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Betrayal Page 9

by Martina Cole

  As she admired herself, she could hear her mother arguing with her latest beau, a hard-drinking Scotsman with a serious amphetamine habit. She closed her ears to the noise, something she had taught herself to do at a young age. She loved her mum, but her taste in men was somewhat questionable. Christ Himself knew she had had to fend off enough of them over the years, and they had tried their best, the fuckers. ‘Helping with her homework’ was a favourite expression, but she had sussed them out from the off. Her mum, for some obscure reason, had always been willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. But, again, she knew the score, even with all that old fucking fanny her mum spouted. Gems like, ‘You got the wrong impression’ and, ‘Why do you always think everything’s about you?’ It was a hard road. She actually felt sorrow for her mum and her determination to hang on to a man, no matter what. Her mum had to do what she could to survive − she knew that she would most probably do the same.

  But she actually believed that her Aiden really loved her and, as she had said on numerous occasions, that Jade Dixon, as pretty as she might be, was an old lady in comparison. And Gloria saw herself as a fair person, who would give anyone their due, even a woman who, as she pointed out at every available opportunity, was actually old enough to be Ade’s mother! There was really no competition with that fucking fright. After all, she was young and gorgeous; so, in reality, what more could Aiden want?

  Her friend Tamara had pointed out that Aiden had been with Jade for a long time; she was pregnant by him already and, as far as she knew, they were tight. But Gloria had overlooked that shit. How could he want Jade over her? It just wasn’t possible. She had youth on her side. What did Jade Dixon have?

  The fighting between her mother and her paramour seemed to be getting louder and no one was more shocked than her when her bedroom door was kicked open and she saw Aiden and his brother Patsy standing before her like avenging angels. Aiden was shaking his head slowly, as if unable to believe what he was about to say.

  ‘Oh, Gloria. You have seriously fucked me off, lady.’

  She looked into Aiden’s eyes and knew immediately that he was not a happy bunny.

  He smiled at her as he said seriously, ‘How could you even think that I would put you over my Jade? Are you on fucking drugs?’

  She was terrified and knew instinctively to keep quiet and to not answer back. He looked manic, frightening. Murderous.

  ‘I told you to keep your fucking trap shut, didn’t I?’

  He looked at his brother Patsy as if to verify his statement. Patsy nodded in agreement.

  ‘But this fucking mouthy whore couldn’t keep her fucking trap shut.’

  Aiden sighed theatrically, looking around at the bedroom. Somewhere in his mind he was sorry for her; he actually understood her actions. He should know what it was like to want to get on, get away from your life. But this dozy mare had crossed the line, and she had given his Jade cause to doubt him. That could not, and would not, be overlooked.

  He smiled at her, that charming smile that had made her drop her drawers in double-quick time. Then he said almost sorrowfully, ‘I fucked you, darling. And now I am in what is called a quandary. See, you have caused me untold aggravation with your fucking opinions and your discussions with people I would cross the road to avoid. And, thanks to you, they now know my business. My private fucking business! So I have to shut you down sooner rather than later. You do see my dilemma, I’m sure?’

  Gloria was devastated because she had really believed she had hit the jackpot with Aiden.

  ‘You are fucking gone, lady. Your big trap has made you talk yourself into some serious aggravation. My heart goes out to you. But anyone who upsets my Jade can only be on a death wish. I will leave you with that thought, you useless fucking cunt. Like anyone would really want you!’

  Aiden looked at his brother and nodded. Gloria saw all her hopes and dreams fading before her eyes.

  ‘But, Ade . . .’

  Aiden looked at her as if he had never seen her before and she saw in his eyes the disdain that he actually had for her.

  ‘Shut the fuck up! I will leave you in the capable hands of my brother Patsy.’

  He turned away from her and then, as he reached the top of the stairs, he turned back to face her and he said seriously, ‘If you ever mention my name again, I will hunt you down like the fucking dog you are. Do you understand me?’

  Her beautiful eyes were filled with tears and she nodded her agreement and, for a split second, Aiden felt a small sliver of sorrow. After all, she had been a good little fuck, bless her.

  He heard the beating that Patsy was administering as he walked down into the cluttered hallway. He smiled benevolently at the people standing in the doorway of the front room, and tossed a wad of money on to the floor.

  ‘Make sure she is on a train out of here sooner rather than later. Don’t make me come back and finish this once and for all.’

  He heard them scrabbling around for the money he had thrown and sighed inside. There was some serious scum in this world, and he was lucky enough to understand exactly how best to take advantage of them. It was a knack he had.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Eric Palmer was thrilled with his protégé − he had found himself a worthy successor in every way. He saw himself in Aiden – the want and the need that he had once felt in abundance. It was a yearning that only a few people understood and acted upon at the right time in their life. He knew many an old Face that could have gone far but they had not had that fucking burning need, and it was that which drove you on to bigger and better things.

