Deep: The Complete Man Candy Trilogy

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Deep: The Complete Man Candy Trilogy Page 10

by Joanna Blake

  But I couldn't give in. She was delicate. And I was well above average in size and girth. I was a lot to handle, even for a regular experienced woman, let alone a tiny little thing like Caro.

  Especially the first time.

  "Try to relax Princess. God, you're so tight!"

  I groaned as I eased in another inch. I stopped, staring down at her. Her eyes were wide.

  "Are you okay, love?"

  She nodded breathlessly.

  "I feel... full."

  Dear Lord. Those words... she had no idea what she was doing to me. I pressed forward a bit further, coming up against her barrier.

  "I'm going to try to do this so it doesn't hurt. Okay?"

  She nodded.

  I'd done my research. Over the years in high school, I'd taken a lot of girls' virginity. I'd taken the responsibility seriously. I knew that the hymen was not something to tear through. It wasn't a shield. It was just part of a woman's anatomy. It could be nudged aside.

  Every time I'd considered it practice. Just in case I ever got a shot at the perfect woman, my dream girl, Carolina. And here I was, finally putting that knowledge to good use.

  I wish I could have explained to her. How long I'd waited. How much this meant to me. But the only sounds I was capable of making were grunts and groans. I was doing my best not to curse.

  I shifted my weight, dipping my cock down and to the side. I felt a sudden freedom of movement. I was nearly past it...

  "Unfff... that's it. Damn Caro, you are so tight. You feel... yes... that's it..."

  I slid forward with a deep moan. I was in. All the way in.

  My entire shaft was engulfed in her sweet little box. Her walls hugged me, undulating as she convulsed.

  Caro was coming.

  Sweet Jesus, she felt good!

  I realized that I could finish very quickly if I wasn't careful. That would be embarrassing. Hell, after waiting so long for this moment, it would be more than embarrassing.

  It would be a waste.

  I eased back, withdrawing part of the way. Then I pushed forward again with a grunt. She gasped, her back arching slightly.

  "Are you- unnff- are you alright Princess?"

  She nodded beneath me. Her eyes were closed. I pulled out and thrust forward again.

  Harder this time.

  "Is that too hard?"

  "Nuh- ohhh!"

  I grinned, driving forward again. She squeezed down on me instinctively. Holy hell that felt good.

  I started a slow and steady rhythm, taking my time, trying not to push either of us over the edge too soon. Well, actually, just me. I did my best to make her cum again.

  And again.

  I gripped one silky thigh and held it up, riding her faster now. She was tossing her head back and forth on the pillows as I plunged in and out. I tried to speak but it came out breathy and out of tempo.

  I guess I couldn't chew gum and flip pancakes at the same time after all.

  "Am- I- hurting - you?"

  She groaned in ecstasy as she started to quiver around me again.

  I guess that was a no.

  I let myself go wild, each circle of my hips bringing me all the way inside her. I bottomed out against her womb as she came again. I put my hand over her mouth gently as she screamed.

  I didn't want anyone to call the police.

  It was a good thing too, because that one lasted a while.

  My sweet Caro was a screamer.

  I felt my cock swell inside her. I knew it was almost time. I was about to cum. And it was going to be a doozy.


  My cock felt like it was shooting light out of it as the most epic orgasm of my life rose up out of me. I felt my seed pulse out of me while I pumped into her fast and hard. It seemed to go on forever.

  The room started spinning. The room went gray.

  I came to with Caro leaning over me, a worried look on her face.

  "Chan! Chan, are you alright?"

  "What happened?"

  She looked adorably confused.

  "I think you fainted."

  I laughed and pulled her into my arms.

  "Well, that was a first."

  She blushed, hiding her face in my shoulder. I patted her ass.

  "That too."

  I leaned down to whisper in her ear.

  "See what you do to me?"

  She nodded, finally peeking up at me.

  "So, that was good?"

  I stared at her.

  "You're joking right?"

  She just blinked. She really had no idea what she'd just done to me. How much pleasure she'd given me. I was lucky to be alive after that.

  I rolled her onto her back and lightly bit her neck, working my way down her body.

  Lick. Nibble. Kiss.

  She giggled and gasped.

  It gave me an idea.

  A wicked idea.

  "I think it's time to call room service."


  I had been famished. I guess losing your virginity made you hungry. I devoured my veggie burger, wolfing it down. Chan had the same. We both agreed they were surprisingly delicious.

  He was always so considerate about my vegetarianism. It was such a sweet and thoughtful thing to do. Chan was proving that he loved me, in so many little ways.

  The fries were crisp and salty. The hotel had a five star restaurant in the lobby and it showed. They even had sun dried tomato ketchup.

  That was a bit much if you asked me.

  Our meal had come with silver domes covering each plate. Even the condiments had their own little lids, all sitting on a gleaming silver tray.

  There was a third plate, but I had no idea what was under it.

  Dessert probably.

  I couldn't eat another bite though. I put my napkin down and smiled at my husband. I couldn't stop smiling.

  Neither could he.

