.

  “Tell General Morin to ready the men and deploy them inside the city. We’re under attack by the dark elves.” King Edward commanded as Rowen led the others out.

  “Now where is your dwarf friend?” Rowen asked.

  “He’s carousing at our inn.” Marshal told the priest. Rowen held back a laugh. He was trying to play the part of the high priest but these Avatars were…he couldn’t think of what to call them maybe very much alive…

  “We must go get him.” Rowen told the Red Plainsmen as stiffly as he could.

  “He won’t be happy about that.” Marshal told him.

  “Very soon we will be surrounded by dark elves fighting for our lives.” Rowen told Marshal who looked happy about the prospect. He looked like a child in a sweet shop.


  Night was falling as Thul Zun’s second army arrived in sight of Lightbringer. General Xanthus ordered the southern farms to be occupied and the food harvested.

  “Kill the farmers and their families.” Xanthus ordered. He hated humans. Xanthus was an Ogre Mage who clawed up through the ranks to lead the second army. Thul Zun respected intelligence and cunning above all else so an Ogre was in command here. Thul Zun trusted Xanthus like a brother.

  “The rest of you forward to the wall and bring up the siege wagons we have a wall to breach.” Xanthus ordered.

  “Rear scouts report a black dragon making its way north in chase. They believe its Zolin and not Teamon.” Warlord Blickard reported. Blickard and Warlord Scrimin were Xanthus
’ seconds and they knew how to make war. Blickard’s scouts were the best in the Empire.

  “Blickard take some troopers and kill that beast. Bring back the carcass and I’ll show you how to prepare Black Dragon for the whole army.” Xanthus told his second and the ranks cheered. Blickard turned and got to work slinging orders. Xanthus turned to his other second and got to work too.

  “Scrimin order Clan Black to prepare some Jack-O-Bangers and have them buried along the gate exit roads of Lightbringer by the time we arrive at the city. Tell them to be discreet. ” Xanthus ordered. Clan Black was Thul Zun Kobald covert explosive and long range specialists. They made the bombs and the black poison for their arrows. Clan Black was so lethal they had killed more than the last big plague. There were three armies and Xanthus only knew where two were the third only answered to Thul Zun himself and most were Clan Black.

  “Yes sir discreet it is.” Scrimin said between his laughter Scrimin liked to laugh and sometimes he seemed to laugh at nothing.

  “Bala prepare your mages.” Xanthus ordered to his invisible escort. Bala was his bodyguard, Ogre mage leader, and best of all, his wife.

  “We are ready master.” Bala replied from her hiding place and best of all she always called him master.

  “Send out the creepers I want all their scouts decorating our siege machines.

  “Start the drums I want the city to know we are coming.” Xanthus ordered.


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