  For as long as he remembered, chasing the dollar had been all he had cared about. He had embraced the earn from a very young age and he had been quite happy to do whatever was necessary to keep said earn. He had been a vicious and violent bastard, but that was expected − you didn’t enter the world he had with kind fucking words and a knitting pattern. You went in with the knowledge that you were more than willing to cause serious harm should the need arise. You went in knowing that you were going to make enemies and you had to be sure in yourself that you could happily obliterate those enemies along with your new counterparts. It was all about having the front to put your money where your mouth was. Luckily for him, he had had that front. He had made a point of proving himself to everyone who mattered and also to the people who didn’t matter. It was about getting a powerful reputation for oneself far and wide, and he had managed that quite quickly.

  Then, once you had proved your worth, you had to be willing to embrace those people who were wary of you and what you were capable of, and bring them into your businesses. Unless they were troublesome, of course − then you had no choice but to take the fuckers out. Some people just asked for it; all mouth and no trousers, as his mum used to say. Plenty of talk but a bit shy when it came to doing the actual deed required. It was a lot harder than people realised to deliberately bring harm to strangers when it came down to it. It was one thing talking a good fight, but it was a completely different thing when you were asked to violently hurt someone who had never done anything to you personally, who you might even have socialised with, gone to their wedding or drunk with in the local pub − who you might even be related to either by blood or marriage.

  But it was what separated the men from the boys, and brought the next generation of Faces to the attention of the powers-that-be. It was how you proved your worth, and how you moved up the ladder of success. There were more than enough fucking strong arms in the world; what set you apart was if you were capable of anything, if you were without conscience. Couple that with a quick brain and a natural aptitude for an earn and you were guaranteed your place in the hierarchy.

  In reality, in the world they lived in, there could only ever be a few men who were capable of achieving such importance. That stood to reason. There was only so far most men were willing to go. That was fine with Eric; that was their prerogative. But he had been willing to fight his way to the top, and he had never once reg
retted any of it. Furthermore, he had ensured that he stayed there. He had understood the need to surround himself with people who could guarantee him a good wage. That was the key − to work with people you knew would want the earn as much as you did.

  Once you found them, your job was to bring them onside and give them the respect they deserved and keep them close − so close that they couldn’t shit without you knowing about it. You had to know what they did, why they did it and, of course, who was with them at the time when they perpetrated their ghastly deeds. That was how close you kept the people you delegated to. At the end of the day, a man in Eric’s position had to be wary of trusting anyone. If you trusted someone too much, or gave them too much responsibility without keeping a close eye on them, you were basically making a cunt of yourself. That would be tantamount to suicide in his world. There was always some fucker waiting in the wings to try and take what you had worked for. He should know, because that is exactly what he had done many moons ago as a young man.

  Eric had watched and he had waited and, eventually, he had fucked over the man who had given him his first chance. He had never felt any guilt over what he had done – as far as he was concerned the man deserved everything he had got.

  But while you might never completely trust anyone, you did need to find people who you could mould and who you could depend on. They were the people you nurtured, who you kept close, who you gave your blessing to and who you allowed to work their magic in your name. That was the secret of success; how you could extend not only your businesses, but also your empire. Other people were suddenly in the frame if it all fell out of bed. You, as the boss, learned early on that to keep yourself safe you needed to surround yourself with the best of the best.

  He had done all of that, and he demanded loyalty from his chosen few to guarantee that, no matter what happened, he would never see the inside of a prison cell. No one could fucking usurp him, and that was because he knew enough about his world to make sure that he groomed his workers from a young age.

  But with Aiden O’Hara, Eric was breaking his own rules. He thought of the lad as family. He couldn’t help it − Aiden was the son he wished he had. As unpredictable as he could be, Aiden was old school. These days, youngsters thought they were fucking Al Capone because they could provide drugs but they would never put their money where their great big mouths were. They believed they were gangsters because they dealt a few drugs, and yet not one of them had ever proved themselves in any way, shape or form. The closest they had ever got to villainy was listening to American rappers. They were middle-class tossers who couldn’t broker a real fucking deal unless someone like Aiden did it for them. These new customers were quite happy living on the edges of the criminal world because they couldn’t even work out that they were being royally mugged off. It was laughable.

  As he waited for Aiden to arrive, he felt a sense of complete and utter contentment. He was at the very top of his game, he had more money than he could shake a fucking stick at, and he had a young man who he had moulded in his own image to step into his shoes when the time was right. He trusted Aiden O’Hara more than he trusted his own flesh and blood; he believed that Aiden had an inherent sense of loyalty that was rare in this day and age. The sixties were long gone, and the big prison sentences handed down had made the new generation of Faces willing to serve up anyone for a sentence they could not, in reality, cope with.