  I had a naughty idea. I decided not to be shy. We were married after all.

  "Want to take a shower?"

  He was staring at me. He looked dumbfounded. I felt silly but I figured maybe he hadn't understood what I meant.

  "We could wash each other off."

  "Damn Princess, I like the way your mind works."

  I blushed. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. How it felt.

  I had made him faint.

  He pushed the table aside and pulled me into his lap.

  "I would love to shower with you. Or take a bath. But there's something else I want to do first... Wife."

  I smiled at him.

  "Alright. What is it?"

  He reached over and lifted the third tray. It was a bottle of whipped cream. He lifted it up.

  "I don't understand Chan. Did you order pie?"

  He grinned at me and carried me to the bed.

  "No Princess. You are the pie."

  He pulled my robe open as I stared at him. I still didn't understand. Not until he started shaking the can.

  There was a devilish gleam in his eye as he pointed the nozzle at my chest and sprayed.


  The cool topping shot onto one breast and then the other. He was very thorough, making sure I was completely covered in it. Then he lowered the can between my legs. He was very focused as he covered me in the whipped cream.

  I realized what he'd done.

  He'd given me a bikini.

  I started to giggle.

  "Don't move!"

  He leaned up and wagged a finger at me.

  "You are making a mess, Princess. I don't want to have to spank you."

  "You wouldn't!"

  He grinned at me.

  "Well, not hard. But I definitely would!"

  I was laughing as he lowered his head again.

  "Where to start..."

  I stopped laughing as he began to lick me clean. He started between my legs, having just a taste. I gasped at the sensation. I was so sensitive from before... I moaned and arched my back.

uh uh... if you keep moving I am going to have to... eat slower."

  Oh no. I didn't like the sound of that. I did my best to hold perfectly still as he slowly licked the cream off of one breast and then the other. By the time my chest was clean I was so aroused I thought I might fly off of the bed if he touched my pussy.

  No, not if.


  He smiled at me coyly, licking his way down to my thighs. He started at the edges, working towards my center. By the time he got there I was shaking. My hips started to rock as he scooped the cream from between my lips. I rose off the bed.

  I was afraid he would stop and scold me again but instead he kept going, working his magic fingers against my clit again.

  I was coming in seconds.

  Chan didn't stop until the last shivers had passed.

  He smiled at me, clearly pleased with himself.

  "Now we can shower."

  He tilted his head, considering.

  "Actually, I think I'd prefer a bath."

  Chapter Seventeen


  I rolled over, reaching for the warm, delectable body beside me. I curled against her, letting my body fit into the curve of her back. As usual around her, I was instantly aroused.


  My wife.

  My lover.

  We'd made love again in the bathtub before falling into an exhausted slumber. I'd been careful not to get my wound wet, but it hurt like hell. Probably not the best idea to go on a sexcapade right after being shot.

  Didn't matter though.

  I would do it again in a heartbeat.

  I squeezed Caro against me, wondering if she was too sore for another round.

  We had yet to do it in the shower... or the terrace... or the floor. There was a comfy looking chair by the window as well...

  A sharp click made me freeze. I knew what it was before I even opened my eyes. A gun. And it was right above my head.

  Max stood over us, staring down at me. His eyes flicked to Caro. He reached out and pulled the sheet down, exposing her sweet backside to his view. I grabbed his wrist and held it tight.

  "Don't touch her."

  He laughed and shook me off.

  "That is the least of your worries, believe me."

  He sat on the edge of the bed, the gun now aimed at my chest.

  "You have taken another man's wife. Do you know what the punishment is for that?"

  "She's not your wife."

  "How so?"

  "She never said yes. I don't think a nod would really cut it, do you?"

  He narrowed his eyes at me. I put my arms behind my head, trying to look confident. Meanwhile I was scared out of my mind.

  Not for myself.

  For Caro.

  Max was ignoring me. He was staring at Caro. She was waking up, her beautiful eyes wide with fright. Max reached for her, running his knuckles over her skin.

  "So innocent. So pure."

  I grinned at him, knocking his hand anyway from her.

  "Not anymore."

  Max bellowed with rage, aiming the gun at me again.

  "You can't shoot them here, Boss."

  He stood up, tucking his gun away.

  "Tie them up. We'll wait here until dark."

  He smiled coldly at me.

  "Then we'll take them out of here, one piece at a time."

  Max stepped away. Immediately one of his men took his place, leaning over me with a coarse rope. Max had his gun pointed at Caro so I didn't struggle as they tied my hands in front of me, shoving a handkerchief into my mouth. I looked over at my wife the whole time, trying to show her my love with my eyes.

  She was so damn brave.

  I couldn't be prouder.

  I didn't know what was coming. But I knew that if I didn't think fast, we would both be dead by dark. That was not an option as far as I was concerned.

  If only we could get word to Joss... he would know what to do.

  Max grabbed Caro's dress off the floor and threw it at her.

  "Get dressed."

  She held the dress in front of her, reaching for a blanket to cover herself with. Max just shook his head. He wanted to watch her. I felt sick to my stomach.

