Destiny's Call

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Destiny's Call Page 11

by E. Markus Sharp

  “I'm Rein Vasalori Cavalier of Zury. Where are the mages?” Rein asked and Marshal blinked.

  “No mages here, Sir Rein. It’s just us commoners. I'm Marshal and this is Trevor.” Marshal introduced himself and Trevor bowed.

  “This isn't the mages tower?” Rein asked and Marshal chuckled.

  “No sir this is Rurik's nail. Why don't you come up and meet the others we'll have need of your sword soon enough.” Marshal invited and Rein nodded.

  “Alright.” Rein said and the three climbed the

  stairs to the sound of banging above.

  “What are you doing?” Rein asked and Marshal smiled and winked.

  “We're turning up the light.” Marshal told Rein who looked confused.

  “Turning up the light? OH you mean the light at the top of this tower. Can it be done?” Rein asked catching on quickly.

  “Aye and we have just the gnome to do it.” Marshal told Rein.


  Wensum watched as two red mages arrived and climbed up into the battlements. They were beautiful almost unearthly in their beauty. They surveyed the battle field and then there was a stillness in the air. Voices and the noises of battle seemed to subside as they started speaking their enchantments. The area around them got cold and then there was a small ball of flame hovering above one of the mages' hands. Then before Wensum could blink the small fireball flew out and into the enemies mid-ranks. It struck an Orc in the helmet and exploded! Orc bodies that didn't burn to ash immediately were thrown into their brothers as flaming death. Only a blackened hole remained where the fireball struck. Then the second mage attacked with her fireball destroying the enemy front lines and the ram they were using on the gate. The enemy shouted and signaled orders and the siege towers moved forward by huge ogres. They pushed and pulled and the mages looked to the towers and began casting again. When they got to the end of their spells nothing happened. Both looked around in fear they looked to a group of ogre mages just as fireballs left their hands! The mages jumped off the battlements into the city as the fireballs impacted and exploded! Wensum felt his flesh and bones burn up in that single second. He felt intense pain as he was turned to ash!


  Tessa jumped off the battlements and began to cast. The ground was coming up quick but this spell was quicker. She let off the last syllable just before she hit the ground and floated down like a feather. Lorena had done the same but poor Bea hit the ground hard and Tessa felt the blow. Bea disappeared sent back to her realm by too much damage. Bea would have to heal up there and Tessa couldn't call her back for a day. Tessa hated being without Bea but she was hurt bad here and needed the time. Lorena was already getting up when Tessa recovered from her summons near death. Tessa was sure she could die here but it always hurt.

  Tessa looked up to the battlements and saw the siege towers hit the top! Great hoOks slammed down on the wall locking them into place. Then the doors opened up and Sub-humans were pouring out of them onto the city wall and down the stairs like an army of angry ants!

  Lorena grabbed Tessa's hand and dragged her away from the wall as Tessa watched the enemy enter the city! Tessa regained her focus in time to see the city militia charging right towards them! Lorena pulled Tessa into an empty Inn as the two armies clashed right outside. Tessa ran for the stairs and Lorena looked to Tessa and both smiled. They entered the room with a view of the street and hid on either side of the window. Both took out their twin wands. They received them as a reward for their efforts in unlocking the secrets to the great pyramid on the Isle of Illusion.

  Tessa started she hung out the window and gave the command word 'Nlarthas!” She aimed for the Ogre mages who blocked their spells on the wall and the wand sent out a ball of lightning! The lightning stuck one of the unfortunate mages and spread out into the crowd! They all fell to the lightning half the mages in the ranks. Tessa pulled herself back in and took cover as arrows hit the wall and flew through the window. Tessa and Lorena waited until the volley stopped and Lorena stuck her head out and gave her command word 'Tlarthas!' and a ball ice shot out of the wand and into the ranks and exploded- throwing shards of ice into the remaining mages and some orcs in the ranks killing them all. Lorena took cover as the arrows chased her inside. Tessa heard the commanders giving orders to search the inn and other buildings on the street for the mages. Tessa knew they had to leave.