  But Eric believed in his gut that Aiden would rather do the time than be seen to betray the people around him. He saw him as a decent lad, a grafter and a family man in every way – especially now he was about to become a father. He had no doubt that Aiden would go all out for this child, as he had for his brothers and sister. Eric felt that he could finally begin to take a well-earned step back and enjoy the fruits of his labour. He would have a big decision to make in the near future but he believed that that future had Aiden in it − as long as he toed the line, of course. That went without saying, as far as Eric was concerned. He might love Aiden like a son but he would never let him forget why he had his power and who had allowed him to have it. That was Eric Palmer’s modus operandi and nothing or no one could or would ever change that.

  The phone rang and Eric answered it, before he slammed it down and, calling out to his driver, Dessy Marks, he said happily, ‘Jade’s having the baby so the meeting’s cancelled.’

  He was actually pleased for her. He liked Jade; she had been his many years ago and she was a complete user, but it seemed that young Aiden had actually tamed her. Jade was a legend in her own lunchtime − she’d been through more men than the YMCA − but they appeared to be happy. Well, time would tell. He wished the best for them. They were both grafters, and that would always be what mattered most to him.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Jade delivered the baby without any drama and in record time. There had been no complications and she felt wonderful as she cradled her brand-new son in her arms. The force of her feelings had startled her, especially when he had been placed on her belly. She had looked at this new person, this child that she had created, and the sheer rush of love had been as unexpected as it had been wonderful. She suddenly understood the power of procreation and, for the first time in her life, she had a blood relative. The enormity wasn’t lost on her; she had never felt this kind of connection with another human being until now.

  She was holding the baby to her breast when Aiden arrived, and she smiled widely at him, high on adrenaline and hormones. Seeing Aiden with his serious and worried countenance she felt a terrible urge to cry, not because she was sad but because, for the first time in her life, she felt an absolute happiness.

  She looked into his eyes and said gently, ‘We have a son, Aiden. A beautiful son.’ Aiden looked down at the child and beamed from ear to ear. Then, kissing Jade tenderly on the lips, he took the baby from her. He was clearly comfortable with holding a child. But, then, he would be, with Reeva as his mother − he was the nearest thing to a father his siblings had ever known.

  ‘He’s beautiful, Jade, like you. He is fucking perfect.’

  Jade laughed. ‘He’s over nine pounds! Big lad.’

  They laughed together, and Aiden knew that he had never loved anyone like he loved this child and his mother. Jade looked tired and rough, but she had never seemed more lovely to him than she did at this moment. She had given him a son, a beautiful, handsome son.

  ‘I love you, Jade. You know that, don’t you, darling?’

  She smiled and nodded her head. She was aware that he was apologising for his jaunt with Gloria and she accepted it. She believed that he meant it, that he was sorry, but she also knew he would do it again; it was the nature of this particular beast. He was too young for her. But she would hold on to him as long as she could because she genuinely loved him, and sometimes she didn’t understand why that was. But, today, looking at their son, she felt complete for the first time in her whole life and that was a good feeling. She would not ruin this moment with her fears for the future; the future would happen no matter what. Today she just wanted to enjoy the birth of her son.

  ‘I was on me way, and when I got here and realised you had had him, I was fucking dumbfounded! Quick and easy according to the doctor.’

  Jade laughed again. ‘You know me, Aiden. I never turn a drama into a crisis! Honestly, it was over in a few hours! And I feel all right, really − a bit tired, but other than that I feel great.’

  He kissed her again and, sitting on the bed, they admired their new son together. Aiden looked at Jade with such love and gratitude she felt the sting of tears. She really loved this man, and she wished that they were of an age. He was a good man, he was the man she wanted − the only man she had ever wanted. But today the fifteen years between them seemed to be enormous and it frightened her.

  The baby started to cry and Aiden passed him to Jade, saying happily, ‘Aiden Junior is a bit of a stroppy fucker when the fancy takes him!’

  Jade settled him as best she could, aware
that Aiden was watching her every move.

  ‘He’s his father’s son then, ain’t he?’

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Reeva walked into the room, all cheap perfume and camaraderie, determined to be nice and not to cause any aggro. She was on what she liked to call ‘best behaviour’; the prospect of meeting her first grandchild was heady stuff to her.

  She looked down at the tiny bundle that Jade was holding out to her. For that gesture alone, she was grateful to Jade. Picking him up, Reeva held him close to her chest and, as she looked down into his little red face, she felt a tug of love that was almost tangible. This was her first grandchild, her Aiden’s child. The love came easily.

  Reeva had always loved babies − the way they depended on her, needed her. And this little chap was no different. With all hers she had always tried to waive the drink and the hard drugs until they were at least six months old. Then her usual needs had surfaced and she had suited herself.

  She looked at Jade, a woman who had just given birth, and she saw the tiredness and the vulnerability in her. She also saw the hope in Jade’s eyes that Reeva would accept the child and not cause any undue aggravation. For the first time ever, she actually liked the woman who had ensnared her son.

  Reeva smiled crookedly and said seriously, ‘He’s beautiful, Jade. Looks just like his dad when he was born.’

  Unconsciously they all breathed a silent sigh of relief.

  Chapter Forty



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