  "Let's all have a look, shall we? In fact..."

  He yanked the dress out of her hands. Caro closed her eyes, using her hands to cover herself. Max tugged the sheets down off the bed.

  Now I was losing my bravado. We were both naked. Unarmed. And they wanted to hurt us.

  Max smiled at me, and held out his hand. One of his men slapped a wickedly sharp looking knife into it. I did not like the way this was going.

  "Would you like to see what happens to men who take what is mine? Or should we adjourn to a more private location so we can begin your punishment?"

  "Max please- don't hurt him. He's-"

  "Shut up!"

  Caro was shaking beside me.

  Actually, I was pretty fucking nervous too.

  Max walked around the bed towards me, his knife pointed right at my- well, it wasn't anyplace good.

  Now or never Chan.

  "Hold him!"

  The other two men came towards me as well. That meant the other half of the room was empty. I rolled to the side, on top of Caro, launching us both off the bed to the floor. I shoved her into the bathroom.

  Just as they reached me.

  "Lock the door!"

  She shook her head.

  "Caro, do it now!"

  She slammed the door and locked it.

  I slumped in relief. Even if they got me. She had a chance.

  Somebody had to have heard that commotion... they would call and complain. And I knew something they didn't know.

  There was a phone in the bathroom.


  "My sweet, we will cut him if you do not open that door."

  I was staring around the room. There must be something- a weapon- anything.

  "I will just break it down anyway."

  I tuned Max out and focused.

  That's when I saw it.

  The phone.

  We'd been joking about why they might put a phone by the toilet. Chan said it was because rich old high rollers had heart attacks on the throne. I had giggled, slightly mortified.

  It made sense though, in a horrible way.

  The phone. THE PHONE.

  Use it only in emergencies!

  I picked it up and was almost immediately connected to the front desk.

  "May I speak to - Dane. The concierge?"

  She hesitated a moment.

  "He just went off duty."

  "Please tell him- tell him it's an emergency!"

  "I see. I will try and get in touch with him."

  "Thank you!"

  I hung up. There wasn't anything else I could do. It's not like I knew Joss's phone number. And Joss had been clear that the police would not help us in this sort of situation. Men like Max owned the police.

  Not that they could get here in time.

  I couldn't imagine anything else I could accomplish.

  Except maybe buy us some time.

  I felt sick as I opened the door, wrapped in the hotel bathrobe. I put on a seductive smile as I came out. Chan was held between two men as Max paced back and forth by the windows.

  "Max. Can't we talk about this?"

  Chan hissed at me when I walked by him.

  "What the hell are you doing Caro?"

  I ignored Chan, walking right for my ex-fiancé.

  Max was watching me with a hungry look in his gaze. Good. He might be a deranged killer, but he still wanted me. Maybe I could use that to my advantage.

  "What did you have in mind?"

  I smiled at him, walking up to him and running my hands over his chest. He watched me like a hawk watches a mouse.

  "There's no need for all of this. I'm just a girl like any other. Treat me like one. Leave him out of it."

  He tilted his head, considering.

  "You are a very ba
d girl."

  I smiled.

  "I am."

  He glanced over at Chan. I didn't react.

  "He should die for what he did."

  "But it was all my idea. I got tired of waiting, Max. He was just in the right place at the wrong time. He's more like a brother to me than a lover."

  Max frowned at me, he wasn't buying it completely but I could tell he was tempted.

  "So you are just a whore like all the rest, is that what you would have me believe?"

  I nodded. It made me sick the way he was talking to me. But if I played his twisted game, maybe Chan would live.

  "Do you know what happens to dirty whores?"

  I swallowed. I did not know. But I imagined it was unpleasant.

  "If you want me to be agreeable though, I have to know that he is okay."

  His arms slid around me, pulling me against his hard body.

  "You don't really have to be agreeable."

  "But wouldn't that be more fun?"

  He laughed.

  "You surprise me Carolina. I am glad I did not marry you. You would make a horrible wife. But you will be an excellent whore."

  He leaned down to kiss me, sliding his tongue around my mouth grotesquely. I did my best to kiss him back, arching my breasts against him.

  I heard Chan's groan as Max lifted his head. I knew this must be killing Chan. Seeing Max touch me. But I had to try. If I had any chance of saving his life.

  "You learned a lot in one night."

  A sharp knock came at the door.

  Max jerked his head toward the door.

  "Prove yourself. Ask them who it is my love."

  I nodded and walked toward the door.

  "Who is it?"

  "Room service."

  But it wasn't.

  It was Joss.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I was filled with a seething rage as I watched Max lay hands on my wife.


  I knew she was being clever, distracting him, buying us time. But all the same, I hated it. I was about to do something drastic. Like crack some skulls.

  And then I heard Joss's voice at the door.

  Caro didn't hesitate. She opened the door and got out of the way. Then all hell broke loose.

  Joss came charging in with two guys. One was the concierge from the hotel. The other was just as big and mean looking. I dropped my arms sharply and managed to pull away from the two goons that were holding me. I threw a punch or two before it was all over.


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