  “Come on!” Tessa called out to Lorena and they turned to leave the room and heard the entry doors on the first floor crash open! The enemy was inside the Inn!

  “Over here.” Lorena said pointing under the bed. Tessa and Lorena slid under and Lorena cast an illusion spell. The creatures came up the stairs and started searching the rooms throwing things and ripping the rooms apart. One entered the room and walked over to the bad and flipped it over into the outside wall. It looked right at the two mages and flinched. Then it turned around and left the room. Tessa wondered what the thing saw as the two got up and made their way to the door. Suddenly before Tessa saw what was coming Lorena was hit from behind by a sap and fell forward. Tessa raised her hand and was struck in the side of the head by the sap and was knocked to the ground. She was seeing stars and was disoriented. She didn't know up from down. Then the sap hit her again and her world went dark.


  Viss looked down at her prizes they were simply beautiful. She tied them up with her special rope. No escaping that. She looked them over and took everything out of their pockets and pouches and put them in her bag. They were too good a prize to be given to her superiors they were worth gold. Viss loved gold. Tolin was paying gold for these two so he would get them. She wished she had some time to do unspeakable things to these two elves they would learn to love her torment but gold was more important. She called two of the Gnolls searching the Inn. She was an Orc so they would obey her. They came in and she ordered them to pick up the two beauties. They did as they were told. She ordered them to follow her and they did. She led them out the back of the Inn and down the road. Tolin was at another Inn close by coordinating the attacks. He and his men had betrayed their kind for whatever reasons humans did anything. Viss only cared about the gold he offered not his plans against his own. The streets were filled with dark elves fighting the city militia and her kind killing whoever they encountered. None of them paid her much mind they were busy killing or dying.

  “Aren't we supposed to kill these?” One of the gnolls spoke up and Viss turned quickly on him hissing.

  “If you try to kill my prizes I'll pull out your guts with my bare hands!” Viss told him and he Shook with fear.

  “I obey.” He told her and she lead them on to the Inn.

  Viss was standing in front of the Crooked Oar Inn where Tolin was in no time. The girls were still sleeping it was perfect. A guard at the door stopped her.

  “Halt state your business Orc.” The man said drawing his sword. Viss smiled at him.

  “I'm here to see your Lord concerning the bounty on these two elves heads.” Viss said showing the man the two mages. He looked close and nodded.

  “Go on in Tolin will be pleased.” the man said and he opened the doors for the group. Viss walked in and the gnolls followed. Another man stopped her.

  “What's all this?” He asked and Viss smiled at him.

  “I'm Viss and I bring your Lord the two elven mages he's been searching for.” Viss said and the man started to say something when a voice called out from the shadows of the common room.

  “Let them in.” The man in the shadows called out and Viss and her gnolls walked past the man and into the common room. A large man in shiny armor sat at the very far back table in the common room. The room seemed to get colder as Viss got closer to this man. He had an aura about him and it was menacing.

  “Please show me the two.” The man politely ordered. Viss signaled the Gnolls and they dropped the elves maybe a little too hard. Viss signaled them to leave and they nearly ran out of the place in fear. This man did seem to radiate fear if t
hat was possible fear for him.

  “Very good Viss. Here is your payment.” Tolin said tossing her a large fat coin pouch. It jingled when he threw it. Viss smiled.

  “A pleasure doing business with you.” Viss told her host.

  “The pleasure was all mine. You are dismissed.” Tolin politely told her to leave and she understood immediately. Viss left without another word.

  Viss didn't get too far when the light above the city intensified nearly blinding her! She knew that she needed to get off the street or she would never get to spend her money! She found an unlocked cellar and promptly hid.


  Chapter 7

  It was surprised by the light so bright but not enough to blind it. Its allies were darkness dwellers and were not so fortunate. It floated through the streets still killing. It needed to get to the light and restore the night. The light wasn't far. It flew through the streets watching the Dark Elves and Sub-humans being slaughtered. He didn't assist them the more dead the better. The master wouldn't care anyway. It arrived at the bottom of the tower and could feel the power coming from the top. It didn't know if it was the light or the ones guarding it. There were dark elves laying all over the entrance helpless. She was among them! It wanted to eat her and gnash her bones to paste. It wanted her dead. It could do it and maybe even the master might not see it happen but It couldn't risk such a thing. It wouldn't act against the master.

  It cast a hiding spell and made its way up the tower slowly floating cautious of the one's guarding the light they were the source of the power it felt. It would have to fight very hard to defeat these. It needed to restore the darkness or the battle was lost. It was at the top and floated by the sentries at the door. It floated to the middle of the room. It shot at the light at the top of the machine and shattered it. The machine exploded throwing the two closest to it into the walls! It shimmered back into view and the others drew their weapons and charged at it from all angles but it was not vulnerable to all around attacks it could see them all fine.


  “Somehow there is daylight during the night.” The fool Anwar told her as they made it to the throne room.

  “It's the Nail you fool! Tell Tolin to send troops to the nail!” She shouted at the runner.

  “But..” The runner started.

  “But what?” Eleanor asked with anger in her eyes.

  “Yes mam!” the runner said starting off and leaving the throne room.

  “Stay under cover.” Anwar told her as she sat down on the throne.

  “Do not presume to give me orders Anwar.” Eleanor threatened. A runner arrived and knelt before her.

  “My lady our forces are being decimated by the light of the nail! We are holding the palace for the moment but if something isn't done we will all perish in the flames from the light.” He reported.

  “Go to Tolin and tell him that. Use the tunnels.” Eleanor ordered.

  'Did she have to think of everything?' She wondered.

  She was alone in the throne room now and her ears were filled with the delicious sounds of death. Her court were being eaten by her new undead court the guards were being struck down only to rise later as her loyal servants and when her husband returned she would greet him with death and betrayal. He always thought she was weak but now she would show him. Now she would show the world her strength.


  Marshal charged the beast. He wasn't sure what it was but he knew he could kill it. The room was on fire and Lila was tending to the wounded. Trevor was down and Rein was cutting away at the monster with his sword singing a beautiful melody. Three times Marshal was hit by rays out of the eyes of the blasted thing and only once did it seem to affect him. Large deep cuts appeared from nowhere on Marshal and he was still bleeding out of them!

  “Monster! I'll see you dead!” Marshal shouted swinging the unnatural broad sword he took from the Githrond. It was a good hit it took off the eye tentacles! The monster screamed in pain and rushed forward biting down on his left arm! The teeth were jagged and ripped at his flesh. The monster received a full downward slice from Rein cutting the top of the monster's head. Rein's sword buried itself deep in the creature and purple ooze exploded out and covered the two. Two rays hit Rein as the thing wavered in the air. Rein was thrown against the far wall and hit the floor hard. Marshal was hit again by the monster's ray and nothing seemed to happen. The monster looked confused and backed away from Marshal maybe in fear but most likely to recover. Marshal swung down hard and cut it across the large eye and mouth. The large eye exploded and the monster's mouth was split vertical now too. The thing fell on the floor and deflated. Marshal stabbed the carcass through just to be sure. Lila would have her work cut out for her. Everyone was hurt and Corin was somehow turned to stone! The Dark elf was unconscious, Gabe was covered in blood from a bite wound, Kindle was under some of the machine, Trevor was bit in the shoulder and poor Regina took the brunt of the explosion. Rein was getting up and looked to have a dislocated shoulder. Marshal smiled.

  “Here brother let me put that back in place.” Marshal told the Cavalier and he began working the arm back in place just as he popped it back in dark elves entered the room by the stairs!

  “By Valas the fight is not over yet!” Marshal shouted charging the new enemies. Trevor was healed by Lila and joined Rein and Marshal at the stairs. The dark elves were quick and Marshal had some extra wounds at the onset of the battle. They were quick but Marshal was raw power he cut one almost in half at his first attack. Trevor was having the same problem for every dark elf they downed they received some serious cuts. The dark elves weren't having the same affect on the cavalier they seemed to be stopped by his impressive armor and he was still very fast even covered by steel from head to toe. His sword sung a beautiful song of battle as he dispatched of on dark elf after another. The rear ranks of the dark elves could be seen and there was a beautiful female at the back. Marshal wished Marie was here to scald him for his thoughts about the elf but she wasn't. This pushed him harder remembering her death at the hands of the Witch-King's minions! He fell into rage and tore at the dark elves until he was standing before the dark elf woman. She was fast and he missed her again and again. She laughed as he and his friends missed again and again. She hit Marshal in the head with her mace and he went down in a heap. Everything was blurry but Banz was back in the fight and the two dark elves were so quick he could hardly keep up just watching. He heard Lila's lovely voice telling him to just relax she would fix him right up. He seemed to be fading away his vision was a blur and all he could hear was Lila saying words in a strange language. Then his body was cold as if his blood had become ice he sat up and inhaled deeply. The wounds were gone but all Marshal could do was sit there shivering.

  “Don't move give your body time to adjust.” Lila told him. She was so lovely.

  The dark elves' fight was continuing in the background but all he could do was watch. Banz was so fast! The two had cuts all over but neither was stopping their assault on one another. It seemed personal somehow. Both talked in another language so Marshal couldn't make it out but Marshal could still tell they had history. Banz finally got the advantage and disarmed the dark elf woman. He said something to her and she ran down the stairs. He let her go! They did have history! Marshal got to his feet and picked up his sword.

  “You let her go? What's that all about?” Marshal asked.

  “She's the mother of my children.” Banz replied and Marshal just shook his head.

  “Do you think she'll be back with more dark elves?” Lila asked.

  “I would doubt that.” Banz told them.

  “Ok then, we have to go.” Lila told the others.

  “What a awesome battle! I really picked the right bunch this time. You all did fabulous.” Roderick told them seeming to come out of the woodwork.

  “Where were you? Hiding out?” Marshal asked.

  “Oh no Marshal I was sneaking around backstabbing the enemy. I mean look at me I'm not a front
-liner after all right?” Roderick asked and he was right.

  “Ok then let's get out of here.” Marshal said picking up Gabe.

  “What of Corin?” Trevor asked pointing to the stone figure.

  “I will try to cure him.” Lila told the rest. She walked up to Corin, knelt down in front of him and began praying. The air seemed to thicken and vibrate as she prayed. She got louder and louder until the end of her prayer and then she stopped. The stone statue of Corin still stood before her and Marshal walked up and gave her a hand up.

  “Maybe it was his destiny.” Marshal told her as she stood.

  “Perhaps.” She started and then there was a grinding and cracking sound from the statue. Stone was falling off like sand! The statue moved and Corin came back to life! The stone broke away and it was Corin in the flesh!

  “What happened?” Corin asked once again among the living.

  “Simply amazing!” Roderick exclaimed.

  “What was that thing?” Corin asked.

  “It was an Eye of Detev, a servant of the God of chaos.” Lila told the rest.

  “We're very lucky to be alive.” Lila told them as she continued healing the rest.

  “No time now we have to go.” Marshal told Corin who nodded. Marshal wished he was that connected to his God.

  “Someday.” He told himself as they started down the stairs.

  “Where are we going?” Trevor asked as they moved quickly.

  “We need to see what's going on in the streets.” Lila told them.

  The streets were filled with troops from both sides when they made it to the bottom of the tower. The enemy was everywhere but only the gods knew who was winning. Marshal rushed a group of Dark Elves beating a lone militia man standing over a pile of his mates. Marshal killed two before they knew he was there. Trevor killed one before he could react and Rein killed the last two before they could swing or his sword began singing. Marshal smiled a job well done.


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